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阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . How to Communicate With a Deaf Person

Communicating with a deaf person doesn’t have to be as difficult as it might seem. The trick is to be patient, straightforward, and to remember that deaf people communicate visually.

Method1:Starting Your Conversation

    1     You can do this by moving into the person’s field of vision and waving from a polite distance, or by tapping the person gently on the shoulder.

Position yourself carefully. Make sure that the light in the room is shining directly onto your face, and that you’re not standing with your back to a light.    2    

Find out how the person prefers to communicate. Some deaf people are better lip-readers than others. Some deaf people may prefer to write back and forth or to use an interpreter. Man interactions between the deaf and the hearing require a combination of these methods.    3    

Method2:Communicating Through Lip-reading.

Keep your sentences simple and use plain language.    4     The more complex your phrasing and vocabulary, the more likely your deaf companion is to miss something.

When someone else is speaking, don’t turn away from the deaf person in your group.    5     You don’t have to look at the deaf person while someone else is talking, but try to make sure your face is visible.

A.Get the person’s attention.
B.It’s important not to talk too quickly.
C.Or, they’ll miss parts of the conversation.
D.If so, it’ll make them feel left out of the conversation.
E.Stand directly in front of the person,at a normal distance.
F.The best way to know which methods are most effective is to ask.
G.Try not to be too difficult when using your words in the beginning.
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Do you remember those times when your mother told you to avoid talking to strangers? But now you’re not a child anymore. In fact, there are advantages of talking to strangers.

       You can meet a really great person.
    1    You can meet a person who'll become your best friend in future. You can also meet someone who’ll give you a chance to get your dream job or somehow help you in life.
       You have some opinion about different subjects and you know your friends’ and relatives’ points of view about them too. But there are millions of other people who think differently and can give you unpredictable yet smart ideas that'll broaden your horizons.
       You improve your social skills.
       Whatever social skills you have, you can make them better when talking to strangers.     3    You can better these skills when talking to a stranger.
       If you belong to that shy type of people, talking to a stranger may seem to be a real challenge for you. I’m also extremely shy but I realize it’s not an issue at all. You can overcome your fear of being judged by others by talking to strangers and become more confident.
      You can cheer someone up.
       The thing you'll definitely like about talking to strangers is that you can make someone’s day better. Smile and people will smile in return. Compliment people and they’ll think something pleasant about you.     5    
A.It expands your world view.
B.You'll feel an increase in confidence.
C.It helps you to become a more talkative person.
D.It may show you the solutions you didn't know about.
E.Talking to a stranger is a good habit as you never know who you may meet.
F.Having a short dialogue is one of those perfect chances to make people cheerful.
G.Asking proper questions and attentive listening are two skills that many don’t have.
阅读理解-七选五(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The relationship between teachers and students has been hotly discussed in recent years in China,     1     Today I would like to share some tips on how to get along well with teachers from students’ perspective.

First and foremost, make a good first impression on your teachers.     2     A good first impression is important for teachers to remember your name among your fellow students.

    3     A student who loves studying and cooperates with teachers in class can definitely impress teachers deeply. Students should be eager to learn as well as willing to work hard and it’s important to listen with attention. And it’s more important to learn to raise questions and work out problems in new ways.

Finally, communicate with your teachers frequently after class.     4    

In fact, kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more, but they’re more comfortable asking questions and getting extra help.     5     When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher, he or she can be someone to turn to with problems.

A.Always respect your teachers.
B.As the saying goes, well begun is half done.
C.Secondly, study hard and be active in class.
D.for more and more attention is paid to education.
E.In this case, you could make good friends with them.
F.This makes it easier to understand new materials and do your best on tests.
G.for a good teacher has access to children’s minds when they are eager to learn.
2023-07-30更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省洛阳市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to build a personal brand (品牌)

People tend to think about a personal brand as bragging (自吹自擂) , self- promotion and all about yourself. But it's actually something much more important.     1     In other words, it's how people see you. Below are some suggestions to build a strong personal brand.

Figure out your goal. What do you want your personal brand to help you achieve? Are you looking to change jobs or enter a new industry, and you need your brand to reflect a new skill set?     2    

Get clear on what you want to be known for.     3    Are you a teacher who focuses on social and emotional learning? Or maybe you're a project manager who is reliable and always gets things done on time. Dig deeper into the what, how and why behind your work so you can make it easy to remember.

    4    I once coached someone who called herself a "death midwife", which no one understood. But when she started introducing herself as a grief advisor who works with families during a time of loss, all of a sudden everyone got it.

Bring value to others online.     5    Share interesting articles related to you industry, post ideas or opinions that can benefit co-workers, and like or comment on posts shared by the people you follow.

A.It's your name.
B.Lead with no confusion.
C.Introduce yourself in detail.
D.Write your aim down and make it specific.
E.Focusing on something helpful is a good way
F.Why do you expect people to know about your job?
G.How do you want people to describe you as an expert?
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . One of the essential aspects of becoming successful is the person’s charismatic personality.    1    . Though many skills can make your personality charismatic, we’ve got some of the essential skills that are required to become a charismatic person, a person who represents friendly and influencing skills.

1.     2    

Having high confidence helps you to cross many barriers while communicating with different types of people every day. Confidence helps people to communicate smoothly and provide accurate and reliable solutions to all the key problems. A charismatic person shows a high level of confidence while communicating. These people create a positive environment round themselves.

2.Charismatic people have excellent leadership skills.

Charismatic people are the best leaders in the field. They know how to motivate people so that production can increase quickly. They know how to deal with people and solve conflicts without affecting the performance of the organization.    3    .

3.Charismatic people have excellent influencing and persuasion skills.

They can influence people to get what they want. They change and encourage other people to do those things that seem impossible.    4    . It helps them to gain respect, care and trust of other people though they can use this trait for both cases—good or bad.

4.Charismatic people listen to others patiently and show their interest in others.

Charismatic people pay attention to what others say, and they seem interested in them. They ask questions to understand the points, views, and opinions more clearly. They keep all the details of their previous conversations carefully in mind.    5    .

A.Charismatic people have supreme confidence
B.This quality of them helps to gain trust from others
C.Charismatic people are good at building relationships with people
D.Charismatic people can influence people to go for hardworking jobs
E.Their communication skills are so excellent that they know how to lead people in the right direction
F.Charismatic personality makes you more attractive, charming, and likeable
G.They think carefully about if what they want to say can be easily accepted by others
2023-07-25更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市外国语学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期中测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . There are some people who are always surrounded by friends, and there are others who are always standing on the outside, looking at the crowd of friends.     1     Here are four tips that will help.

1. Be yourself.

Nobody likes a liar.     2     When the time comes that you feel comfortable enough to act like yourself again, you may not be well received, because you are a totally different person. Let people get to know the real you.

2. Start with people you know.

Even if you don’t think that you have a lot of friends, you are likely to know a lot of people. Reach out to get in touch with acquaintances and reconnect with old friends you haven’t seen for a long time. Don’t forget about friends of friends.     3     If you are invited to go out, go. If you stay home, you will have no chance to meet people.

3. Be open-minded.

    4     Instead, be open to other people’s views, and that will help you meet new friends easier.

4. Be there.

In order to have a good relationship with your friends, you need to be a friend. This means that you need to be there when your friends need you. For example, if one of your friends calls you in the middle of the night crying, don’t hang up.     5     Just listen to him and let him feel your concern about him.

A.You may see some really cool people just by hanging out with your friends and their friends.
B.When you meet new people, ask them questions about themselves.
C.In fact, if you aren’t yourself, it isn’t you that others are becoming friends with.
D.If you don’t know where to start, join a community group or a club.
E.He calls you because he considers you to be a friend.
F.If you are one of the outsiders, it is time to come out of your shell and start making new friends.
G.Don’t go into a situation with a judgmental attitude which will make you less popular.
2023-12-17更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁北外附属新华联外国语高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Years ago, I lived next door to an old man named Steve, who told me he hadn’t had any friends since quitting his factory job 20 years earlier. Steve sat on his porch (门廊) all day. Across the street was another neighbor, Werner, who usually sat on an armchair on his lawn. The two men, both around the same age, stared at each other but rarely talked. When Steve fell down on the floor, Werner watched as the ambulance crew tried to save him.

Steve and Werner are a handy example for the kind of separation that COVID-19 has visited upon many of us. Although the pandemic has gone now, a separation still exists. The percentage of men with at least six close friends fell by half between 1990 and 2021, according to the Survey Center on American Life.

In short, man is in friendship recession (衰退). It is the result of social conditioning and 10, 000 years of developmental forces, where cooperation has been changed into competition. The invention of the big-screen TV hasn’t helped.

A 2020 Oxford University study confirms what many people will readily admit: People prefer to socialize in groups rather than on-on-one. Groups are looser, less private. And shared activities often center on something—a sport, a bar, or a football match. But when the activity goes away, the group often goes with it.

I reconnected with an old friend who had played professional football and I asked him if he was in touch with any of his former teammates. “No,” he said. When football ended, those connections did too. Without that central activity to keep the relationship, they all disappeared from one another’s lives.

There was a time when card games or watching the football games was a sort of guilty pleasure, a senseless activity. Now we’re learning that these things, or at least the connection they represent, are basic to mental health.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the neighbors.B.To tell the neighbors’ stories.
C.To give an example of separation.D.To tell the effect of the pandemic.
2. What did people readily admit in the study?
A.Men prefer one-on-one relationship.
B.Relationships in groups are more private.
C.Shared activities do not center on anything-
D.The group’s connection ends after activities go away.
3. What challenge are men facing now?
A.Friendship recession.B.Peer competition.
C.Team cooperation.D.Social development.
4. What’s the author’s opinion about card games or watching the football games?
A.A sort of guilty pleasure.B.Basic to mental health.
C.A kind of senseless activities.D.Ways to amuse themselves.

8 . Kindness and kids just seem to go hand in hand. But 62% of more than 2, 600 participants in the NBC News State of Kindness Poll believe that today’s kids are less kind than those in the past. Women (66%) feel about this kindness fall more strongly than men (58%). Most of the participants who feel that way (77%) thank parents caused the seeming lack of kindness among today’s children, with a few thinking that society, schools, or friends caused it.

At the same time, Americans say they don’t put kindness first when it comes to teaching kids values. Among all participants, honesty is taught more than kindness as well as other things like courage, leadership and storing work ethic (道德). But the younger generation—those aged 18~24—think highly of kindness rules. They choose kindness by 10% over honesty as the most important quality to teach kids.

The question of whether kindness is learned or taught—or somewhere in between—causes different opinions. According to the study, Americans have different opinions on whether kindness in something one is born with or needs to be learned and nurtured over time. Slightly more than half (52%) of the participants believe that all of us are born with the ability to show kindness, while 48% believe kindness must be developed.

Parenthood (父母身份) makes a difference to your thoughts on the causes of kindness. Those without kids (56%) are more likely to think that people are born to be kind, while 50% of the participants with kids think kindness is developed.

Also, 51% of dads and 54% of men with no kids believe kindness is something time is born with. Slightly more than half of the moms say kindness must be learned, while 48% believe it is what one is born with.

1. What do participants aged 18~24 consider the most important for kids?
2. The underlined word “nurtured” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.
3. How many moms in the study believe kindness is what one is born with?
4. What is the test mainly about?
A.Causes of today’s kids being less kind.
B.The important qualities of today’s kids.
C.Different people’s opinion’s on kindness.
D.Findings of research on today’s kids’ kindness.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Do you know how to be street smart? Being street smart means    1     (know) how to keep    2     (you) safe from strangers when you are alone or with other kids. Whether you are walking to school, hanging out in the playground,     3     riding your bike in your neighborhood, being street smart    4     (help) you stay safe. When you are street smart, you know your way around, you know what to do in difficult    5     (situation) and you are able to “tread” people.

Imagine there is a baby walking around alone.     6    baby couldn’t understand a “Don’t Walk” sign, wouldn’t know where    7     (go) for help, and couldn’t find the way back home. What’s more, the baby might not know good people from bad people. She/ He would be    8    danger.

Thank goodness, you are not a baby anymore! You know your way around and you know the rules of the road. The    9     (hard) thing to learn is how to deal with strangers. But if you learn and follow safety rules all the time, such as not to talk to strangers, you can be    10     (real) street smart.

阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . A group discussion is a great way to get things discussed.     1     Here are tips to help you get your own group discussion started.

Arrive prepared.     2     Read any materials that have been assigned. If you just have a general idea of the topic, spend some time researching it. It is a good idea to bring some notes with you, so you have something to refer back to in the discussion, particularly if you have evidence you want to discuss.

Speak up when you have an opinion. A group discussion should involve everyone in the group, including yourself. You may have an opinion or a fact that is related with what is being said.     3     After presenting your viewpoints, you can also ask questions to encourage discussion.

Listen to what others have to say. Being in a group discussion is not just about saying what’s on your mind. It’s also about listening to other members in the group. While what you have to say is important, it’s also important to let others have their say as well.     4     If you have a good idea, hold onto it until the moment is right to share.

    5     This gives you a chance to learn something new and expand your horizons. Sometimes, people may not express themselves as well as they want, or you simply may not hear all of what they say. It is fine to ask for further clarifications(澄清), particularly if you want to provide a different point.

A.Just jump in and voice what you have to say.
B.Explain why you are presenting a certain side.
C.If at all possible, do your research ahead of time,
D.Get explanations about things you don’t understand.
E.It is also a good platform for a plan of action to form.
F.Don’t cut people off while they are sharing their ideas.
G.If that is the case, the words will help keep dialogue flowing.
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