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阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Picking up after your dog is interesting, but it must be done. Most dog owners understand the importance of picking up their dogs’ waste, so it can be especially frustrating to see dog owners that obviously refuse to perform this duty.     1    , but by asking them the right way, informing them of the risks and consequences of not picking up after their dogs, and providing them with the right collection tools, you may be able to get them to change their ways.

Ask them directly. Talking to another dog owner about picking up their dogs’ waste can be uncomfortable. However, asking the owner directly to pick up after their dog will often work to fix the problem.     2    . Maybe they think no one notices or that their actions don’t directly affect those around them. Asking the person directly lets them know you, and others, have noticed their actions and are being affected negatively by them.

Use a friendly tone. Although you are probably fed up and mad at a dog owner that isn’t cleaning up after their dog, approach them in a friendly manner. Yelling at them may make them defensive and angry.     3    .

Give them a reason. It’s possible this person doesn’t realize how their neglect in picking up after their dog is negatively affecting those around them.     4    , give them a reason why you want them to do so.

    5    . When facing someone on this issue, don’t exaggerate (夸大) the truth or make up reasons they should comply with your request. Be honest with them about why you want them to pick up after their dog and what could happen if they don’t.

A.Be honest
B.Raise some dogs
C.If you want to help them to sweep their waste
D.And they will likely do more harm than good, too
E.When you ask them to pick up their dogs’ waste
F.There are many reasons people don’t pick up after their dogs
G.Figuring out how to convince these owners to change their ways can be difficult
2024-04-20更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省西宁市湟中区第一中学高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Your manager stops you and says she needs to have a word about your performance in the recent project. She begins by praising you for the good work you’ve done on the project, and you wonder if this is the praise that starts off the typical “feedback sandwich”.     1     Say something nice, say what you really want to say, say something nice again.

However, when feedback becomes such a routine, employees can start to perceive positive feedback as simply a form of sugarcoating the negatives, thus decreasing its value. Instead, positive feedback should not simply be seen as something to cushion the negative.     2     Below are three tips to help you make positive feedback count.

    3     When positive and negative feedback always appear to go hand in hand, the positives can become devalued and ignored. Ensure there are times when positive feedback is given for its own sake and resist the temptation to offer constructive criticism.

Cultivate a “growth mindset”. Many of us tend to focus our praise on the end result and seeming inborn talents. For example,     4     However, research suggests that by focusing on the process of box things are done, we can encourage the development of new skills and the continued enhancement of talents.

Create a culture of offering positive feedback. Make giving positive feedback part of your team culture. Don’t just wait for special moments to give feedback. Offer informal positive feedback when making small talk.     5     Encourage peer feedback among team members and colleagues and actively ask them for positive comments on each other’s performances on tasks.

A.you have a real talent for organizing events.
B.You know how the feedback sandwich goes.
C.Attempt to inject some positivity into negative feedback.
D.you really put a lot of effort into making this event a success.
E.Don’t always follow positive feedback with negative feedback.
F.Feedback doesn’t have to only come from the higher ranks either.
G.It should also be delivered so as to reinforce and encourage good performance.
2024-04-19更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省萍乡市高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Only about 20% of U.S.adults say they have a best friend at work.Should the other 80% start looking for one?Yes and no.    1     ,says psychologist Catherine Heaney. That support can come from a coworker who has become a close friend,but it doesn’t have to;interactions with managers and friendly acquaintances can also boost your well-being, Heaney notes.

    2    : having friends in the workplace can improve wellness.It’s linked to a lower risk of burnout,better mental health,and maybe even a longer lifespan.Meanwhile,research is equally clear that loneliness is bad for your health.    3     , given its links to various health problems.

But if becoming best friends with your coworkers feels too daunting (使人气馁的),or just not your style,you can still benefit from social support.When most people hear “social support”,they think of emotional support,like venting (发泄) to a coworker over coffee, Heaney says.    4     :when someone steps in to help you on a busy day,for instance,or shares advice.Even relatively minor interactions,like a manager allowing you to leave early to pick up your sick child,can buffer (缓解) the negative effects of stress, Heaney explains.    5    —although it is great if you do—but rather to promote “a sense of being in the right place” by becoming part of a community.

A.But it comes in many forms
B.Research on the topic is clear
C.The goal isn’t necessarily to make lifelong friends
D.It’s easy to talk yourself out of making these gestures
E.It s often considered equal to smoking 15 cigarettes a day
F.That could mean seeking input from people at all levels of the company
G.There’s no doubt that social support in the workplace is important for your health
2024-04-18更新 | 185次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省姜堰中学高三下学期模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Initial conversations can have a huge impact on how relationships develop over time. People are often stuck in the impressions they think they might have made the minute they finish speaking with someone for the first time: “Did they like me or were they just being polite?” “Were they deep in thought or deeply bored?”

To find out whether these worries are necessary, we have conducted nearly 10 years of research. In our studies, participants in the UK talked with someone they had never met before. Afterward, they were asked how much they liked their conversation partner and how much they believed that their conversation partner liked them. This allowed us to compare how much people believed they were liked to how much they were actually liked.

Time and time again, we found that people left their conversations with negative feelings about the impression they made. That is, people systematically underestimate how much their conversation partners like them and enjoy their company — a false belief we call the “liking gap”.

This bias (偏见) may seem like something that would occur only in initial interactions, but its effects extend far beyond a first impression. Surprisingly, the liking gap can constantly affect a variety of relationships, including interactions with coworkers, long after the initial conversations have taken place. Having a larger liking gap is associated with being less willing to ask workmates for help, less willing to provide workmates with open and honest feedback, and less willing to work on another project together.

There are numerous strategies to minimize your biased feelings. One place to start is shifting your focus of attention. Try to direct your attention to your conversation partner, be genuinely curious about them, ask them more questions, and really listen to their answers. The more you’re zeroed in on the other person, and the less you’re focused on yourself, the better your conversation will be and the less your mind will turn to all the things you think you didn’t do well.

1. Why did the author carry out 10 years of research?
A.To dismiss national concerns.B.To check out a potential bias.
C.To enhance human communication.D.To develop harmonious relationships.
2. What is one effect of people’s liking gap?
A.Fewer chances of new projects.B.Underestimation of their ability.
C.Bad relationships with people around.D.Low willingness to interact with others.
3. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?
A.Restate opinions.B.Deliver warnings.C.Give suggestions.D.Make a summary.
4. Which might be the best title for the text?
A.Liking Gap May Influence Work Performances
B.First Impressions Rely On Initial Conversations
C.People Probably Like You More Than You Think
D.How People Like You Matters Less Than You Assume
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Being vulnerable (脆弱的) is not a choice. In our life it is a ______. What we do with vulnerability can either ______ doors to deeper connections, or build walls that prevent progress and fulfillment.

Vulnerability ______ the state of being exposed to the possibility of being harmed, either physically or emotionally. It’s part of human ______ because we are vulnerable in some way at all times. We are vulnerable to viruses, accidents, misunderstandings and pains caused by whatever reasons. The only ______ we really have is whether to ______ it or not.

When some people claim that they have no vulnerability, they are ______ to develop meaningful social connections with others. They are just ______. No one likes to spend much time with people who are dishonest or ______ to open up their feelings. Most of the time, a great ______ starts by exchanging each other’s vulnerability.

Indeed, it’s not easy for us to admit our vulnerability in front of others. In order to protect ourselves, we tend to ______ with fear. But in fact, when we are vulnerable with people, we have signaled that they can also ______ share their anxieties. And we don’t have to worry too much about the results because a far more common reaction of people is to respect our ______ instead of laughing at us. Under this shared circumstance, we become less ______ by vulnerability and also we strengthened a (n) ______.

A.turns outB.consists ofC.refers toD.relies on
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . As people hold different views on almost anything, we live in a judgmental world where people are quick to point out the faults and imperfections of others, yet seem unaware of their own. Some misguided souls believe they have a duty to help you to be a better person by telling you what a failure you really are first and then offering suggestions as to how you can improve.

So what is the possible solution to criticism?

If you are the one forcing others to feel ashamed of themselves, STOP. Make a conscious decision rather than focus on the negative aspect of a person’s performance or attitudes. You are more likely to offer helpful suggestions from the beginning. If you are on the receiving end of criticism, the “OK” response is a perfect solution. When someone comments negatively on a task you are doing or a personality issue of yours, a natural response is to defend and attack. However, this approach is rarely effective as it puts both parties on the defensive. Instead, simply reply with “OK”. This brief one-word response acknowledges the other person’s comment without agreeing with it or feeling necessary to engage in a debate about it.

It is important to remain emotionally attached to what the other person is saying, to listen without feeling, to be an objective observer. In fact, there is much that one can learn from a negative review. You can ask yourself: Did I make a mistake? Could I have done better? Did I give 100% of myself to the task at hand? If so, how can I improve myself? As for chronic(习惯性的) criticizers: It is important to set strict boundary with them. Remove yourself from their presence when necessary.

In any case, one can learn to be “OK” with criticism and not allow it to negatively impact your life or relationship with the other party.

1. What may the author think of people who prefer to judge others?
2. What does a person probably convey by saying “OK” according to paragraph 3?
A.He thinks the suggestions are helpful.
B.He defenses himself with the response.
C.He agrees with the comments completely.
D.He wants to avoid unnecessary arguments.
3. What is the key to making an objective observer according to paragraph 4?
A.Having debates.B.Accepting criticism.
C.Keeping calm.D.Avoiding criticizers.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To make a judgment on others.B.To explain some social behavior.
C.To call for action against attack.D.To give advice on facing criticism.
2024-04-15更新 | 193次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届山东省菏泽市高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . If you identify as a people-pleaser, you might feel like it’s impossible to change. Well-meaning friends can try to encourage you to just be yourself, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t shake that urge to keep everyone happy.     1    

Tell people-pleasing from being polite

    2     To be able to tell the difference, you should look at the amount of tension you feel. For example, when you see a friend finish his water and you refill his cup, that can come out of normal sensitivity to other people’s needs if you feel relaxed when you do it. But if you notice a sense of pressure, like something bad will happen if you don’t refill their drink, then you’re operating from anxiety and fear.


Lots of times, people who try to please other people are extremely quick to react in social settings. They know what to say right away and they move into care taking immediately.     4     One subtle but powerful technique to change your habit is to deliberately delay your reactions, connect with yourself and then try to have the interaction out of an authentic part of yourself.

Be ready for relationships to change or end

As you slowly start to become aware of your needs and even state them out loud, it can bring in some essential changes in your relationships. You might realize that as you mature, some friendships are not as rewarding or even as equal as you would like them to be.     5     If you have an emotionally immature friend, it’s up to you to decide if you want to leave the friendship or use that relationship as an opportunity for mutual growth, if the other person also seems interested in changing.

A.So, it’s time to end the relationship.
B.Change your habits and please yourself.
C.Slow down and check in with yourself before reacting.
D.This could be because, since childhood, they have developed this habit.
E.However, that doesn’t mean you always have to cut people out of your life.
F.Therefore, here’s how to slowly stop people-pleasing and start being yourself.
G.General polite behavior to one person can be people-pleasing to someone else.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |


Have you ever been forced to do anything? Have you ever felt that you are in a tight corner because of someone’s comment?     1     Peer pressure is the influence a social group has on him or her.

    2     We all want to be part of a group and feel like we belong to our community. Peer pressure can happen when we are influenced to do something that we would not usually do because we want to be accepted by our peers. Children and young adults feel social pressure to be in line with the peer group.

Peer pressure can influence how people dress, how they talk, what music they listen to, what attitudes they adopt and how they behave. Teenagers want to be liked, to fit in and to be accepted.     3     People who are low in confidence and unsure of themselves may be more likely to seek their peers’ approval by going along with risky suggestions or choosing the “wrong” path.

Students can do a lot to avoid peer pressure. The most important thing is to build up self-confidence, so that it is easier to say “no” to the peer group.     4     It’s a good idea for teens to surround themselves with positive role models—people who don’t make fun of them, but accept them and are confident themselves. It’s also important for young people to think about the consequences of their actions.     5     If they stop and think about the consequences, they might make a different decision.

A.Why does peer pressure happen?
B.Teens can talk to a grown-up they trust.
C.Students can do this by choosing their friends wisely.
D.If they give in to peer pressure, what could be the result?
E.This means peer pressure can be powerful and hard to resist.
F.We’ve all experienced the situations like that—peer pressure.
G.We need to recognize when it is positive and when it is negative.
2024-04-12更新 | 258次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省师范大学附属中学高三下学期模拟考试(一)英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Around the globe, about 1 in 4 adults says they’re lonely. And the consequences of long-term social disconnection can be everything from an increased risk of heart attacks to dementia (痴呆). The following offers a road map to make connections.

Be curious. It’s easier to connect with people if you have shared interests or experiences, so start paying attention to what’s in your mind. What motivates you? What excites you?     1     If you know what’s meaningful or fun for you, it may lead you to an activity that connects you to others.

Make something. When experts advise making something, people will say, “Well, I’m not Picasso. I don’t know how to do a fancy painting. ” Of course, you’re not!     2     You can try your grandma’s pie recipe or plant an herb garden that puts your thoughts and feelings about who you are and express those thoughts and feelings to others.

    3     Share something about yourself. It doesn’t have to be the darkest secret of your life, but just something other people might find interesting. Putting yourself out there requires a bit of a risk, and it’s the first step to real connection.

Find a group that matches your interests. Whether it’s volunteering fora cause or playing frisbee (飞盘), try to find others who share your interests. There’s even an online group that has a quirky shared interest: a fascination with brown bears in Alaska, which led to Fat Bear Week. In interactions with others, you can begin to reveal yourself and share the unique things that matter to you.     4    

Other people’s loneliness matters too.     5     If loneliness go unaddressed, people can end up in a world of hurt. If you see someone experiencing loneliness, ask them how they’re doing. Share your own experience of loneliness and how you get rid of it. Thus, helping others can also benefit yourself.

A.Pour out your hard feelings.
B.Loneliness can be infectious.
C.Take a risk by having conversations.
D.You should tolerate the risk of being lonely.
E.But the opportunities for creative expression are endless.
F.Knowing yourself can be a first step to bonding with others.
G.Then, other people recognize that and share their story in return.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . While scientists have many ideas, they are not certain why humans yawn(打哈欠). Still, there is one thing experts know—yawns seem to be contagious(传染)!

Have you ever caught a yawn from someone else? Most people have. In fact, a person is six times more likely to yawn after seeing someone else do so. Experts have done many studies into why yawns seem to pass from person to person. As a result, they have a few theories(理论) for the reason behind it.

One possible explanation has something to do with social mirroring, which is caused by mirror neurons(镜像神经元) in the brain. These mirror neurons help the brain notice useful behavior of others and then copy it. When one person sees another yawn, his mirror neurons observe the action and consider it to be beneficial. That may cause him to yawn, too.

Another popular theory is that yawns are contagious because of social relationships. Being social creatures, humans form friendships, families and live together in groups. That’s why many people mirror others, such as smiling when another person smiles. Yawning may be just another example of this. In fact, research has shown that one is most likely to catch yawns from another person if the two share a social relationship.

The answer could even be that yawns aren’t truly contagious at all. Instead, people yawn together simply because they’re in the same environment. Experts say many things may cause yawning, including temperature and time of day. Whatever the explanation is, experts do know that contagious yawns aren’t limited to humans. One study found that lions in South Africa also caught each other’s yawns.

1. What kind of behavior may be copied by mirror neurons?
A.Important and attractive.B.Useful and beneficial.
C.Hard to understand.D.Easy to copy.
2. Whose yawns are people most likely to catch according to Paragraph 4?
A.Those who yawn a lot.B.Those who like smiling.
C.Those closely connected with them.D.Those sharing the same interest with them.
3. What might the author continue talking about in the following paragraph?
A.Tips on how to avoid yawning in public.
B.A real explanation for contagious yawning.
C.Other examples of animals yawning together.
D.Things that may cause yawning among humans.
4. Which of the following serves as the best title?
A.Why yawns are contagiousB.What causes people to yawn
C.Who yawns more than othersD.Why humans yawn now and then
2024-04-03更新 | 132次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省石家庄市41中2023-2024学年高三(上)学期期末考试英语试题
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