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1 . As social creatures, research has histoncally pointed us away from time alone. But recently, more people are spending time away from the crowd, and even seem to desire it. In Solitude (独处) — The science and power of being alone, a book co-written by Heather Hansen, an award-winning journalist and author, with the researcher Thuy-vy Nguyen, they set out to understand how everyday solitude affects people’s lives.

In the largest study of its kind, thousands aged between 13 and 85 participated in online surveys. For some, think of the word “solitude”, and they will think of a determined hiker alone in the wilderness. Most people described experiences of solitude achieved while, for example, walking in a park or writing in a journal. Surprisingly, some described solitude as having a psychological distance from others, but not necessarily a physical one.

In several separate experiments, Nguyen found that when people spend 15 minutes alone, there is a “deactivation effect”, meaning “high excitement” emotions like anxiety are decreased, while positive “low excitement” feelings like calmness are increased, which wasn’t seen when people spent 15 minutes with another person. One caveat is that sometimes solitude also increases the negative low excitement feeling of loneliness. However, a further experiment showed that this increase could be weakened when individuals chose to think about positive thoughts or when they were given a choice whether to spend time alone.

The list doesn’t end there, though. Several studies link time alone and creativity, but only when people avoid social interactions because of what is known as a “non-fearful” preference for solitude. On the other hand, there is no such link in those whose fear or anxiety prevents them from interacting with others, or because of avoidance, where people disliked social interactions.

Now think about the next time you will be on your own. Will you enjoy or suffer it? As evidence increases for how time alone can be a positive force in shaping our lives, Hansen and her colleagues recommend planning for it-and protecting it.

1. What is the survey in paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.When solitude is needed.B.What solitude looks like.
C.How solitude affects people’s lives.D.How people make the best of solitude.
2. What does the underlined word “caveat” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. According to the studies, time alone will boost creativity for those who__________.
A.prefer to take risksB.choose to be alone without fear
C.dislike social interactionsD.enjoy negative emotions
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Power of OneB.Profit of Socializing
C.The Urge to Live AloneD.Battle Against Solitude
2024-06-04更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省青岛市高三第三次适应性检测(三模)英语试题
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2 . Do you know the names of the people who live next door? Chances are you live next to someone, but do you actually know them? Sadly, the only time we do seem to hear about people’s neighbors is when things go wrong-hearing people say things like they have the neighbors from hell! So, what does go wrong?

When talking about famous feuds (世仇) with people who live next door, you only need to think of the Montagues and Capulets in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.     1     These days, especially in cities, many people live in apartments, tightly packed into apartment blocks. Our neighbors are all around us-so what issues can come from that?

The first obvious cause of dispute is noise pollution. Loud bass pumping through the walls, construction, or people arguing next door can disrupt the harmony of your living space.     2     However, getting someone like a building manager involved to speak to your neighbour and making complaints official can make things more awkward as you didn’t speak to your neighbour directly.

    3     If your neighbour likes eating especially pungent food, something that offends your nostrils, and that smell drifts through your window, what can you do? Some other common issues include water leaking through the ceiling, pets making noise, and littering from the balcony above you.

And then, if you’re lucky enough to own a garden, that can present even more issues to fight with your neighbour about! This could include hedges and fences that are too high, balls and toys invading your garden or hitting your windows, and boundary disputes over where your neighbors’ land ends.     4    

It’s not easy living next door to someone, especially if they’re noisy.     5     Also, try considering if the things you are doing could upset your neighbors. If it’s something that would upset you, maybe think again.

A.And then what about smells?
B.All these can create hatred over time.
C.Thankfully, most real-life quarrels don’t go that far.
D.The second obvious cause of dispute is food pollution.
E.So you can’t help but argue with your neighbors angrily.
F.But having a clear and honest line of dialogue might be of help.
G.Asking them directly to turn the music down can make you anxious.
2024-06-03更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省北斗星盟高三下学期5月阶段性考试英语试题
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3 . It is William Shakespeare, the great coiner, who is given credit for the word. Coriolanus, one of his characters, compares going into exile (流放) to a “lonely dragon” retiring to his cave. He was talking about a physical state: someone who was lonely was simply alone. Then, thanks to the Romantic poets, the word took on emotional meanings. Loneliness became a condition of the soul. For William Wordsworth, who famously “wandered lonely as a cloud”, the natural world offered an escape from negative feelings of loneliness — a host of flowers could provide “cheerful company”. Today, loneliness is often seen as a serious public-health problem, creating the feeling of disconnection.

In his book Solitude, Netta Weinstein, a psychology professor wonders the rewards of time spent alone. He begins with an account of stories of solitude created by figures such as Michel Montaigne, a writer, and Edward Hopper, a painter. Netta then draw on laboratory work, interviews and surveys to clarify how being alone really affects the human mind.

It is common to treat loneliness and solitude as synonyms (同义词), but they are not. The author suggests that what is negatively described as one state can be positively expressed as the other. Loneliness, often perceived as negative, can potentially be transformed into a positive experience of solitude. To this end he emphasizes how being alone can help restore people and offers practical advice. In a noisy world, he argues, people should make time to be alone, away from attention-grabbing motives.

The book’s interviewees mostly regard a lack of company as a contributor to autonomy. But this depends on whether solitude is desirable or not. Enforced solitude, such as that experienced by prisoners, typically leads to nothing but suffering. Elective solitude, by contrast, affords space for self-reflection. It can open the door to “peak experiences” such as wonder, harmony, and happiness. In a highly-connected digital age, however, many readers do not fancy their chances of ever taking a long enough break to have such experiences.

1. How does paragraph 1 introduce the concept of loneliness?
A.By tracing its development.B.By analyzing causes.
C.By making a point to be argued.D.By sharing a romantic story.
2. What does Netta Weinstein’s book Solitude focus on?
A.The various terms of solitude.
B.The societal impact of solitude.
C.The long-standing history of solitude.
D.The psychological benefits of solitude.
3. Netta describes the state of loneliness as __________.
A.stressfulB.essentialC.changeableD.never beneficial
4. What does Netta most probably agree with according to the last paragraph?
A.Enforced solitude is a matter of choice.
B.Enforced solitude contributes to autonomy.
C.Elective solitude is rare in the digital world.
D.Elective solitude interrupts peak experiences.
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4 . Passive-aggressive (消极抗拒) behaviour can feel “normal”—especially if it’s how we’ve grown up seeing others around us deal with relationship issues. Whether done verbally (言语上) or nonverbally, passive aggression is meant to avoid hurting someone else’s feelings, escape conflict, or show disagreement without being outspoken in it.

It’s a more common way of dealing with things than you might think. But why are we passive-aggressive? What are the signs we can look out for to recognize being passive-aggressive? And how does it affect us?

There are many reasons why someone might display passive-aggressive behaviour, including insecurity or fear of losing control, as well as using it as a way to handle feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression. It can also be a way to try to deal with rejection or conflict, because of feelings of under-appreciation, or due to worry that any natural feelings of anger aren’t the right response, and so it becomes an attempt to sugarcoat things.

We almost all exhibit signs of passive aggression from time to time, but when it becomes a habit within our relationships, it can become upsetting for the other person involved, causing a divide. And for the person exhibiting this behaviour, their inability to say what is wrong clearly can often worsen the issue as it isn’t being dealt with directly. Ultimately, passive aggression prevents change and growth, leading to more negative behaviour, the breakdown of trust, and further relationship problems.

Admitting that you have a problem and need to change is not just good for your relationship, but also a huge help in your life. If you’re struggling and aren’t sure where to begin, ask yourself “Could I unintentionally (or intentionally) be hurting my relationship? Is it worth saving my relationship, or do I want to risk things getting worse? Would I be happy if my partner acted the way I’ve been acting?”

Change doesn’t happen overnight, but, with time and effort, you can find new, healthier ways of communicating how you are feeling, and start to strengthen the bonds within your relationship.

1. What is the possible passive-aggressive response to displeasure?
A.Turning to rude languages.B.Displaying violent behavior.
C.Hiding his true inner feelings.D.Coming into conflict with others.
2. What can we learn about passive-aggressive people?
A.They are sometimes overconfident in themselves.
B.They believe conflicts should be resolved directly.
C.Their passive-aggressive behavior doesn’t last long.
D.Their behaviour likely leads to more negative results.
3. What do the underlined words “the issue” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The behavior.B.The divide.C.The inability.D.The habit.
4. What should you do to make a change?
A.Start with a self-reflection.B.Apologize to the other side.
C.Copy how the partner acts.D.Let time cure everything.
2024-05-30更新 | 42次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届江苏省盐城市高三下学期5月考前指导英语试题
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5 . Lying is something that most of us are expert at. We lie at ease, in ways big and small, to strangers, co-workers, friends, and loved ones. Our capacity for dishonesty is as fundamental to us as our need to trust others, which ironically makes us terrible at detecting lies. Being deceitful is woven into our very fabric, so much so that it would be truthful to say that to lie is human.

The universality of lying was first documented systematically by Bella DePaulo, a social psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Two decades ago DePaulo and her colleagues asked 147 adults to write down for a week every instance they tried to mislead someone. The researchers found that the subjects lied on average one or two times a day. Most of these untruths were not offensive, intended to hide one’s inadequacies or to protect the feelings of others. Some lies were excuses—one subject blamed the failure to take out the garbage on not knowing where it needed to go. Yet other lies—such as a claim of being a diplomat’s son—were aimed at presenting a false image. While these were minor crimes, a later study by DePaulo and other colleagues involving a similar sample indicated that most people have, at some point, told one or more “serious lies”—making false claims on a college application, for example.

That human beings should universally possess a talent for deceiving one another shouldn’t surprise us. Researchers speculate that lying as a behavior arose not long after the emergence of language. The ability to control others without using physical force likely gave an advantage in the competition for resources and mates, similar to the evolution of deceptive strategies in the animal kingdom, such as camouflage (伪装).“Lying is so easy compared to other ways of gaining power,” notes Sissela Bok, an ethicist at Harvard University who’s one of the most prominent thinkers on the subject. “It’s much easier to lie in order to get somebody’s money or wealth than to hit them over the head or rob a bank.”

As lying has come to be recognized as a deeply-rooted human trait, social science researchers and neuro-scientists have sought to explain the nature and roots of the behavior. Researchers are learning that we tend to believe some lies even when they’re obviously contradicted by clear evidence. These insights suggest that our tendency to deceive others and our weakness to be deceived, are especially consequential in the age of social media. Our ability to separate truth from lies is under unprecedented threat.

1. What can we learn about the study by Bella DePaulo and her colleagues?
A.They made adults write the instances where they misled someone one or two times a day.
B.The subjects tended to lie to hide their own feelings and present a different image.
C.Lying was first documented systematically by Bella DePaulo and her colleagues.
D.Bella DePaulo and her colleagues made more than one study to show most people lied.
2. In paragraph 2, the researchers thought that most lies the subjects told in the test were        .
3. It can be concluded from the passage that____.               .
A.most human beings possess a talent for deceiving because of the emergence of language
B.animals also use deceptive strategies in order to gain an advantage in the competition
C.human beings universally have both talents for deceiving others and detecting lies
D.social media will be able to help human beings to tell truth from lies in the future
4. What is the best possible title for the passage?
A.A Surprising Discovery of Lies
B.Lying: A Deeply-rooted Human Trait
C.The Nature and Root of Deception
D.On Human Weakness in Spotting Lies
2024-05-30更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京市大兴区高三下学期5月英语查漏补缺题练习
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6 . How many times have you found yourself in conversations with friends, family members or loved ones and discovered that you had completely tuned out to what they were saying? How much of our attention are we truly giving to the people who are supposed to be important to us?

According to research cited by Wright State University, while most people believe they are good listeners who don’t need to improve their listening skills, the average person only listens at about 25 percent efficiency.

So why aren’t we better listeners? As a society, we may be growing more narcissistic (自我陶醉的). A 2007 study found a rise in self-centeredness and narcissism among college students. If we, as a culture, are becoming more self-centered, how can we, as individuals, work to become more caring and compassionate communicators?

We can begin by changing our attitudes toward conversations. As Stephen R. Covey wrote in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand but to reply.” A dialogue is an opportunity to learn, to see things from a new perspective, to open your eyes to new information and possibilities. Yet, too often we engage in conversation as if it’s a debate. We speak to hear our own voices — our own pre-existing opinions. In doing so, we tend to space out when spoken to. We wait, perhaps even patiently or politely, for the other person to finish, so we can say something we feel is of value.

Playwright Wilson Mizner said, “A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while, he knows something.” Listening doesn’t just expand our knowledge on an intellectual level; it enables us to have a more personal, in-depth understanding of our closest friends. Relationships are truly enriched by an equal back-and-forth exchange in communication. When these dynamics become more one-sided, we tend to lose interest and create distance in our friendships, with less trust established, less honesty exchanged.

Thankfully, we can all improve our listening skills. Maybe we aren’t as good a listener as we believe. Do we tend to focus too much on ourselves — both in positive and negative ways? Do we get distracted by an inner coach, rather than living in the moment and really engaging in what’s being said? As we learn to quiet that inner voice in our minds, we can start to open ourselves up to others, becoming better listeners, thinkers, lovers and friends.

1. What is the author’s purpose in showing the social phenomena in Paragraph 1?
A.To show most people are confident about their listening skills.
B.To express his concerns about people’s lack of attention when talking.
C.To introduce the fact that people have low efficiency of listening in life.
D.To provide some information about how people behave in conversation.
2. Why does the author cite the research data from the year 2007?
A.To prove college students have become more self-cenfered and narcissistic over time.
B.To show the belief in people’s listening skills is outdated and needs to be updated.
C.To provide an example of how society’s narcissism affects personal relationships.
D.To support the argument that society is becoming more self-centered and narcissistic.
3. Based on the views of Stephen R. Covey and Wilson Mizner, which of the following statements is true?
A.People should listen to learn and see things from a new perspective.
B.A good listener is popular but does not necessarily know everything.
C.Most people listen with the intention to understand, not to reply.
D.We should speak to hear our own voices and pre-existing opinions.
4. What does the underline phrase “space out” in Paragraph 4mean?
A.Become focused.B.Feel confused.
C.Be absent-minded.D.Remain anxious.
5. Which of the following titles best captures the main idea?
A.The Decline of Listening in Modern Society
B.Improving Listening Skills for Better Relationships
C.The Impact of Narcissism on Social Communication
D.Why We Should Listen More and Speak Less
2024-05-30更新 | 186次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届天津市耀华中学高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Having a shy style isn’t necessarily a problem.     1     But shyness blocks some people from being as comfortable or sociable as they’d like to be. Some people want to feel less shy so they can have more fun socializing and being themselves around others. Here are some tips for overcoming shy feelings.


Practice social behaviors like eye contact, confident body language, introductions, small talk, asking questions, and invitations with the people you feel most comfortable around. Smile. Build your confidence this way. Then branch out to do this with new friends, too.

Think of some conversation starters.

Often, the hardest part of talking to someone new is getting started. Think of conversation openers, like introducing yourself, giving a compliment, or asking a question.     3    

Give yourself a chance.

Give yourself a chance to practice socializing with new people, and get to know them slowly. People who are shy often worry about failing or how others will judge them.     4     If self-criticism plays a role for you, ask yourself whether you’d be this critical of your best friend. Chances are you’d be much more accepting. So treat yourself like your own best friend. Encourage yourself instead of expecting to fail.

Develop your confidence.

Because shy people can be overly concerned with other people’s reactions, they don’t want to rock the boat. It can mean they are less likely to be confident. Being confident means speaking up for yourself when you should, asking for what you want or need, or telling other people when they’re stepping on your toes.

Most of all, be yourself. It’s OK to try out different conversational approaches you see others using.     5     Being the real you — and daring to let yourself be noticed — is what attracts friends.

A.But say and do what fits your style.
B.Write down what you want to say beforehand.
C.Start small with people you know.
D.Worries and feelings like these can keep you from trying.
E.It’s perfectly OK to take time to warm up to new people and situations.
F.Find group activities where you can be with people who share your interests.
G.Being ready with a conversation starter makes it easier to approach someone.
2024-05-30更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京市大兴区高三下学期5月英语查漏补缺题练习
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Most people can think of a time when they were in a bad mood after a long day at work and a shop assistant gave them a warm smile. Or maybe they overheard their bus-mate speaking German and ended up filling the morning commute(通勤)with a stimulating conversation about an upcoming trip.

Nicholas Epley, a psychologist at the University of Chicago conducted a study. Participants speaking to strangers on public transportation during their morning commutes reported having a more enjoyable commute.

Epley shared why speaking to strangers may have such a mood boosting impact. Loneliness, Epley explained, is one of the most dangerous social stressors and is even more physically harmful than obesity(肥胖). “It’s larger than air pollution, which we spend an awful lot of time worrying about.” Making connections with those around us can reduce loneliness and its harmful impacts.

Despite all the benefits of conversing with strangers, there are some factors that hold people back from new social connections.

Psychologist Gillian Sandstrom thinks that people don’t talk with strangers, simply because most people don’t have the skills or confidence to do so. To address this, she ran London-based events to help people gain confidence in initiating conversations with strangers. Sandstrom said, “By the end, those participants don’t want to stop talking.”

Sandstrom wanted to take this success a step further and she started hosting events where people were forced to talk with strangers. For example, using the app GooseChase, Sandstrom made a campaign that required participants to talk to people with a variety of characteristics. This event was also successful with four fifths of participants sharing that they learned something new, and nearly half hoping to keep in touch with a new-found friend.

People spend so much of our day around strangers, such as in line at the store, on public transportation, and in the office. Why not take advantage of being around people you don’t know? Flash a smile or start up a conversation, and you will make two people’s day nicer.

1. Why does Nicholas Epley mention air pollution?
A.To show the strong impact of loneliness on mood.
B.To highlight the significance of making connections.
C.To introduce the benefits of conversing with strangers.
D.To prove the necessity of creating a good environment.
2. What can we learn about Gillian Sandstrom’s London-based events?
A.They provide new job opportunities.
B.They are highly enjoyed by the participants.
C.They boost people’s confidence in society.
D.They explore why people don’t talk to strangers.
3. How does the author show the success of the app-based campaign?
A.By referring to quotes.B.By listing examples.
C.By making comparisons.D.By showing statistics.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To urge people to interact with strangers.
B.To relieve commuters from awkwardness.
C.To help people improve communication skills.
D.To remind people to pay attention to their surroundings.
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Shop assistant and customer.
B.Bus driver and passenger.
C.Tour guide and visitor.
2024-05-27更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届四川省射洪市高三下学期5月高考模拟英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The community is the basic unit where we share space and resources with others. A harmonious and orderly community not only enhances the quality of life for its residents but also promotes stability and development in society. Therefore, community residents should understand and fulfill their responsibilities and duties to ensure a harmonious and beautiful community environment.


The cleanliness of the community environment directly affects the health and quality of life of its residents. Residents should avoid littering, actively participate in community cleaning activities, and regularly clean their own doorsteps and surroundings. Additionally, properly sorting waste and participating in recycling are essential duties for every resident.

Observing public order

    2    . Every resident should observe public order and not disturb the peace of the community. This includes controlling noise from household activities, avoiding loud noises at night or on rest days, and following traffic rules by not parking illegally or speeding within the community. Moreover, residents should treasure public facilities and not damage plants or trees, collectively maintaining the community’s beauty and functionality.

Participating in community management

Actively participating in community management is;an important responsibility for residents. This includes voting for community leaders, participating in community meetings, and offering suggestions and feedback on the management and activities of the community. Residents can also join volunteer organizations, take part in community safety patrols, and organize cultural events.     3    .

Promoting neighborly harmony

Good neighborly relations are the foundation of a harmonious community.     4    . Each should be willing to help, and provide extra care and assistance to the elderly, children, and disabled individuals. When facing neighborhood disputes (纠纷), residents should approach the situation with understanding and tolerance and resolve issues through communication and negotiation.

Enhancing safety awareness

Community safety affects everyone’s interests. Residents should increase their safety awareness and report suspicious behavior and safety hazards (安全隐患) promptly.     5    . Using them, residents can protect themselves and assist others in emergencies.

A.Protecting ourselves and others
B.Residents should respect each other
C.Maintaining environmental cleanliness
D.The community is a space for public life
E.Those all contribute to the community’s development
F.Every resident has the opportunity to clean the community park
G.Besides, residents should learn basic safety knowledge and first aid skills
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