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1 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. alert                    B. connected             C. correspond             D. dismiss             E. embarrassed
F. invaluable             G. judgement             H. piloted                    L. respectful             J. urge                    K. wellbeing

Are you listening? But are you really listening?

You’d think we’d be very good at listening, but do we deeply listen? Sometimes we quickly    1    another’s opinion if it doesn’t fit neatly with our own. The British Council has launched a project Crossing Divides aimed to train young people to listen and understand other people with very different perspectives.

Practicing deep listening means tuning into empathy(同理心), resisting the    2    to judge people who are distinct from oneself. It develops important skills that will make anyone a better listener: empathy, silence and becoming aware of our    3    .

The project was    4    in Lebanon, where it helped local people find common ground with each other, in a society divided by bitter years of conflict. People taking part in the project said they felt that they were being heard, helping them to feel recognized and understood, which opened communication between communities. All the participants greatly improved their listening skills, which proved    5    in their working and personal lives.

They have also had a chance to be listened to and heard, which research shows can improve    6    . This is because we all feel accepted, valued and more    7    to others when we sense that we are being truly listened to, and the person listening to us doesn’t have to agree with us for those benefits to be enjoyed.

The project is also an opportunity for participants to feel the benefit of stepping outside their own “echo chamber (回声室)”. Echo chambers are created by our natural tendency to seek out people and opinions, in person and online, that we agree with, so we mainly see and hear information and opinions that    8    to our own. Not surprisingly this leads us to think our views are definitively correct, so we become    9    or even angry when we encounter perspectives that our worldview suggests arc wrong, because they don’t agree with our own echo chamber.

So, training young people with deep listening skills can encourage many more people to take part in challenging and    10    conversations. Scott McDonald, the organization’s CEO said: “The deep listening training gets to the heart of what we do by providing opportunities for people to step out of their echo chambers, to cross divides, and build trust and understanding.”

2023-05-17更新 | 202次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届上海浦东新区高三三模英语试题
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2 . Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. particularly   B. impact            C. ensuring       D. cost            E. threat
F. additional     G. connectivity     H. response       I. address   J. function   K. forced

The United States is committed to empowering women all over the world. In too many places around the world today women face barriers to equality, resources, and opportunities, said USAID’s Senior official Michelle Bekkering. It could be a barrier to credit, to the     1     needed to launch a business. And all too frequently, women are tied down by gender-based violence, at home or within the community.

“Gender-based violence harms women, girls, their families, communities and countries,” added Bekkering.

Gender-based violence, is a universal barrier to global security, women’s empowerment, and economic growth. It is estimated right now that gender-based violence has     2     the world more than five percent of its global GDP, having a greater total economic impact than war.

USAID is trying to eliminate it through prevention and response. On prevention, we first need to learn what’s causing the problem,     3     if there are too many such severe incidents within a given region. How do natural disasters compound gender-based violence? What about lack of access to natural resources? What is the     4     of local laws?

As part of a     5    , we look at the regulatory framework, make sure there are laws that clearly define and punish offenders of gender-based violence.

Improving girls’ education is a step in the right direction, said Ms. Bekkering. For every    6     year that a girl goes to school, she is less likely to be a victim of gender-based violence. So is improving women’s access to digital technologies, and     7     support from local leadership.

U.S. Congress appropriates (拨款) a combined 150 million dollars to the State Department and to USAID for the global effort to     8     gender-based violence. It also provides money for combating child, early, and     9     marriage, which are closely linked to gender-based violence. Since 2012, USAID has provided critical services to over five million survivors and persons at risk of GBV.

Women and girls should be safe from the     10     of violence in their homes, in their communities, and they should have access to education and health care—and opportunities to live up to their full economic potential.

2022-11-04更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年上海市嘉定区题库建设高三英语模拟试卷(5)
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3 . Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. complicated     B.concern     C.disruptions     D. eventually     E.frequent     F.healing
G.holding        H.reminder     I. representatively   J. vocalizing     K.zero

Secrets are bad for your health

I grew up in a Midwestern town where the popular wisdom was to only talk about what was pleasant and to keep secrets,if necessary,to make that happen.This meant staying silent when someone offended you,rarely     1     negative feelings and smiling a little more than is necessary. It also meant     2     room for airing any sort of dirty laundry,especially not the kinds of personal secrets that keep people up at night.

Many of us like to believe that sweeping unpleasant truths under the rug might make them     3     go away. Instead,keeping secrets--especially heavy ones--can spin an even more     4     web of isolation and deception. So why do we do it?

The truth can hurt. But in many situations,it s better to get it out and let the     5     start,rather than allowing it to become more dangerous.The burden of     6     in the truth doesn't just disappear. It hides itself in the back of your mind and can cause a number of     7       to your life and health.

"If the situations in your daily life are regular     8     of the secret,and you find it stressful to keep it,then yes,it can have emotional and physical consequences.” says Dr.Dean McKay. “Some people also find keeping secrets stressful out of a general     9     that they will 'slip’. This     10     and recurring thought of the secret can in itself be stressful.”

2021-11-23更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市晋元高级中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
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4 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.   Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. uncomfortable;B. critically;C. balance;D. nonsense;E. temptation
F. responding;G. effectively;H. practice;I. demands;J. reasoning;K. delivering

Embrace the rule of awkward silence

The rule of awkward silence is simple: When faced with a challenging question, instead of answering, pause and think deeply about how you want to answer. This is no short pause; rather, it involves taking several seconds (10, 20 or longer) to think things through before     1    .

At Apple, Tim Cook has engaged in the     2     for years. Back in 2008, a Fortune article said that in meetings, Cook was “known for long,     3     pauses, when all you hear is the sound of his tearing the wrapper of the energy bars he constantly eats.”

Cook isn’t alone in embracing the rule of awkward silence. Steve Jobs once took almost 20 seconds to respond to a personal attack,     4     a perfect response.

The rule of awkward silence has always been valuable as a tool of emotional intelligence because it allows you to     5     thought and emotion instead of simply reacting based on feeling.

Why the rule of awkward silence is more valuable than ever.

We live in a world that     6     instant satisfaction. Emails should be answered on the same day. Text messages should be answered right now. But there’s a major problem with all of this immediate communication: It doesn’t leave time to think.

As in, think     7    .

Critical thinking calls for deep and careful consideration of a subject. It involves weighing and analyzing facts, and careful     8    . And it results in making insightful connections.

None of this is possible without time.

And time has become the biggest luxury on the planet.

But when you embrace the rule of awkward silence, you steal back time. Time that used to be wasted on     9     answers.

So, the next time someone asks you a challenging question, or even what seems on the surface to be a simple one, resist the     10     to respond with the first thing that comes to mind.

Instead, embrace the rule of awkward silence, and think before you speak.

2021-11-02更新 | 119次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市宝山区2022021学年第二学期期中高三年级教学质量监测英语试题
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5 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there in one word more than you need.
A.highlights        B. bestseller        C. distinctions          D. desired          AB. coined
AC. centered          AD. producing        BC. mental        BD. outcomes     CD. value
ABC. effective

A leadership is the most significant word in today's competitive business environment because it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal capabilities and style. Experts on leadership will quickly point out that "how things get done" influences the success of the     1     and indicates a right way and a wrong way to do things. When a noted leader on the art of management, Peter Drucker,     2     the phrase "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things," he was seeking to clarify the     3     he associates with the terms.

When Stephen Covey, founder and director of the Leadership Institute, explored leadership styles in the past decade, he focused on the habits of a great number of highly     4     individuals. His Seven Habits of Highly Effective People became a popular     5     very quickly. His ideas forced a reexamination of the early leadership paradigm (范例), which he observed     6     on traits found in the character ethic and the personality ethic. The former ethic suggested success was founded on integrity, modesty, loyalty, courage, patience, and so forth. The personality ethic suggested it was one's attitude, not behavior, that inspired success, and this ethic was founded on a belief of positive     7     attitude. In contrast to each of these ideas, Covey advocates that leaders need to understand universal principles of effectiveness, and he     8     how vital it is for leaders to first personally manage themselves if they are to enjoy any hope of outstanding success in their work environments. To achieve a(n)     9     vision for your business, it is vital that you have a personal vision of where you are headed and what you     10    . Business leadership means that managers need to "put first things first," which implies that before leading others, you need to be clear on your own values, abilities, and strengths and be seen as trustworthy.

2021-08-15更新 | 142次组卷 | 1卷引用:(上海押题)2021届上海市高三英语秋考押题密卷02
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6 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only by used once. Do note that there is one word more than you need.

The world is full of weirdos who pretend to be normal for fear of drawing unnecessary attention to themselves and I am one of them. All my life, I have been trying very hard to avoid developing any permanent     1     with anyone. I manage it by intentionally minimizing my interaction with people around me to the lowest possible extent. I have been a man who slips away, in the way lovers leave chaos, the way thieves leave     2     houses. Some people might call it social phobia(社交恐惧症)and consider it a huge problem that needs to be resolved. But truth he told, I kind of enjoy this sense of rootlessness, knowing there will be less     3     on me.

It seems I am always attached to the good     4     of life but detached from life itself. It’s just like reading one of those well-received travel books. One only gets the chance to read all the fascinating stories accompanied with     5     beautiful sights. Therefore, one’s ideas and expectations of travel have been built up unrealistically. But when one gets his own chance to go travelling, he suddenly finds out it is not like that because travelling can be, and most of the time, will be filled with all those meaningless and disappointing trivia(琐事). And that’s how after a few     6     attempts one starts to prefer reading travel books to travelling.

It also began to     7     on me that real life is a woman too good-looking for me. It’s a voyage too long, book too lavishly-illustrated, so I don’t have the courage to step into it. But when entering a book of stories, I know I can emerge from it feeling I have been immersed in the lives of others, in plots that     8     in their own unique ways, my body full of sentences and     9     as if awaking from sleep with a heaviness caused by unremembered dreams.

I don’t think I can or need to find a panacea(灵丹妙药)for my “problem” and of course, I don’t expect others to offer help. In most cases, when one takes in another man’s poison,     10     imagining he can cure him by sharing it, one will instead end up storing it within. So as long as I can live in peace and harmony with my weirdness, this very weirdness is something I would like to cherish rather than get rid of.

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7 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. willingness B. loyal C. priority D. figure
E. acknowledging F. interaction G. academic   H. drain
I. stress   J. tense K. convincing

Dealing with Difficult Relationships

Everyone has at least one awkward or     1     relationship. It may be with somebody who will     2     your energy whenever you are with them. Or worse, it could be someone who always cuts you down. This person may be a family member or even a friend. No matter who it is, it’s necessary that you learn to set boundaries for yourself. Otherwise this kind of relationship can chip away at your self-esteem.

Setting boundaries for difficult relationships starts by     3     how you are affected by the relationship. Do they bring you closer to your goals or pull you farther away? For example, it’s time to study for tomorrow’s test. But your friend wants to take you to a party. Here, setting boundaries will help protect your     4     goals.

Next, decide how much time you should spend with these people. It’s easy to overcommit yourself. But it’s difficult to help others if you forget to protect your own     5    .

How do you know if a relationship is unhealthy, and it’s time to set boundaries? Here are a few practical questions to ask yourself.

1. How does this relationship affect me?

Every     6     can affect you positively or negatively. For example, someone who pressures you to something you’re not comfortable doing will     7     you out. But a friend who considers how you feel will respect your     8     to try something new.

2. Why am I in this relationship in the first place?

People may try to keep you in an unhealthy relationship. By     9     you it’s your obligation or duty, you forget about your own needs. Sadly, by remaining     10     to these people, you forget who you are. You allow them to take advantage of you or even belittle you.

Settling boundaries requires taking a long, honest look at yourself. By saying “no” to harmful patterns in relationships, you say “yes” to a healthier you.

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8 . Directions: Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

When we meet someone for the first time, we usually get a vague sense of what kind of person they are by the way they shake hands, talk, or walk. In the age of social networking. however, first impressions are sometimes made even before we     1     meet someone in person--that is, by looking at their profile photo.

According to a recent study, these social images say a lot about our personality. In the study, resented in a paper at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, a group of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in the US used software to     2     the profile pictures of 66,000 users of US social platform Twitter and 3,200 of their tweets. At the same time, about 434 participants were asked to complete a survey about their personality type.

The researchers wanted to find out if there was a     3     between personality traits--like openness, extroversion, and neuroticism--and a person’s profile picture. According to the results, open people are more     4     to pose in an unusual way and use objects such as glasses or a guitar in their profile photo because they enjoy new and exciting experiences. Meanwhile, neurotic people often hold back their     5     emotions. They try to avoid showing their face; instead, they use an image of something like a pet, a car or a building. That’s because neurotic people are strongly     6     by the “strong social norm against a very sad or angry appearance in profile pictures,” Daniel Preoiuc-Pietro from the University of Pennsylvania wrote in the research paper.

Apart from the objects in profile pictures, the colors used in them also give us some     7     about the photo’s owner. For example, extraverts were found to have the most colorful profile images, as they want to     8     their personality and show themselves off, the researchers wrote.

Although social media photos “usually represent an extension of one’s self, they also allow a user to shape his or her own personality and     9     view,” according to the researchers.

So, when choosing a profile photo, maybe we should ask ourselves first what kind of image we’d like to convey. After all, first impressions always     10    .

2019-10-30更新 | 74次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市复兴中学2018-2019学年高三上学期期中英语试题
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9 . Wallet Back

This is a story about a learning experience that had a big effect on the way I live my life.The _______in the story did not give me tests or even grade me on my work.I was taught by one of the most effective_______ of teaching,one that only people with lots of love can do.

“My wallet! Where is it?” were my first words_______I found my wallet was missing.I _______ my memory for a few good seconds, then realized that I had left my precious wallet in the library’s public _______ ! Because the library was now _______, I had to wait until the next morning to look for it.When I got there the next day, all I found was a clean restroom.This was the first time I could remember ever_______to see a clean restroom.As I walked out,I looked at myself in the mirror and shook my head at the _______ fool in front of me.

I politely _________the librarian at the front desk and asked her if a wallet had been found in the restroom yesterday.“No.”That was that.I walked off with a sense of __________

I __________what I would do if I had found a wallet with sixty dollars,a phone card and other irreplaceable __________things.Finally,I __________ accepted the fact that my wallet was gone.

A week later,I received a __________ in the mail.It was my wallet! And most__________,nothing was missing! But there was a letter folded up in one of the wallet pocket that had not been there before.I slowly unfolded the letter,which __________something like this:

When we continue to help people around,we will live in a larger and more rewarding world.

This person didn’t even leave a return address.So I couldn’t__________ whoever it was.But from that day on,I __________ myself that l will follow this __________ and help others and make them as__________as I was when I opened that parcel!

2016-12-11更新 | 1040次组卷 | 1卷引用:2014届河北省衡水中学高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷
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