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1 . There is a very long list of rules for the New York City subway. Don’t put your feet on a seat, don’t carry open cups of coffee or soda, don’t take more than one seat... Those are just a few of the rules. There are hundreds more.

With so many rules, why is it still unpleasant to ride the subway?

Some people think that the problem is that no one enforces the rules. Other passengers sometimes try to enforce rules. But you can’t rely on them because New Yorkers have unwritten rules against talking to strangers and making eye contact with strangers. How can you tell someone to take her shopping bags off the seat and throw away her Coke without talking to her or looking at her? It is difficult.

There are other New Yorkers who think that the subway is unpleasant because there are not enough rules. One rider wrote a letter to The New York Times a couple of weeks ago suggesting a few more subway rules. Here are some of the rules that she would like to see:

—Don’t lean on the poles. You prevent other people from holding on. They can fall down.

—Talk quietly. The trains are already too noisy.

—Give your seat to elderly passengers or to parents with small children.

If those unwritten rules of etiquette are written down, will the rude people be more likely to follow them? It doesn’t make sense to make more rules that no one will enforce.

The real problem is that we are forgetting how to be nice to each other. It is embarrassing that we need a rule to tell us to give our seat to elderly passengers. Nobody should need to be reminded to do that.

I say we stop talking about the rules and try to remember our manners. Let’s be nice to each other not because a police officer might tell us to get off the train, but because it is the right thing to do. Then New York City would be more civilized —both above ground and below.

1. Don’t make eye contact and don’t talk to strangers are examples of     .
A.New York subway rulesB.personal preferences on the subway
C.behavioral habits in New York CityD.unpleasant experiences on the subway
2. The underlined word “etiquette” is closest in meaning to     .
3. In the writer’s opinion, what measures should be taken?
A.The authority should set stricter rules.
B.The government should employ more police.
C.The citizens should ride the subway less.
D.Everyone should take better care of their behavior.

2 . If you come across two drivers who stop in the middle of the road in this richly forested island community, they’re probably arguing — about how to improve the local fairgrounds (游乐场), or property taxes, or the teen drop-in center. They argue about everything in South Whidbey, Washington, and that’s a good thing.

“Don’t bother to honk your horn (按喇叭),” resident Susan Knickerbocker says. “When they’re done, they’ll be done. They won’t move before that, so you just wait it out.”

This frequent scene is one sign that people care deeply about their town. “We argue passionately about where we want our community to go,” says Josh Burnett, who writes for the South Whidbey Record. “But at the end of the day, we’ll all say hi and shake hands at the farmers’ market on the weekend.”

That love for debate — passionate and constructive — has made South Whidbey residents intensely proud. Because, as stubborn as they are, everyone gets to work. That’s how they have created a first-class food bank and a no-kill animal shelter; developed new methods for residents to make — and accept — donations of veterinary (兽医的) services, oil changes, and advice on paying medical bills; and more. One group of volunteers is well-known for rescuing abused horses.

Another resident, Linda Briere, wrote on the Reader’s Digest Facebook page, “The love of country, joy of living, and the let-the-other guy-live-but-with-a-helping-hand make me proud.”

Of course, working for the greater good is what many communities do. What’s unusual about South Whidbey is that residents pull together despite the kinds of cultural differences that make progress difficult in so many other parts of the country. South Whidbey is home to sizable populations of farmers, artists, Christians, retired vets, Republicans, Democrats, and independents, and the clash (碰撞) of ideas inspires them.

The one thing they never disagree on is that their island is profoundly special.

1. How does the writer lead in Para.1?
A.By making comparisons.B.By giving examples.
C.By providing statistics.D.By offering possibilities.
2. What can you do if you run into two drivers in South Whidbey arguing in the middle of the road?
A.Give suggestions.B.Wait until they finish.
C.Ask them to shake hands.D.Prevent them from fighting.
3. Which of the following can best describe people in South Whidbey?
A.Passionate for their hometown.B.Proud of farmer’s market.
C.Satisfied with their property taxes.D.Ridiculous in their behavior.
4. What is mainly discussed about South Whidbey in this passage?
A.Its beautifully forested surrounding.
B.Some people with different cultures.
C.The special feature of the community.
D.Its brief history and different customs.
2020-09-23更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届安徽省马鞍山市高三毕业班第二次教学质量监测(二模)英语试题
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . I remember the day shyness took over my life. I was 14 and having a French lesson. The teacher told us to record ourselves ________ about a film. Perfect! I recorded myself ________. Then I pressed “play” to listen back. What I heard was a little kid talking. My ________ reaction was to ________ I was listening to someone else’s recording. But then, it dawned on me. That was my ________. I realized there was something ________ about me.

My little voice has made me feel really sly. And my shyness has caused me to ________ attending events, not make important ________, and keep my ideas to myself. As shy person, working from home, hiding behind my computer was ________, but the more time I spent hidden away, the more my comfort zone shrank. Everyday ________, like ordering a coffee, became increasingly awkward and ________.

And, then, one day I was at big conference and it suddenly ________ me like lightning bolt (闪电). All speakers were confident, comfortable with being ________. There were no quieter voices. But the ________ is, if the loud voices are the only ones you hear, we quieter people feel even more alienated (疏远的). The world needs mixture of personalities. Success is not just about who can shout the ________. The world needs quieter people, too. That day I chose to stop ________ and embrace my shyness. No more feeling like I needed to change who I am in order to ________. No more living a small life.

Then I created the Shy and Mighty Society, a space for shy people like me to ________, and in the process of helping others, I could also push myself ________, bit by bit. Now, I’m happy to tell people I feel shy. I’m not ________ any more. And I know that I’m not alone.

A.with easeB.with confidenceC.in peaceD.in astonishment

4 . When people from different cultures get to know each other well, the differences between them become less important because they recognize more and more things they have in common. People begin to see each other as an individual, rather than just as a representative of a particular culture. This can happen quickly when people are working or studying together.

However, problems can appear in situations where people from different cultures are put together but remain strangers. This often occurs in everyday life, for example, on public transport. Here, people may have different expectations of how to behave and often criticize the actions of people from other cultures that they do not understand very well.

Monica Sung, a sociologist, has been researching public attitudes to the televisions which are now put on many buses in Hong Kong, showing programmes and advertising for passengers to watch. Monica’s research shows that some people find this a “disturbance” because their expectations of bus travel are different, while other passengers like to have something to enjoy during their journey. “A Westerner wrote a letter to the newspaper, complaining about the noise of the televisions and saying that buses in his home country were more pleasant because they did not have televisions,” said Monica. “A Chinese person wrote a reply, telling the foreigner he should go back home if he preferred the buses there.”

Monica points out that both types of reaction are stupid. “Not all foreign people want quiet buses, and not all Chinese people want to watch television on buses!” she said. “People often take it for granted that every member of a particular cultural group shares the same values and opinions.”

1. What does the underlined words “an individual” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.A new comer considered as an outsider.
B.A close friend who shares the same values.
C.A single person considered separately from a culture.
D.A stranger who has become used to a new culture.
2. Why does Monica Sung choose to conduct her research on buses?
A.Taking a bus is what people do in everyday life.
B.Passengers are usually unkind to each other.
C.There are passengers from different cultures.
D.People have different expectations of bus service.
3. What can be inferred about the Chinese person?
A.He prefers buses without televisions.
B.He is in favor of televisions on buses.
C.He dislikes complaining to newspapers.
D.He enjoys taking buses with foreigners.
4. What message does the author try to get through to us?
A.People from different cultures should learn from each other.
B.People from different cultures should be polite to each other.
C.People from different cultures should not regard each other as strangers.
D.People should not criticize another culture only for what one from it does.
2020-09-17更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021届湖南湘豫名校高三8月联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When Central Bucks South became one of the first Philadelphia-area high schools to close due to fear of novel coronavirus exposure in early March, 16-year-old sophomore Andrew Chen knew that things were not going to return to normal as quickly as some of his peers hoped.

But still, the change from seeing his friends on the swim team during daily practices to learning alone at home was jarring. "I only have three years here at South, and it pains me to see one of them being wasted," Chen said.

The coronavirus has upended everyone's lives, but for students, the disruption feels particularly acute. Schools closed and graduation ceremonies were canceled. Summer plans, like camps and internships (实习),are up in the air.

But right now, many students are trying to stay connected, struggling with misinformation, and figuring out the best ways they can help through online method.

For Josh Harycki, 17, a senior student at the Ship-ley School in Philadelphia, the best way to contribute was to create a "social distancing pledge (承诺)" for young people.

"I saw a lot of younger generations not paying attention," he said. "They were still going out, hanging out with people. I thought that there had to be a way to reach younger folks, who were probably not watching the news."

Harycki launched a call to action on social media and then built a website with a map that tracked the locations of people who'd signed the pledge. The site also shares links to accurate sources of information like the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Harycki knows that his peers are worried they can't connect with their friends in the same way, so he created the social distancing pledge to stress that while everyone might be physically distant, they're still connected.

"Part of what we're highlighting is that you might feel like you're the only one taking this

seriously, but our map shows that you're not alone," he said.
1. What does the underlined word "jarring" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. Why does the author describe Andrew Chen's experience in the text?
A.To show how the coronavirus affected students' lives.
B.To explain what worried students most when schools closed.
C.To illustrate the appropriate reaction to the closure of school.
D.To present the different views of students toward the coronavirus.
3. Who does Harycki mainly want to reach out to?
A.Friends who are worried and bored.
B.Folks taking the coronavirus seriously.
C.Younger generations trying to contribute.
D.Young people who are not aware of the situation.
4. What's Harycki's purpose in creating the "social distancing pledge"?
A.To convince young people to stay at home.
B.To track those people infected with the coronavirus.
C.To inform young folks of latest news about the coronavirus.
D.To show young people they shouldn't be concerned about the coronavirus.

6 . “No act of kindness,no matter how small,is ever wasted."


Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day.It's a day set aside to show extra kindness to the people around us-those we know and those we don't.Smiling and saying a few encouraging words is easy. But an act of kindness is something you actually do.A random act of kindness is usually unexpected and unplanned.Maybe you help someone carry groceries.Maybe you pay for a stranger's coffee.Or maybe send an encouraging note to a friend.

Caring for others is nothing new.In fact,the Bible tells everyone to"Love your neighbor as yourself."But who is your neighbor?There is an example in the story of"The Good Samaritan”。

It tells of a traveler who was robbed and beaten.A religious leader saw the man lying in the road but didn't stop to help.Another religious man also ignored him.But a Samaritan came along.He was a foreigner.He showed compassion and took care of the strangers' needs.He showed mercy.

Is helping strangers a thing of the past?Are people today too busy or too afraid to help someone they don't know?I know from experience that goodwill between strangers still exists.

One Sunday morning I was running late for church.As I started to drive off,I noticed an elderly lady.She was dragging a large piece of wood out of the rain.I was in a hurry,but I hesitated.Then I stopped my car,got out and helped her move the wood.

Months went by.Then one day,I saw some workmen cleaning out an old store.There in the pile of trash was a large Coca-cola cooler.How fun!A worker said I could have it,so I picked it up and started home.I didn't get very far.It was much heavier than I thought.Then out of the blue,the elderly lady appeared with a cart!I had helped her,and she was returning the favor.Go and help your neighbor today!

1. Which of the following is NOT a random act of kindness?
A.Smiling and saying a few encouraging words.
B.Helping an old man cross the street.
C.Paying for a stranger's breakfast.
D.Sending an encouraging note to a friend.
2. What does the underlined phrase"out of the blue"in the last paragraph mean?
3. How does the author show that kindness between strangers still exists?
A.By making a comparison.B.By giving an example.
C.By explaining reasons.D.By stating opinions.
4. Which can be the best title of the passage ?
A.Love Your NeighborsB.Random Acts of kindness
C.Random Kindness Pays OffD.It's Never Too Late to Help Others
2020-09-15更新 | 58次组卷 | 2卷引用:2021届浙江省“山水联盟”高三上学期开学考试英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,完成以下小题。
1. Where did the man most probably lose his phone?
A.On the underground.B.In a bank.C.In a restaurant.
2. What will the man do before five o'clock?
A.Buy a new phone.B.Make a call to the woman.C.Meet the woman.
2020-09-13更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021届山东省高三开学质量检测英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假定你是李华,你校外教 Smith先生因为家乡遭遇了地震,心情低落。请你用英语给他写
Dear Mr.Smith


Li Hua

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Recently I graduated from high school, and as a gift I received a huge hunch of flowers, 40 to be exact! I had so many that I didn't know what to do with them. The next weekend my niece and nephew, Sue and Mike, aged 6 and 7, came and suddenly I had an idea. I might let them give out these flowers to people they met on the street, and in this way they could learn how to be friendly to others. So I told them about my plan and explained that these flowers would make people feel happy and smile. They loved the idea and were eager to have a try. So at once we took every single flower and tied a smile card to it. We then went to the street with the flowers.

The first flower went to a policeman. As soon as she saw the policeman, my niece ran up to him and handed him a flower. His smile was so big, but hers was even bigger!

In no time, we neared the end of our flowers. It was lunch time and we went to Subway for lunch. There the kids gave a flower to the waitress, who was really excited to receive the flower. As we were eating our lunch, the waitress came up to the kids with two big chocolate cookies! She said the chocolate cookies were for them and that she really liked the flower! As they ate the cookies, my niece and nephew looked at me with the biggest smiles I had ever seen.


With just one flower left, I said it should be given to the person who needed it most.


It turned out to be a great day for us.

2020-09-04更新 | 592次组卷 | 18卷引用:2021届湖南省湖湘名校教育联合体高三上学期入学考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Concerts should be a fun and enjoyable occasion for everyone attending them,including the musicians.No matter what type of concert one is attending,he is still expected to follow the rules concert etiquette(礼仪).     1    

Classical music concerts are often events where concert etiquette is considered to be very important.One should generally arrive a few minutes before the show starts,so he can be in his seat at the beginning of the first musical performance.If he arrives late,it may be considered rude to walk in and take his seat in the middle of a musical performance.    2    In this way,he will not influence other audiences while the music is being played.

    3    Take jazz concerts for example.People are usually not criticized for making a small amount of noise,as long as it is not troubling other audiences.For example,they may talk quietly during a performance.

Rock and heavy metal concert etiquette is very relaxed.     4     However,audiences are still expected to show some good manners during a performance.Also,rock concerts are often very crowded,particularly in the areas surrounding the stage.    5     But one should still pay attention to his surroundings.Stepping on someone's foot repeatedly may cause a fight as well.

A.This will usually be announced before the concert begins.
B.Instead,he should wait for one song to end before taking his seat.
C.Rock concert goers,on the other hand,can usually get a little louder.
D.People are not usually discouraged from talking at these types of concerts.
E.In large groups of people like this,it is not unusual to touch others at times.
F.Concert etiquette for other types of concerts is usually a little more relaxed.
G.And the concert etiquette can be different,depending on what type of concert it is.
2020-09-01更新 | 325次组卷 | 7卷引用:江苏省南京市2020-2021学年第一学期六校期初联考高三英语
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