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1 . Travelling can be a fun way to gain life experience, but what if you’re a student and don’t have enough money for a trip? Don’t worry. Here are some useful tips.

Save: This probably is the most important preparation for travelling. Cut expenses (花费) to fatten your wallet so you’ll have more choices about where to go and how to get there.

Plan ahead: Don’t wait until the last minute to plan your trip. Giving yourself several months to get ready can mean security and savings.

Do your homework: No matter where you go, research the places you will visit. Decide what to see. Travel books will provide information on the cheapest hotels and restaurants.

Plan sensibly: Write down how much you expect to spend on food and hotels. Stick to (坚持) your plan, or you may not have enough money to cover everything.

Travel in groups: Find someone who is interested in visiting the same places. By travelling with others you can share costs and experiences.

Work as you go: Need more money to support your trip? Look for work in the places you visit.

Go off the beaten path: Tourist cities may be expensive. You may want to rethink about your trip and go to a less known area. Smaller towns can have many interesting activities (活动) and sights.

Pack necessary things: The most important things to take are not always clothes. Remember to take along medicine in case you get sick and snacks in case you cannot find a cheap restaurant.

By planning sensibly, even students can enjoy their travel. Your travel experiences will be remembered for a lifetime.

1. Before your trip, the first thing you should do is________.
A.to make a plan of the route
B.to get information on the Internet
C.to save money by spending less
D.to buy tickets ahead of time
2. The writer advises you________.
A.not to share costs with other people
B.not to go to well-known places
C.not to visit dangerous places
D.to buy anything you want to buy
3. During your trip, ________.
A.you need more medicine than clothes
B.you should look for work all the way
C.you should remember to do your homework
D.you can gain valuable life experience
4. Which of the following can be used as the best title of the passage?
A.How to Plan Your Travel Wisely
B.Travel Can Be Great Fun
C.Different Kinds of Travel
D.How to Save Money
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Around the world, 62 million girls are not in school. The White House's Let Girls Learn effort aims to change that.

At 13, Hawa Abdulai Yorke left her family's home, in Ghana, Africa, to live with an aunt who promised to send her to school. Instead, the aunt put Yorke to work as her maid. Determined to go to school, Yorke returned home and began selling water in a nearby city to raise money for her education. She did that for three years. What hurt most was that her father had the money to pay the school fees. But he chose to spend the money on a motorcycle.

Yorke's story is familiar to girls growing up in Ghana. There, a girl's place is in the home. Educating girls is considered a waste of money.

"It happens more than it should, where parents have money to send their girls to school but choose not to," says Ryan Roach, a Peace Corps volunteer in Ghana, where nearly 55% of girls are not enrolled in secondary school. "Cultural beliefs say education is not a wise investment".

The White House's Let Girls Learn is working to change this view of girls' education, in Ghana and in countries worldwide. First Lady Michelle Obama says parents have to be persuaded that girls' education is a better investment than marriage or household labor. A World Bank study backs that up. It shows that for every year of secondary-school education, a girl's earning power increases by 18%.

Today, Let Girls Learn works in 13 countries, and there are plans to expand the program. Recently, Let Girls Learn hosted a 24-hour event at which girls in different parts of Ghana joined Peace Corps volunteers, tech experts, and university students to brainstorm creative solutions for the barriers to girls' education. Yorke's team came up with an idea for an app that sends a recorded message to parents' phones from a Ghanian celebrity about the benefits of girls attending school.

Yorke, now 22, is about to finish high school. Thanks to Let Girls Learn, she plans to attend college and study computer science. She says working alongside women college students at the Let Girls Learn event strengthened her determination. "I'm focused on my books," says Yorke. "I know if I study hard, I, too, can go to the university and live a happy life."

1. What was the attitude of Yorke's aunt towards girls attending school?
A.She was against it.
B.She had no idea of it.
C.She was in favor of it.
D.She considered it hard work.
2. According to Ryan Roach, the reason for girls not receiving education is that ________.
A.they are too busy to go to school
B.their families are too poor to afford it
C.there are few secondary schools for girls
D.cultural beliefs prevent from attending school
3. What can we learn about Let Girls Learn?
A.It has spread all over the world.
B.It is a Ghana-based organization.
C.It aims to offer free education to girls.
D.It has got support from Michelle Obama.
4. What's Yorke's next plan?
A.To further her studies.
B.To join in Let Girls Learn.
C.To write some books for girls.
D.To get a computer-related job.
2021-05-22更新 | 116次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年新课标Ⅱ卷高考真题变式题(阅读理解D)
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Practice self-control by setting goals and sticking to them

Make your goals specific and long-term. Psychology studies have shown that abstract (抽象的), big-picture thinking leads to self-control. Instead of focusing on the moment, look toward bigger goals like success in school or sports.    1    

●Write down you goals and hang them up where you can see them regularly.    2    

●Make behavioral goals too. Commit to behaving yourself in public and not having any unintended outbursts.

    3    Get straight A's, keep practicing guitar until you're comfortable enough to play a gig, or exercise four times a week. Stick to your goals seriously.

●When you are to break a promise or a goal, take a deep breath and think about why you set the goal in the first place. That long term commitment is more important than your momentary impulse (冲动).

●Make sure your goals are specific.    4    

●Try setting up a punishment and reward system for yourself.    5    Likewise, if you decide to skip a workout, make up for it by working out twice as long the next day. Practices like these will lead to control over your desires and actions.

●Make specific long-term goals with specific short-term ways to achieve them.

A.Keep your goals positive.
B.Remind yourself of your goals regularly.
C.General goals are much easier to forget about.
D.Focusing on the future will help you behave in the present.
E.Move up to harder goals like making the starting basketball team.
F.If you go a week sticking to a strict diet, give yourself a "cheat day."
G.Stick with your goals and soon you'll be in total control of your thoughts and actions.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to Plan a Vacation?

A vacation is supposed to be a fun and relaxing break from your everyday life.    1     Be ready to enjoy your time off by planning your travel, accommodations, and activities ahead of time. Giving yourself plenty of time to plan can be a fun way to build up excitement for your vacation.

Decide why you want to travel.    2    Thinking of whether your goal is to relax and unwind, have new adventures, see famous or ancient sights, or provide your children with lifelong memories will determine what kind of destination you should choose.

    3     Instead of making this a chore, have it be a fun activity. Over the course of a few days, weeks or other long duration you wish, spend some time talking about each place and why it would make a good destination.

Research destination costs. While you may take more time after choosing a destination to find great deals on travel and hotel arrangements, doing a quick online search of approximate costs to travel to each destination may help you narrow your choices based on your budget.

Choose a destination.     4     If there is disagreement, find a way to compromise.

Choose when to travel. Depending on the season, a destination which is normally too hot or cold for you to consider might have a more enjoyable climate at a different time of the year.     5    

A.Consider everyone who will be traveling with you.
B.Discuss possible destinations with your fellow travelers.
C.Ideally, everyone who is traveling will agree on the same place.
D.However, a poorly planned vacation can end up being a major headache.
E.If you know why you want to leave home, choosing a destination will be easier.
F.This might also be reflected in a lower cost, if you decide to travel out of season.
G.Keep in mind expenses to travel, stay and eat while you are developing your estimates.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . You may already have a crystal clear idea of your passion.    1    More often than not, you face overwhelm because you're looking at new changes in one gulp.A good way to build trust in your own abilities is to take it 30 days at a time.Let me explain.

Pick a new habit that you think is necessary in designing your enthusiastic life.Look at it not as a permanent change but as something that you've got to do for the next 30 days only.    2    You're trying this new habit on for 30 days and you're free to give it up if you don't like what follows.

    3    You decide to run outdoors for 25 minutes every single day for next 30 days regardless of your schedule or the weather.You enter a pact(契约).

Once you gain the motivation, you'll soon realize it's hard to stop after day 7.    4    And day 28, you're this close to your goal, why would you stop then?

Now on day 30, you feel somewhat like this: “Wow, I never thought I'd be able to do this for 30 days straight! I wonder what happens if I continue to bet my own record.How amazing it'd be if I kept going on day 31,32 and so on?    5    You believe in yourself because you're living your passion.”

A.You just don't know how to live it.
B.Great goal often needs great efforts.
C.Try as hard as you can whenever possible.
D.And who in their right mind would stop after day 15?
E.After all, it no longer feels too hard to run for 25 minutes.
F.For example, you know one of your passions is to run a marathon.
G.It's like those free digital products that you can try before you buy.
2020-10-14更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国百强名校2021届高三上学期9月领军考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . SMART Goal Setting

SMART goal setting is one of the most valuable methods used by high achievers today to actualize(实现)their life goals time after time. SMART is an acronym (首字母缩略词) that stands for-Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.     1    

Every goal ought to be specific. Being clear about your goals and expectations is the first step to reaching them.     2     For example, “I will start planning toward retirement” is vague. Instead, you could say. “I will start planning toward retirement by building up a nest egg.” This is more specific. When you are specific on your goal, it’s easier for you to identify all its components and work accordingly toward achieving it.

    3     If you can’t measure something, you can’t tell if you’re performing well or if you’re off track. Setting measurable goals lets you evaluate your performance and stay on track.

Goals should be achievable and realistic.     4     It’s also important not to get too carried away and use far-fetched or unreachable goals as motivators, constantly chasing an impossibly high goal. Allow yourself to feel motivated by the satisfaction of achievement and real progress.

Each goal has to be time-bound.     5     Actually, it’s incredibly important to make your goals time-bound. The act of having deadlines set to your goals is a motivation that drives you into action. Without a deadline, it is not possible for you to know if you’re making headway with your goals.

A.Your goals must be measurable.
B.That is because your goals are not specific enough.
C.It is the final letter of SMART that is often ignored.
D.When goals are too wide or vague, they are easy to miss.
E.To make your SMART goals work, use the following tips.
F.You may wonder if this is achievable in the given time frame.
G.It’s important to plan out goals that are within realistic capabilities.
2020-09-13更新 | 474次组卷 | 9卷引用:山东省济南市历城第二中学2021届高三10月份学情检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A study plan is an effective way to help you get through your college education in an organized way. Each student will develop a different study plan.     1     When creating your personalized (个性化的) study plan, you will need to do some self-evaluation of your current schedule and time management. Follow the step-by-step instructions below will help you.

Create a time chart of your current activities.

Creating a time chart will allow you to see how you spend your time from day to day. For a one-week period, take notes about your daily activities. Record things like when you are at work, school, or home with family.     2    

Develop a schedule.

Now that you have determined available days and times for studying, make a mark in your calendar. Use detailed notes to block out (概略画出) times on your calendar so that you are reminded every time you look at it.     3     Seeing it written down can make it seem more important, like a doctor's appointment you can't miss.

Determine your study goals.

At the beginning of each week, determine why you need to study and what you plan to accomplish in each class. Do you want to raise your average in a particular class in order to maintain a certain GPA (平均分)?     4     For example, if you are studying for an important mid-term exam, change your study plan two weeks before the test to include reviews of old tests and notes in your sessions (课程).


A study plan works best if it is followed on a consistent (一致的) basis. You should try to develop a study plan that you can follow for the length of each term of college. Since most students enroll in different classes each term, you will have to reevaluate your plan and fine- tune it each term.

A.Stick to your schedule.
B.Even note when you eat and sleep.
C.Are you preparing for a big exam?
D.There is no correct study plan for everyone.
E.It is best to have a schedule written down so you won't forget.
F.So be sure to analyze what you plan to get out of each study session.
G.However, it is helpful to write down which subject you plan to study.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . I used to be the most determined resolution-maker. Even as a child, I was always goal-centered and loved the feeling of accomplishing things, and every January 1st, I would sit down and write out my resolutions (目标) for the upcoming year. And what resolutions they were! I always picked big goals, like: In the New Year, I will lose 50 pounds! And run a marathon! And study scripture (圣经) every day!

The problem? I’d start out strong, but by February or March, I’d be out of willpower and I’d slide quietly back into my old habits. Every winter, I’d feel guilty and ashamed, looking back at all of the amazing things... I think one of my biggest problems with New Years resolutions was wanting to “dream big” but not having the skills and ability to do those things.

Now I take the opposite approach I’m all about the little goals. First, little goals are easy to set. Instead of saying I’m going to run a marathon, I’ve decided I’m going to run 20 minutes three days a week. Second, little goals are easier to accomplish. Every time I check one of my mini goals off my list, I feel a burst of pride and accomplishment. It’s a great feeling, and I don’t have to wait until the end of the year to enjoy it!

The other great thing about making small goals instead of resolutions is that you can build small goals on top of each other, adding the achievements together. For instance, recently I decided to make sure I ate five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. After a few months, this became a solid habit.

1. Why did the author feel guilty and ashamed?
A.Because she picked big goals as her resolutions.
B.Because she failed to accomplish her resolutions.
C.Because she was looking back at the amazing things.
D.Because she loved the feeling of accomplishing things.
2. How did she change her new year’s resolutions?
A.She put all of her goals together.
B.She checked mini goals off her list.
C.She set small goals instead of big ones.
D.She didn’t make resolutions any more.
3. What did the author want to say in the last paragraph?
A.Small goals are easy to set.
B.Making resolutions is not reasonable.
C.Eating fruits and vegetable is a good habit.
D.Small goal can contribute to big achievements.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Setting Small Goals Not Big OnesB.Combining Big and Small Goals
C.Making New Year’s ResolutionsD.Setting and Achieving My Goals
2020-05-31更新 | 110次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020届广西南宁市高三第二次适应性测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . New Year’s resolutions you should be making about time management

You likely already have too many goals and too many disappointments from this past year. So as you look ahead to 2020, the idea of adding more seems kind of exciting but also a bit forbidding. That’s why as a time management coach, I recommend that you do the opposite:     1    

Know less

It’s okay not to be up-to-date on everything. To cut down on these distractions, you might turn off social media notifications on your phone.     2     Unsubscribe from notification emails or newsletters you don’t read regularly.

Resolution: I resolve to be less aware of “interesting” things so I can be interested in and present for the people around me.

Care less

This one may sound a bit unfeeling.You may want to be a kind and thoughtful person for your friends and family and to serve your clients well.     3     What that means is that you say “No” a lot.

Here is a way:

I am at the service of my customers Monday through Friday, during the day.     4     Being able to unplug from work in my personal time increases my ability to serve my clients well when I’m in the office.

Resolution:     5     Consequently, I can match my time with my highest priorities and take better care of the people closest to me.

Is it easy to do less? No. But will it lead you to the best outcomes in the end? Yes. You’ll thank yourself for it at the end of 2020.

A.Resolve to do less.
B.Contact people face to face.
C.I have to manage my time strategically.
D.But I don’t feel the need to be available 24/7.
E.Alternatively, you could offload the apps altogether.
F.I resolve to care less about what others want me to do.
G.But you can’t care about everyone who wants your attention professionally.
2020-05-28更新 | 344次组卷 | 7卷引用:2020届湖北省八校(黄冈中学、华师一附中、襄阳四中、襄阳五中、荆州中学等)高三第二次联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Forget losing weight or saving money—we suggest one simple task to add to your list of inspiring New Year's decisions: read a book. Trust us, and your brain will thank you. Not only does reading increase the amount of daily pleasure in your life, but it could also delay dementia (痴呆) and even help you live longer.

But still, picking the perfect novel isn't easy. Thankfully, Business Insider asked a Harvard professor to recommend the one book he thinks every student should read in 2019—and we suggest adding it to your list, too. (No time for all the books on your list? Here's a shortcut: Read the endings to some of the world's most famous books, instead.)

Steven Pinker, Professor of Psychology at Harvard, recommends The Internationalists by legal scholars Hathaway and Shapiro. The book makes a surprising statement that the Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact (条约) of 1928, which declared war illegal, has caused a steady drop in war throughout history.

“But in their fascinating and evidence-rich book, they make a lifelike case,” Pinker said. “And like The Clash of Civilizations and The End of History, the book presents a sweeping vision (视野) of the international scene, making sense of many developments in the news and recent history.”

Other professors at Harvard recommended classics like Anna Karenina by Tolstoy, as well as Just Mercy by Stevenson, The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith, and Robot-Proof by Joseph Aoun.

So, go ahead and give (at least) one of these books a read in 2019! And while you're at it, you should add the following 20 books you really should have read by now to your list, too…

1. Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word “shortcut” in the 2nd paragraph?
A.A time-saving way to read books.
B.A lazy person's way to read books.
C.A quick way to know about endings of books.
D.A wise way to deal with too many books to read.
2. What or who has reduced the number of wars throughout history?
A.The Paris Peace Pact.B.The Internationalists.
C.Hathaway and Shapiro.D.A wide vision of the international scene.
3. What may be written in the next or last paragraph of the passage?
A.More advice on reading books.
B.The names of the 20 books recommended.
C.The main contents of the 20 books recommended.
D.The brief introduction of the 20 books recommended.
2019-12-28更新 | 114次组卷 | 3卷引用:福建省福州市八县(市、区)一中2019-2020学年高二上学期期中联考(含听力)英语试题
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