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1 . When patients are discharged (出院) from the hospital, effective summaries from doctors’ notes are essential to capture their health status in the medical record. Whereas, most are filled with technical languages that are hard to understand and increase patients’ anxiety.

To address the problem, researchers from New York University (NYU) Langone Health have been testing the capabilities of generative artificial intelligence (AI). It tries to develop likely options for the next word in any sentence based on how most people use words in context on the Internet.

NYU Langone Health received access to the latest tool from a famous tech company to explore generative AI. One of the studies by the researchers published in JAMA Network Open, looked at how well the tool could convert (转换) the text in 50 patient discharge notes into patient-friendly language. Specifically, generative AI made the discharge notes drop from 11th-grade reading level on average to a 6th-grade level.

Two physicians were asked to review the AI discharge summary based on a 6th-grade level. The reviewing physicians awarded 54 percent of the AI-generated discharge notes the best-possible accuracy rating. They also found that 56 percent of notes created by AI were entirely complete. The result signified that even at the current performance level, providers of discharge notes would not have to make a single change in more than half of the AI summaries reviewed.

“That more than half of the AI reports generated are accurate and complete is an amazing start,” said Jonah Zaretsky, associate chief of medicine at NYU Langone Hospital — Brooklyn. “Even at the current level of performance, which we expect to improve shortly, the achievement of the AI tool suggests that it can be taught to recognize subtleties (微妙之处).”

Within the following years, the team expects to launch a pilot program to provide lay language discharge summaries that have been generated by AI and reviewed by physicians to patients on a larger scale.

1. What is generative AI used for by the researchers?
A.Submitting discharge summaries.B.Accessing patients’ health status.
C.Making discharge notes clear to patients.D.Offering technical languages to doctors.
2. What is generative AI’s function based on?
A.Probable predicting.B.Actual thinking.
C.Free imagining.D.Strict instructing.
3. Why were the two physicians asked to review the AI discharge summaries?
A.To correct their mistakes.B.To measure their accuracy.
C.To compete with the AI tool.D.To make up the missing parts.
4. How did Jonah Zaretsky find the performance of AI in dealing with discharge summaries?
完形填空(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者有一个唇腭裂的孩子,经医生Anastassov的介绍,在Smile Train的帮助下,作者的孩子得到了治疗和康复。不仅如此,作者的孩子还实现了自己作飞行员的梦想。这些使作者得到了极大的鼓励,并将自己和孩子的经历分享给更多的人。

2 . I was shocked to see my baby Dani with a cleft (唇裂) at his birth. After the delivery, I wasn’t _______ to see my baby. All I could do was to ask for information about Dani. Dani had his surgery on the seventh day! It was a terrible experience. I buried myself in great _______.

Things _______ when I met Dr. Anastassov, who brought Smile Train — sponsored cleft care to Bulgaria. Dr. Anastassov was my _______ from the moment we met. He helped me build the confidence in Dani’s _______. At six, Dani finished his speech therapy (矫治) and could speak as _______ as everyone else.

Dani wanted to be a _______. When he began his formal training, the medical exam was very _______ for him. They knew he was different, even if they couldn’t immediately tell how. So they worked him harder than the others. But Dani showed great _______ and passed. He is now ________ his dream as a pilot!

Being Dani’s mother is a(n) ________. He has been so successful because we ________ him to understand that people with clefts should not be ________, because they can do anything.

Now I ________ Smile Train to help those like my son. I ________ my experience with them. I’m happy to work here and make change for the better every day.

A.set upB.work withC.turn toD.care about
2024-04-17更新 | 93次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期4月份联合考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When colds and flu hit, many people automatically turn to over-the-counter (OTC) medicines to push through and treat their symptoms. Although these medicines are easily accessible and widely used, it might come as a surprise to many people to learn that they are not risk-free. A study estimated that every year, 26,735 people went to the emergency room for adverse (不利的) events related to OTC cold and cough medicines.

When two or more drugs are used together, their interactions can sometimes produce unexpected harmful effects. Physicians are typically knowledgeable about potential drug interactions, so it is very important for patients to ask their healthcare providers which OTC medicines are safe for them to use.

It is important to read the package ingredients of OTC medicines closely to avoid duplication of doses (剂量重复). Cold medicines are typically made up of multiple ingredients. A person who takes a single-ingredient medicine paired with one of these multi-ingredient medicines can receive an unsafe dose of that ingredient.

While everyone could potentially experience adverse effects from cold and flu medicines, some groups — including older adults, children and pregnant women — may be at greater risk. Older people who are using prescribed drugs to treat multiple health conditions may have a higher risk of drug interactions because of the higher number of medicines being used at the same time to treat different conditions. The aging body is not as expert at absorbing, distributing and clearing medicines as younger bodies are. This can put older adults at higher risk for an overdose and drug-to-drug interactions with some medicines.

The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do not recommend giving cold medicines to children under age 4. Because of a variety of factors, young children have a higher risk of an accidental overdose and adverse events that could lead to death.

1. What does the author advise patients to do in Paragraph 2?
A.To ask for suggestions from doctors.B.To buy medicines from hospitals.
C.To read the package ingredients of drugs.D.To take drugs as early as possible.
2. What’s the purpose of mentioning cold medicines in Paragraph 3?
A.To provide a medical choice for people who catch a cold.
B.To show cold medicines are more likely to cause bad effects.
C.To explain OTC medicines often have more than one ingredient.
D.To stress the importance of learning about medicines’ ingredients.
3. What can we infer about older people in Paragraph 4?
A.They can’t cope with aging positively.B.Their body can’t handle medicines easily.
C.They are more easily affected by diseases.D.Their desire for health makes them unwise.
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Say No to OTC DrugsB.Tips on Taking OTC Drugs
C.OTC Medicines May Not Be SafeD.How to Deal with an OTC Drug Overdose
2024-04-05更新 | 95次组卷 | 2卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市重点高中联合体2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . When I turned 12, I started hiding how I looked with jackets and oversized T-shirts for fear of comments about my body. I wouldn’t talk about things I loved because I was afraid that people would think I was odd for liking them or that I was talking too much.

At the age of 14, I’d had what I now know were panic attacks over grades in the middle of the hallways in school, or in loud, crowded queues in theme parks. This led to some long talks with my parents and failed meetings with my school advisors, And I eventually decided it was time for me to try mental therapy (治疗).

I still remember going to my first therapy session,almost four years ago. Before I went to it, I feared it’d be scary, but I was wrong. The first few sessions were just used for the two of us to get to know each other. The following few sessions were used for me to figure out why I was there. I tested fairly high on the anxiety scale.and ever since then I’ve kept going there. Two years later, I started going there every two weeks rather than every week. My anxiety levels have gone up and down because of exams, issues with friends and just plain old bad days. For now though,they seem to remain stable for the most part.

To this day, I still think that going to therapy was one of the best decisions I’ve made so far in life. From the first session that I attended to the last one I went to, I’ve learned so many life skills and coping strategies that I use at least once a week.

I’ve always said to my friends and family that they should try therapy if it’s necessary. For people suffering panic attacks, going to therapy means talking to someone who you know won’t judge you about anything, who won’t tell anyone about what you say or how you feel, and who helps you understand yourself and your life.

1. What was the author’s problem when she was 12?
A.She had a poor relationship with classmates.
B.She had a strange dressing style.
C.She would run into anxiety easily.
D.She iost interest in studying.
2. What’s the probable result of the author’s talking to her parents and school advisors?
A.They helped find the cause of her panic attacks.
B.They failed to help her get out of her trouble.
C.They strongly advised her to see a doctor.
D.They lost patience with her.
3. What can we know about the author’s therapy according to Paragragh 3?
A.It had negative side effects on the author.
B.It was effective in helping keep his anxiety scales steady.
C.It strengthened the author’s confidence quickly.
D.It offered solutions to problems of school and friendship.
4. Why does the author most probably share her experience in the text?
A. To teach us to better,understand ourselves.
B.To give tips on ways to overcome anxiety.
C.To explain the working process of mental therapy.
D.To encourage readers to accept therapy if necessary.
2024-03-17更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省七校协作体2023-2024学年高二下学期开学英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is wrong with the man?
A.His eyes hurt.
B.He has a terrible backache.
C.He is sensitive to bright light.
2. What did the man do last night?
A.He played computer games.B.He watched a TV show.C.He finished a project.
3. Who could the woman probably be?
A.A receptionist.B.A doctor.C.A patient.
2024-08-13更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年辽宁省部分重点高中协作体高三模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . A man with advanced Parkinson’s disease (帕金森氏症) is now able to walk almost normally again thanks to electrodes implanted (电极植入) in his spinal cord (脊椎), researchers said on Monday. The medical first was achieved by Swiss researchers who had previously pioneered similar breakthroughs to help disabled people walk again.

“This could be a game-changing technology to help bring back movement in people with advanced Parkinson’s,” said David Dexter, research director at Parkinson’s UK.

Marc Gauthier, the 62-year-old patient who lives in France, has suffered from the brain disorder for about 30 years. Like more than 90 percent of people with advanced Parkinson’s, Mar c has had great difficulty walking. What are known as “freezing” experiences — during which patients are unable to move for a limited time, putting them at risk of falling — are particularly awful, Marc told AFP.

Much remains unknown about Parkinson’s disease, making treatment difficult. But the disease can seriously affect the lives of patients, sometimes keeping them to bed or a wheelchair. So when the opportunity came to go through an operation in Switzerland, Marc gladly accepted the chance.

“Now I can do whatever I want,” Marc says. “I can go for a walk and go out shopping by myself.” He adds that he can now walk much more easily — he is even planning a trip to Brazil — but it still requires concentration, particularly when climbing upstairs.

The Swiss team, led by surgeon Jocelyne Bloch and neuroscientist Gregoire Courtine , implanted a complex system of electrodes called a “neuroprosthesis (神经假体)” at important points along Marc’s spinal cord. The neuroprosthesis was first tested on animals, and then implanted in Marc, who has used it for roughly eight hours a day over nearly two years.

The Swiss team has expanded their experiment to a group of six Parkinson’s patients, aiming to know how it could help others, given the disease affects people in different ways. However, treatment using the implant could be quite expensive, potentially limiting how many patients would have access.

1. What is David Dexter’s attitude to the Swiss breakthrough?
2. What can Marc do after the surgery?
A.Volunteer as a tour guide in Brazil.B.Run to his heart’s content.
C.Go to the supermarket alone.D.Make a phone call while climbing the stairs.
3. What do we know about the surgery?
A.It was first tested on Marc Gauthier.B.It is hardly affordable for ordinary people.
C.It has been performed on many patients.D.It was done by researchers in the UK.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A Spinal Implant Allows a Parkinson’s Patient to Walk Again
B.Parkinson’s Patients Have to Deal With Difficulties in Life
C.Swiss Experts Have Created a Drug to Treat Parkinson’s
D.New Technology Prevents People From Developing Parkinson’s
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Medical artificial intelligence (AI) can perform with expert-level accuracy and deliver cost-effective care. IBM’s Watson diagnoses (诊断) heart disease better than cardiologists (心脏病专家) do. Chatbots give better medical advice to patients in place of nurses. Some forecast that medical AI will enter 90% of hospitals and replace as much as 80% of what doctors currently do. Yet, as our recent research suggests, patients show a strong resistance to medical AI.

The reason, we found, is not the belief that AI provides lower care. Nor is it that patients think that AI is more costly or less informative. Rather, resistance to medical AI seems to come from a belief that AI does not take into account one’s specific circumstances. People view themselves as unique. By contrast, they think medical care delivered by AI providers is suited to treat an average patient but unsuitable to account for the unique circumstances that apply to an individual. No wonder that medical AI providers are given a cold welcome.

There are a number of steps that care providers can take to overcome patients’ resistance to medical AI. For example, if an AI provider is capable of tailoring its recommendation for whether to have a surgery to each patient’s unique characteristics and medical history, patients would be likely to follow the treatment recommendations of the AI provider. In addition, health care providers could also deliver individualized health care by explaining how the algorithms (算法) work and sharing patients’ reviews with the media. Having a physician confirm the recommendation of an AI provider should make people more willing to accept AI-based care. People are comfortable using medical AI if a physician remains in charge of the ultimate decision.

AI-based health care technologies are being developed and employed at an impressive rate, providing better medical services for the patients. But harnessing the full potential of them will require that we first overcome patients’ doubt of having an algorithm, rather than a person making decisions about their care.

1. What made people resist the medical AI?
A.A sufferer’s temper ignored by medical AI.
B.People’s lasting trust in a human doctor’s ability.
C.The concern about its personalization in treatment.
D.The accuracy of the information from medical AI.
2. What can be a solution to patients’ resistance according to the author?
A.Treating sufferers as average patients.
B.Providing a more specific treatment.
C.Getting the algorithms prioritized in time.
D.Keeping away from the influence of a physician.
3. Which word can replace the underlined word “harnessing” in the last paragraph?
4. What is the suitable title for the text?
A.Advantages of Medical AI
B.Potential Application of AI
C.How AI Replaces Nurses in Healthcare
D.The Challenge That Medical AI Faces
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8 . Personalized medicine changes conventional medicine which typically offers blanket recommendations and offers treatments designed to help more people than they bam but that might not work for you. The approach recognizes that we each possess unique characteristics, and they have an out size impact on our health.

Around the world, researchers are creating precision tools unimaginable just a decade ago: superfast DNA sequencing(排序); tissue engineering, cell reprogramming, gene editing, and more. The science and technology soon will make it possible to predict your risk of cancer, heart disease, and countless other illnesses years before you get sick. The work also offers prospects for changing genes in removing some diseases.

Last spring, researchers at the National Cancer Institute reported the dramatic recovery of a woman with breast cancer, Judy Perkins. The team, led by Steven Rosenberg, an immune(免疫的) treatment pioneer, had sequenced her cancer cells’ DNA to analyze the sudden change. The team also removed a sampling of immune cells and tested them to see which ones recognized her cancer cells' genetic faults. The scientists reproduced the winning immune cells by the billions and put them into Perkins to attack her cancer cells. More than two y cars later. Perkins, a retired engineer from Florida, shows no signs of cancer.

Thirty years ago, scientists thought that it would be impossible to understand our genetic rules and sequence the 3.2 billion pairs of different elements in our DNA. “It was like you were talking fairytales,” Kurzrock said. “The conventional wisdom was that it would never happen. Never And then in 2003, never was over.”

It took the Human Gene Project 13 years, roughly one billion dollars, and scientists from six countries to sequence one gene complex. Today sequencing costs about a thousand dollars. The latest machines can produce the results in a day. The technology, combined with advanced cell analysis, clarifies the astonishing biochemical variations that make every human body unique.

1. What can we know about personalized medicine?
A.It has emerged a decade before.
B.It offers blanket recommendations.
C.It uses genetic information to help patients.
D.It administers treatment intended for most people.
2. Which best describes those precision tools?
A.Promising.B.Highly risky.C.Fruitless.D.Strictly confidential.
3. What happened in the process of treating Judy Perkins' breast cancer?
A.Sequencing her immune cells.
B.Reprogramming her cancer cells
C.Analysis of her life style changes.
D.Identification of cancer-fighting cells.
4. What's the last paragraph mainly talking about concerning sequencing?
A.Its wide applications.B.Its recent advances.
C.Its major disadvantages.D.Its attractive prospects.
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . What is the man‘s problem?
A.He needs a ride.B.He wants a new job.C.He doesn’t have insurance now.
2024-08-02更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届辽宁省高考联合模拟考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

For thousands of years, an ancient Chinese medical practice, acupuncture(针灸),     1     (be) the treatment for countless patients. Before modern medicine came to life, ancient Chinese had used stone tools     2     (reduce) pain. Over time, this practice has developed into a comprehensive and profound medical system.

Acupuncture,     3     is aimed to promote the body’s self-regulating functions, is an efficient treatment. The principles are in line with many philosophical     4     (concept) of traditional Chinese medicine, which emphasizes the balance of bodily functions and overall well-being. Practices can vary in forms, including needle insertion, cupping and scraping (刮痧). Needle insertion,     5     most common method ever practiced, is carried out by inserting hair-thin needles into specific point s on the body to unblock the flow     6     energy and stimulate the body’s potential to heal     7     (it).

    8     (current), acupuncture sees many advancements in scientific research and modern medicine. It is now a mainstream alternative treatment specifically     9     (design) for use in all sorts of diseases. According to a WHO report, acupuncture is wildly applied all over the world. As an ancient Chinese medical practice with a rich and     10     (significance) history, acupuncture is a vivid show of profound cultural heritage.

2024-01-06更新 | 72次组卷 | 2卷引用:辽宁省朝阳市部分学校2023-2024学年高三12月考试英语试题
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