组卷网 > 知识点选题 > 描绘天气
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| 共计 4 道试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How does the woman feel about autumn?
A.Weekdays are filled with promises.
B.The weather is very hot.
C.Time goes by quickly
2. What are the speakers doing?
A.Sharing childhood memories.
B.Talking about their feelings about time.
C.Making plans for car journeys at weekends.
2024-03-24更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市七校联盟2023-2024学年高三下学期第一次月考英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What will happen on Wednesday?
A.There will be“blood rain”.
B.There will be shooting stars.
C.There will be bright sunshine.
2. What level of thunderstorm warning has been reported?
3. What will the temperature reach in the southwest of the country on Thursday?
4. What will the weather be like on Friday night?
2023-10-29更新 | 111次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024学年高三上学期高考适应性月考(三)英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What is the speaker’s favorite season?
2. What does the speaker say about winter?
A.It is cool and mild.
B.It causes inconvenience.
C.It is a hot topic for people.
3. Where does the speaker probably live?
A.In the countryside.
B.Close to downtown.
C.In the warm south.
2022-10-29更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市江津中学2022-2023学年高二上学期10月阶段性考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Spring break is here! Tommy's mom and dad will also be on vacation from work next week. They want to plan all kinds of fun things to do, like biking, fishing, swimming and playing tennis. They are hoping for some warm, enjoyable weather. However, they cannot decide which activity to do on each day. So, they need to check the weather forecast in the newspaper before making final plans.

The Five-Day Forecast

Monday: sunny all day-high 28°C

Tuesday: partly cloudy with an 80% chance of afternoon storms-high 27°C

Wednesday: heavy rain in the morning, then cloudy in the afternoon-high 21℃

Thursday: partly sunny, clouds in the afternoon-high 18°C

Friday: partly cloudy with strong winds all day high 16°C

1. Why do Tommy's parents need to check the weather forecast for the vacation?
A.Because they are going to some place far away.
B.Because they want to read in warm weather.
C.Because they are preparing clothes for Tommy.
D.Because they want to decide what to do for each day.
2. According to the forecast, which day has the highest temperature?
3. If the family want to go biking all day, which of the following day might they choose?
4. What would the weather be like on Tuesday and Wednesday?
A.Cloudy sometimes.B.Windy sometimes.C.Rainy all day.D.Sunny all day.
5. On which days should the family wear sunglasses?
A.Monday and Thursday.B.Thursday and Friday.
C.Wednesday and Friday.D.Monday and Wednesday.
2021-12-31更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市潼南实验中学校等九校2021-2022学年高三12月联考英语试题
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