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1 .

Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier has been in the spotlight in recent years, as scientists have undertaken a multi-part international project to study the vast glacier from all angles. The urgency comes from observations and analyses showing that the amount of ice flowing from Thwaites — and contributing to sea level rise — has doubled in the past three decades. Scientists think the glacier could witness even more dramatic changes in the near future.

This image pair demonstrates the changes that have occurred since the start of this century. The first image shows the glacier's floating ice tongue on December 2,2001. The second image shows the glacier on December 28, 2019. Both images show the glacier where it exits the land in West Antarctica and stretches over the Amundsen Sea as thick floating ice. Ice that originates on land can raise sea level if it is delivered to the ocean at a faster rate than it is being replaced inland by snowfall. The flow speed of Thwaites has been increasing, while inland snowfall has not changed significantly.

In the past ten years, the tongue has continued to break and separate from the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf. By the time the 2019 image was acquired, the main tongue had declined greatly, and the ocean in front of Thwaites had become filled with floating ice.

Thwaites pours about 50 billion tons of ice into the ocean each year. That amount is nothing to sneeze at. But for the time being, it's “still a relatively small amount of sea-level rise,” said Ted Scambos, a scientist at the University of Colorado. “What the satellites are showing us is a glacier coming apart," said Ted Scambos.” Every few years a new area seems to be letting go and speeding. Like taffy being stretched out, this glacier is being drawn into the ocean.”

1. What makes Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier a focus of attention?
A.Scientists' effort to protect itB.The rising sea level.
C.Change in floating ice quantity.D.The charm of its vast body.
2. What does paragraph 2 function as?
A.An example.B.An explanation.C.A conclusion.D.A summary.
3. How does Ted feel about the future of the glacier?
4. In which section of a website can this text be found?
A.Energy Frontier.B.Earth Observatory.
C.Climate Action.D.Space Exploration.
2022-01-20更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省潍坊市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末统考英语试题
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真题 名校

2 . Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment.

Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses (球场) in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.

There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don’t need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don’t have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control.

Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be “green gyms”. They are better replacements for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all, it’s free.

1. Which of the following is the author most probably in favor of?
A.Cycling around a lake.
B.Motor racing in the desert.
C.Playing basketball in a gym.
D.Swimming in a sports center.
2. What do we know about golf from the passage?
A.It is popular in Portugal and Spain.
B.It causes water shortages around the world.
C.It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes.
D.It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green.
3. The author uses power walking as an example mainly because _________.
A.it is an outdoor sport
B.it improves our health
C.it uses fewer resources
D.it is recommended by experts
4. The author writes the passage to _________.
A.show us the function of major sports
B.encourage us to go in for green sports
C.discuss the major influence of popular sports
D.introduce different types of environment-friendly sports
2019-01-30更新 | 1524次组卷 | 40卷引用:2015届山东潍坊市高三下学期四县联考模拟训练英语试卷

3 . The twilight zone (朦胧地带) contains the largest and least explored fish stocks (储备) of the world’s oceans. Ranging from just below 200 metres to 1,000 metres deep, it is an interface between the well-studied sea life in the sunlit zone above and the ecosystems of the darkest territory below. It has a major role in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it for centuries or longer. The twilight zone is also known to the largest migration on Earth. Huge numbers of fishes and zooplankton (浮游动物) move hundreds of metres towards the surface each night to feed, before withdrawing back down at dawn.

Yet the zone is poorly understood — physically,     biogeochemically and ecologically. Even the number of organisms that live there remains a mystery, let alone their diversity and function.

It is alarming, then, that this vast ocean domain is at risk in three ways-even before any of the potential consequences are understood. First, the world’s growing population has an increasing need for food. Second, sea-floor mining for minerals and metals could release waste into the region. And   third, climate change is varying temperature, acidification and oxygen levels in ways that are likely to affect life there.

The twilight zone is hard Io study. Its organisms are difficult to sample and analyse, being thinly distributed, almost invisible and often fragile. They also live at pressures of up to 100 atmospheres, which poses problems for laboratory-based investigations.

Critics might argue that walers near coasts and above shelves are more deserving of study, given the huge environmental pressures there, as well as their importance to societies. And, of course, they need attention. Sadly, however, it is too late to avoid widespread environmental damage to these inshore regions. Instead, research efforts and local policies must aim at minimizing the worst effects.

By contrast, the twilight zone is almost left in its original condition. Moreover, the majority of it lies beyond national administration. This makes it of common interest and responsibility, and means that global agreement is necessary to manage it.

1. What can we learn about the twilight zone?
A.It has the least fish stocks.
B.It reduces atmosphere’s carbon dioxide.
C.It lies at the bottom of sea.
D.Il is located above the sunlit zone.
2. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
A.Where global warming leads us.
B.Why high food consumption arises.
C.How the twilight zone is threatened.
D.What impacts pollution has on ocean.
3. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.The twilight zone.B.The inshore area.
C.Its original condition.D.National administration.
4. Which statement does the author agree with?
A.International cooperation is essential.
B.Inshore regions deserve more attention.
C.Global agreement has been reached.
D.Study on the twilight zone is out of the question.
2021-01-24更新 | 353次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省潍坊市2021届高三上学期期末英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了34岁的Brianne Miller 在发现大量的塑料垃圾散落在水中,对海洋生物造成危害。她决定做一些事来保护环境。

4 . In the 2010s, 34-year-old Brianne Miller travelled around the world and made a surprising discovery: large amounts of plastic littering the water and doing harm to sea life. Miller knew she needed to do something.

Canadians throw out three million tons of plastic waste each year. Groups like A Greener Future, which organize litter clean-ups across Canada, think that 33% of what they pick up comes from food packaging. About one third of food produced worldwide goes to waste too, according to a UN study. Miller decided to solve the problem at the source, imagining a shop where both wasteful packaging and the bad habit of wasting food no longer existed.

In June 2018, she opened her first zero-waste store in Canada. She named it Nada. Customers can bring their own containers (容器), though it’s not necessary: by the front door are quarrels don’t go that far. These days, especially in cities, many people live in buildings. Our neighbours are all around us — so what problems can come from that?

The first obvious cause of arguement is noise pollution. Loud noise through the walls, construction (施工), or people arguing next door can disturb the silence of your living space. Asking someone directly to turn the music down can cause you to feel anxious. However, if you get someone like a building manager to speak to your neighbour, it can make things more awkward because you didn’t speak to your neighbour directly.

And then what about smells? If your neighbour likes eating food with pungent (刺激的) smells, and the smells flow through your window, what can you do? There are some other common problems, such as water running through the wall, pets making noise, and littering from the window above you. These can bring anger over time.

It’s not easy living next door to someone, especially if they’re noisy. But having a clear and honest conversation might help. Also, try thinking if what you are doing could make your neighbours angry. If it’s something that would make you feel bad,maybe think again.

1. Why does the author mention the figures in paragraph 2?
A.To present a fact.
B.To provide an example.
C.To explain a topic.
D.To make a comparison.
2. What are you advised to do if a neighbor makes too much noise?
A.Turn to the police.
B.Talk to the neighbor directly.
C.Quarrel with the neighbor.
D.Ask the building manager for help.
3. What can we infer about a neighbor’s pungent food smells?
A.They provide you pleasure.
B.They open your imagination.
C.They’re your neighbor’s favorites.
D.They make you uncomfortable.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.How to make a neighbor happy.
B.How to deal with a noisy neighbour.
C.How to communicate with a neighbour.
D.How to get along well with a neighbour.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Thanks to its harsh environment, Antarctica remained largely untouched by humans for many millennia (千年), allowing a thriving ecosystem to evolve. However, since the 1990s, the last true wilderness on the planet is becoming an increasingly popular destination for adventure-seeking tourists. Now, a new study declares that the visitors may be leaving behind harmful bacteria which could devastate all of the area’s native bird population.

Humans can infect animals with illnesses such as the flu. Researchers, however, believed that the Antarctic animals were immune to the danger due to the continent’s extreme weather. However, microbiologist Marta Cerda-Cuellar was not convinced. She and some colleagues decided to examine waste samples from Antarctic birds for evidence of human bacteria. To ensure the waste was not polluted, the scientists had to collect it from the birds themselves.

The results of their study revealed the presence of several types of human bacteria in the bird waste. This included a common strain (品种) of bacteria that causes food poisoning in humans. The researchers say the bacteria strains were resistant to commonly-used human antibiotics, indicating they were brought in by the visitors, rather than migratory birds.

“These strains, which are a common cause for infections in humans and livestock, do not usually cause death outbreaks in wild animals,” says Gonzalez Solis. “However, the emerging of invasive pathogens (病原体) that arrive to highly sensitive populations could have severe consequences and cause the local collapse and extinction of some populations.” The researcher also fears the presence of these bugs could foreshadow (预示) the arrival of other, more deadly, pathogens as the number of tourists people increases.

Experts believe the only way to prevent the mass destruction of the birds is to impose stricter regulations or, at least, put the ones already in place into effect. For example, while the Antarctica Treaty requires visitors to carry their waste back home to safeguard the pristine (原始纯净的) environment, the regulation is rarely enforced. Fortunately, nowadays some officials are taking steps to save the vulnerable birds before it’s too late.

1. What problem is Antarctica facing according to Paragraphs 1&2?
A.The increasing number of birds.B.The worsening wilderness.
C.The replaced native bird species.D.The spread of infectious illnesses.
2. What does the underlined word “devastate” mean?
3. What do we know about the waste samples from Antarctic birds the scientist collected?
A.There were several types of human bacteria in them.
B.Migratory birds brought these strains of bacteria in.
C.The strains usually cause death outbreaks in wild animals.
D.The invasive pathogens will become more deadly ones soon.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the future of bird population in Antarctica?
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . When we think of bicycles, we think of fun and the outdoors. Bicycles give riders the freedom to explore and enjoy the environment and its surroundings.     1    

Most people know that riding bicycles is environmentally friendly.     2     If you are riding a bike, you are helping to reduce air and noise pollution.

Bikes are becoming more and more popular across the world. In fact, they are becoming more than just a fun pastime (娱乐).     3     For many people around the world, access to markets and schools would not be accessible without a bike.

    4     Some cities, such as Paris and Barcelona, have not only built bicycle lanes but also have introduced a system of renting bikes. You can rent, or use a bicycle in one area of the city and drop it off in another area of the city. Paris now has thousands of bikes for public use, with bicycle stations located throughout the city.

Some South American cities, such as Bogota in Colombia, have a weekly car-free day.     5     On these days, the traffic-related air pollution from old buses and trucks is greatly reduced.

It seems that the bike is a force for good, providing solutions for cleaner cities without leaving a serious environmental footprint.

A.Riding bicycles is a healthy, cheap activity and good exercise.
B.Cities are taking this love and demand for bicycles seriously.
C.People are encouraged to buy bicycles to go to and from work.
D.Daily use of a bicycle has very low effect on the environment.
E.It is cheap and convenient to travel around the world on bicycles.
F.They are also used as a daily transport to work, school or shopping.
G.More than 2 million people bicycle, skate, or jog along the closed roads.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Hotels in Shanghai are requested to stop offering disposable toiletries(一次性洗漱用品) unless customers ask, in order to make efforts to reduce waste and pursue(追求) green development.     1    . The move is stated in a set of regulations on garbage sorting and recycling that went into effect in Shanghai.

Under the new regulations, most household plastic wastes should be sorted and recycled. The city also encourages individuals and companies to reduce their use of disposable plastic products. Kunlun Jing An hotel is one of those that answered the government call that “not offering disposable toiletries unless asked”.     2    “Shanghai is taking a lead in the country to fight against plastic waste,’’ said Gerd Knaust, general manager of Kunlun Jing An hotel. “Hotels should make contributions to sorting and recycling garbage.    3    ’’

    4       “It is a good thing to reduce waste in daily life,” said Zhang Wei, 40, from east China’ s Shandong Province who checked in the hotel for a business trip. He brought a reusable toothbrush after being informed by the hotel in advance.

At least 6.5 million sets of disposable toiletries are said to be used every day if the occupancy rate(入住率)is 50 percent for the 13 to 15 million hotel rooms across China, said Du Liangliang of the Hotel Business Unit of Ctrip, China’s leading online travel agency. “     5    ,” Du said.

A.The hotel said the new measure will help reduce plastic waste
B.Guests are encouraged to use recyclable toiletries during their stay
C.If hotels stop offering disposable toiletries, it will be great progress
D.It is one of the steps that the government takes to protect our environment
E.Also, we should encourage customers worldwide to lead an eco-friendly life
F.The hotel has informed people of the change through online and offline means
G.Plastic products harm our environment so greatly that we shall reduce their use

8 . A student-led push to get solar panels installed at a middle school in Tacoma is receiving national recognition from a clean energy nonprofit organization called Generation 180. The girls involved are advocating and fundraising for the project.

Sammy Firkins, Gwen Newport and Annie Son will talk about their idea to generate solar electricity at Jason Lee Middle School in a panel discussion organized by Generation 180. In 2019, the three of them teamed up with their science teacher, Kathy Hall, to push for solar panels to be installed. Hall, who uses solar power at her own house, said it’s long been a dream of hers. The school would be the first in the Tacoma district to use solar energy.

The girls presented their idea to Gov. Jay Inslee’s STEM Education Innovation Alliance meeting in early 2019 and received enthusiastic support. They then spoke to the Tacoma school board and obtained buy-in from the district, though they were told the district did not have the roughly $ 200,000 for the 277 solar panels and that they would have to fundraise. They’ve since raised more than half that amount through grants and individual donations.

Gwen Newport said she’s always cared a lot about environmental issues and that she’s troubled that climate change does not get the attention it deserves. “At this point, I feel like it’s kind of been given to my generation almost as our responsibility now and so being able to be a part of this project and take action is really important to me,” she said.

The solar panels have not been installed at the school yet. But Hall said she estimates that the project will reduce the school’s power costs by about $ 14,000 a year, and that it also will serve an educational purpose. “We will have live data always streaming available so that people can see how the panels are working and how they relate to the amount of electricity we’re using, and it will be an incredible learning tool,” she said.

1. What is Generation 180?
A.It is the name of the girls’ team.
B.It is a project to use solar power.
C.It is a nonprofit environmental group.
D.It is a student-led push to install solar panels.
2. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The girls raised enough money for the project.
B.The Tacoma school board rejected the project.
C.The girls made great efforts to fulfill the project.
D.The district covered the expenses of solar panels.
3. How does Gwen Newport feel about climate change?
4. What is the main purpose of the project?
A.To advocate for donations.
B.To serve as a learning tool.
C.To protect the environment.
D.To cut down the school’s expenses.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . All of us spend a large part of our lives at home — eating, sleeping, relaxing and communicating with our family members. Our home is a shelter for us, away from the noisy, busy, and polluted world outside — a place where we can let down our hair and dress casually. Eco­friendliness (环保) is a hot word today and we all know we should make our environment as eco­friendly as possible. This is not only good for our health, but also good for the outward environment. Here are some easy and helpful tips to make your home eco­friendly.


Plan the kitchen to be bright and airy so that you don't have to turn on the lights at daytime. Don't make wasteful use of the gas. Keep all ingredients for cooking ready before lighting the gas. Turn it to low when not required — always using it on "high" burns a lot of gas.

Indoor plants

Plants are extremely eco­friendly and can be used to make your home look lively. Apart from adding life to home, they give out O2, thus making the air inside fresh. You can keep plants in your home, but be sure to show them some sunlight regularly. Also, if they are kept outside, clean their leaves with a wet cloth, as dust may be added to them. A home decorated with plants looks attractive. Plants are a natural home decorating gift that shows concern about the environment. A green plant is a wonderful gift which will protect the earth and is sure to be appreciated.

Saving water

Most of the time, we take water for granted — we keep water running while brushing our teeth or washing clothes. Needless to say, this is a huge waste of natural resources. Try to recycle water. For example, the water used for washing vegetables can be used for watering plants; the soapy water used for washing clothes can be used to clean the bathroom and kitchen.

1. Why is the importance of our home discussed in Paragraph 1?
A.To advise us to communicate more with our family members.
B.To show the outside world is noisy and polluted.
C.To advise us to spend more time staying at home.
D.To show it's necessary to make our home eco­friendly.
2. What is advised to be done in the kitchen?
A.To open the window.B.To save energy.
C.To prepare simple meals.D.To turn down lights.
3. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.We don't use water frequently.
B.We try our best not to waste water.
C.We don't realize the importance of water.
D.We make full use of water.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . As anyone in mainland Britain who has ever attempted to grow berries or nuts or indeed feed the birds – will know, doing so is equal to an opening move in a game of chess with local grey squirrels, a game the squirrels tend to win. Grey squirrels are also fond of the occasional bird’s egg or the young bird, and enjoy tearing and eating the bark of young broad leaf trees, which can either kill the trees or leave them open to infection. This, apart from affecting biodiversity and landscape, harms the wood industry. The loss is not insignificant: £37 a year in England and walks.

Grey squirrels, introduced from North America in 1876, have almost replaced native red squirrels by competing them for food and habitat. They are larger and stronger, and resistant to squirrel pox virus, while reds are not. About 3 million grey squirrels now live in the UK; the International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the grey squirrel among the top 100 most harmful invasive (入侵的) species in the world.

In Britain, much effort and inventiveness has been made in stopping grey squirrel progress, from trapping and shooting them, to releasing pine mar tens into their habitats. The latest move, a workable system for which was thought to be a decade away, is forbidding the breeding (繁殖) of grey squirrels. However, legal challenge brought so many delays that the invasive grey squirrel population expanded to an unmanageable level and wiping out were abandoned. The main issue in Britain was thought to be more technological than legal designing a drug that targets only grey squirrels to prevent their breeding. Another possibility in the years ahead is to use DNA editing to ensure grey female are born unable to give birth.

Grey squirrels have now been here for nearly 150 years. They do actively threaten another species in Britain. There is a strong argument that ecosystems change. In fact, that is their essential nature, and it is unrealistic to stop it. The attraction of controlling the breeding methods of grey squirrels is that they are less inhumane, and aim for balance rather than uprooting.

1. What does the author focus on in paragraph 1?
A.The harm from grey squirrels.
B.The eating habits of grey squirrels.
C.The effect of grey squirrels on industry.
D.The game between the British and grey squirrels.
2. What led to the victory of grey squirrels over reds?
A.Their huge number.B.Their unique origins.
C.Their breeding ability.D.Their physical qualities.
3. What is the main difficulty in removing grey squirrels in Britain?
A.Less labour.B.Shortage of money.
C.Imperfect law.D.Lack of technology.
4. What is the author’s attitude to forbidding the breeding of grey squirrels?
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