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1 . At some point, something will have to be done about the stuffed toys (毛绒玩具). I haven’t counted them because, truthfully, I’m not prepared to know how many there are. Lately, our neighborhood’s message boards are filled with posts about parents trying to make space, to clear out the things their kids no longer need. The tone of some of these posts can best be described as “emergency”. “Help!” they sometimes begin. “I have to get this out of my house.”

“The proliferation (激增) of children’s toys is the outcome of a long, gradual cultural change,”says Gary Cross, a professor at Pennsylvania State University. To understand how we got here — drowning (淹没于) in all those stuffed toys and bricks — it helps to look as far back as the late 19th century. “Parents were no longer passing their jobs on to the children,” Cross says. “Instead, they connect across generations through the gifting process. From the early 20th century on, goods became the things that define relationships between family members, and the way of marking success as a family.”

Then, how can parents deal with the proliferation of children’s toys at home? Naeemah Ford Goldson, a professional organizer, is also a mom of two. In her own home, Goldson likes to include her kids in the work of sorting out their toys. They know that the items they don’t need anymore will be given to people who can use them, to families who might not be as fortunate as theirs. “Doing so helps them build those habits of letting go,” she says, “so then they don’t become adults who are too dependent on material things instead of experiences, or people, and the memories we make with people.”

Her idea made sense. She told her 5-year-old they should pick some to give to kids in their community who came from another country and had to leave their toys behind. She immediately took a pink bear from the pile.

1. Why does the author present the posts in paragraph 1?
A.To show the popularity of children’s toys.
B.To offer suggestions about choosing children’s toys.
C.To praise the role of social media in buying children’s toys.
D.To introduce the influence too many children’s toys bring about.
2. What has caused the huge increase of children’s toys according to Cross?
A.Children’s demands.B.The growth of technology.
C.The traditions in the 18th century.D.The practice of gifting among family members.
3. What does Goldson do to avoid too many toys?
A.Involve her kids in organizing toys.B.Put away toys for her kids.
C.Buy her kids fewer toys.D.Sell unwanted toys to neighbors.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.The Rise of Toy Stores in NeighborhoodsB.The Importance of Choosing Proper Gifts
C.The Challenge of Managing Children’s ToysD.The Joy of Collecting Children’s Toys
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2 . The UK is experiencing a boom in book clubs, according to new data from event listing companies. Book club listings on the ticketing site Eventbrite increased by 350% between 2019 and 2023. Between 2022 and 2023 alone, book club listings on the site rose by 41%. Another event listing site, Meetup, reported a 14% increase in the number of RSVPs to book clubs between January 2023 and January 2024, compared with a 4% increase in RSVPs for all UK-based events.

Victoria Okafor, who co-runs the book club Between2Books, said the heightened interest in reading may be partly the result of a general “shift in hobbies”, as GenZ (the generation around 00s) turned to other ways to spend their free time. Besides, during the global health crisis period, many people were forced to slow down and pick up or reignite hobbies, and online book clubs provided a platform to connect with others.

Social media may be helping with the visibility of book clubs, too, said Okafor. “People may come across your page accidentally, but from there people have the knowledge to attend should they wish. I think this makes a big difference compared to just hearing things from word of mouth.”

Many of the book clubs listed on Eventbrite carry specific themes — Sheffield Feminist Book Club, Bring Your Baby Book Club, and Modern Chinese Literature Online Book Club.

Okafor’s club, Between2Books, focuses on books by writers traditionally excluded (排除) from the classics. She thought she began seeking out such stories “embarrassingly late”. “Reading authors of color brought back a joy to my reading that came from not only seeing elements of myself and culture reflected in novels but also reading stories that could be funny or empowering as opposed to the accounts of struggle that can often surround stories of people of color,” she said. “The variety of books makes reading and discussion so rich and I think that’s what attenders are drawn to.”

1. How is paragraph 1 mainly developed?
A.By giving examples.B.By listing figures.
C.By analyzing causes.D.By presenting theories.
2. What does the underlined word “reignite” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. Which is one of the reasons for the boom of book clubs?
A.The influence of social media.B.The recommendation of old generations.
C.GenZ having a stronger thirst for knowledge.D.Some people shifting the focus of their lives.
4. What attracts people to join Okafor’s club according to the last paragraph?
A.The diversity of books.B.The reputation of writers.
C.The humor of the works.D.The suggestion of the organizer.
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3 . In January, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook’s parent company Meta, appeared at a hearing to answer questions about how social media potentially harms children. Zuckerberg opened by saying: “The existing body of scientific work has not shown a causal link (关联) between using social media and young people having worse mental health.”

But many social scientists would disagree with that statement. In recent years, studies have started to show a causal link between teen social media use and reduced well-being. One of the most cited studies into this link focused on Facebook.

Researchers tried to discover whether the platform’s introduction across college campuses in the mid-2000s increased symptoms (症状) related to mental health problems. The answer was a clear yes, says Alexey Makarin, a coauthor of the study. “There is still a lot to be explored,” Makarin says, “but to say there is no causal evidence that social media causes mental health issues, and I definitely object to that.”

The concern and the studies come from data showing that social media use in teens aged 13 to 17 is now very common. Two-thirds of teens report using TikTok, and some 60 percent of teens report using Instagram or Snapchat, a 2022 survey found. Another survey showed that girls, on average, spend around 3. 4 hours per day on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, compared with about 2.1 hours among boys. At the same time, more teens are showing signs of depression than ever, especially girls.

As more studies show a strong link between these phenomena, researchers are starting to move their attention to possible solutions. Why does social media use seem to bring about mental health problems? Why do those effects unevenly exist among different groups, such as girls or young adults? And can the good points of social media be teased out (梳理) from the bad points to provide more targeted guidance to teens, their caregivers and policymakers?

1. Why does the author mention Zuckerberg’s words?
A.To introduce the topic.B.To offer a piece of advice.
C.To present the image of a company.D.To add background information.
2. What does Makarin’s study find?
A.It is important to network with others.B.Social media harms teens’ mental health.
C.The Internet plays a key role in our daily life.D.Messaging tools cause parents mental suffering.
3. Which is the percentage of teenagers using TikTok according to the 2022 survey?
4. What will researchers probably do?
A.Focus on all the Internet users.B.Turn to teenagers’ caregivers.
C.Limit adults’ social media use.D.Work out targeted solutions.
7日内更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省濮阳市新高中创新联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Binge-watching (刷剧) is when a person watches more than one episode of a show in a row. With developments in the speed and connectivity of the Internet, increases in technology and the rise of on-demand entertainment companies, people can now have their favorite shows stream (流播) directly to their television at their convenience.

This behavior is nothing new. In fact, binge-watching has been officially listed in dictionaries since 2015. The entertainment companies recognize this behavior and many take steps to encourage it. Often, instead of releasing each episode on a week-by-week basis, an entire series will become available concurrently. Once the episode finishes, many platforms will display pop-ups with “you might like” suggestions, or will automatically play the next episode.

However, recent research suggests that out of the more than half of British adults who watch more than one episode of a show back-to-back (一集接一集地), almost a third have admitted missing sleep or becoming tired as a result; and 25% have neglected their household chores (家务活). Next we’ll be missing work!

Bingeing has other connections — binge eating, binge drinking and binge smoking. All of them are often associated with a lack of control and a possible route to addiction. Lindsey Fussell, consumer group director, said, “The days of waiting a week for the next episode are largely gone, with people finding it hard to resist (抗拒) watching multiple episodes around the house or on the move.” If people find binge-watching hard to resist, are we witnessing the birth of a new type of addiction?

The countless number of information and entertainment that television and online media can bring us is, many would say, a good thing. However, when the activity begins to bleed into other areas, causing us to stop functioning, then it becomes a problem. So, what’s the answer? Moderation! Neither a tiny amount, nor too much. After all, as the old proverb says, “A little of what you fancy does you good.”

1. How did the writer develop the first paragraph?
A.By giving a definition.B.By telling a story.
C.By listing some examples.D.By analyzing the cause and effect.
2. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “concurrently” in Paragraph2?
A.For convenience.B.At the same time.
C.In detail.D.Free of charge.
3. What Lindsey said in Paragraph 4 implies that ______.
A.people can’t control their feelingsB.people can’t resist the temptation of Bingeing
C.people have no patience to do workD.people are addicted to waiting for a new episode
4. What advice did the writer give at last?
A.To keep online media from stopping functioning.
B.To enjoy entertainment as much as possible.
C.To learn life lessons from the episodes.
D.To watch episodes in a moderate way.
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5 . Why do farmers grow crops outside in fields when we can arrange them vertically (垂直地)? The idea of vertical farming was first proposed in 1999. It was seen as a way to save space, reduce air miles and transform old and abandoned buildings, like warehouses. In 2021, Fortune Business Insights valued the global vertical farming market at 3.47 billion dollars. Now, however, this industry is under threat, partly due to rising energy costs.

According to the magazine Science Focus, vertical farming gives ten times the yield (产量) of conventional outdoor farming. However, in order for crops to grow using this method, plants are placed in a controlled environment, grown not under the Sun, but under LED lights and watered with recycled water pumped on a closed-loop system (闭环系统).

Unfortunately, energy prices have risen across the globe. Therefore, this reliance on electricity has meant the last few years have not been easy for the industry. Cindy van Rijswick, from the Dutch research firm RaboResearch, has estimated that operational costs for a vertical farm are around 15% higher now compared to 18 months ago. Infarm, Europe’s largest vertical farming company, made around500 employees redundant (被裁员的) in November 2022 because they needed to downsize. They blamed higher operating costs due to energy increases as one reason for the layoffs.

Another issue related to the cost-of -living crisis and affecting vertical farming is the type of produce grown. This includes herbs such as basil, as well as salad leaves and leafy greens. Compared to traditionally farmed plants, like onions and carrots, these products tend to be more expensive, which could lead to reduced demand as consumers become more cautious about their spending.

So, it seems that a future with food grown under LED lights is looking less and less bright.

1. What is the feature of vertical farming?
A.Saving urban land and achieving zero emissions.
B.Demanding highly technical and complex control.
C.High energy consumption and low output value.
D.Making full use of sunlight and water resources.
2. How does the author develop his idea in Paragraph 3?
A.By making assumptions.
B.By criticizing a typical behaviour.
C.By listing specific data and facts.
D.By referring to a social phenomenon.
3. What can we infer from the text?
A.Vertical farming avoids climate and disaster impacts.
B.Vertical farming costs jumped due to higher energy prices.
C.Vertical farming grows high-value, cost-effective produce.
D.High yield protects vertical farming from market competition.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Is This the End of Vertical Farming?B.Is Vertical Farming Highly Efficient?
C.Challenges Industrial Agriculture FacesD.New Trends in Vertical Agriculture
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6 . Hawaii lawmakers are considering legislation (立法) that would require visitors to pay for a year-long license or pass to visit state parks. Josh Green is the state’s governor. He said, “We get between 9 and 10 million visitors a year, but we only have 1.4 million people living here.” He added, “Those 10 million travellers should be helping us sustain our environment.” Lawmakers still debating how much they would charge.

The governor campaigned in 2022 on the idea of having all tourists pay a $50 fee to enter the state. Legislators think this would violate US constitutional protections for free travel. They instead think visitors should pay to enter parks and trails. Either policy would be a first of its kind for any US state. Hawaii’s leaders are following the example of other popular tourist areas with similar fees or taxes. They include Venice, Italy, and Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands.

Hawaii State Representative Sean Quinlan is the leader of the House Tourism Committee. He said changes in the activities of travellers are part of Hawaii’s push. He said golf rounds per visitor per day have dropped 30 percent over the past 10 years while hiking has increased50 percent. People are also seeking out isolated places they have seen on social media. The state does not have the money to oversee and protect all these places, he said.

Most state parks and trails are currently free. Some of the most popular ones already charge, like Diamond Head State Monument. That trail leads hikers from the floor of a 300,000-year-old volcano up to the top. It gets 1 million visitors each year and costs $5for each traveller.

A bill currently before the legislature would require visitors over the age of 15to buy a yearly pass to visit forests, parks, trails or “other natural area on state land”. People who live in Hawaii would not need to pay.

1. What does the underlined word “violate” mean in Paragraph 2?
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The decreasing number of tourists to Hawaii.
B.Advantages of Hawaii’s tourism resources.
C.The increasing financial burden of Hawaii.
D.One reason for wanting to charge tourists.
3. What can be concluded from the text?
A.None of the attractions in Hawaii charge fees currently.
B.The goal to charge fees is to limit the number of tourists.
C.Lawmakers are arguing about whether charging fees is legal.
D.Charging fees is beneficial for Hawaii’s natural environment.
4. What is the text?
A.A news report.B.A travel guide.
C.A law textbook.D.A promotional brochure.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 人类在太空探索领域取得了重大突破,但有人却对进行太空探索表示质疑。请你就此话题写一篇英语短文,阐述你对太空探索的看法。内容包括:1.人们对太空探索表示质疑的原因;2.你的观点及理由。
7日内更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省开封市新世纪高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Recently, after I gave a virtual presentation on my book Indistractable, a listener wrote something in the Zoom chat that drove me crazy, “This is great but wouldn’t work for me. I’m a Gemini (双子星座的人).”

Ironically, the Zoom listener is right. If she thinks she’s incapable, she’ll prove it correct — whether it has anything to do with the stars and moon or not. Her inflexible self-identification denies her the chance to improve her life. It’s incredibly self-limiting.

That’s why we should stop defining ourselves as fixed identities and nouns, and instead start describing ourselves using verbs.

Words are powerful. Linguistic research shows that language shapes people and culture; it can also give us insight into ourselves and our behavior. In a well-known study, researchers Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobsen had all students in the same elementary school take a standard IQ test. Then they randomly selected a group of students, regardless of their test results, and told teachers the group would show “dramatic intellectual growth”. Eight months later, those students scored significantly higher on an IQ test. The study concluded that teachers’ positive perception of students correlated to those students’ high performance on intellectual and academic tests. The labels the children received became a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy (预言).

That’s because language shapes expectations, which shape our reality. If we have experiences that lead us to label ourselves with specific nouns during our life, then we are likely to stick with those labels and the behaviors that go with them.

Using verbs to identify ourselves is an effective method for releasing “trapped priors”—a term in psychology for a perception of reality that’s affected or trapped by past experiences. Verbs are action words well suited to describing short-lived behaviors that can and do change. They don’t lay claim to our entire identity, but they acknowledge that we are people first and foremost, not whatever a singular noun may say we are. So, instead of saying, “I am a procrastinator (拖拉者)”, you should say, “I am a person who often procrastinates.”

By focusing on our behaviors, not fixed characteristics, we can release harmful perceptions of ourselves that hold us back from trying methods that might improve our lives — like those that can help us achieve the critical skill of being indistractable.

1. What does the author want to show through the example of the Zoom listener?
A.The concept of flexible self-identification.
B.His confusion about the way to self-identify.
C.His understanding of proper self-identification.
D.The negative effects of using nouns to define oneself.
2. What does the well-known study imply?
A.Self-fulfilling prophecies change over time.
B.Encouragement promotes students’ improvement.
C.Language usage will have an impact on teaching.
D.IQ has little to do with students’ academic performance.
3. How are teachers expected to evaluate students?
A.By highlighting their behaviors.
B.By focusing on their advantages.
C.By analyzing their typical characteristics.
D.By assessing their academic performance.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Nouns are more powerful than verbs
B.Your words can determine your future
C.How we define ourselves really counts
D.Our option of words reflects our identity
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Ariel Procaccia has thought a lot about how to cut a cake over the last 15 years. As the father of three children, he knows how hard it is to divide a birthday cake to everyone’s satisfaction. But it’s also because Procaccia’s work focuses on exploring the mathematical rules for dividing stuff up fairly. One way to do that is to think abstractly about dessert.

For decades, researchers have been asking the seemingly simple question of how to cut a cake fairly. The answer reaches far beyond birthday parties. A mathematical problem at its heart, cake cutting connects strict reasoning to real-world issues of fairness, and so attracts not only mathematicians, but also social scientists, economists and more. “It’s a very elegant model in which you can distill what fairness really is, and reason about it,” Procaccia says.

The simplest approach is called the “divider-chooser” method, where one person cuts the cake into two equal pieces in his view, and the other person picks first. Each receives a piece that they feel is as valuable as the other’s. But when personal preferences are taken into account, even the easiest rule becomes complicated. Suppose Alice and Bob are to divide a cake, and Alice knows Bob prefers chocolate, she may knowingly divide the cake unequally so the smaller piece contains more chocolate. Then Bob will choose according to his preference, and Alice will get the larger piece. Both of them are satisfied with what they get, but the meaning of fairness changes in this situation.

The cake is a symbol for any divisible good. When cake-cutting principles are employed to settle disagreements, they are potentially helping the world find solutions. Procaccia has used fair division algorithms (算法) to model food distribution. Social scientist Haris Aziz is exploring situations ranging from how to divide up daily tasks to how to best schedule doctors’ shifts in hospitals.

Even after decades of investigation, cake cutting isn’t like a simple jigsaw puzzle (拼图) with a well-defined solution. Instead, over time, it has evolved into a kind of mathematical sandbox, a constructive playground that brings together abstract proofs and easy applications. The more researchers explore it, the more there is to explore.

1. What does the underlined word “distill” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Get the essence of.B.Find the opposite of.
C.Keep the focus on.D.Reduce the impact on.
2. What can we learn about fairness from the example given in paragraph 3?
A.Its standard is stable.B.It prevents unequal division.
C.Its concept is complex.D.It dominates personal preferences.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about concerning cake cutting?
A.The application of its rules.B.The details of its process.
C.The problems it produces.D.The harmony it symbolizes.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Who benefits most from fairness?
B.How has fairness changed over time?
C.What method works best in cake-cutting?
D.Why are researchers so interested in cake-cutting?
语法填空-短文语填(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In today’s urban centers, traffic jam is a common sight, characterized by long lines of vehicles     1     (inch) along the roadways. Many commuters experience fatigue from spending hours behind the wheel, navigating through winding streets.

Due to the congestion, it’s easy to become disillusioned with the daily grind.(日常琐事) However, there’s hope in the form of nation-driven initiatives     2     (aim) at easing the pressure on both the roads. One such initiative is the promotion of alternative modes of transportation through campaigns that highlight the benefits of walking, cycling, and     3     (use) public transportation instead of private cars.stresses the fact that the exaggeration of the benefits of private vehicle usage should be examined critically.

These initiatives are not environmentally friendly     4     appealing to those seeking an escape from over-scheduled work     5     they are constantly chasing after the next deadline or appointment, feeling stressed out. By encouraging a shift in mindset,     6     one focused merely on speed and efficiency to one that values well-being, cities can create a more livable environment for their citizens. Governments     7     (explore) solutions that prioritize the well-being of all residents. This may include implementing carpooling schemes, establishing designated pedestrian zones, or establishing facilities around communicates that are within walking distance.

Implementing innovative approaches to traffic issues in urban centers helps promote a     8     (healthy) urban environment. It is necessary that initiatives calling for alternative transportation modes     9     (support) to keep company with these efforts, and     10     unsustainable practices, such as reliance solely on private vehicles, be disposed of in the near future.

7日内更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省部分重点高中高三毕业班5月份大联考英语试卷
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