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1 . Do you like to shop online? Or do you prefer' to go into a store and look at a product?     1    

One common shopper strategy is "show rooming." This means that customers go into a store, look at the product and talk to a salesperson.    2     "Reverse (逆向) show rooming" is another strategy. Customers first go online to do research and then go into a store to get the product. One thing is for certain: shoppers are now using many strategies to get the best price.

The number of online shoppers is rising, but not as fast as retailers (零售商) first thought. People still like to go into stores.     3     Shopping for them is not about finding the best price. It's a social experience.

In order to keep customers coming into stores, managers need to train salespeople well. In-store shoppers want salespeople to give them a lot of attention, be polite, and know a lot about the product.

What products do shoppers like to buy online?    4     It's easy to research these products and compare prices online.

However, online shopping doesn't work for every product. People prefer to shop for food in a store. If you're buying a new car, you can research prices online.    5     If you're buying a mattress (床垫), online reviews can't tell you if it will be comfortable for you. You still need to go into the store and lie on it.

A.Maybe you like to do both of these things.
B.But you still need to drive the car.
C.At the top of the list are electronic products.
D.You may pay a higher price than you expected.
E.You shall know what your purpose to buy something is.
F.Teens especially prefer to shop at a shopping center.
G.Then they use their smartphones or other mobile devices to find a better price.
2024-05-05更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖中华艺术学校2023-2024学年高三下学期3月考试试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Most parents will remember their little ones grasping their leg or being unwilling to speak to someone new. But when does this stop being a natural part of a child’s growing up and become something to worry about?

Here, Heidi Gazelle, a senior lecturer in developmental psychology from the University of Melbourne, explains how shyness is of more concern if it is persistent rather than temporary.

Shyness with other children is of more concern than shyness with adults. It is common for children to be on the alert for adults, particularly men, but less common for children around their own age.

Children who engage in very little social interaction in comparison to children of their age are missing out on these important cumulative learning experiences. As a result, their social cognition, social skills and sense of self may be less mature than those of other children around their age.

Being excluded and bullied is damaging children’s emotional health and sense of self, especially when these conditions persist over time. Children need help from adults to stop exclusion and being bullied by other children. When parents become aware that their child is being excluded or bullied by other children at a childcare center or a school, they should contact the childcare center or school on their child’s behalf.

Shyness is of concern if it interferes with your child’s or family’s routines or activities, or if your child often appears miserable or complains of being lonely. For instance, if shyness prevents your child from attending other children’s birthday parties or school, or prevents your family from visiting friends, then you should consider seeking help from a child psychologist.

If a child is upset about a problem with a friend, parents can encourage the child to try to resolve the problem in a way that preserves the friendship, instead of ending the friendship, as well as encourage the child to develop other friendships.

1. What view does Heidi Gazelle hold with regards to shy children?
A.Persistent shyness is more worrying than temporary shyness.
B.Children’s shyness basically results from a disharmonious family.
C.They tend to have less shyness when meeting with unknown people.
D.It is more common for them to be alert when being with other children than adults.
2. In which aspects will shy children be less mature than other children of their age?
①Social skills.   ②Sense of self.   ③Overall intelligence.   ④Power of observation.   ⑤Social cognition.
3. How should parents respond when their child is excluded or bullied?
A.Consider transferring their child to another school or childcare center.
B.Get in touch with the childcare center or school.
C.Warn the children who bully their child.
D.Try to find his or her own faults.
4. When do parents need to care about their child’s shyness?
A.Their child often complains about being lonely.
B.Their child is always ready to visit their relatives.
C.Their child wants to change the family’s original plan.
D.Their child is willing to attend other children’s birthday parties.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . After bikes and umbrellas are made sharable across China, some companies started eyeing the fitness market, so shared gym rooms have hit the streets in Beijing.

Unlike common gyms that provide large, open spaces for many members to share at the same time, the newly built shared gym rooms are small, stand-alone rooms for a person to use, often set up near living communities.

Every four-square-meter room is equipped with a treadmill (跑步机), an air cleaner, a mirror, a television and an air conditioner, and users can let down the curtains for privacy. When exercising, users can listen to music, watch movies and check emails by connecting to the Internet by the screen fixed on the treadmill. There’s no shower or washbasin.

Similar to using a shared bike, users can locate a shared gym room by smartphone application, book a room in advance and then need to scan a QR code for use. A refundable deposit (保证金) of 99 yuan is required, and users are charged 1 yuan every 5 minutes.

The shared gym rooms are created by Misspao, a Beijing-based technology company founded in July. Within several months since it was founded, the company has already raised over 100 million yuan, Yicai Global reports. The idea of the shared fitness experience is not entirely nascent. Last December, the Shanghai-based technology company VRUN set up shared treadmills in office and apartment buildings.

The sharing economy is still becoming popular in China. According to Yicai Global, confident investors are pouring millions into sharing start-ups. In March, the State Information Center published a report which predicts that the total value of China’s sharing economy will see a yearly growth of 40% in the coming years, and it is expected to make a great contribution to the country’s GDP.

1. What makes the shared gym room different from the common one?
A.Holding one person at a time.B.Standing in the living zone.
C.Offering open spaces.D.Having some advanced equipment.
2. What do people need to do to use the shared gym room?
A.Let down curtains for privacy.B.Pay 100 yuan first.
C.Use a smartphone.D.Have a shower before exercise.
3. What does the underlined word “nascent” in paragraph 5 mean?
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To advertise a technology company.B.To introduce shared gym rooms.
C.To support the shared gym rooms.D.To predict the future of shared gym rooms.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . In today’s digital age when you can get information quickly, there is a concern about children developing an appreciation for reading printed books. That’s why communities in Australia have come up with a way to convey a love of books in the younger generations.

To solve this problem, communities are bringing libraries to where the kids are: in the streets. The little libraries consist of boxes that are set up outside of houses or public spaces and are filled with books. People can take books they haven’t read and donate ones they have to the libraries.

Street Library Australia, a nonprofit, was started by Nick Lowe after he saw a Little Free Library on a trip to the USA. After an initial workshop in 2015 to build 30 libraries, the idea mushroomed and now there are 4,500 registered street libraries in Australia. “It just grew and grew,” he said.

The libraries come in all shapes and sizes. These libraries are completely voluntary and anyone can start one.

Pamela Zielke, who runs a library called Pam’s Pantry, gives out toys and craft supplies along with books. An early childhood educator, she started her library with the goal of rescuing books from dustbins. But the libraries are doing much more than just providing books-and other donated items-to people. The street libraries are also building community. “It’s a little stopping place outside your house,” said Lowe. “It’s a great way to meet people in your neighborhood who are also book lovers, recycle books, and find new books.”

These Little Street Libraries provided a valuable service during the outbreak of COVID-19 and the popularity has not waned. People use them to find books on specific hobbies like cooking, children are developing a love of reading books, and it is more convenient than going to a bookstore or a brick-and-mortar library. But even more importantly, with a shared interest, the libraries are bringing communities closer together.

1. What might make people in Australia worried nowadays?
A.The popularity of digital books.B.The poor service of community education.
C.The shortage of the street libraries.D.Children losing interest in printed books.
2. What do we know about Nick Lowe?
A.He must be a citizen of the USA.
B.He was inspired by a trip to the United States.
C.He has set up a total of 30 street libraries in Australia.
D.He made a fortune through Street Library Australia.
3. What does the author intend to tell us by mentioning Pamela Zielke?
A.We should do all we can to support street libraries.
B.Many more street libraries will be set up in Australia.
C.Anyone can follow her example and start a street library.
D.It is of great benefit to run a street library in your neighborhood.
4. What does the underlined word “waned” in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Turned weaker.B.Become different.
C.Spread widely.D.Won recognition.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . In a human context,multitasking(多任务处理) refers to performing different activities at the same time,such as editing a document or replying to emails while participating in a teleconference. People think that they are capable of doing many things at once. However, the fact is that they are merely switching from one job to another.

Several types of research have been done to see how multitasking affects our brain. A study, conducted to see if multitasking while driving is good or bad,concludes that performance is primarily reduced when there is a resource conflict.

According to studies, the only time you can multitask is when you’re doing two things and one of them doesn’t require your attention or mental energy, for example, jogging while listening to music. In many cases, multitasking has long-tern ,harmful effects on your health, well being, and productivity.

Sometimes the tendency to multitask takes a toll on the relationship and the partner feels neglected. Imagine discussing something with your partner while he or she is constantly engaged on the mobile phone checking social media or email. How would that make you feel?

Researchers investigated if multitasking increases our productivity and efficiency. The findings showed that multitasking made individuals less efficient and less productive, which is contrary to what most multitasks believe.

There is a cognitive(认知的)cost every time we go from one task to another,which reduces our productivity. Multitasking implies you are constantly shifting your attention between multiple tasks—it is no different from being distracted.

We’d like to believe that doing numerous activities at once is achievable, but it comes at the cost of lowering the quality and amount of attention paid to each task. As a result, you’re less productive and less efficient than someone who concentrates on one task at a time.

What’s more, we lose time and energy when we switch tasks. A study found that when switching between different tasks,the amount of time wasted depends on various factors, and it could range from seconds to hours.

1. Why does the author mention jogging and listening to music?
A.To stress multitasking is harmful.B.To suggest multitasking is difficult.
C.To show multitasking is possible.D.To prove multitasking is rewarding.
2. Which of the following can replace “takes a toll on” underlined in paragraph 4?
A.is associated withB.causes damage to
C.benefits fromD.results in
3. What do most multitasks think of multitasking?
A.It extends working hours.B.It improves work efficiency.
C.It has little to do with work performance.D.It does harm to mental health.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Is Multitasking a Good Thing?B.How Can People Achieve Multitasking?
C.Why People Like Multitasking?D.When Can We Multitask?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . This chart shows how much money Americans have in savings at every age.

The typical American household has an average of $ 8,863 in an account at a bank or credit union, according to a recent report from Bankrate that analyzed inflation-adjusted data from the Federal Reserve. That’s purely in liquid savings, so it doesn’t include retirement funds or other investments.

However, that amount varies greatly by age and household type.

Savings vary widely by household type and age

For many families, this amount of savings falls short, some experts warn. “The ultimate destination should be enough to cover six months’ expenses, perhaps 9 to 12 months for sole breadwinners or self-employed individuals,” Greg McBride, CFA and chief financial analyst for Bankrate, com, says in the report.

”Here’s the thing with emergency money: More is always better,” best-selling author and co-founder of AE Wealth Management David Bach tells CNBC Make It. “You hear all the time experts say, you should have three months of expenses set aside. Well, it depends. In the recession, when people lost their jobs, three months of expenses set aside wasn’t enough.”

Meanwhile, other research has found that 60 percent of millennials don’t have enough money to cover a $ 1,000 emergency.

In addition to building your emergency fund, you should aim to put around 15 percent of your income towards retirement savings, according to the financial services company Fidelity.

If you want to put more away each month, start by cutting back on Americans? three biggest expenses: housing, transportation and food. You can also research ways to trim (削减) your budget and look into strategies for boosting your income.

1. According to the chart, for those between 35 and 44, who have the most in savings?
A.Singles with children.B.Singles without children.
C.Couples with children.D.Couples without children.
2. According to Greg McBride, at least how much money should be set aside for a family with only one person who earns money?
A.3 months’ expenses.B.6 months’ expenses.
C.9 months’ expenses.D.12 months’ expenses.
3. Which column of a newspaper is this article probably from?
A.Business and trade.B.Saving and investing.
C.Health and wellness.D.Employment and retirement.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . There is a popular saying in the English language: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Well, that is not true. Unkind words, name-calling or even the so-called “the silent treatment” can hurt children as much as being physically hit, sometimes even more so. A recent study of middle school children showed that verbal (言语的) abuse by other children can harm, the development in the brain. The study was a project of researchers at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts. Researcher Martin Teicher and his team studied young adults, aged 18 to 25. These young men and women had not ever been treated in a cruel or violent way by their parents. The researchers asked the young people to rate their childhood exposure to verbal abuse from both parents and other children. Then the researchers performed imaging tests on the brains of the subjects.

The images showed that the people who reported suffering verbal abuse from peers in middle school had underdeveloped connections between the left and right side of the brain. The two sides of the brain are connected by a large bundle of connecting fibers called the corpus callosum. This was the area that was underdeveloped.

The middle school years are a time when these brain connections are developing. So, unkind, hurtful comments from children or adults during this period have the greatest effect. The researchers tested the mental and emotional condition of all the young people in the study. The tests showed that this same group of people had higher levels of fear, depression, anger and drug abuse than others in the study.

The researchers published their findings online on the American Journal of Psychiatry's website.

Parents cannot control what other people say to their children, but they can prepare their children.

1. Why does the author use the popular saying at the beginning?
A.To show the power of words.
B.To introduce an opposite view.
C.To prove the author's argument.
D.To show ancient people's wisdom.
2. What did the people studied in the research have in common?
A.They were hurt by unkind words.
B.They performed poorly in imaging tests.
C.They had their brain slightly damaged.
D.They experienced no physical abuse at home.
3. What will be discussed in the next paragraph?
A.Comments on the findings.
B.Approaches to further studies.
C.Suggestions to parents.
D.Different opinions on the matter.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Unkind words hurt the brain.
B.Verbal violence should be stopped.
C.The way we speak matters.
D.Words are worse than sticks and stones.
2022-04-28更新 | 200次组卷 | 18卷引用:安徽蚌埠第二中学2021届高三高考最后一卷英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Some misunderstanding is putting shark populations at risk now. Thousands of sharks are dying as    1     result of people’s false beliefs.

Female sharks need males to make babies. Some female sharks have the ability     2    (produce) a baby by themselves and have young sharks without a male shark. That’s something commonly     3    (see) in plants and insects like ants and bees.

Shark fins have medical function.     4    (tradition), it     5     ( believe) that shark fin soup has health benefits and is quite special in China.     6     modern scientists point out that shark tissue(组织) can be extremely high in poison. What’s more, shark fishing kills up to 100 million animals each year, endangering several different species.

If you’re bitten by a shark, you will be a goner. You are more than twice as likely to die from a lightning strike as from a shark bite, according     7     the Florida Museum’s International Shark Attack File (ISAF). “Even if you are bitten, the large     8    (major) of people survive”, says Dr. Chapman. In fact, there were sixty-six unprovoked(无端的) shark bite    9    ( incident) around the world in 2018, only six of    10     were dangerous.

2021-12-15更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省六安中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第三次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?

Jane Addams (1860-1935)

Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community (社区) by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need. In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Rachel Carson (1907-1964)

If it weren’t for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness(意识) of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world’s lakes and oceans.

Sandra Day O’Connor (1930-present)

When Sandra Day O’Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952, she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator (参议员) and in 1981, the first woman to join the U. S. Supreme Court (最高法院). O’Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court.

Rosa Parks(1913-2005)

On December 1,1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rasa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott (抵制). It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civil-rights movement. “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in,” said Parks.

1. What is Jane Addams famous for in history?
A.Her social work.B.Her teaching skills.
C.Her efforts to win a prize.D.Her community background.
2. What was the reason for O’Connor’s being refused by the law firm?
A.Not having training in law.B.Her little work experience in court.
C.Her identity as a woman.D.Her poor financial conditions.
3. Who made a great contribution to the civil-rights movement in the U.S.?
A.Jane Addams.B.Rachel Carson.
C.Sandra Day O’Connor.D.Rosa Parks.
4. What can we infer about the women mentioned in the text?
A.They are highly educated.B.They are truly creative.
C.They are pioneers.D.They are peace-lovers.
2021-11-21更新 | 177次组卷 | 36卷引用:安徽省庐巢七校联盟2019-2020学年高三第五次联考(含听力)英语试题
10 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

As is known to all food waste on campus has become more and more seriously, which cause great concern. Faced the problem, I think some effective measure should be taken. First of all, we should order a proper amount of food such that we can eat them up. What’s more, we were supposed to form a good eating habit, which is great benefit to our health. Last but not least, we can call on fewer schoolmates to fight against food waste. In a brief, it is high time that we took action to reduce food waste. Let’s do it now.

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