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1 . It was late, about 10:15 p.m. Janice Esposito got off the train at Bellport, New York, went to her car and started driving home. She was so familiar with the route that she almost drove automatically: turned left to the Station Road, then another left onto Montauk Highway, and then—bam! When Esposito’s car had just crossed the railroad tracks, it hit another vehicle and was pushed back onto the tracks. Injured but mostly shocked by the crash and by the airbags that popped up, she was stuck in the vehicle.

As it happened, Pete DiPinto was just about to go to sleep when he heard a sharp noise and saw the accident not far outside his bedroom window. As a volunteer firefighter and retired teacher, DiPinto, who was 65,fetched a flashlight and rushed out without hesitation. “Any firefighter would have done what I did,” he said. “We’re always on duty.”

At first, he spotted the other car in the accident. After making sure that the driver was all right, DiPinto looked around and discovered Esposito’s car straddling the railway tracks. And then he heard the bell ring, which signaled a train’s arrival.

DiPinto rushed to Esposito’s car and broke the window on the driver’s side. Esposito looked up at him, with her eyes glazing over. “I don’t know where I am,” she said.

“You’re on the railroad tracks,”DiPinto yelled. “I have to get you off right now! The train was running toward them at a speed of some 105 kilometers per hour. The driver’s door fail to be opened due to the collision(碰撞), so DiPinto quickly run to the other side and was able to open the door. He put the airbags aside, seized her arms, pulled her toward him across the passenger seat until finally got her out and walked her to safety as swiftly as possible. Several seconds later, the train crashed into the vehicle. “It was like a Hollywood movie,” DiPinto told reporters the next day.

“Last night,” said Gregory Miglino Jr., Chief of the Department in South Country Ambulance, “the hero arrived in pajamas(睡衣裤), not in a fire truck.”

1. What can we know about the accident from Paragraph 1?
A.Esposito’s car hit another vehicle.
B.Esposito drove too fast.
C.Esposito didn’t know the route well.
D.A running train crashed into Esposito’s car.
2. How was Janice Esposito right after the accident?
A.She felt all right.B.She was badly hurt.
C.She got stuck in the car.D.She completely lost her consciousness.
3. How was Janice Esposito rescued from her car?
A.Through the window on the driver’s side.
B.Through the door on the driver’s side.
C.Through the window on the passenger’s side.
D.Through the door on the passenger’s side.
4. What did Gregory Miglino Jr. mean by “the hero arrived in pajamas, not in a fire truck”?
A.DiPinto was not a professional firefighter.
B.DiPinto rushed to save life without thinking about himself.
C.DiPinto was a special firefighter who preferred wearing pajamas.
D.DiPinto was unable to find a fire truck when the accident happened.
2022-01-12更新 | 254次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省青岛市第二中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Lesia Cartelli was badly burned in a gas explosion at her grandparent’s house at age 9. In fact,the burns were so severe that her own grandfather didn’t recognize her. But now,this brave woman uses her injured past to help other burn victims find healing.

On that terrible day,Lesia and her cousin were playing in their grandparent’s basement. A gas leak caused the whole house to blow up. The explosion threw many of the 9 family members in the home across the street. Already a fighter,Lesia pulled herself out of the ruins. Flames still covered her little body,so she rolled in the dirt and snow to put them out.

“It was all face,hands,back and it had burned around my waist,”she says. Lesia’s own grandfather thought she was someone else because of how badly she was burned. As nursing staff loaded her into the ambulance,her grandfather tried to leave. He thought the house ruins still held his granddaughter’s body. Even though Lesia was right in front of him,he didn’t realize it was the same child.

Catching a glimpse of her reflection in the ambulance window helped Lesia understand why her grandfather didn’t recognize her. Burns covered 50%of her body and fire burned off all her hair.

Lesia spent several months in the hospital,undergoing surgeries and skin grafts(移植). Once released,Lesia’s scars(疤)drew stares and questions from people. so she started isolating herself.

“When I was burned,everything in my life changed,”she said. “My friendships changed. I hated going to schoo1. You are coping with things you never had to cope with before. People staring at you. People asking questions. Why do you look like that?”

Lesia could have remained isolated her whole life. When bad things happen,we can always choose to move backwards or to let God give our pain purpose. Lesia chose the latter,realizing she was put on this Earth to do more than just survive.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
“My life got better when I started to look at my life as a gift.”Lesia said.
Those who join Angel Faces describe it as a life-changing experience.
2021-05-17更新 | 506次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省济南市普通中学特色发展研究中心2021届高三二轮模拟考试英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

3 . A Heroic Driver

Larry works with Transport Drivers,   Inc.   One morning in 2009, Larry was ______along 165 north after delivering to one of his _______. Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. _______ he got closer, he found ____ vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed _______ shooting out from under the _______ vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and _______the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.

The man who had his bright lights on _______ and told Larry he had _______ an emergency call. They ________ heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle. ________the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay ________ until the emergency personnel arrived, ________ she thought the car was going to ________. Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move ________ she injured her neck.

Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man ________ and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the ________ if he was needed or ________ to go. They let him and the other man go.

One thing is ________—Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His ________ most likely saved the woman’s life.

A.got hold ofB.preparedC.took charge ofD.controlled
A.came downB.came throughC.came inD.came over
A.explodeB.slip awayC.fall apartD.crash
A.as ifB.unlessC.in caseD.after
A.stepped forwardB.backed offC.moved onD.set out
A.for certainB.for considerationC.reportedD.checked
2016-11-26更新 | 1875次组卷 | 17卷引用:2015-2016学年山东枣庄三中高二6月学情调查英语卷

4 . White dressed up as Captain America for the annual Anti-Bullying (反霸凌) Superhero Day. But when spotting ________ one afternoon, he couldn’t ________ any superpowers.

It was rush hour. White was ________ home when he noticed a pickup on the opposite side of the two-way street. It was hard to ________, for it was crashing into the curb (马路牙子) before course-correcting, only to hit it again. As the car drew closer, White got a good look at the ________: The driver appeared to be asleep. He had to ________ that vehicle.

________, White made a U-turn, facing in the same direction as the pickup, but there were four cars ________ them. White pressed his horn, hoping the cars in front would move aside. They didn’t. Trapped, White pulled his car over. He ________ up the sidewalk, cut into the road and ran around to the driver’s side. White ________ the frame (框) of the open window, his legs moving in step with the pickup, and with a mighty ________, jumped in.

DeAngelis, the man behind the ________, had unexpectedly faced dangerously low blood sugar, and just come to. He was ________ by the odd sight of a stranger lying across his stomach. White immediately brought the pickup to a stop. DeAngelis was rushed to a hospital, where it was determined that had his blood sugar gone lower, his life could have been endangered.

White ________ a superhero, but his quick thinking and daring ________ made him a real-life hero.

A.give way toB.fall back onC.get aroundD.forget about
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5 . Norwood, a junior at St. Petersburg^ Lakewood High School, participated in the school’s Athletic Lifestyle Management Academy. The program prepares students for various careers in health science with two components. The first one is a hands-on skills component where the students have to demonstrate that they are expert in the skills of adult, child and infant CPR (心 肺复苏术),how to help somebody who's choking, as well as how to use an AED (自动体外除 颤仪).And the other is a written test component, showing that they master that knowledge. Norwood took a great interest in the programme, which was in line with her initial career pursuit in the future.

On the first day of the programme, her instructor Miller did vital signs and students learned how to take blood pressure, check pulse, and apply CPR. Norwood watched closely and performed the hand-on skills well.

Norwood and Simmons shared a long friendship. They had been friends since the seventh grade and since then they had built an unbreakable bond. The following day after school, the 16- year-old girl Norwood was driving three friends home in St. Petersburg, Florida, when another driver slammed into her from her left and sent her car rushing forward in an uncontrollable way.

“We crashed in someone's yard and I hit the tree," Norwood said. The impact jammed shut the driver's side door, so Norwood climbed out of the front window. Two of her friends managed to get out of the car unharmed, but the collision caused her 16-year-old friend Simmons to hit her head on the backseat window.

When Norwood turned around, she didn't see Simmons running with them so she had to run back to the car as fast as she could. Simmons was just sitting there unresponsive. Apparently, she passed out owing to the huge impact force. The unexpected crash left the girls in panic. A lot of people started to gather around to see what was happening. The crowd watched in astonishment, open-mouthed. Someone advised to make an emergency call immediately.


Paragraph 1 : And that was when the training Norwood had just learned kicked in.


Paragraph 2 : When Miller and her students learned about the news, they were at a loss of words and so proud.

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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was late, about 10:15 p.m., when Janice arrived at the Bellport, New York train station. She’d just returned from visiting her mother who lives in Philadelphia. Brought up by the single mother alone since 4 years old, Janice made it a rule to visit her every other month. She quickly got off the train, walked into the parking lot and jumped into her car. All these were so familiar to her since she had traveled the route so many times. After a short break, Janice happily began the 20-minute drive home. She knew that her husband and seven-year-old son were eagerly waiting for her return.

She was practically driving on automatic pilot: a left onto Station Road, then a left on Montauk Highway, and then ― wham! Out of nowhere on that awful night, a minivan (小面包车) hit Janice’s car, knocking her backward some 100 feet onto the railroad tracks. Janice sat in the car, injured but mostly just shocked by the impact (撞击) and by the vehicle’s airbags. Realizing what had happened after a few seconds, she was scared and tried to escape from the car. But she failed to open the door. Hopeless, she could only pray that someone might pass by and save her.

As it happened, Peter was getting ready for bed. He’d just closed his book and was going to bed when he heard the loud sound of metal on metal and shattering (破碎) glass coming from not far outside his bedroom window. A volunteer firefighter and retired teacher, Peter, 64, never stopped to think. He grabbed a flashlight and ran out of the door in his nightclothes, knowing that there could be a car accident nearby and it was difficult for the police to reach there in a short time on such a dark night.

The first car he came upon, 2,000 feet from his front yard, was the minivan that had hit Janice’s. Peter rushed over to check if the driver was alive. Once he concluded the driver was OK, he looked around and spotted Janice’s car on the railroad tracks.

1. 续写词数应为150左右。
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

All of a sudden, he heard a sound: the bells signalling an on-coming train.


As a volunteer firefighter, Peter calmly ran to the passenger side.

2021-06-17更新 | 440次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省新泰市第一中学东校2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Emma Jones’ three-year-old son, Eric, was sharing a hot dog on the deck overlooking her friend Sarah Roth’s swimming pool. One moment Jones was watching Eric play around with the other children at this _________ of moms and kids last July. The next moment he disappeared without a _________. She turned to her friend Machel Rawlings and asked, “Have you seen Eric?”

Rawlings stood, _________ the pool and suddenly screamed. Eric was found _________ face down in the deep end. What happened next was a _________ textbook response: As Rawlings dived in the pool, grasped the boy, _________ him over and swam him to the end. Meanwhile, their host, Sarah Roth, dialed 911. At the pool’s _________, Rawlings handed Eric up to his mother. His skin was blue and wasn’t breathing.

Rawlings who’d taken a CPR course just four months earlier, immediately began rescue breathing. Hanging up the phone, Roth, a former flight attendant who’d accumulated _________ experience before, _________ CPR from Rawlings. Three long minutes went by with Roth breathing into Eric’s mouth and __________ chest compressions (按压) while Rawlings and Jones __________ his condition. Gradually his color __________, and as the ambulance was arriving on the __________, Rawlings looked at Roth. “He’s breathing,” she said.

The __________ with which the women acted saved Eric’s life. Emma Jones found any words seemed powerless. She said __________, “They did everything right.”

A.took upB.took inC.took placeD.took over
2022-07-22更新 | 360次组卷 | 7卷引用:2022届山东省济南市历城第二中学高三二轮复习测评考试英语试题
完形填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . I was recently involved in a bad traffic accident. I was knocked unconscious by the impact so I don’t __ anything about the accident. My first memory is being given oxygen as the doctors and nurses tried to ____ me back to life.

As I lay in the emergency room, I found myself ____ my life and thanking God that I was still __. The good news is that nobody else was __.

Since that day, the physical recovery has been __ but not as tough as the emotional recovery. I've learned a lot about myself and about what really ____ in this world. Things that are really important are not“things”. I’m not invincible(无敌的)and I cannot ____ everything that happens in my life. I need to be better at ____ the things that come into my way that I didn’t plan for. As someone who was always in a ____,it taught me to slow down a little. I have learned to live each day honestly and ____.

___ I continue to heal physically and emotionally,I have a different opinion on ____ . When tragedy strikes,you can either let it ____ your spirit,or use it as an opportunity to grow. I have chosen to ____ from it.

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9 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

“It’s not looking too good, darling, I think you’d better pack a few things and go to your mother’s place. And you’d better take Rosie and Monty with you.”

Putting down the phone, Sara sighed. Tomorrow was her husband Tony’s birthday. She had planned to cook him a nice meal and then surprise him with the new mountain bike she’d bought for him. If she went to her mother’s house, Tony wouldn’t get his present for days.

However, her mother’s house was the best place to be right now. Being on higher land, it would be safe from the floods. It had been raining heavily for almost two weeks and the river near Sara and Tony’s house was rising higher and higher all the time. Tony and others from the village had spent the last two days putting sandbags along the side of the river to stop it from overflowing. Now they feared that their hard work had been useless and soon the whole valley would be flooded.

Sara dressed baby James in warm clothes and collected the things she would need for him over the next few days. She put the lead on the dog and went in search of Monty, the cat. It took her a long time, but eventually she found him safe and warm under the covers on her bed. She placed him in his cat basket and took him into the kitchen where James and the dog, Rosie, were waiting.

Just as she was reaching for the car keys, Sarah heard a sound like the noise bath water makes when you pull out the plug. She looked at the backdoor, water was flowing in underneath. Turning around, she saw dirty brown water fountaining out of the drain and filling the sink. Realizing that they were trapped by the flood and it became impossible for her to drive out, quickly she put James into her backpack and pulled onto her back. Calling to Rosie, she picked up the cat basket and ran to the front of the house and out into the front garden, where the car was parked.

Paragraph 1:

The water was already up to her knees, and Rosie was swimming beside her.

Paragraph 2:

Sara, together with James, Rosie and Monty, was hungry and frightened on the roof of the house when a boat appeared in the distance.

2020-03-03更新 | 623次组卷 | 7卷引用:山东省青岛市胶州市2019-2020学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

On July 8, 2017, eight members of a family in total, were enjoying an evening together at the beach in Panhandle, Florida. As the sun sank lower on the horizon, the two boys Noah, 11, and Stephen, 8 swam into the waves without the grown-ups noticing. Soon they realized that the ocean had pulled them into the sea. After trying and failing to swim back, they started waving and screaming for help. But the lifeguards had been off duty for the evening.

The boys had been struggling for several minutes when Jacky and Tabatha, a couple from Georgia, heard them. They dived into the water and soon reached the two brothers. But after a few minutes, they were all trapped in a rip current (离岸流) — a powerful one that could sweep even the strongest swimmer out to sea! By then, some teenagers had heard the cry. One of the teens rushed into the water, grabbed Jacky, and pulled him back to shore. Meanwhile, Tabatha could feel herself being pulled farther out. She was already exhausted and beginning to feel desperate as she was trying to save both boys alone.

Onshore, Jacky was terrified. A man stopped. ''What’s wrong?'' asked Shaun, who was heading back to his car. ''My wife is drowning!'' Brittany said. Shaun immediately strode (大步跨) into the water. But several minutes later, a gaping 15 feet still lay between him and Tabatha and the boys. He knew that if he continued, he'd become another victim. He turned around to seek help.

It was about that time that Roberta, the boys' mother, returned from the bathroom and looked around for her children. She was shocked to spot them floating much farther out than they were allowed to go. She fought the waves to get to her screaming sons and the stranger who was trying to save them, but she quickly discovered it was nearly impossible to make headway in any direction. Looking around, Roberta sighed with relief to see some more people coming to help.

Paragraph 1

When they tried in vain to rescue the brothers and Tabatha, a risky idea came to them.

Paragraph 2

By then, more swimmers had also noticed the group in trouble and rushed to join the human chain.

2020-03-12更新 | 570次组卷 | 4卷引用:2020届山东省烟台市高三期中(含听力)英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般