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1 . “ Mayday ! We got Mayday!” Frank Pisano screamed over the microphone to the air control tower at the airport. One of the two engines on his plane had failed,and he was now going down towards one of the busiest highways in America—Interstate 405,just south of Los Angeles—and there was no stopping it.

Driving south on the 405,near the airport’s runway,was John Meffert,a fire department captain. He was heading home from his shift when suddenly a low—flying plane caught his eye. After he took a second glance,a thought crossed his mind: “This plane’s going to hit me.”

He was right. The plane slammed into the road,popped up a few feet,and then clipped the front of Meffert’s car. It finally stopped after hitting the divider(隔栏). Meffert pulled over. He was unhurt,and his car had received only a large scratch,so he turned his attention to the plane. He ran towards the smoke,and then he saw Frank’s wife, Janan Pisano,pop her head up on the passenger side.

By the time Meffert reached the aircraft,part of it was on fire and Janan,who was covered in blood,was on the wing trying to pull her husband from the wreck. Meffert,afraid the plane would explode,guided her to safety behind it. Then,he ran back for Frank,who had been knocked out by the initial crash,lying across both seats.

Meffert carefully positioned himself under the pilot’s arms and lifted him from the cockpit. Then he dragged the pilot off the wing and carried him to safety,where they could see the plane in flames.

The Pisanos spent three weeks in the hospital. Remarkably,Meffert’s car was the only one hit by the plane. Had Meffert been a second or two faster,Frank said,the left propeller(螺旋桨))would have ripped the top off his car and killed him.

“I play all the what-ifs—going slower,going faster. It could have been a very different result,”Meffert said. “We just had a lot of angels.”

1. What does the underlined word “Mayday” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.A special day in May.B.The arrival time.
C.A message for help.D.The local airport.
2. Why was the plane going down to the highway?
A.Frank mistook 405 for the runway.B.The plane caught fire.
C.The pilot was seriously hurt.D.Only one engine was working.
3. What prevented Meffert from being killed?
A.His good sense of direction.B.His low driving speed.
C.His second glance at the plane.D.His belief in God.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that__________.
A.Meffert and Frank were friends.
B.Meffert’s car was not totally damaged.
C.Janan Pisano was one of the crew of the airport.
D.the plane would take off again when Frank recovered.
2019-10-16更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省遵义市2018-2019学年高二下学期五校期中联考英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What happened to the old man?
A.He fell off a truck.B.He was ill.C.He was hit by a car.
2. What is the weather like?
A.It is cloudy.B.It is raining.C.It is sunny.

3 . On August 5 just after 7.30 pm, Mike Estepa suffered a massive heart attack. The crazy cyclist was 40 kilometres into his Sunday ride when he stopped by the side of the road to text his family saying he’d be home in about 30 minutes. Moments later, he was lying in the ditch, unconscious.

Larissa Arthur was driving back to Calgary from a hike in Field, B. C. with a friend. It was a warm and sunny day, and the two were chatting when a flush of yellow caught Arthur's eyes, She immediately pulled off the road.

As Arthur approached the figure. she feared the worst: Estepa was covered in ants and exhibited no signs of life. There was no pulse and he wasn't breathing." says Arthur. A bystander called 911 and Arthur, a registered nurse, started chest compressions. She and two other drivers took turns carrying out CPR for the next 15 minutes before medical teams arrived and whisked Estepa away.

Two days later, when Estepa woke up in the hospital, he was shocked to learn he had gone into cardiac arrest (心脏骤停). How did this happen, and ,why was he lucky enough to have survived? He was full of gratitude and needed to speak with the woman who had saved him, whom he named his "angel” .

“It was emotional,” says Arthur of her meeting with Estepa a few weeks later. Saving his life had extra importance for her: the bike she was returning from that day was one of 100 she's planned to honour her father, who died in 2017 after he fell during a hike that Arthur was meant to be on. "I couldn't save my father's life." Arthur says, "but this was a chance for me to save someone. "

1. Why did Mike Estepn stop while riding?
A.He suffered a heart attack.B.He wanted to send a message.
C.He would like to lie in the ditch.D.He was too far away from his home.
2. What do we know about Arthur?
A.She was an amateur nurse.B.She was scared of ants.
C.She knew how to do CPR.D.She went cycling with a friend.
3. What did Arthur think of her saving Estepa?
4. What's the best title of the text?
A.A Miracle to Return to LifeB.An Angel on the Roadside
C.A Risky Cycling AloneD.A Chance to Save Life
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A.Doctor and driver.B.Driver and passenger.
C.Policeman and witness.
2. What caused the accident to happen?
A.A black dog.B.A black car.
C.A white car.
3. When did the ambulance come according to the conversation?
A.At about 8:30.B.At about 8:45.
C.At about 9:00.
2019-10-11更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版 新教材 Unit 2 Period 5 Listening 01 练习
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Awoman who was over 50 years old had survived for six days in the Arizona desert recently, after her car unluckily fell 50    1    (foot) down a valley.Arizona's Department of Public Safety said that the woman,    2    name hasn't been known yet, managed to survive on grass and water until she     3    (find) by a cowboy, Dave, who was tracking down cattle.The woman, who was     4    (serious) injured in the accident, having several of her ribs broken, had to spend several days    5    (stay) in the car before struggling out to turn     6    someone for help.She stopped in a dry river bed 500 yards from the car.Dave and a road maintenance worker discovered the     7    ( damage) car while trying to control a cow,and then followed a pattern of footprints to the woman.What's even     8    (bad), she had a head    9    (injure)."I wonder    10    the woman could have lived another night, "Moralez said,"but due to their outstanding efforts, her life was finally saved.”

6 . A mother and daughter were rescued from the wreckage (残骸) of a car crash thanks to an app. It can ______ people anywhere in the world using just three ______.

Valerie Hawkett, 33, lost ______ of her Ford Fiesta while ______ round a sharp bend in Somerset last October. Ms Hawkett's ______went flying over a bush and landed on its _____     in a field.

Her four-year-old ______   Tegan was in the back and the ______ mother called the police to come to her aid — but she didn't know ______ she was.

Officers were able to find their way to Ms Hawkett in the field--- after ______ her the link to a website called what3words. It is able to find the exact ______ of any location on Earth. It told Ms Hawkett the three-word square she was in —“Weekend foggy earphones” — which _______ policemen to a road near a field on the A36 heading out of Norton St Philip, Somerset.

Ms Hawkett, from Trowbridge, Wiltshire, said: “It was absolutely brilliant. It's really, really _______ . I could have been in that field all day ______ the three-word location.”

Ms Hawkett said her car landed on its side, with the only means of ______being through the back passenger-side door. She said:“The only thing ______ me in my seat was my seat belt. But I _________ to get that undone and get me and my daughter out through the back door. I ______ the police after we got out the car.”

Ms Hawkett and Tegan were taken to a ______ nearby to be checked over — but were told they were ______ injured and sent home shortly afterwards.

A.thanks toB.in favor ofC.but forD.in relation to
2019-10-10更新 | 260次组卷 | 4卷引用:黑龙江省大庆实验中学2019-2020学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 容易(0.94) |

7 . Traffic Accidents and Road Safety

The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased greatly over the past year.       1    .

We must all be aware of the causes of traffic accidents and act to prevent them. This is true of everyone as accidents affect driven of vehicles as well as cyclists and pedestrians. We all have a responsibility to prevent accidents. Here are some of the major causes of road accidents.

●Driven not paying attention

This is the most common cause of accidents.     2     they are not prepared when another driver does something wrong, like changing paths without signalling or giving wrong signals.

●Drivers being impatient in a traffic jam

Many drivers are aggressive and push into other paths of traffic or overtake other cars. These are both very dangerous because they can easily lead to crashes.


Recently the number of people fined for speaking on their mobile phoned while driving has increased by 30 percent. Speaking on the phone requires concentration and takes a driver's attention from the road.

●Drinking and driving

If you drive after you have had alcoholic drinks, you are breaking the law and risking your own life as well as the lives of others     4    , even if they have had just couple of beers, do not allow them to drive.

●Drivers speeding

Speed kills This is a fact that is easily overlooked, but driving too fast through city streets is very irresponsible and dangerous. Our city streets are away busy with people, cars and bicycles.     5    . They should be especially careful near schools, where there are likely to be many children.

A.Road safety for pedestrians
B.Divers speaking on mobile phones
C.Drivers must watch out for people crossing the road
D.Unless driver's drinking alcohol is absolutely banned
E.When drives do not pay attention to surrounding traffic
F.If you are with someone she who has been drinking alcohol
G.This notice is aimed at increasing people's awareness of the problem
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A.Doctor and patient.B.Policeman and witness.C.Teacher and student.
2. Which part of the body did Mr. White get hurt?
A.His back.B.His legs.C.His arms.
3. How did the accident happen?
A.Jessie’s mother didn’t stop in time.
B.Mr. White ran through the red light.
C.The traffic lights went wrong.
2019-10-07更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:2019—2020年吉林省长春市普通高中高三上学期质量监测(一)(含听力)英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What was the man doing when the accident happened?
A.Driving home.B.Driving to work.C.Driving to a shop.
2. Who was mainly responsible for the accident?
A.The driver of the blue car.B.The man speaker.C.The driver of the white Ford.
3. What does the woman speaker probably do?
A.A policeman.B.A lawyer.C.A driver.
2019-10-06更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省上饶市2018-2019学年高一下学期期末(含听力)英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. When did the accident happen?
A.At 4:55.B.At 5:05.
C.At 5:15.
2. Whose car ran into the woman’s?
A.Mr.William Jefferson’s.
B.Mr.William R.Crouton’s.
C.Mrs.William R.Crouton’s.
3. Where did the woman put her car after the accident?
A.In Jefferson Street.B.At Walt’s garage.
C.On a road.
2019-09-30更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版 新教材 Unit 1 Period 5 Listening 练习
共计 平均难度:一般