组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:194 题号:10091136

Explorers started making navigation (导航) charts showing how wide the ocean was more than 500 years ago. But it’s much harder to calculate how deep it is.

In 1872 the HMS Challenger, a British Navy ship, set sail to learn about the ocean, including its depth. It carried 181 miles (291 kilometers) of rope to measure the depth of the ocean. During their four-year voyage, the Challenger crew collected samples of rocks, mud and animals from many different areas of the ocean. They also found one of the deepest zones, in the western Pacific, the Mariana Trench which stretches for 1,580 miles (2,540 kilometers).

Today scientists know that on average the ocean is 2.3 miles (3.7 kilometers) deep, but many parts are much shallower or deeper. To measure depth they use sonar, which stands for Sound Navigation And Ranging. A ship sends out pulses of sound energy and measures depth based on how quickly the sound travels back.

Ocean scientists like me study the sea floor because it helps us better measure the ocean. Our planet’s outer, layer is made of tectonic plates. The Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount chain, a line of peaks on the ocean floor, was created when a tectonic plate moved over a spot where hot rock welled up from deep inside the Earth. When two tectonic plates move away from each other underwater, new material rises up into Earths layer. This process, which creates new ocean floor, is called seafloor spreading. Sometimes super-hot liquids from inside the Earth shoot up through cracks in the ocean floor called hydrothermal vents.

Amazing fish, shellfish, tube worms and other life forms live in these zones. Between the creation and destruction of ocean plates, sediments (沉淀物) collect on the sea floor and provide an archive of Earth’s history, the evolution of climate and life that is available nowhere else.

1. Why did the HMS Challenger make the voyage?
A.To test navigation.B.To calculate the age of the ocean.
C.To explore the ocean.D.To do research into Mariana Trench.
2. How do scientists know the depth of the ocean?
A.By measuring it with ropes.
B.By studying samples of rocks and mud.
C.By analyzing the habitats of the animals.
D.By studying the returning speed of the sound.
3. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.Certain changes of the sea floor.
B.The layers that make up the Earth.
C.The way that a volcano comes into being.
D.Some definitions of the seafloor spreading.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.How Deep Is the Ocean?B.How Is the Ocean Studied?
C.Ocean: An Unknown WorldD.Nature: A Place for Wildlife


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】When I was a child, not many of us grew up with pets in Asia. It was unusual to show sympathy towards animals. We learnt respect for our elders and for our government, and we learnt etiquette( 礼仪)too, but rarely was it suggested that we extend any feelings towards animals, or indeed that animals have feelings. And because of this, many children in Asia grow up considering animals exist to serve us, feed us, entertain us and clothe us.

I co-founded ACT Asia in 2006 with an Asian vet, to support the development of caring societies in Asia. While many nonprofits were already addressing human, animal and environmental concerns with direct action, 1 felt the cultural shock between continents was too great to ignore. We had to accept that change would not happen immediately, and that intervening((干预)would cause defence. First, we have to help societies understand the interdependence of people, animals and our natural habitat. Instead of stepping in to find fault, we stepped back and considered the cause. Millions of people live below the poverty line, and most left-behind children live without their parents, so it was clear that our biggest barrier was ignorance, not cruelty.

With the future in mind, education is at the core of all we do. We should teach children about respect and kindness, and we see that a sense of responsibility is improving. By doing so, they are developing a keen sense of respect, to each other, for all species and our natural environment, but also for themselves. Given the chance to understand the truth about life on earth, many people-but children in particular-will choose compassion(同情)over cruelty.

1. What were the Asian children like when the author was a child?
A.They never kept pets.
B.They had no compassion,
C.They didn't pay attention to their behavior.
D.They took it for granted that animals serve human.
2. What is the purpose of the ACT Asia?
A.To find the causes of poverty in Asia.
B.To appeal to people not to kill animals.
C.To improve Asian's sense of caring societies.
D.To help solve the culture shock between countries.
3. What can we infer from the second paragraph?
A.Direct action of many nonprofits was efficient.
B.The change of caring societies would appear soon.
C.People,animals and our natural habitat exist together.
D.The biggest barrier of us was not ignorance but cruelty .
4. What does the author think of present Asian children's   sense of caring society?
A.It is hopeless.B.It is satisfying.
C.It is annoying.D.It is uncertain.
2019-08-27更新 | 96次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Scientists estimate there are millions of trees on earth. I couldn’t believe that those trees can have a healing(治愈的)effect on people.

According to World Health Organization, 40 percent of American adults have at least two chronic(慢性病的)diseases, which include high blood pressure, mood disorders, heart problems and diabetes. According to the International Association of Applied Psychology, lower stress, better moods, better brain activity and even happiness can all be linked to spending time in the great outdoors. That’s why there are dozens of programs that prescribe nature as a potential form of healing. Nature is everywhere.

There are two major theories as to why nature is so good for our brains. The first one is called attention restoration theory. When we spend time in busy urban environments, all the hard edges, traffic, lights and people everywhere really make us have to constantly focus our attention on these things. Whereas when you spend time in nature, it helps restore your powers of attention and reduce that tiredness and bad-temper. The second major theory is called stress reduction theory. So basically, when we spend time in nature after stressful events, it helps us feel better and recover faster.

When I recommended nature for the first time to a patient of mine, he actually just nodded his head and said, “You’re absolutely right. When I spend more time in nature, I feel better.” And so, I think healthcare providers have to get over our own traditional mental views against this new sort of lifestyle, and prescribe something evidence-based, like nature time more often.

This is worth the effort to do. You need to get out of doors and just be surrounded by the greenery and by nature. You’ll feel calmer. You’ll feel less depressed and less anxious. It’s just a great way to deal with the stress of modern life.

1. Which word can replace the underlined word “prescribe”?
2. What is the function of paragraph 2?
A.To clarify a concept.B.To lead in the topic.
C.To make a conclusion.D.To provide evidence.
3. How does nature help people according to the two major theories?
A.Refresh oneself.B.Live a better life.
C.Improve urban environments.D.Deal with stressful issues.
4. What can be inferred according to paragraph 4?
A.It is not easy to get in nature.
B.Nature treatment is still unpopular.
C.Most patients prefer nature treatment.
D.Doctors usually recommend nature to patients.
2022-12-29更新 | 164次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】My first dependant was a duck called Mr. Kite. As a cream-faced four-year-old, it was my job at the nursery to turn the eggs in the incubator (恒温箱) every day: one side “O”, the other side “X”.

We lived in a small, inner-city house with a long, thin garden in east Oxford at the time. As a gentle-hearted vet's (兽医的) daughter, my mum couldn't resist adopting these ducks. I named them Buttercup, Mr. Kite and Drakey. We made them a pond. The bottom was a mosaic (马赛克) made from all the bits of plate and cup that had been broken during family rows. Within 30 seconds,the pond was so full of duck droppings that we never saw the mosaic again.

One of the most magical moments during my caring for ducks was the night it snowed. Mum, over whelmed by pity and grandmotherly concern, insisted that Mr. Kite and her friends — yes, Mr. Kite was female — be spared another freezing night in the wooden house my dad had built for them at the end of the garden; we caught them, flapping and shouting, and brought them in to sleep in the kitchen.Have you ever seen three ducks go wild in a tiny kitchen? It was one of the best moments of my childhood. It smelled like the underside of hell's socks by the time they had left.

I used to spend my summers lazing in a swimming pool with Mr. Kite and the others. Eventually, though, our neighbour complained that they were being woken at 4:45 a.m.. So, the feathered three went to live with an old couple in the country. Fair enough — you don't move to the city to have the dawn torn apart by quacking   — although it must have made a change from student parties and the sound of 19-year-olds being sick by the bins.

I wonder now if this early experience of duck adoption is the reason that, at least three times a week, what ever the weather, you will find me swimming in the Thames or a nearby lake with the ducks. Although they never say hello.

1. Why were there marks of “O” and “X” on eggs?
A.To have fun.B.To count the eggs.
C.To tell sides apart.D.To distinguish males from females.
2. What was the initial reason for duck adoption?
A.Family preference.
B.A nursery assignment.
C.The mother's occupation.
D.Neighbour' support.
3. What does paragraph 3 imply?
A.The ducks' smells drove the author mad.
B.The energetic ducks brought much pleasure.
C.The ducks were hard to feed in cold weather.
D.The ducks were offered luxury accommodation.
4. What was the author's response to the neighbor' complaints?
A.Rejecting firmly.B.Ignoring deliberately.
C.Explaining patiently.D.Accepting unwillingly.
2024-01-22更新 | 97次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般