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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:146 题号:10102994

For the most part, it seems, workers in rich countries have little to fear from globalization, and a lot to gain. But is the same thing true for workers in poor countries? The answer is that they are ever more likely than their rich-country counterparts to benefit, because they have less to lose and more to gain.

Traditional economics takes an optimistic line on integration(整合)and the developing countries. Openness to foreign trade and investment should encourage capital to flow to poor economies. In the developing world, capital is scarce, so the returns on investment there should be higher than in the industrialized countries, where the best opportunities to make money by adding capital to labour have already been used up. If poor countries lower their barriers to trade and investment, the theory goes, rich foreigners will want to send to over some of their capital.

If this inflow of resources arrives in the form of loans or portfolio investment(组合投资), it will top up domestic savings and loosen the financial restriction on additional investment by local companies. If it arrives in the form of new foreign - controlled operations, FDI, so much the better; this kind of capital brings technology and skills from abroad packaged along with it, with less financial risk as well. In either case, the addition to investment ought to push incomes up, partly by raising the demand for labour and partly by making labour more productive.

This is why workers in FDI - receiving countries should be in an even better position to profit from integration than workers in FDI - sending countries. Also, with or without inflows of foreign capital, the same gains from trade should apply in developing countries as in rich ones. This gains from trade logic often arouses suspicion, because the benefits seem to come from nowhere. Surely one side or the other must lose. Not so. The benefits that a rich country gets through trade do not come at the expense of its poor country trading partners, or vice versa, Recall that according to the theory, trade is a positive sum game. In all these trades, both sides -- exporters and importers, borrowers and leaders, shareholders and workers can gain.

1. Why are workers in poor countries more likely to benefit from the process of globalization?
A.The can get more chances to gain a good job.
B.They have less to lose and more to gain.
C.They have nothing to lose.
D.They can get more financial aid.
2. What can be the final result of the inflow of the resource?
A.It will top up domestic savings.B.It will loosen the financial restriction.
C.It will push people’s incomes up.D.It will bring technology and skills from abroad.
3. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Poor countries get the most profit during the process of trade.
B.Rich countries get profit from trade at poor countries’ expense.
C.Poor countries get more profit from trade than rich ones.
D.All aspects involved in the trade can get benefit.
20-21高一上·上海浦东新·期末 查看更多[3]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Most of Bangladesh is at or below sea level. Rising seawaters linked to climate change has severely affected the country. High water from storms in coastal areas also adds salt to soil. The land is becoming salty. Crops are less productive and many areas of cropland in the country are becoming unfit for farming. These are big problems for the small country. More than 155 million people live in Bangladesh. Growing crops is the most common way Bangladeshis support themselves.

To find a way out, farmers in the country are learning to grow vegetables in so-called “vertical gardens”. The soil in these gardens is better because heavy rains have removed much of the salt.

A vertical garden is easy to make. Villagers fill containers with good soil and natural fertilizers. They put the containers on bricks so they are off the ground. They add pieces of the bricks to the soil to help water flow and drain(排水).

The farmers cut small holes into the sides of the containers. This permits vegetables with short roots a place to grow. Vegetables with long roots grow on top of the container. One bag of soil can produce up to eight kilograms of vegetables in one season.

The farmers also grow vegetables in containers made from large, thin pieces of plastic supported by bamboo. This “vertical tower” measures more than a meter wide. Each of these towers can produce more than 100 kilograms of vegetables. It costs about $12-S13 to build.

1. What is mentioned as a big problem for Bangladesh?
A.Severe climate conditions.
B.Too many people to support.
C.Lack of enough fresh water.
D.Reduced crop productivity.
2. Which mainly makes vegetable growing in vertical gardens successful?
A.Places in the soil for roots.
B.Heavy rains kept in the soil.
C.The good soil with little salt.
D.Brick pieces added to the soil.
3. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
4. What can we infer about the vertical tower?
A.It is off the ground.
B.It drains very improperly.
C.It uses bamboo for containers.
D.It is unfit for growing vegetables.
2019-03-01更新 | 80次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】China’s economic growth “hard to predict”

The worsening global economic situation makes it difficult for China to predict its growth for next year, a senior official said on Friday.
“How fast China’s economy will grow next year is uncertain,” Liu He, deputy director of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economy Work, told China Daily.
“To a large extent, the rate will be decided by the external (外部) situation,” Liu said during a discussion with Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and other economists in Beijing.
“This year, GDP is estimated to grow at 9.4 or 9.5 percent, down from 10.6 percent last year,” he said. “However, the impact of the current financial turbulence on our economy is much less than on the rest of the world.”
Nicholas Stern, a former UK government advisor, also told China Daily it will take at least one or two years for the world to recover from the recession, which is now spreading from the US and the UK to the rest of the world.
“We don’t know how long the recession will last, but it is unlikely to be short,” he said.
Liu said China can use the downturn (衰退) as an opportunity to restructure its economy, which has relied heavily on government investment, foreign trade and low-cost technology over the past years.
“When the economy is experiencing fast growth, companies are unwilling to upgrade their technologies,” Liu said.
“The slowdown gives such firms the opportunity to enhance(提高) their competitive edge through better technologies.”
(From China Daily 2009-01-11)
1. How many people are mentioned in this passage?
A.Only 2.B.No more than 3.C.Not more than 4.D.At least 5.
2. It can be inferred from Liu’s words that the impact of the current financial turbulence on China’s economy is ______.
A.moreB.lessC.the mostD.the least
3. The underlines word “extent” probably means ______.
4. According to the passage, the reason why Liu said this downturn is an opportunity for China to restructure its economy is that ______.
A.China’s economy will not depend on government investment in the future
B.Foreign trade will grow in the future
C.The downturn will force China’s companies to upgrade their technologies
D.Low-cost technologies will not exist in China
2016-12-07更新 | 871次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Bangladesh's floating gardens, built to grow food during flood seasons, could offer a continuous solution for parts of the world which are likely to suffer from flooding because of climate change, a new study has found.

Bangladesh's floating gardens began hundreds of years ago. The gardens are made from native plants that float in the rivers and operate almost like rafts (筏), rising and filling with the waters. Historically, they were used to continue growing food during rainy seasons when rivers were filled with water.

The farmers layer the plants about three feet deep, creating a version of raised-bed gardens that float in the water. Then, they plant vegetables inside those rafts. As the raft-plants rot away, they release nutrients, which help feed the vegetable plants.

But as climate change affected the volume of water in those rivers, the researchers wanted to understand whether Bangladesh's floating gardens could be a continuous farming practice. They interviewed farming families and found strong evidence that floating gardens provide stability, both in the amount of food available to feed rural populations and in a farming family's income.

They found that farmers typically use hybrid (杂交) seeds, which must be repurchased each year, to grow a diverse range of vegetables in the floating gardens. The gardens are also sensitive to pests, so farmers end up spending some money on both pesticides and fertilizers. But even with those expenses, they found, benefits outweighed costs. One farmer told the research team that he earns up to four times as much money from the gardens as from traditional rice fields.

However, before gaining profits, farmers often take out high-interest loans (贷款) to cover the investment costs of filling the beds and stocking them with plants. Luckily; there are also lower-interest loans from responsible government or non-governmental organizations, which could ease that burden.

1. How do vegetable plants grow according to the text?
A.By absorbing nutrition from raft-plants.B.By taking shelter from climate change.
C.By living together with hybrid seeds.D.By moving up and down with raised beds.
2. What might be a reply from farming families interviewed?
A.“Our life becomes tough when rivers flood.”B.“Fewer vegetables are planted when water rises.”
C.“We harvest much more food during rainy seasons.”D.“Climate change has little influence on our income.”
3. What does the underlined word “outweighed” in paragraph 5 mean?
4. What can be inferred from the text?
A.A solution to climate problem has been found.B.The gardens are built with rotted native plants.
C.Farmers earn more from traditional rice fields.D.Low-interest loans lighten the stress of farmers.
2021-05-13更新 | 247次组卷
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