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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:110 题号:10226634

As fear exists in China and the world over the spreading COVID-19(新冠肺炎),business owners worldwide are all feeling the pain. Uncertainty and lack of confidence have always been among the big enemies of economies. And now the universal economy is still under great pressure.     1    

As countries issue warnings and travel bans, the tourism and services are most affected. In 2018, around 140 million Chinese made outbound trips according to the China Tourism Academy.     2     It is thus not surprising that local hotels, restaurants and travel agencies in cities like New York and London are also suffering losses from the virus fallout.

According to a New York Times report, Chinatown in Manhattan has seen business drop of 50 to 70 percent. A hotel owner who relies on Chinese customers said that the loss could be well over 100,000 dollars and climbing. Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, is also warning the outbreak could pose a “new risk” to the US economy.

The economic cost of the COVID-19 outbreak is growing and hard to estimate(估计).     3    During the 2003 SARS, which lasted around 7 months, it is estimated that economic losses worldwide affected by the outbreak were over 30 billion dollars. The ripple effect(连锁反应)spread across the Atlantic to Toronto, the most severely affected area in Canada. It is estimated that the city will lose about 950 million dollars due to the restrictions on travel.

    4     It started in Mexico and America in 2009. While the Americas were most affected by the virus, research has also found that the economic cost of the virus in Korea was as high as 1 billion dollars.

In this interconnected world, any pandemic(流行病)is worldwide. Various economists have pointed out that most economic costs are not related to the virus directly, but the panic over it. Lack of confidence can also worsen the fragile world economy.     5    

A.But one can always learn from history.
B.It's time to ban the wildlife trade for good.
C.The last thing the world needs is a virus outbreak.
D.China is a much bigger economy than it was in 2003.
E.The same thing also happened during the flu A ( H1N1) outbreak.
F.In recent years they have created about a quarter of tourism jobs worldwide.
G.So, it's very important for countries to work together to control its outbreak.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A new study shows that a positive atitude about ageing can help recover mild memory loss. People with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are 30 per cent more likely to make symptoms (症状) disappear if they think positively about ageing, according to a study carried out by the Yale School of Public Health. The study was conducted over twelve years and involved 1,716 participants aged 65 and above.

MCI is usually considered a one-way process, but according to Professor Becca Levy, lead author of the study, that’s not the case at all, ”Most people assume there is no recovery from MCI, but in fact half of those who have it do recover.”

Mild cognitive impairment is a condition which causes memory loss and difficulty in thinking clearly. Symptoms might include forgetting events, or often losing things. Other more physical symptoms such as a loss of smell or spatial perception have also been connected with MCI.

It is mostly found in people over 60,and often leads to Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. The study was conducted over a twelve - year period between 2008 - 2020, with seven data collection waves performed every two years.

Results showed that those who came to the study with MCI were 30 per cent more likely to make a full recovery if they were upbeat about ageing. They were also likely to recover two years faster than those with more negative age beliefs (such as “The older I get, the more useless I feel”). Those who came to the study without MCI were also far less likely to develop it if they felt more age - positive, no matter of what their physical health or age is.

Factors (因素) such as age, race and gender have previously been examined for connections with recovery, but this is the first study to look at cultural factors — in this case, beliefs about ageing.

While the study definitely provided positive results, it’s still not known exactly why. “A limitation is that we did not examine the mechanism of positive age beliefs in cognitive (认知) recovery”, says Levy.

Given how well this research has gone, hopefully future studies will show the “why”, as well as looking at other cultural factors.

1. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The introduction of MCI.B.The causes of MCI.
C.The treatment of MCI.D.The recovery of MCI.
2. What does the underlined word “upbeat” in paragraph 5 mean?
3. What is the most special about this new study?
A.The thought of cultural aspects.B.The length of study time.
C.The way of collecting data.D.The age of participants.
4. What is probably its future study direction?
A.The reason why physical symptoms of MCI will appear.
B.The way that positive age beliefs affect recovery of MCL.
C.The reason why positive age beliefs produce good results.
D.The factors that contribute to cognitive recovery of MCL.
2023-07-24更新 | 47次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When it comes to having a healthy body, seeing may be believing. Experiments suggest that people who are shown pictures of their clogged arteries may be more likely to stay healthy than people who do not.

Researchers studied just over 3,500 people. These people were between 40 and 60 years of age. Each person had at least one risk for heart disease, but no signs of the disorder. The researchers divided these subjects into two groups. The first group received what was called usual care — like taking medicine or talking with health care workers about heart disease. However, the members of the other group were shown pictures of their arteries. Researchers also gave them special guidance on why those pictures might be a sign of future health problems. One year later, the people who watched the images of their own arteries had less risk for heart disease than those who weren’t shown the pictures. That is where the “pictures” part may help.

Doctors warn that many people think they have healthy hearts but, actually, they do not. Clogged arteries can be a silent killer. It takes many years to develop and patients may show no signs until the condition is serious and difficult to treat. Because it is a silent killer, experts say patients only remember a small part of what their doctor tells them to do. Seeing a picture is much more effective. To use a popular English expression,“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Smoking, an unhealthy habit, and being short of exercise increase the risk of heart attacks. Exercising for at least 30 minutes every day of the week will help to prevent heart disease. Eating at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, and limiting your salt intake to less than on spoon a day, also helps to prevent heart attacks.

1. What can we learn from the second paragraph?
A.Both of the two groups received so-called usual care.
B.More than 3,500 people of all ages took part in the study.
C.Seeing pictures f possible illness helps people to keep healthy.
D.Heart disease is more difficult to treat without medicine.
2. Why are clogged arteries a silent killer?
A.Some people are doubtful about what doctors say.
B.People can’t feel the development of the disease.
C.Clogged arteries can kill a person in a short time.
D.The illness has a bad influence on people’s brain health.
3. What does the underlined word “effective” probably mean in Paragraph 3?
4. What should we do to prevent heart attacks according to the text?
A.Stop or avoid smoking.B.Take as much sugar as salt.
C.Exercise once a week.D.Eat as many nuts as possible.
2021-11-15更新 | 111次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】New fences, fresh floor coverings and plenty of paint; home improvement has become the national amusements to kill time during the pandemic (疫情) as the nation has spent more time at home and rediscovered a passion for DIY after a decade of decline. The close down of pubs,restaurants and sporting fields, financial pressures and the need to adapt houses and flats to deal with changed circumstances, started a trend in DIY this year, particularly among 18 to 34-year-olds.

After years of falling sales, store close down and cost-cutting, B&Q -the DIY chain is hoping the tide may finally have changed its tough situation. Kingfisher, the parent company of B&Q, is investing in digital marketing, home delivery and new products to attract the imagination of the young generation.

Thierry Gamier, chief executive (总裁) of Kingfisher, has plenty of data to prove how consumers warmed to DIY again in 2020. It began in the spring with painting fences and decorating walls or cars. Sales of pressure washers increased by 80% at B&Q. People then moved on to gardening, setting up home offices and entertaining outdoors.

It has been the same story in some other countries. Demand for fencing, decorating wooden cabins in continental Europe and the us has put such a stress on wood supply chains that sawmill (锯木厂) and producers are working hard to tackle the problem. Paint supplier to B&Q are concentrating on the most popular shades, reducing the product range so they can keep up with the demand for high volumes.

But the big focus is on digital. As demand for home shopping rocketed during the pandemic, B&Q began using its stores to help pick and pack home deliveries. The group now handles 1.5 million orders a week. Online now accounts for 17% of sales -up from 8% before the pandemic and Gamier hopes to expand further.

1. Why did DIY regain popularity in 2020?
A.Pandemic made it a national pastime.
B.The DIY chain tried to please the public.
C.Stores offered a discount on DIY materials.
D.Public faculties failed to meet people's needs.
2. What can we infer about the comeback of DIY?
A.It will soon go quiet again.
B.It's welcomed only by youth.
C.It has taken the world by storm.
D.It offers companies chances to recover.
3. What is B&Q's solution to the pressure from sales boom?
A.Narrowing the product range.
B.Specializing in new products.
C.Focusing on digital products only.
D.Using stores to handle home deliveries.
4. What's Gamier's opinion about the prospect of online sales?
2021-05-28更新 | 186次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般