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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:24 题号:10300356

During my first year in college I was forced to do something I didn't want to do: Plan a budget. With great resentment (愤慨) for 6 months I used pens to mark my expenses into 10 different categories. I then came up with a monthly average for each category. It was not until a decade later that I realized the simple exercise of learning to manage money is the best investment.

For most of you, college may be the first time you'll be managing money on your own, and it's easy to blow past your college budget. But overspending could leave you broke or worse, buried in debt. According to Edvisors, 64% of college students have run out of money before the end of the semester. And the consequence is that it will take them the following several years to pay back that big amount.

Before sharing with you my approaches 10 dealing with the situation, I'd like to make you aware of something first. Based on researches, over-spenders mainly fall into one of the following categories.

a. Image spenders use money in highly visible ways, caring much about their appearance. Their motto is "If I look beautiful, I am beautiful."

b. Compulsive (难控制的) shoppers use shopping as a distraction (分心) from unwanted negative feelings. Whenever down, they purchase to "drown" the bad feeling.

c. Bargain-hunting spenders care more about "getting the deal". Their satisfaction comes from the bargaining process or grabbing the bargains.

1. What did the writer do in college?
A.She never made both ends meet.B.She recorded the money she spent.
C.She enjoyed making investment.D.She had to buy things she disliked.
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.A plan of making a budget.B.The danger of overspending.
C.A style of paying off debts.D.The value of attending college.
3. What do compulsive shoppers and bargain-hunting spenders have in common?
A.Paying great attention to their appearance.B.Seeing the harm of overspending.
C.Satisfying themselves by spending on food.D.Buying too many unwanted items.
4. What may probably be mentioned next by the writer?
A.Ways to manage money.B.Examples of success.
C.Consequences of overspending.D.Secrets of happy life .


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】There are various aspects that go into making a successful school, and success can be measured in various ways. Often, the teachers are praised for a school’s success and blamed for its failure. Yet, in order for a school to be effective, it must be a place where teaching and learning can easily take place, and that requires the hard work of more than just educators. Students must take learning into their own hands and feel as if what they are doing is as important as it actually is. This can only be done with the cooperation of every adult that is involved in the students’ life. Some of these individuals often go unnoticed, yet the role they play in the students’ lives is immeasurable.
In the school, administrative assistants greet students at the start of the day and answer a large quantity of questions. When an assistant remembers a student’s name or even something special about that student, it communicates to him that he is cared for. The assistant can also give that extra encouragement for a student to make better choices, especially when they are visiting the principal’s office.
Meanwhile, though cafeteria workers have a short space of time to interact with students, they can make a big difference as well. Beyond meeting nutritional needs, cafeteria workers may also on occasion meet the emotional needs of the students they serve. Students benefit from positive interaction with adults, and cafeteria workers may give that extra bit of encouragement that a child needs.
Custodians (管理员) are usually underappreciated for what they offer to schools. They have to be knowledgeable about everything from cleaning to fixing the most intricate (复杂的) tools. They get to school early in the morning before teachers arrive and lock up late at night after the last student has left from the after-school event. They also make sure teachers are equipped with the necessary items and prepare the rooms so that they are ready for learning. A great custodian also gives that kind word or extra smile to that student who needs it most.
1. The purpose of the passage is to _______.
A.emphasize the role teachers play in a school
B.highlight the contributions of other staff at school besides teachers.
C.tell us who make the greatest contributions to a school
D.explain what contributes to the success of a student
2. If an assistant remembers a student’s name, the student will feel that _________.
A.he is paid particular attention toB.he is special
C.he has done something wrongD.he has made progress in study
3. Which of the following is TRUE about cafeteria workers?
A.It’s enough for them to cook for the students.
B.It’s hard for them to interact with the students.
C.They have the most interaction with students at school.
D.They can also meet the emotional needs of the students.
4. How does the author feel about the staff mentioned in the text?
2016-11-26更新 | 144次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I hear many parents saying that their teenage children are rebellious(反叛的).I wish it were so.At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents.You should be learning to stand on your own two feet.But take a good took at the present rebellion.It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents.Instead of striking out bravely on their own,most of them are trying to seize at one another's hands for safety.

They say they want to dress as they please.But they all wear the same clothes.They set off in new directions in music.But somehow reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it.They have come out of their cocoon(蚕茧)—into a larger cocoon.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way.Industry has firmly opened up a teenage market.These days every teenager can learn from newspapers and TV what a teenager should have and be.And many of today's parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children.All this adds up to great difficulty for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.

But the difficulty is worth getting over.The path is worth following.You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party.You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records.You may have some thoughts that you don't care to share at once with your classmates.Well,go to it.Find yourself.Be yourself.Popularity will come—with the people who respect you for who you are.That's the only kind of popularity that really counts.

1. The writer's purpose in writing this passage is to tell____.
A.readers how to be popular in the world
B.teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves
C.parents how to control and guide their children
D.people how to understand and respect each other
2. According to the writer,many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own,but,in fact,most of them____.
A.dare not do things
B.have much difficulty in understanding each other
C.are not sure of themselves
D.are very much afraid of getting lost
3. During the teenage years,one should learn to____.
A.find one's real self
B.become different from others in as many ways as possible
C.get into the right reason and become popular
D.rebel against parents
2018-10-06更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A Guide to the University


The TWU Cafeteria is open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. It serves snacks(小吃), drinks, ice cream bars and meals. You can pay with cash or your ID cards.You can add meal money to your ID cards at the Front Desk. Even if you do not buy your food in the cafeteria, you can use the tables to eat your lunch, to have meetings with your friends and to study.

If you are on campus in the evening or late at night,you can buy snacks, fast food, and drinks in the Lower Cafe located in the bottom level of the Douglas Center. This area is often used for entertainment such as concerts, games or TV watching.


The Globe, located in the bottom level of McMillan Hall, is available for relaxing, studying, cooking and eating. Monthly activities are held here for all international students. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., closed on Sundays.

Academic Support

All students have access to the Writing Center on the upper floor of Douglas Hall. Here, qualified volunteers will work with you on written work, grammar, vocabulary and other academic skills. If you need help, you can sign up for an appointment by finishing the sign-up sheet outside the door, two 30-minute appointments per week maximum. This service is free.


The TWU Express is a shuttle(班车)service. The shuttle transports students between campus and the shopping center, leaving from the Mattson Centre. Operation hours are between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturdays only. Round trip fare is $1.

1. What can you do in the TWU Cafeteria?
A.Do homework and watch TV.B.Buy drinks and enjoy concerts.
C.Have meals and meet with friends.D.Add money to your ID and play chess.
2. How can you seek help from the Writing Center?
A.By applying online.B.By calling the center.
C.By filling in a sign-up form.D.By going to the center directly.
3. What is the function of the TWU Express?
A.To carry students to the lecture halls.B.To provide students with campus tours.
C.To take students to the Mattson Centre.D.To transport students to and from the stores.
2019-12-02更新 | 383次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般