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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:56 题号:11369544

Recently, Google announced that its voice-activated program, Google Assistant, will be offering a new feature called "Tell Me Something Good". Users can now give that command and receive an earful of positive news stories. What's more, The New York Times has a page online called "Fixes", which focuses on what people are doing to fight social ills. As media researcher Karen McIntyre of Virginia Commonwealth University explains, these are all parts of a news movement called constructive journalism.

Constructive journalism is different from "feel-good news", like a fireman rescuing a cat. Instead, constructive journalism offers a more complete but appealing version of the news, says McIntyre. In her opinion, besides focusing on solutions, constructive journalism includes reporting on the historical and social setting of specific news incidents, using reliable data to look at longer-term trends, and avoiding interview techniques that create drama without increasing understanding.

However, newspapers thrive on eyes on the page, and editors may be less interested in constructive journalism if they aren't convinced that it'll attract their readers. While McIntyre acknowledges those concerns, research has shown the opposite to be true. For example, one study found participants who read an online story that focused on approaches to poverty spent more time on the page than those reading a similar story without focusing on solutions.

There is much we don't know yet about how this kind of journalism affects behavior. The research is relatively young, though at least one of McIntyre's studies showed an interesting result: people who read inspiring news stories were more willing afterwards to sign up for generous actions related to the story, such as donating money to support a cause from the story.

Therefore, she argues, there's a hunger for this type of news.

1. Why are Google Assistant and "Fixes" mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To say how the news movement works.
B.To stress the importance of positive news.
C.To show what constructive journalism is.
D.To lead in the topic of the whole text.
2. Constructive journalism encourages stories that ____.
A.inform people of big events
B.are solution-focused
C.focus on amazing you
D.are based on interesting facts
3. How should constructive journalism stories be written?
A.In a serious way.
B.In a humorous way.
C.In a usual way.
D.In an understandable way.
4. What may be the problem with constructive journalism?
A.That it isn't appealing to readers.
B.That it isn't easy to collect and edit.
C.That it adds to some editors' concerns.
D.That it is unavailable to some readers.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍的是日本出版的一款专门面向肥胖男士的杂志——Mr. Babe。

【推荐1】While most lifestyle and fashion magazines are full of photos of slim (苗条的) male and female models that create an unrealistic image of the human body, a fresh Japanese men’s magazine called Mr. Babe is taking an unusual approach. It is targeted at chubby men, a body type that is rarely represented in the mainstream (主流) fashion industry.

Mr. Babe describes itself as Japan’s first fashion and lifestyle magazine of chubby men, by chubby men and for chubby men. Its major goal is to increase the confidence of its readers and convince them that they can lead a happy and successful life regardless of the few extra pounds. It offers fashion tips, health advice and articles on marriage. The chief editor said, “Mr. Babe is in no way persuading men to become fat. Our message is that chubby men can be attractive by making use of what they have now.”

Norihito Kurashina was in charge of Men’s Knuckle for over 10 years before shifting completely and launching Mr. Babe. Up to now, Men’s Knuckle is still a famous magazine for young Japanese. 52-year-old Kurashina describes himself as a chubby man for 25 years.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey, the percentage of overweight men in Japan has been increasing gradually over the last decade, while the number of overweight women has decreased. Kurashina says the growing number of chubby men is largely due to the long working hours. In addition, they go drinking after work to relax. Naturally, they have no time, energy or money to go to the gym and keep in shape.

The chubby men in Mr. Babe magazine are not much more different than the handsome and sexy men that show up in most mainstream magazines. They are charming and well-dressed. 50, 000 copies have been printed of the first issue (发行), which has film star Jack Black on the cover. Norihito Kurashina says he is already feeling a good response from the audience and is confident of the magazine’s success.

1. What does the underlined word “chubby” in Para. 1 mean?
2. What does Mr. Babe mainly aim to do?
A.Encourage more men to put on weight.
B.Make its readers confident in themselves.
C.Offer suggestions about how to lose weight.
D.Become the most popular magazine in Japan.
3. What can we infer from the text?
A.No film stars are on the cover of Mr. Babe.B.Norihito Kurashina is not fat at all.
C.The future of Mr. Babe’s is bright.D.The men in Mr. Babe dressed carelessly.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.A magazine is bringing out a different charm.
B.People don’t read magazines anymore.
C.Slim male and female models are becoming more popular.
D.More film stars are on the cover of magazines.
2024-01-17更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The Onion was started by two university students in 1988. They said their paper was “America's finest news source”. For the first few years it enjoyed local popularity. Then in 1996 the Weekly Onion entered cyberspace. The new humorous online magazine became very popular. The website said The Onion had three million readers every week. The popularity of the online magazine led to increased interest in the print version. The Onion print magazine said it had almost one million readers each week.

The Onion covers all kinds of subjects and uses a kind of humour called satire. They use serious, journalistic language and style to make fun of people's ideas and activities.

For example, once an Onion online cover showed a picture of a dissatisfied young man in his disorganized home. The headline read, “Plan to straighten out entire life during week-long vacation yields mixed resuts.’ The report that followed was written in newspaper style, but, of course, this man's problems were not really worthy of newspaper coverage!

The Onion includes features found in a real newspaper. For example, there is a section called American Voices. It includes photographs of several people who have been stopped on the street. They provide their opinions on whatever subject they are asked about. They are very funny, but what is funnier is that The Onion uses the same photographs every week, but changes the names. So, readers realize quickly that the joke is on them.

Onion Editor-in-Chief Scott Dikkers has published several books of collected Onion reports. The most recent is called Embedded in America. Not everyone likes The Onion. Some people find it offensive. Others do not recognize it as a humour magazine and sometimes Onion stories are reported by real news organizations as real news reports.

1. According to the passage The Onion _______.
A.was very popular with college students when it was first started
B.has more readers online than those who read the print version
C.was first read online in 1988
D.published its print version after setting up its website
2. In Paragraph 3, the author gives an example to show _______.
A.that The Onion is offensive
B.what American men's problems are
C.how The Onion uses a style of news report to make fun of people's ideas
D.how the cover has a great effect on The Onion
3. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.An Introduction to The OnionB.The History of The Onion
C.Opinions on The OnionD.Why The Onion Is Popular?
2021-07-06更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Are you looking for some informative magazines? The following ones can surely meet your needs.

Mental Foss is a magazine full of bite-sized(small bits) trivia(琐事)and mostly short articles with really interesting facts that you'll want to share with others. The writing is fun and friendly, so it’s easy to understand the answers to the more difficult questions, like: What does outer space smell like? Why isn't cat food mouse-flavored? While the print edition of the magazine stopped publishing in 2016, you can still read Mental Floss online.

Reader's Digest is not actually about books reading. Instead, it is about people. Inside you'll find anecdotes—short, personal articles about things that have happened to people. There are stories in simple writing about everything from funny celebrity moments and inspiring personal store to funny jokes and articles.

Cricket and Cicada are easy-to-read literary magazines aimed at teenagers. Each issue is full of wonderful short stories and poems, and beautiful illustrations. Even though these are technically children's magazines, they are perfect for learning English because they have high quality writing.

Time is one of the most well-known magazines in the world. Inside you'll find news, beautiful photographs and everything you need to get a" deeper understanding of the world in which we live. "Since Time is very high quality and provides deep insight on many serious topics, it can also be difficult for English learners to read. If you have trouble understanding Time, try Time For Kids, which has similarly great content but is written in a simpler way.

1. What can readers obtain from Mental Floss?
A.They can be inspired by the comments on the magazine.
B.They can understand some tough facts in a funny way.
C.They can enjoy a variety of eye-catching pictures.
D.They can have a deep understanding about the current events.
2. What similarity do the fist three magazines have in common?
A.The language is easy and friendly to readers.
B.The articles are mostly adapted from books.
C.The stories are all based on private experiences.
D.The topics are serious and difficult to comprehend.
3. What do we know about Time?
A.It's of great help for English beginners.
B.It has two editions for readers to choose from.
C.People can have an access to it online.
D.It is perfect for teenagers who love anecdotes.
2022-04-06更新 | 233次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般