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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:51 题号:11475420

Bears eat human food when they can get some.But in a new study, the more human food 30 female black bears ate, the less time those bears were likely to spend hibernating(冬眠).In turn,bears that hibernated less were likely to score worse in a test for aging.

The new research grew out of an earlier project to see what wild black bears across Colorado were eating, says Jonathan Pauli, a researcher from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Another researcher Rebecca Kirby checked diets of hundreds of bears across the state when she was a Ph.D.student. She found that hunters there were not allowed to set out bear bait(诱饵)。That means the animals' way to get human food is mostly through finding human food themselves.

When bears eat more human food, their bodies pick up higher levels of a form of carbon known as carbon-13.It comes from plants such as corn. The researcher found the telltale(报警的) form of carbon in an earlier study. They found bears in some places ate a large share of people's leftovers(剩饭).Sometimes,these leftovers could make up more than 30 percent of a bear's diets,Pauli note.

In the new study,Kirby looked at the effect of diet on hibernation. Bears usually sleep for four to six months,during which female bears give birth. Kirby and her colleagues focused on 30 female bears around Durango, Colo. These bears were watched over by the state's parks and wildlife department. The team first tested bears for carbon-13.They found the ones that ate more human-related food tended to hibernate for shorter periods.

Studies on smaller animals show that hibernation may slow the aging process. If true, shortening the seasonal sleep may have an ill effect on bears. To test it, the researchers tested for relative changes in the length of telomeres(染色体端粒)。In the new study,bears that hibernated for shorter periods tended to have telomeres that shortened more quickly than those of other bears. This suggests the animals were aging faster,the team says.

The bears didn't always meet Kirby's needs for several kinds of data, so she can't say there is a direct and "certain" connection between what bears eat and aging. So far,Kirby calls the evidence "suggestive".

1. What does the new study show about bears?
A.They have much difficulty in getting food.
B.Hibernating is their best way to stay young.
C.Eating human food might cause fast aging.
D.They hibernate for shorter periods than before.
2. What can be learned from Paragraphs 3-4?
A.Hunters usually use human food as bear bait.
B.Carbon-13 levels will fall if bears eat human food.
C.Bears seem to be able to find human food on their own.
D.Many bears only eat people's leftovers as their diets.
3. What might cause a bear's telomeres to shorten more quickly?
A.Hibernating for enough time.
B.Being weak with hunger.
C.Eating much human food.
D.Slowing the aging process.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Although it's tricky for people to see, mouse feelings are written all over their little faces. A research team in Germany designed a computer program to study the faces of mice for signs of feelings. It was able to reliably spot expressions of joy, fear, pain and other basic feelings. Those signs offer a sort of "field guide" for scientists who study feelings. And understanding the feelings in animals better could help guide human studies too, the researchers say.

German scientist Nadine Gogolla studies the brain. She and her colleagues treated mice in ways to cause different feelings. To bring about pleasure, they gave the mice sugar water. A shock to their tails resulted in pain. And being put somewhere they had been shocked in the past led to fear. High-speed video cameras focused on the animals' faces. They recorded tiny movements in the animals' ears, noses, whiskers and more.

An observer would likely see that a mouse's face changes. But translating those small changes into feelings is really hard. That's true especially for an untrained human being.

But a computer had no trouble, the researchers found. They used an approach called "machine learning." It directs a computer program to detect patterns in videos. The program analyzed thousands of videos of mouse faces. It spotted tiny movements that accompanied good or bad events. For example, when a mouse is drinking sweet water, its ears move forward and fold toward the body. At the same time, its nose moves down toward the mouth. Its face looks differently when the mouse tastes bitter water. Its ears move straight back. Its nose curls slightly backward, too.

The activity of nerve cells in a mouse's brain also changed with various feelings, other analyses showed. These cells live in a region known as the insular cortex. This deeply buried spot plays a role in human feelings, too.

1. The computer program designed by a German research team is intended to ________.
A.guide mice to exhibit various feelingsB.translate mice's face changes into feelings
C.spot expressions of different mice feelingsD.record tiny movements in mice's facial parts
2. If a mouse moves its ears forward and folds them toward the body, it may be a sign of ________.
3. What's the author likely to write about in the following paragraph?
A.Humans should be nice to mice.
B.A mouse can sense another mouse's pain.
C.The analyses help scientists study human feelings.
D.Mice and humans share the same emotional characteristics.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Detecting Mouse Feelings Is No Easy JobB.Mice Show Their Feelings on Their Faces
C.Mice Are Good at Expressing ThemselvesD.Understanding Mouse Feelings Does Matter
2020-12-06更新 | 126次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】If an emperor penguin wants to survive in the worst of an Antarctic winter, there is no such thing as personal space. The large birds are known to stay very close to each other, feather to feather, in groups of thousands to keep out the cold.

For the first time, German researchers show that these gatherings are carefully organized structures, in which single penguins can cause mass movements within the group that is similar to the movements of cars in a traffic jam.

“If one penguin starts a wave, perhaps walking too close to its neighbor, it travels like a Mexican wave in a football stadium,” said physicist Daniel Zitterbart. The Mexican wave happens when all the people watching a sport stand up, move their arms up and down, and sit down again one after the other in a continuous movement looking like a wave on the sea.

Emperor penguins gather in formation when the temperatures drop below -18℃, using each other’s bodies to keep warm. They arrived at an arrangement that physicists recognize as a “triangular lattice structure”, with a penguin at each point of the triangle. “They gather just by their natural ability,” said Zitterbart who filmed and then analyzed the movements of the penguins.

The researchers explain that the movements of a single bird within the huddle (挤作一团的动物) can set off a chain reaction that travels through the rest of the group.

That movement is similar to what happens when a single car in a traffic jam moves forward, setting off a chain reaction of tiny movements by all of the cars behind it. But there’s a difference: only the first car in the jam can start off the group movement. On the ice, any penguin among the crowd can cause a wave of small movements.

“This is one case where a traffic jam is very useful,” said Zitterbart.

1. What do we know about the Mexican wave?
A.It is the major cause of penguins movements.
B.It is a dangerous incident that happens in stadium.
C.It is a complex structure organized by penguins.
D.It works like the movements of cars in a traffic jam.
2. Penguins’ formations             .
A.often cause troubleB.are well arranged
C.are taught by physicistsD.usually move in a square shape
3. What will happen if a penguin moves in the huddle?
A.Other penguins will move one after another.
B.The penguins will spread out on the ice.
C.The whole group will move to another place.
D.Other penguins will just stay where they are.
4. Penguins “traffic jam” can help them         .
A.hatch their eggsB.communicate
C.keep warmD.protect their feathers
2020-07-21更新 | 33次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Mammals like us nurse their young with milk. Yet some other animals, including tsetse flies and pigeons, also produce a type of milk to feed their babies. But the newly discovered nursing in Toxeus magnus (大蚁蛛)could be the closest to mammal moms'.

Researcher Zhanqi Chen, who studies spider behavior at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Menglunzhen, found that for the first week or so after her baby comes out of the egg, a spider mom will leave milk droplets around the nest for her young to drink. Then nursing turns more mammalian. The little ones press themselves against their mom's body. Researchers say a gentle finger push on the underside of her stomach will squeeze (挤出)a tiny drop of white milk out of her skin. It comes out much like water from sweat glands (汗腺) and babies drink the milk by taking it up with the tongue.

Baby spiders live on nothing else for the first 20 days of their lives, the researchers report. In the lab, mothers occasionally hunted fruit flies provided by researchers. However, they never brought any of these flies back to the nest to feed their young.

After this period, baby spiders start to feed themselves. But their moms continue nursing them for nearly three weeks more, the team found. With that combined diet, 76 percent of youngsters in lab nests lived long into adulthood. Without mom's milk, they died in about 10 days.

Toxeus magnus spiders enjoy living alone. However, in order to offer extended (延长的) care to their babies, Toxeus magnus mothers end up sharing a nest with their young for an unusually long time. According to a study, only about 120 among the nearly 48,000 known spider species are known to stand being with others for more than three weeks. And only about 30 of those live lifelong social lives. So an example of spiders sharing a nest for such a long time is "a big deal".

1. What can be learnt about Toxeus magnus?
A.Toxeus magnus moms' milk comes out from their skin's surface.
B.Newly-born Toxeus magnus babies feed on milk and fruit flies.
C.One-week-old Toxeus magnus babies press Mom to get nursed.
D.Milk is available before Toxeus magnus babies are born.
2. How long does a Toxeus magnus baby get nursed by its mom according to the text?
A.About 7 days.B.About 40 days.C.About 3 weeks.D.About 2 months.
3. What is the author's attitude to Toxeus magnus mothers?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Toxeus Magnus Moms Produce Human-like Milk
B.Toxeus Magnus Spiders Actually Belong to Mammals
C.Toxeus Magnus Moms Change Their Lifestyle for Kids
D.Toxeus Magnus Spiders Feed Their Babies More Like Mammals
2022-08-04更新 | 142次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般