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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:83 题号:11599296

There have been many problems with our schools today, the biggest of which is closely related to our culture. In general, our culture, as represented in the media, gets excited by famous stars, and constantly stresses that it's what you have, not what you are, that counts. Parents are encouraged to be away from even very small children for most of the day. Too many voters go for politicians who would rather cut school funding (基金)than to get rid of tax cuts for the wealthy. All contribute greatly to the problems of educating our children.

Today's teachers have to deal with a culture that is vastly different than in the past. They report that there is, among more children than ever, a lack of motivation, no drive to succeed or even try. The role models that boys view in the media mostly consist of men in comedies and other shows who are rude and often extremely immature: self-centered overpaid athletes; men in movies, television dramas, video games,   etc. who are preoccupied with violence and power. As Leonard Sax wrote in "Boys Adrift". "Teenage boys are looking for models of mature adulthood. but we no longer make any collective effort to provide such models. "Girls are attacked not only with such annoying images (形象)of males. .but also with women who are preoccupied with appearance and are extremely materialistic.

In such a cultural environment, it is more important than ever to have responsible, loving and caring parents who have enough time and motivation to devote to their children and see to it as their duty to model for them and raise them with high standards of honesty and responsibility along with tending to their physical needs. They need to care enough to see that their children are not attacked with the garbage that comes from movie, television and computer screens. In today s culture, they are basically alone in this effort since, unfortunately, so much is working against them.

Until we, as a culture, face the truth about ourselves-that we are not providing adequately for a great many of our children--the storm will continue to rage (肆虐)over our education system.

1. How is paragraph 1 mainly developed?
A.By analyzing causes.B.By showing differences.
C.By describing a process.D.By using time order.
2. What does today's culture probably bring to the children?
A.Narrow access to entertainment.B.Poor understanding abilities.
C.Few materialistic models.D.Little desire for success.
3. We can learn from the text that in today's culture parents need to
A.devote more to their children
B.find honest models for their children
C.keep their children away from computers
D.help their children develop motivation
4. What is the author's attitude towards today's culture?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A study of 3,884 students from primary schools to colleges found that examinations made 83.1 percent of primary students anxious, and more than 40 percent of high school children were out of sorts (身体不适) because of stress and anxiety.

Moreover,75 percent of the high school respondents admitted, that they had problems talking to their parents and more than 55 percent of them found it hard to associate with other people, according to the study.

It is not difficult to conclude that our children are not happy.

Today’s kids are coming home from school weighed down with backpacks full of books and worksheets. They are spending hours at desk at night, seldom going outside to play and getting to bed late.

How can this be a good thing? Homework is eating away children’s time to play freely with neighborhood kids-and more importantly, their time to sleep.

Homework can enrich the education process. But like all things, too much of it may dampen (减少) a student’s enthusiasm for learning. To raise cheerful, contented and well-mannered children, parents need to put in a lot of time and effort. Their eyes should go beyond their children’s preparations for tests. Children need a break too. So let them be in control of parts of the day.

1. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.High school students suffer more than primary school students.
B.Most of the students have no problem talking to their parents.
C.The teenagers suffer from heavy workload.
D.The students are not happy at home.
2. According to the text, what do the children have to do with too much homework?
A.They have to take their backpacks.B.They have to stay up late.
C.They have to eat more.D.They have more time to play outdoors.
3. What does the author suggest the parents do?
A.They should spend more time with their children.B.They need to ask their children to work hard?
C.They should not care about their children’s test results.D.They need to give children more free time.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward giving children too much homework?
5. What does the underlined word “backpack” mean ?
2024-04-12更新 | 16次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Greece has criticized the United Kingdom for canceling (取消) a planned meeting between Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, apparently so that Sunak could avoid talking about ancient artefacts (历史文物) that Greece says were taken illegally. Mitsotakis and Sunak were set to meet on Tuesday, but Sunak canceled it on Monday, reportedly after learning that Mitsotakis planned to talk about the Parthenon sculptures.

The UK government initially believed Mitsotakis would not talk about the sculptures, which are now in the British Museum. The sculptures were once part of the Parthenon in the Greek capital Athens. The row (纠纷) became more serious after Mitsotakis told the BBC on Sunday the UK’s offer to store some of the sculptures in London and some in Athens was akin to cutting the Mona Lisa in two. He also said the sculptures had been essentially stolen.

Mitsotakis said he was deeply disappointed by the abrupt cancellation of the meeting. “Those who firmly believe in the correctness and justice of their positions are never hesitant to engage in constructive argument and debate,” he was quoted by The Associated Press as saying. The BBC reported that sources in the Greek government were puzzled and annoyed by the meeting cancellation.

Greece has long criticized the way in which the Parthenon sculptures ended up in London, after they were bought by British diplomat Lord Elgin and shipped to the UK between 1801 and 1804. Because the two nations disagree on the legality of the deal and have firm positions, they have tended to avoid talking about the issue during high-level diplomatic meetings.

The UK’s Transport Secretary Mark Harper said on the BBC’s Breakfast program on Tuesday that it was regretful that the prime ministers would not meet during Mitsotakis’UK visit. He said Mitsotakis had been offered the chance to meet instead the UK’s deputy prime minister, Oliver Dowden, but he had refused the meeting. “The views of Greece on the Parthenon sculptures are well known,” Mitsotakis was quoted by The Guardian as saying. “I had hoped to have the opportunity to discuss them with UK Prime Minister along with other international challenges. ” The UK’s opposition Labour Party criticized Sunak for canceling the meeting and said his behavior appeared disrespectful.

1. Which can replace the underlined phrase “akin to” in paragraph 2?
A.Contrary to.B.Similar to.C.Relevant to.D.Adapted to
2. How did the Parthenon sculptures end up being in Great Britain?
A.An Englishman purchased them and sent them there.
B.Some stole them and sold them to a British diplomat.
C.The then Greek government presented them to the UK as a gift.
D.The then British army took them by force and transported them there.
3. Why did Mitsotakis refuse to meet the UK’s deputy prime minister, Oliver Dowden?
A.He was too occupied with other affairs.
B.He was supposed to meet UK Prime Minister.
C.He didn’t approve of his words and behaviors.
D.He had arranged for another official to meet him.
4. What is the best title for the news report?
A.Sunak and Mitsotakis set to meet on Tuesday
B.Mitsotakis thinks highly of Greece artefacts stored in UK
C.Mitsotakis plans to take back Parthenon sculptures from UK
D.Greece’s arguing with UK about artefacts sparks diplomatic row
2024-02-06更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A tabletop bean seller in Accra, Ghana has grown her business into a popular fast-selling and highly profitable local restaurant in just under 2 years.

Once upon a time in 2019, Madam Evangeli who sold beans on a tabletop in Accra hadn’t even heard of selling food on the Internet. She started her business selling to only physical walk-in customers. A few months after she started the business, she got introduced to an online food delivery platform — Jumia Food. She was doubtful about it because she didn’t fully understand how the process worked and what the benefits were. After a few days of research, she decided to join as a vendor (小贩) and test the platform.

Just when she added herself to the list on the Jumia Food website, the country was forced into lockdown (封城) in March 2020. Her customer base began to reduce rapidly since there were restrictions (限制) on movement and there were almost no customers around to buy from her. This became a problem since the business was her primary source of livelihood. She sometimes came to work to prepare meals only for a handful of people to buy.

She then remembered that she had listed on Jumia so the love story began. She started using the platform frequently and growing the business during the COVID-19 lockdown. A week later, the number of orders had increased three times and things were getting better. This continued for months as many of her customers now had a way to stay in the comfort of their homes or offices and still get their meals delivered to them safely. Sales started increasing rapidly. Madam Evangeli also has plans to open more shops in other parts of the city in order to support young out-of-work people.

Her life has been changed through the Internet. There are many more food vendors like Madam Evangeli who are benefitting from the power of the Internet. E-commerce (电子商务) is the future and it is important that every stakeholder (参与人) play their part in making sure that more lives are touched through the Internet.

1. What did Madam Evangeli think of selling food online in 2019?
A.It could help to change the poor’s life.
B.It could make her food popular.
C.It was full of the unknown.
D.It was a waste of time.
2. What difficulty did Madam Evangeli have after March 2020?
A.She suffered customer losses after lockdown.
B.She had no money to run more shops.
C.She had no time to prepare meals.
D.She couldn’t find a worker.
3. How was Madam Evangeli’s business after she joined Jumia?
A.It gave many chances to jobless people.
B.It helped her to find her true love.
C.It failed to draw much attention.
D.It developed surprisingly fast.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.People’s life is changing through the Internet.
B.E-commerce is a major choice of food vendors.
C.People’s attitude towards the Internet differs widely.
D.Madam Evangeli has encouraged others to do business online.
2023-08-22更新 | 62次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般