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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:143 题号:12007098

With COVID-19 outbreaks at different stages around the world, in many countries lockdowns (封城) are being carefully eased off while urging citizens to keep on practicing the social distancing rules. Singapore is trying a new way of carrying it out—a robot dog.

The government has arranged Spot, a yellow and black robotic dog made by Boston Dynamics Company, at one local park. The same robot has ever been seen dancing to hit song “Uptown Funk” before. However, 2020 is an extremely difficult year and the company is trying to assist the national coronavirus-control effort. In turn, the job has been handed over to Spot.

The four-legged robot dog patrols (巡查) the park and broadcasts a pre-recorded message to encourage visitors to observe safe distancing measures. As it walks around the park, the dog says in a female voice, “Let’s keep Singapore healthy. For your own safety and for those around you, please stand at least one meter apart. Thank you.”

Spot is one of the world’s most advanced robots and unlike wheeled robots, it is capable of going pretty much anywhere a dog can go and can walk up to three miles per hour over different areas, making it ideal for operation in public parks and gardens. Furthermore, it is remotely controlled and has cameras with 360-degree vision and analytic tools to scan the surroundings and help officials estimate the number of people gathering in the park.

For now, the project is currently set to run in a limited trial for two weeks at one park during off-peak (非高峰) hours. But if all goes well, authorities will consider expanding the program to improve enforcement (强制) of social distance throughout on Singapore.

Spot is also being used in other ways during the public health crisis beyond just patrolling a park. The government says it’s also using Spot in another capacity—at a local isolation facility where the robot helps bring medicine to patients.

1. What do we know about Spot in the passage?
A.It’s a dog-like robot that can speak.
B.It’s a robot that can sing a popular song.
C.It’s a wheeled robot that can walk anywhere.
D.It’s a robot newly invented during the pandemic (流行病).
2. How does Spot carry out its duty in the park?
A.It enforces people to follow the rules.
B.It politely tells people to keep apart.
C.It works day and night to patrol the park.
D.It warns visitors against throwing trash anywhere.
3. What is mainly talked about in paragraph 4?
A.Some smart features of the robot.
B.The robot dog’s basic equipment.
C.The working condition of the robot.
D.The experiment process of the project.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.Spot, a Dog like Robot, Walks in the Park.
B.A New Program is Expanding in Singapore.
C.A Multi-skilled Robot Goes Beyond the Park.
D.Singapore Leads the Top in Fighting COVID-19.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Every day, people share more than 2 billion photos on the Internet. While visual content provides a fun and expressive way for people to communicate online, consuming and creating it poses challenges for people who are blind or severely visually impaired (受损的). With more than 39 million people who are blind, and over 246 million who have a severe visual impairment, many people may feel excluded from the conversation around photos on the Internet. The researchers from Harvard University want to build technology that helps the blind community appreciate photos in the same way others enjoy them.

Automatic alternative text is a new development that generates a description of a photo using advancements in object recognition technology. People using screen readers on digital devices will hear a list of items a photo may contain as they click photos on the Internet. Before today, people using screen readers would only hear the name of the person who shared the photo, followed by the term “photo” when they came upon an image. Now they can offer a richer description of what’s in a photo thanks to automatic alternative text. For instance, someone could now hear “an image containing three people, smiling, outdoors”.

This is possible because of Harvard University’s object recognition technology, which is based on a network that has billions of parameters and is trained with millions of examples. Each advancement in object recognition technology means that the researchers will be able to make technology even more accessible to more people. When people are connected, they can achieve extraordinary things as individuals and as a community, and when everyone is connected, we all benefit from it.

They are launching automatic alternative text first on cellphone screen readers set to English, but they plan to add this functionality for other languages and platforms soon. While this technology is still nascent, using its current capabilities to describe photos is an important step toward providing our visually impaired community with the same benefits and enjoyment that everyone else gets from photos.

1. Why is the technology launched?
A.There are so many photos on the Internet.
B.There are many people suffering from blindness.
C.Some digital devices are in need of the technology.
D.People with vision problems fail to enjoy photos online.
2. What is the advantage of the technology over the previous one?
A.It can offer more photos to blind people.
B.It can describe more about online photos.
C.It can recognize the person who shares photos.
D.It can satisfy the common needs of blind people.
3. What is the key to promoting the technology?
A.The photos on the Internet.B.People’s care for blind people.
C.People’s connections to each other.D.The object recognition technology.
4. Which can best explain the underlined word “nascent” in the last paragraph?
7日内更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A major new facility to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere has started operating in Iceland, which is a boost to an emerging technology that experts say could eventually play an important role in reducing greenhouse gases.

The plant in southwest Iceland is the biggest of its kind, its builder says. It is able to capture 900 tons of CO2 every year but it needs heat and electricity to work. It is using energy produced from waste and is built on the roof of a waste incineration plant, and through the burning of rubbish, energy is generated.

Human-sized fans are built into a series of boxes. They take CO2 out of the air, catching it in sponge like filters(过滤器). The filters are blasted with heat freeing the gas, which is then mixed with water and pumped deep into deep underground basalt caves, where over time it turns into dark-gray stone. Pumping CO2 into the ground is just one way to deal with it. The makers are also selling the gas to be used again. The CO2 can be captured just a few 100 miles away. It is pumped through an underground pipe line directly into a greenhouse. Vegetables and plants love CO2 and higher concentrations of the gas within the greenhouse improve the growth of plants.

By 2050, humanity will need to pull nearly a billion metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere every year through direct air capture technology to achieve carbon neutral(碳中和) goals, according to International Energy Agency recommendations. The plant in Iceland will be able to capture 4,000 metric tons annually—just a small amount of what will be necessary, but one that Clime works, the company that built it, says can grow rapidly as efficiency improves and costs decrease.

1. What does the underlined word “boost” mean in Paragraph 1?
2. What do we know about the new facility ?
A.It uses waste to get power.
B.It is built at high water level.
C.It makes Iceland free of air pollution.
D.It produces lots of heat during operation.
3. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.The ways of breaking down CO2.
B.The approaches to reusing waste gas.
C.The necessity of building greenhouses.
D.The workings of the carbon-catching plant.
4. What can be expected from the direct air capture technology?
A.Decreasing the cost of energy production.
B.The rapid reduction of CO2 levels in the air.
C.The early realization of the carbon neutral goals.
D.The disappearance of the traditional carbon treatment.
2021-11-26更新 | 87次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Sometimes it’s hard to imagine how a new technology will affect your life. Nobody thought that 10 years after getting the internet in their homes, they’d be online everywhere and all the time with smart phones. Have a look and get prepared for what’s coming.

Hyperautomation (超级自动化)

Hyperautomation is the combination of machine learning software and automation tools to do work. What does hyperautomation look like? With hyperautomation, the coffeemaker is involved in every step of the process. It uses machine learning to know how much coffee you like to make, what time you like to make it, and how often. It orders more beans for you --your favorite brand - when the amount gets low. It also coordinates(协作)with your dishwasher to make sure your favorite cup is clean and ready. The social robot market is expected to be worth $19 billion by the end of 2025. By then, each home could have robots that rival the intelligence of science fiction’s most beloved droids (机器人),like Star Wars,C-3PO.

Practical Blockchain

Organizations should begin evaluating blockchain (区块链),which has the potential to change industries . It can provide trust and value exchange throughout society.

Aside from its possible use as a currency, blockchain can also be used to track real-world items. For example, contaminated (被污染的)food - especially vegetables - can be traced back to its date and place of packaging.

There are also so-called “smart” contracts. These are simple programs written into the blockchain. With these, events can trigger actions. For example, if you order from Taobao, your payment is held until the delivery guy marks your shipment “completed”. Then payment is immediately received by the seller. Similarly, a student’s university allowance could be limited by a parent to only be spent on necessary things .

1. What do we know about hyperautomation?
A.It is by nature a computer program.B.It is mainly used in the kitchen.
C.It makes robots in science fiction a reality.D.It has huge commercial potential.
2. How does the author illustrate blockchain?
A.By making comparisons.B.By giving examples.
C.By explaining the process.D.By stating arguments.
3. What benefit can blockchain bring us?
A.Computer programs can be made simpler.
B.The money you pay can directly go to the seller.
C.A revolution in industries may take place.
D.Polluted vegetables will no longer exist.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Modem Technology ReleasedB.Automation Evolved
C.World ChangedD.Living Standards Improved
2020-06-27更新 | 76次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般