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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:191 题号:12131906

Fabien Cousteau is the grandson of Jacques Cousteau, an ocean scientist who brought the wonders of the sea to the attention of people around the world. Jacques Cousteau helped invent the Aqua-Lung(水肺) , now used by divers everywhere. Fabien Cousteau has followed a similar path,exploring the sea as a scientist and working to protect the oceans.

Oceans cover more than 70% of our planet. NOAA says we have created maps of less than 20% of the world's oceans, and only 5% have been explored. Space seems to have gotten much more attention , even though it's farther away. The International Space Station( ISS) has been around for more than 20 years , and more people have gone to the moon than have gone to the deepest point in the ocean.

"The ocean is our life support system. It is the very reason why we exist in the first place,'Fabien says.

But though the ocean is all around us , studying it is a challenge. Divers are limited in how far down they can go and how long they can stay below. Returning to the surface can be dangerous. Fabien has announced a plan to build a large research station under the ocean named Proteus,which is designed to deal with many of those problems. The power for the station is expected to come from solar energy and the movement of the ocean. Fabien says that the research base won't just be used to study and help protect the sea, but also to research new ways of creating energy , and perhaps even searching for new medicines. Proteus is also expected to have the first under water greenhouse in the world , so that the lab will be able to grow some of its own food.

Like the ISS , Proteus is designed so that it can grow in the future , as scientists decide to add new sections or equipment to the station. Fabien hopes to have the lab completed and ready to use by 2023.

1. What do we know about Fabien Cousteau?
A.He's doing what Jacques once did.
B.He took part in the work in the ISS.
C.He built an undersea laboratory.
D.He helped invent the Aqua-Lung.
2. Why does the author mention the statistics in paragraph 2?
A.To show the world's oceans are vast.
B.To prove oceans and space are vital.
C.To advise people to protect oceans.
D.To tell why oceans need exploring.
3. Which of the following can best describe Proteus?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Fabien's Ocean Research Achievements
B.Proteus: Research Lab Growing Gradually
C.Proteus : Plan for Underwater Version of ISS
D.Fabien's Dream about Promoting his Station


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】There is an ancient Chinese story about a giant man named Kua Fu who chases the sun. He drains the Yellow and Wei rivers during his race and finally dies of delydration(脱水). His failure has reminded people of the unstoppable power of the sun for centuries. And yet, scientists throughout history have tried to better understand the most important star in our sky. On Aug 12, NASA launched the Parker Solar Probe(探测器), marking the start of its trip to the sun.

The probe itself is almost as big as a car and needed the help of a powerful rocket to escape Earth’s orbit, change direction and reach the sun. In order to reach the sun, the probe must complete seven flybys of Venus, using the power of the planet’s gravity to change its path, sending it toward the sun. But that’s not the only difficult part of the journey. As the probe approaches the sun’s corona(日冕), it will have to bear temperatures reaching 1,400℃, as well as deal with serious radiation. So how will the probe survive?

According to NASA, a special shield has been used, which is a special 11.5 cm-thick carbon-composite shield that will be positioned between the probe and the sun’s corona. It’s advanced technology like this that will make the probe’s trip to the sun much smoother. If everything goes as planned the probe will reach a speed of 692,018 kilometers per hour as it moves around the sun, setting a new record for the fastest man-made object in history, NBC noted. It will fly close to the sun 24 times between 2018 and 2025. NBC added.

1. What is the aim of mentioning Kua Fu in the first paragraph?
A.To tell the origin of Parker Solar Probe.
B.To lead to the topic of researching the sun.
C.To show the achievement of ancient China.
D.To show the difficulties of studying the sun.
2. How many challenges will the probe meet to reach the sun?
3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.The probe will reach the sun in 2025.
B.The probe has been protected very well.
C.The probe is the fastest man-made object.
D.The probe has been prepared well for its aim.
4. What may be the best title of the passage?
A.Taking a Closer Look at the Sun
B.Discovering the Unknown Puzzles
C.The Story of Kuafu Chasing the Sun
D.The Scientific Value of Searching the Sun
2019-02-15更新 | 162次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】In films and TV shows, police investigators dust crime scenes for fingerprints to catch criminals. Now, conservationists (环保主义者) are using a similar method to tackle the illegal overfishing of sharks and rays.

Overfishing is when too many of a particular type of fish are caught, putting that species in danger. Many sharks and rays are killed because of a high demand-and a high price-for their fins(鱼鳍). In some countries, the fins are used as an ingredient in shark fin soup, which some people believe can cure certain illnesses.

About 100 species of sharks and rays are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora(CITES), an agreement between 184 countries to limit sales of wildlife that may be at the risk of dying out. CITES has teams of people who visit ports and fish factories to look for evidence of protected species being illegally caught and sold. The idea is to punish those responsible and stop it from happening, but finding evidence is difficult. If a fish is already cut up and ready for sale, it’s hard to tell which species it was. Often, fish are sold before inspectors arrive.

Scientists have come up with a process that analyzes “fish dust”-tiny traces of fish that get left on the floor at ports and factories, even after the fish are no longer there. Using a process called metabarcoding(宏条形码技术), they examine the chemical that carries all the information about a living thing’s body and characteristics in the dust and can tell if it is from a protected species.

The scientists tested the method in Indonesia, where many sharks and rays are caught and sold. They studied dust from seven sites and found evidence of 61 species of sharks and rays. More than 80% of them were CITES-protected species. Dr. Andhika Prasetyo, the scientist who led the research, hopes the new method will be helpful in protecting endangered sea life.

1. Why is dusting crime scenes mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To discuss overfishing in a broader context.
B.To introduce the initial purpose of the passage.
C.To bring forth something new with the familiar.
D.To show the difference between two professions.
2. What is paragraph 3 of the text mainly about?
A.The risk in saving wildlife and the opportunity to seize.
B.The mission of CITES and the trouble inspectors confront.
C.The number of endangered species and the way to save them.
D.The agreement made by countries and the responsibility each carries.
3. How does the metabarcoding process work?
A.It scans the body of a fish to confirm its killer.
B.It guides the investigators to the remains of a fish.
C.It turns a fish into the dust and test its characteristics.
D.It identifies a fish by studying the chemical in the dust.
4. What does the test in Indonesia indicate?
A.The evidence collected belong to over 61 species.
B.Scientists in Indonesia will carry out further studies
C.The dusting method is promising in protecting sea life.
D.More than 80% of sharks and rays have been in danger.
2023-10-26更新 | 193次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】The ruins of a Maya city have been discovered in Guatemala with the help of the remote sensing technique LiDAR. This lost city envelops sites like Tikal, Holmul, and Witzna, but shows that these famous areas are a small part of this lost urban network.

Hidden under the jungles of the Maya Biosphere Reserve site, more than 60,000 human-made features — homes, canals, highways, and more — have been identified in aerial (从飞机上的)images collected by some international researchers headed by the PAGUNAM Foundation, a Maya cultural and natural heritage organization. Those have experts rethinking the outlines and complexity of the Maya Empire.

These ancient peoples obviously created these imaginative cultures based on their known relics (遗迹), but the new research has suggested that the size of this lost society is far beyond what experts imagined. The findings will be explored in a one-hour documentary called “Lost Treasures of the Maya Snake Kings”, to be broadcast on the National Geographic Channel.

This breakthrough was possible thanks to LiDAR sensors, which can survey lands in 3D by bouncing pulses off the ground from unmanned air vehicles and others. LiDAR is exceptionally useful for detecting archeological(考古的)sites, as it gets through jungles and other features that hold up exploration on the ground. The technique has made many discoveries become a reality in recent years. For instance, major finds at Angkor, Cambodia and Caracol, Belize can explain what it did. The final goal is to survey Guatemala’s lowlands with it.

“There are entire cities we didn't know about now showing up in the survey data,” Francisco Estrada-Belli, one of the lead archeologists on the project, said in Nat Geo's coming documentary. “There are 20,000 square kilometres more to be explored and there are going to be hundreds of cities about the mysterious people who built this urban network there that we don’t know about, and we will push back the frontiers with the technology,” he added.

1. What does the underlined word "Those" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Jungles.B.Human-made features.
C.Researchers.D.Aerial images.
2. What does the author want to convey in paragraph 4?
A.The working principle of LiDAR sensors.
B.The process of researching Maya civilization.
C.Great importance of Guatemalans lowlands.
D.LiDAR’s contribution to discovering the relics.
3. Which words can best describe the lost Maya city?
A.Small and hidden.B.Famous and high-tech.
C.Vast and complex.D.Fully-explored and imaginative.
4. What will the archeologists do next?
A.Continue to explore the unknown.B.Upgrade the LiDAR technology.
C.Study the documentary carefully.D.Build a massive urban network,
2020-04-17更新 | 176次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般