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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:72 题号:12276068

If you visit Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali, you’ll see how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the city. There are dozens of hand-washing basins at the city’s bus stations that allow passengers to wash their hands before getting on the bus. Layla Mc Cay, director of the Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health in the AUAS? told the BBC, “If everyone was washing their hands actively, we would see a reduction in all types of infection.”

In fact, every time there is a serious disease outbreak somewhere in the world, city planners come up with new ideas to fight it. Pandemics have been shaping our cities for a long time.

In 1854, for example, a cholera (霍乱) outbreak in London, UK led to the design of modern sewers (下水道).At that time, Londoners’ drinking water came from groundwater. It was heavily polluted by wastewater. The sewer system separated the wastewater from the groundwater. This stopped the spread of cholera.“By sewering certain towns in England, the death rate from lung diseases alone was reduced by 50 percent,” George Pierson wrote in his book The Separate System of Sewerage.

In New York,US,tuberculosis(肺结核)killed many people in the early 1900s. One reason was the overcrowded conditions in apartment buildings. Eventually the New York government made laws that required all apartments to have air shafts, windows, running water and indoor toilets.

During this year’s pandemic, Mayor of Paris Anne Hidaogo introduced the idea of decentralizing the city——every neighborhood should have a mix of stores, homes, offices, and other important buildings. Every basic need should be just a 15-minute walk away. This would reduce crowding on public transportation and prevent the spread of disease.

1. What can we know about Kigali, according to the paragraph 1?
A.Layla Me Cay takes charge of the city.
B.Passengers can’t board the bus without washing hands.
C.You can only find dozens of hand-washing basins in public places.
D.The government provides facilities to reduce the risk of infection.
2. What does the underlined phrase “decentralizing the city” mean?
A.Allowing the city more focused.B.Making the city more attractive.
C.Dividing the city into several parts.D.Having the city less central.
3. How does the author support his idea?
A.By listing examples.B.By giving comments.
C.By making comparison.D.By following the order of time.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Keeping our cities beautiful.B.Pandemic changes city design.
C.Several severe diseases in history.D.How COVID-19 changed our life.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Wearing a headset to play a virtual-reality game is fun. As you move your head around, you can see the scene from different angles. You’re in a fake environment that seems so real. But the power of VR may go well beyond entertainment. It just might help people who suffer from long time of pain, a new study finds.

“If VR can reduce some types of pain, it could become a new cure with fewer side effects than drugs,” says Sam Hughes, a psychologist at Imperial College London. “And it would be 1ess expensive.”

Hughes’ group studies bone and muscle pain. One example is sciatica. Sciatica is a form of pain doctors call chronic pain, which is different from the hurt you feel when you hit your knee against a table or put your hand in very hot water. It is fairly long-1ived pain and may even spread from an initial site to other body parts.

The researchers tested the pain-altering effect of virtual reality. Each volunteer accepted some form of temporary pain. The pain came from a special cream applied to the skin. The cream contained capsaicin. It’s the chemical in hot peppers that burns your mouth.

They then showed the volunteers a movie. Each volunteer would see the movie twice-once in 3D, while wearing a VR headset, and once on a normal 2 D screen. The researchers randomly decided for each volunteer whether they watched the 2D or 3D version first. Using the 2D movie as the comparison allowed them to isolate the effect of VR. Watching the movie in VR reduced the pain in the skin area better than did viewing the movie in 2D. VR helped them tolerate more pain in the area of the creamed skin. However, that pain reduction ended a few minutes after removing the VR headsets. The researchers wondered how well VR might reduce other types of pain.

1. What’s one of the advantages of VR to reduce pain?
A.It’s much safer.B.It’s more convenient.
C.It’s much faster.D.It’s more efficient.
2. What does the underlined word “chronic” mean in Paragraph 3?
3. Why was the special cream used in the experiment?
A.To find chemicals in hot peppers.B.To bring comfort to volunteers.
C.To burns the volunteers’ mouth.D.To cause some temporary pain.
4. How was the test carried out?
A.By giving numbers.B.By using examples.
C.By making a comparison.D.By presenting research findings.
2020-05-15更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The current Ebola (埃博拉病毒) outbreak in western and central Africa has infected at least 3,069 people, including 1,552 dead, making it the largest outbreak in history. Ebola is a deadly virus-about 60 percent of people infected with it have died.

How is Ebola doing its harm?

When a person becomes infected with Ebola, the virus damages the body’s immune (免疫的) cells, which defend against infection, said a researcher at Lancaster University. But if a person’s immune system can stand up to this attack, then he is more likely to survive the disease.

The patients that survive it best are those who don’t get such a bad disadvantage in immune system. But if the body isn’t able to get rid of this attack, then the immune system becomes less able to regulate (调节) itself. This means the immune system is more likely to run out of control, leading to a drop in blood pressure, multi-organ failure and eventually death.

What are the common symptoms of the disease?

Fever. Headache. Joint and muscle aches. Weakness. Diarrhea. Vomiting. Stomach pain. Lack of appetite. Chills. Rash. Redness in the eyes. Hiccups. Cough. Sore throat. Chest pain. Difficult breathing or swallowing. Bleeding inside and outside of the body.

How to prevent the spread of Ebola?

Ebola can be spread primarily via direct contact with patients, specifically the blood and fluids of an infected patient.

We should avoid contact with infected patients and objects such as clothing, bedding, and needles used by them. Avoid areas where infections have been reported. For now, the disease has only been confirmed in central and West Africa, four cases in America and Europe. Avoid eating wild-caught bush meat. Researchers have suspected that the disease came to humans via animals, probably through the meat of primates (灵长类) . If you’re in an area where the disease has been reported, avoid purchasing, eating, or handling wild game to stay on the safe side.

Wear protective medical clothing if you’re around infected patients. Extreme caution is necessary. Hospital workers must use masks, gloves, goggles, and gowns, which needed to be worn at all times if you’re around infected patients.

How Do People Survive Ebola?

Doctors don’t know for certain who will survive Ebola, and there is no specific treatment or cure for the disease. Although in the minority, some people do recover from infection.

Our suggestions include:

Maintain your electrolytes (电解质) and body liquid. Sports drinks can be used. Monitor your blood pressure and control it if necessary. Dropping blood pressure may be a serious sign of infection. Breathe in an oxygen-rich environment. Quickly address any symptoms of infection. Be honest about when and where you’re feeling pain.

1. Ebola causes the death of a human being by ______.
A.attacking him with high feverB.regulating his immune system
C.damaging his immune cellsD.harming all his organs directly
2. What is NOT mentioned as the symptom of Ebola?
A.Fever and chillsB.Swallowing difficulty
C.Lack of appetiteD.High blood pressure
3. In order not to be infected by Ebola, we should ______.
A.have the clothing of the infected cleaned
B.avoid eating wild animals like monkeys
C.not travel to Africa, America or Europe
D.stay at home without going anywhere
4. It is true that ______.
A.a certain number of people survive Ebola
B.human has found a special cure for Ebola
C.oxygen can save infected people’s lives
D.low blood pressure is surely caused by Ebola
2016-11-26更新 | 407次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】China's health and education authorities on Monday required the country's schools to establish systems to report HIV/AIDS infection cases in students.

The National Health and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of Education said in a joint circular that infections of the virus among young students saw a marked rise in recent years, a sign of problems in education and students' awareness about HIV/AIDS prevention.

The two authorities required local health and education agencies to improve awareness at schools and called for establishment of an infection reporting system and regular consultation mechanism to analyze the cause of infections and formulate countermeasures.

The circular also urged proper protection of infected students' privacy.

Students in secondary schools and older should attend special classes on HIV/AIDS prevention focused on prevention of unsafe behavior as well as sexual responsibility and morality, the circular said.

It also pledged financial support for volunteer services.

The circular said HIV/AIDS voluntary counselling and testing services should be improved and schools should encourage students with risky behaviors to use the services.

1. what does the underlined word "circular" in the second paragraph mean? ______
2. From the passage, we can infer that ______ .
A.Students have fully realized the meaning of HIV/AIDS.
B.China's health and education authorities pay little attention to HIV/AIDS issues in Chinese students.
C.students' awareness about HIV/AIDS should be greatly improved.
D.HIV/AIDS infection cases in students have drawn no concern among students.
3. What can be the best title for the text? ______
A.call for reports on students with HIV.
B.public concerns about HIV/AIDS infection.
C.volunteer services for HIV/AIDS infection cases.
D.to ignore HIV/AIDS infection cases is wrong.
2019-04-16更新 | 96次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般