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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:51 题号:12402233

Air pollution may be causing baldness, scientists have shown for the first time. A new study found that fine particulate matter emitted by cars would damage the skin that holds hair follicles(毛囊) in place. A series of laboratory tests on human cells showed that levels of the crucial proteins needed for hair to grow and be retained decreased when they were exposed to pollution particles. While there is a growing body of evidence showing how these tiny particles can damage internal health, including by entering the bloodstream through the lungs, this is the first to demonstrate such a risk to the surface of the body.

The study was conducted by exposing cells from the human follicle dermal papilla cells (HFDPCs) to various concentrations of PM10-like dust and diesel particles. After 24 hours the researchers performed a process, known as western blotting, to detect the levels of specific proteins in the cells.

The results showed that the presence of PM10 and diesel particles decreased levels of B-catenin, the protein responsible for hair growth. The study also revealed that the levels of three other proteins---cyclin D1, cyclin E and CDK2, which are responsible for hair growth and hair retention, were decreased by PM10-like dust and diesel particles in a “dose-dependent” manner.

Dr Hyuk Chul Kwon, who led the study at the Future Science Research Centre, said, “While the link between air pollution and serious diseases such as cancer and lung diseases is well established, there is little-to-no research on the effect of particulate matter exposure on the human skin and hair in particular. Our research explains the mode of action of air pollutants on HFDPCs, showing how the most common air pollutants lead to hair loss.”

Sources of PM include the burning of fossil fuels---petrol and diesel, as well as other solid fuels, and other industrial activities such as building, mining and the manufacturing of building materials like bricks.

“While it is difficult to escape from the surrounding pollution, limiting the time for walking in busy streets, especially during rush hours, should help reduce exposure,” said Dr Kwon. “If you are exercising outdoors, try to do so in areas that are less polluted and do not spend too much time waiting at traffic hot spots such as traffic lights.”

1. What did the new study find?
A.Air pollution can do great harm to our lungs.
B.The color of our skin can be influenced by air pollution.
C.Serious air pollution can probably prevent hair from growing.
D.Air pollution can affect hair growth by entering the bloodstream.
2. What is western blotting used to do?
A.To discover the protein helpful for hair growth.
B.To show the protein content in the cells.
C.To compare different proteins in the cells.
D.To analyze the composition of hair cells.
3. What can we learn from Dr Hyuk Chul Kwon’s words?
A.His new research is superior to previous research.
B.The research he conducted is really of great importance.
C.The results of his new research need to be further improved.
D.A link between air pollution and diseases needs to be established.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)


Galaxies are huge groups of stars, planets, gas and dust. Our sun in the MILKY WAY galaxy, which measures about 100,000 light-years across. That long thin milky bright shape across the middle of the night sky is made up of about several billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is spiral(旋转的)galaxy, but there are other types.

The Milky Way is only one galaxy among a few hundred million galaxies in our universe(each with hundreds of billions of stars).

SPIRAL GALAXY: Galaxies that have spiral arms that emerge from the center. Our solar system in located on one of the arms of the Milky Way galaxy. Our galaxy has a huge black hole at its center that billions of stars resolve around.

ELLIPTICAL GALAXY: shaped like a huge egg. The stars in these galaxies tend to be very old. Furthermore, the old stars in ellipticals tend to be yellow and reddish, which according to our understanding of stellar evolution, means they are smaller, dimmer stars.

IRREGULAR GALAXY: There are many other shapes of galaxies that aren't spiral or elliptical. They are fit into the irregular category Like the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, they have rather unusual-looking shapes.

1. What is true about the Milky Way?
A.There are only stars inside it.
B.There is a black hole at its center.
C.It’s the biggest spiral galaxy in the universe.
D.It takes 100,000 years to get there from Earth.
2. Which of the following is the main factor in categorizing galaxies?
A.Shape.B.Size.C.Number of stars.D.Distance from the sun.
3. Which of the following galaxies can be classified as irregular?
A.Whale Galaxy—similar to the Milky Way both in size and shape.
B.Cygnus A(3C 405)Galaxy—the brightest egg shape we can observe.
C.Cigar Galaxy—long and narrow galaxy that looks like an ashy cloud
D.Sunflower Galaxy—galaxy with multiple arms radiating from its bright core.
2021-05-09更新 | 73次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Have you ever caught a smell of something and been strongly reminded of a person or place? There seems to be a deep psychological link between smells and our memory. Some research even suggests that smells can influence our cognition (感知).

    1     Roja Dove, a perfumer, informed the BBC that when we are born, the olfactory bulb (嗅球), which is the area in our brain that processes smell, is empty, without pre-existing information or association.     2     When we smell an odour again, the original and unique memory comes flooding back because of the association acquired in our previous experience.

Our awareness of smells is primarily unconscious.     3    But, low-level smells are still picked up because the scent receptors (感受器) in our brain are so powerful that we unconsciously register them. In fact, various studies have found the olfactory bulb sends more neurons (神经元) to more areas of our brain than our hearing or vision.

Research suggests that the power of smell can also affect how the brain performs.     4    Mark Moss at Northumbria University’s Psychology Department discovered that certain essential oils, such as peppermint, positively impact cognition, and rosemary s scent can enhance memory. He also studied lavender, which he says “tends to impair memory and slow reaction time”. But research by others has shown it to be useful in reducing pre treatment anxiety in dental and medical situations.

    5     The next time a familiar smell brings back a special memory, just remember that your nose is working wonders.

A.Why do smells take us back?
B.So, don’t take your nose for granted.
C.How is the sense of smell connected to your brain?
D.Scents can revive memories that have been long forgotten.
E.We are not actively aware of them unless they are extremely strong.
F.This is especially true when it comes to the fragrance of essential oils.
G.Therefore, our responses to smells are learnt and highly individualized.
2024-01-15更新 | 118次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】To adapt to climate change, some flowers are darkening their color to protect themselves from the suns radiation, new research shows.

The study suggests that over the past 75 years, the ultraviolet (UV) pigments (紫外线色素) in flowers have increased in response to rising temperatures and the thinning ozone layer (臭氧层). The flowers won’t look any different to humans, but insects consider the higher levels of UV pigments as a darker color, which could be confusing when they try to find out colorful flowers to land on.

The UV-absorbing pigments in flowers work like sunscreen and protect sensitive cells from harmful radiation, Matthew Koski, a plant ecologist at Clemson University, says. He and his team hoped to determine if changes in pigments were a result of environmental change-and if so, what are the plants responding to? The team collected dried, pressed plants across North America, Australia and Europe. In total, they studied 1, 238 samples from 42 different species dating back to 1941. Then, using a UV-sensitive camera, they photographed flower petals from each species. Next, they paired the photographs with the historic local temperature and ozone level data from the time the plant was picked to see how the pigment level changed over time.

The researchers found that the changes in pigments differ between species, a result of the flowers structure. Flowers with open, exposed pollen had more UV-absorbing pigments when ozone levels were low and radiation was high. But flowers with pollen surrounded by the petal responded to temperatures, not ozone levels.

As climate change continues to intensify, these changes in flowers color can affect plant-insect interactions. When the whole flowers get darker, insects might miss the flowers entirely. “This has a negative influence on plant reproduction,” Koski says.

1. What is the cause of flowers color changing according to the research?
A.The impact of the climate crisis.B.The loss of natural habitats.
C.The harm of nuclear radiation.D.The thickening of the ozone layer.
2. How did Koski’s team get their findings?
A.By collecting photographs of flowers from different species.
B.By analyzing how levels of UV pigments change over time.
C.By collecting abundant samples from various species.
D.By analyzing historic local temperature and ozone level data.
3. What can we learn about the change in pigments?
A.It exists in flowers with exposed pollen only.B.It responds to temperatures and sea levels.
C.It remains the same regardless of species.D.It varies depending on the flowers structure.
4. What is Koski’s attitude toward the change in flowers color?
2024-04-15更新 | 96次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般