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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:237 题号:12553796

The Polish take great pride in their culture.Our culture has many different customs and traditions.I will discuss three of these traditions and customs.

The Polish will say “Dziekuje” (“thank you”) only after receiving their change.What I mean by this is that when you are in Poland,you should wait to say “thank you” until after you have been given your change back.If you do not,you are telling cashiers (收银员) that they can “keep the change”.Often,people visiting Poland will feel that things are very expensive,until they learn that they are giving the store clerk permission to keep the money that would have been given back.

Polish people break “bread” with their families during their Christmas Eve meal.The Christmas Eve celebration starts with the breaking of the Oplatek,which is a thin piece of “bread”.In my family,the eldest in the family (my grandfather) takes the big Oplatek and breaks it into large pieces that he then hands down to each of his four children (my aunt,uncles,and father).Then,these family members break their pieces into smaller sizes and pass them out to their own children.Once the last piece is passed down to the youngest,we say a prayer (祷告) and eat the piece of thin bread.

Polish people celebrate “Imieniny”,or Name’s Day.This day is more important than one’s birthday.They often name their children after a saint (圣徒) whose day is closest to the date that they were born on.Then their saint’s day that they were named after becomes their “new” birthday.On Name’s Day,families and friends gather together and enjoy a variety of food,drinking,and dancing.

As you can see,Poland has a few very unique (独特的) traditions and customs.I honor my Polish culture and will pass it on to my own children because it is important to know one’s own culture.

1. In Poland,if you say “Dziekuje” before getting your change,___________ .
A.the store clerk will keep it
B.the product will be changed
C.the store clerk will check the money
D.the product will be returned to the store
2. On Christmas Eve,the author will receive “bread” from ________ .
A.his grandfatherB.his uncle
C.his auntD.his father
3. A Polish person’s Imieniny is   ________ .
A.a day to visit families and friends
B.more important than Name’s Day
C.near to his or her birthday
D.a day to honor a saint
4. What does the author think of Polish traditions and customs?
A.He feels proud of them.
B.He shows no interest in them.
C.He is worried about them.
D.He considers them very funny.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Imagine a small group of people with a shared passion for the same craft. They all have different skills and approaches, but they come together to share skills, share stories, and share in the joy of making something.

Modern maker culture is filling headlines and lab spaces all over the world. The way makers communicate with each other has changed over time. In the past, skills mainly came from personal sit-downs with members of the group. But sometimes a teacher wasn’t available, or the one available didn' t know how to do the skill others wanted to learn.

Today a teacher doesn' t even have to be in the same country or occupy the same decade as the students. Thanks to the work of people who take the time to break down and share the details of their craft, an interested individual can learn anything. Guides may range from videos to diagrams and text. Regardless of the media, maker resources are meant to be shared.

One of the features of the maker movement is the crossover between different interests. Perhaps a passion for cars and for leathercraft can result in a truly custom interior (定制的内饰). Perhaps a love of knitting (编织)and robotics will result in a tiny ——but very mobile ——robotic furry cat.

And once you have started your creation, finding a community to share with is no longer limited to the people nearby. Modern makers have been sharing videos of their progress online for years, contributing greatly to the rapid spread of the maker movement. As different as the participants might be, they share enthusiasm, support, and a willingness to try.

Imagine making a ping-pong table together with your makers' team. One group builds the basic frame. Another group takes on the responsibility of painting. You knit the net. There is joy in just giving it a try. It will remind you of childhood creations. Whether you are an experienced programmer or just picking up a hammer for the first time, it is never a bad time to come up with an idea, try something, and share the results.

1. How did makers communicate with each other in the past?
A.By meeting face to face.
B.By asking personal questions.
C.By visiting a teacher together.
D.By sitting together in a classroom.
2. What does the underlined word " crossover" in Paragraph 4 mean?
3. What greatly speeds up the spread of modern maker culture?
A.The sharing of videos on the Internet.
B.The development of education.
C.The increasing willingness to share.
D.The increasing number of participants.
4. Why does the author mention making a ping-pong table in the last paragraph?
A.To advise us to start small.
B.To inspire some creative ideas.
C.To stress the importance of childhood creations.
D.To encourage us to join in the maker movement.
2019-11-11更新 | 129次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The Spring Festival is the most important celebration in China. There are some interesting Spring Festival traditions about Don’ts & Dos. Let’s take a look!

Don’t take out the rubbish

Taking out the rubbish, on that day, is said to stand for sweeping luck and wealth from the house.    1    .

Don’t give a watch or clock as a gift

A clock is an unpopular gift at any time of the year in China, as the phrase “giving a clock” sounds exactly like the Chinese words for “song zhong”.     2    , so it is an especially bad gift for the elderly.


During the festive period, you’ll see amazing decorations all over China, and your house should be no exception.     4    , you’ll be able to find red decorations everywhere during the Spring Festival.

Popular decorations include red lanterns driving away bad luck, door couplets showing wishes for the coming year, and the character(fu) meaning good fortune.

Give hongbao or fruit

Hongbao, or a red envelope containing money, is a popular gift for adults to give children.

Fruit, especially tangerines or kumquats, are safe for friends.     5    because the word for tangerine(ju) sounds similar to the Chinese word for luck(ji).
A.Wear red for luck
B.As red is a lucky color
C.Make your house attractive
D.Spring Festival is a time for delicious food
E.A clock also stands for running out of time
F.You will often see them on the table during the Lunar New Year
G.In fact, cleaning any kind of thing on the first day of the lunar calendar is considered unlucky
2023-11-19更新 | 180次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】As the designer of a Paralympic mascot of 2022 Beijing Olympics, Jiang Yufan has experienced the most unforgettable life for the past four years.     1    

Born in 1998 in Yichun, Heilongjiang province, Jiang Yufan was influenced by the strong festive atmosphere in her hometown, where red lanterns hang everywhere.

As a junior student at the Jilin University of Arts then, Jiang said her original design was a deer, but she later discovered that many of her peers were also using deer in their designs. So she changed it and drew a Chinese knot and a dumpling instead.     2     Then Jiang revised her design again, and in 2018 she submitted the first draft of her now winning entry — a Chinese knot and a red lantern — both referring to Chinese culture.

Then the process of revising and improving it was demanding. One difficulty was how to make a lantern look more alive. Ideas to add antlers and wings to the lantern failed to satisfy either the designer or her team. Finally, they decided to make the lantern patterned, adding doves and the outline of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.     3     Additionally, the team added a splash of snow across Shuey Rhon Rhon’s face to make its eyes stand out. And the area around the Olympic emblem is able to glow. Altogether, her team shuttled between Changchun and Beijing more than 30 times between late 2018 and 2019, to show their drafts to the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, and often worked very late into the night.     4    

Finally last August in 2019, she and her team got the very good news from Beijing. Their hard work had paid off, and Shuey Rhon Rhon was to be the official mascot for the 2022 Beijing Paralympic Games.

Jiang really hopes her lantern will warm the world and light up people’s dreams. It’s a sentiment in line with the spirit of the Olympics and a necessary function of a good design.     5     The first “rhon” implies inclusiveness, and the second implies integration. Jiang hopes that once the Games open, Shuey Rhon Rhon will become just as popular as Bing Dwen Dwen, this year’s Winter Olympic mascot, lighting up the lives of billions around the world who will watch its athletes inspire and excite.

A.And they didn’t stop there.
B.Her body went numb when she heard it.
C.They became the inspiration for her design.
D.And this precious process has also been fulfilling and helped her grow.
E.Her teachers, however, did not feel that a knot and a dumpling went together well.
F.The word “shuey” is pronounced the same way as the Chinese character for snow.
G.Having worked on the design for over 300 days, Jiang and her team never thought of giving up.
2022-03-29更新 | 175次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般