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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:62 题号:12688608

Though doing washing is relatively effortless, most people hate the work, which is probably why this new shirt produced by an American company, called Wool & Prince, is producing so much interest.

According to Mac Brown, the shirt’s creator, the seemingly ordinary shirt can be worn for 100 straight days without washing! Of course, any shirt can be worn for that long, if smell is not a problem. However, the Wool & Prince shirt is different because it remains as fresh smelling as it was — the first day it was put on. And it never needs ironing, because it never wrinkles.

While that may sound magical and even impossible, it is true. The secret to their success lies in the raw material used to make the shirt — wool instead of cotton.

Not only are wool fibers about four times stronger than cotton, but thanks to the natural crimp (皱褶), they also do not wrinkle as easily. But most importantly, the fiber is better at allowing moisture to escape. Sweat in itself is not smelly. It just gets that way when in contact with the human skin. Therefore, the fact that the fabric allows it to go off gives the shirt the “super power” to stay fresh after so many wears.

You can get this magical shirt for $98, which is the current selling price on fund-raising site Kickstarter. The company hopes to use the funds collected to begin producing the shirts. If things go well, Wool & Prince is planning to introduce other clothing, including similar dresses for women.

Well, you’ve got your favorite pair of jeans already. You might as well add your new favorite shirts you’ll never have to wash or hang up either. They are surely a perfect match!

1. What is the character of the special shirt made by Mac Brown?
A.It can be worn for straight days without washing.
B.It has no smelly problems like other shirts.
C.It remains as fresh smell as the first day it’s put on.
D.It doesn’t need washing and never wrinkles.
2. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _______.
A.the advantages of the special shirt
B.the causes of keeping fresh
C.why the special shirt doesn’t wrinkle easily
D.it is beneficial to human skin
3. If you want to buy the special shirt,                .
A.you must book in advance
B.you’ve to go shopping at a store
C.you'll be presented with dresses for women
D.you can click the site Kickstarter


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Sometimes it takes a work of art to give the inspiration for advances in science. For example, Elon Musk’s dream of humans living on other planets was first inspired by Isaac Asimov’s Foundation book series. Let’s explore some of the technologies from science fiction that have been brought to life.

※Remote control

Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel Dune features a small flying robot device that is piloted remotely, one of the earliest appearances of drones (无人机) in science fiction. With the first permit for commercial drone use in the US given in 2006, drones became a reality, and can now be found taking on multiple roles. They provide new angles for photography, help farmers maintain their crops and are used in the military. Jeff Bezos has even supported the use of drones to deliver packages for his company Amazon, unveiling(公开) a delivery drone back in 2019.

※From thin air

Television show Star Trek, first appearing on screens in 1966, inspired science. One of the most unexpected examples may be the 3D printer. In 2019, researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, US, developed a 3D printer that shapes objects using rays (光线) of light.

They have named the printer the “replicator”, the same name as the device in the program to show their inspiration. The device uses light to alter the density (密度) of resin (树脂), changing the material from a liquid to a solid in order to shape the desired object.

※Starting the heart

One of the first sci-fi novels, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley has had a huge impact on science. Earl Bakken, the inventor of the pacemaker (起搏器), a device placed into the chest that helps the heart to pump blood using small electrical impulses (脉冲), was inspired by the 1931 movie adaptation of the book. “What intrigued me the most… was the creative spark of Dr Frankenstein’s electricity,” Bakken told the Atlantic.

1. Why does Jeff Bezos want to use drones?
A.To transport packages.B.To guard military sites.
C.To seed and water crops.D.To snap breathtaking pictures.
2. What do we know about the 3D printer?
A.It came into use in 1966.
B.It is used to print anything.
C.It can change the density of a desired object.
D.It has been named after a device in Star Trek.
3. What is the common feature of the technologies mentioned in the article?
A.They are all based on electricity.
B.They are all invented by famous CEOs.
C.They are all brought to life from science fiction.
D.They are all used for commercial and medical purposes.
2024-06-15更新 | 29次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Your next car might drive itself. After years of trials on city streets, driverless vehicles are now nearing the production phase. Last month, a driverless bus began carrying passengers through Lyon, France. Most in the automobile industry think self-driving vehicles will be on the road by 2020 or before.

Driverless cars will at first be huddled with human-driven cars. But the first places where they will become dominant(占支配地位的)are dense urban areas-precisely the spots most damaged by the automobile age. Many advanced cities are already reducing the role of human-driven cars. Driverless cars will quicken that process and will bring us great benefits.

Driverless cars will reduce accidents by around 90 percent. That's big-the annual death toll on the world's roads is about 1.2 million a year. Pollution and carbon emissions will drop, because urban driverless cars will be electric. The old, otherwise they would stay at home most of the time and the disabled and teenagers will suddenly gain mobility.

On the other hand, driverless cars will bring catastrophe(灾难).The best thing about the automobile age is that it employs tens of millions of people to make, market, insure and drive vehicles. Over the next 20 years, most men who now drive trucks, taxis and buses will see their jobs reduced. Carmakers are especially scared. A few cars in the future might be made by tech companies such as Apple, Baidu and Google. Imaging the impact on Germany, where the automotive sector is the largest industry.

Dramatic change is coming, and driverless cars could arrive by 2020. But governments have hardly begun thinking about it. Only 6 percent of the biggest US cities have factored them into their long-term planning.

A decade ago anyone hardly saw the smartphone coming. It has brought an epidemic of mass addiction. Let's hope we do a better job of handling the driverless car.

1. The underlined words "be huddled with "in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by "________".
A.show up withB.exist together with
C.get rid ofD.take the place of
2. Why can driverless cars reduce pollution and carbon emissions?
A.Driverless cars reduce the number of human-driven cars.
B.Driverless cars will be powered by electricity.
C.Driverless cars save fuel by driving themselves.
D.Driverless cars will reduce too many accidents.
3. What can we know about driverless cars?
A.They will not hit the road until 2020.
B.They will only be used in urban areas.
C.They will not cause any road accident.
D.They aren't still seriously taken by governments.
4. What's the author's attitude toward driverless cars?
2019-06-29更新 | 130次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】British programmer Joshua Browder is helping people save much money on legal fees with his latest project — the world’s first robot lawyer. The 19-year-old first started the project last summer as a free website to help people appeal(诉讼)unfair parking tickets. He came up with the idea after getting a series of tickets himself for unimportant reasons. Having wasted several hours on writing appeals to these tickets, he realized that many people have no time or legal knowledge or even the energy to appeal. So he decided to create an automatic appeal generator, which he named DoNotPay.

DoNotPay was a huge success, and the tech genius has now gone a step further with the website, converting(转变)it into a robot lawyer equipped to help with various legal issues. “The robot can currently handle parking ticket appeals and delayed flights/trains. It can also answer some general legal questions like ‘I can’t afford my ticket. What do I do?’” said Browder.

To use the service, users need to go to the website donotpayco. uk and sign up for free. Once signed in, the robot will ask the user a series of questions about their situation. When it has collected enough information, and if the person has legal grounds(依据)for an appeal, the robot will then generate a letter for the person to use.

Browder said he received good advice from his professors at Stanford University, where he is currently a freshman. “Initially, I thought the best way to go about it was to create lots of individual rules for it to follow,” he explained. “However, I quickly failed with this approach because there are thousands of ways to say the same thing and it would be impossible to catch every one. The breakthrough came when I learned how to create a way for the robot to learn and compare phrases itself, so that it doesn’t matter how the user phrases his or her requests.”

So he programmed the robot to use test comparison that includes keywords, word order and pronouns. And the more people use the robot, the better the algorithm(演算法)gets. But there are situations where the robot can’t help. “If the robot can’t answer, it provides helpful message offering the user some sample phrases or the choice of contacting me directly.” Browder said, “On the backend, whenever the robot can’t answer, I get notified and I work as quickly as possible to add functionality for any future requests of a similar nature.”

1. What made Joshua Browder decide to develop the robot lawyer?
A.His interest in law and robot.
B.Being often fined for serious reasons.
C.A waste of much money in appealing.
D.Realizing people’s need to write appeals.
2. According to the text, at present the robot lawyer can _______.
A.teach the users to write a letter of appeal
B.create a computer program to serve its users
C.recommend some useful legal websites to users
D.deal with some common legal issues
3. To use the robot lawyer’s service, a user should first _______.
A.register onlineB.pay a small amount of money
C.answer the robot’s questionsD.provide legal grounds for his appeal
4. What did Browder’s professors advise him to do about his robot?
A.Create enough individual rules for it to follow.
B.Teach it to communicate with its users.
C.Enable it to learn and compare phrases on its own.
D.Store enough legal knowledge in it.
5. The underlined word “notified” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “______”.
2023-01-05更新 | 132次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般