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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:205 题号:12771359

Jeremy grew up being active in sports. But he never thought about healthy eating until he found himself gaining weight several years after college. Last week, Jeremy hit a turning point when he found that he was too out of shape to play in a company football team. He decided to change his eating habits.

The first step Jeremy took toward healthy eating was to stop going to fast-food restaurants. Jeremy used to eat fast food as often as 4 times a week. To his surprise, he found that giving up fast food wasn't that difficult. Now, he says, "I don't even like it anymore." When Jeremy does go out to eat, he tries to pick menu items that he knows are healthier. He orders salads and lower-fat sandwiches instead of hamburgers, and he drinks water instead of soda pop. "I try to order things that are already prepared the way I would like them to be prepared."

Planning meals has been a key to Jeremy's success. It helps him avoid getting too hungry and eating fast food. Each week he plans what he will eat for each meal, and he shops for groceries(食品杂货)with his plan in mind. "It's a lot easier to make healthy choices when you're just planning ahead for it." Rather than cutting out certain foods, Jeremy sometimes includes his favourite foods in his eating plan. "That way I don't feel like I'm letting myself down by not sticking to my plan.

Jeremy's friends and family noticed when he started eating healthier. They have helped him to make a habit of his healthy eating changes. "It made me feel pretty good, especially when people started making comments about the changes I was making," he says. "You just get the positive energy."

1. What made Jeremy decide to change his eating habits?
A.Higher food prices.B.Weight gain in college.
C.Dislike of unhealthy foods.D.Failing to join a football team.
2. What did Jeremy think of giving up fast food?
A.It was too easy for him.
B.It made him uncomfortable.
C.It was not as difficult as he thought.
D.It meant stopping going out to eat.
3. What played the most important role in Jeremy's healthy eating?
A.Eating less at mealtimes.B.Making plans ahead of time.
C.Following his friends' advice.D.Cutting out all unhealthy foods.
4. How does Jeremy feel about people's comments?
【知识点】 健康饮食 记叙文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】People who often eat nuts appear to live longer, according to the latest study of its kind. The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, suggested the greatest benefit was in those eating them on their daily diet.

Eating nuts was linked to a healthier lifestyle including being less likely to smoke or be overweight and more likely to exercise. The British Heart Foundation said more research was needed to prove the link. “While this is an interesting link, we need further research to make sure if it’s the nuts that protect heart health, or other sides of people’s lifestyle.”

The study followed nearly 120,000 people for 30 years. The more regularly people ate nuts, the less likely they were to die during the study. People eating nuts once a week were 11% less likely to have died during the study than those who never ate nuts. Lead researcher Dr. Charles Fuchs, from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said, “The most obvious benefit was a decrease of 29% in deaths from heart disease, but we also saw a significant reduction — 11% — in the danger of dying from cancer.”

They suggest nuts are lowering cholesterol (胆固醇), and insulin resistance (胰岛素抗性). Nuts contain unsaturated fat (不饱和脂肪), protein (蛋白质) and several kinds of vitamins and minerals and they can take the place of snacks like chocolate bars, cakes and biscuits.

Victoria Taylor, senior expert at the British Heart Foundation, said, “This study shows a close connection between regularly eating a small handful of nuts and a lower risk of death from heart disease.” Choosing plain, unsalted foods rather than sweet, salted, or chocolate-covered will keep your salt and sugar intake down.

1. According to the passage, what kind of people benefit most from eating nuts?
A.Those who eat most nuts at a time.
B.Those who eat most nuts.
C.Those who eat nuts on their daily diet.
D.Those who eat less nuts.
2. Which kind of disease had a most decrease for regular nuts eater?
A.Cancer.B.Heart disease.C.Stomach disease.D.Unknown.
3. Which section should the passage be taken from the newspaper?
A.Science section.B.Health section.C.Entertainment section.D.Tech section.
2023-09-04更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Trying to keep a healthy diet? Be sure to read our list of the top four fake health foods first!


They’re made with tons of fruit, so they must be healthy, right?

What most people don’t realize, however, is that these delicious and “healthy” drinks are full of sugar and can have more calories than a large meal! Many smoothies have more than just fruit. Some have ice-cream or yogurt. You’re really better off making your own smoothies at home with your own fresh fruit and low-fat yogurt!


So you and your friends have stopped at a fast-food restaurant for a quick bite. Since you’re a healthy person, you decide to get a salad. After all, it’s better than anything else there, right? Don’t be so sure. Salad toppings(浇料) such as bacon, cheese, and dressing can make your choice of a meal just as unhealthy as eating a double hamburger. Check the facts before you take a bite.

Cereal Bars

A cereal bar may appear to be a healthy snack. After all, the box has a photo of healthy people eating them on a hike. But don’t let the packaging fool you! Many cereal bars have as much sugar and fat as any candy bar. Read the ingredient (成分) list and make sure it’s healthy before you buy.

Sushi Rolls

Many people watching their weight prefer light sushi lunches and dinners, but be careful—there are some rolls that will influence your diet. Many have mayonnaise and deep-fried shrimp, both high in fat. When with soy sauce, sushi rolls become very high in salt.

This doesn’t mean you have to cut out this delicious Japanese food together, but you do have to be careful with your choices.

1. Salad is sometimes considered as a fake health food because ______.
A.salad is a kind of fast food
B.salad may have unhealthy toppings
C.salad may have ice-cream or yogurt
D.a salad is as large as a double hamburger
2. What can mislead you about cereal bars?
A.The packaging.B.The sugar and fat.
C.The calories and salt.D.The ingredient list.
3. What is the main idea of the article?
A.The best way to lose weight is to eat salad.
B.Many foods appear to be healthy but are not.
C.Hamburgers can make people put on weight.
D.Junk food is unhealthy and should be avoided.
4. The purpose of this passage is mainly to _______.
A.tell people how to keep healthy
B.suggest making food at home
C.tell people to choose food carefully
D.introduce different kinds of foods
2022-09-13更新 | 171次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Feed your mind

We have known about the link between what we eat and our physical health for a long time.     1    

The Mental Health Foundation produced a report called “Feeding Minds”. The report states that the brain is a physical part of our body that needs the correct food to work properly, just like the heart. The food should contain carbohydrates (碳水化合物), vitamins and fish oil.

There is also research that shows how a good diet can improve the behavior of children and their concentration. Daniel Brown is the head teacher of Barnet School.     2    

With regard to serious mental illnesses Jacka and Sanchez-Villegas say that eating fruit, vegetables and fish helps to prevent depression.     3     Some research also reveals that a healthy diet can prevent Alzheimer’s (a serious mental health problem for the elderly).

However, many medical professionals feel that the research by Jacka and Sanchez-Villegas is too early.     4     Dr John Powell, psychologist (心理学家), thinks that although many of his patients with depression have a poor diet, that is probably not the reason for their illness.

The research recommends that people eat particular food for particular mental health issues. To improve your memory, eat salmon and nuts. To improve your concentration, eat vegetables.     5     If depression is a problem, eat brown rice.

Overall, it seems clear that we need to eat healthy food for our mind. Although we do not fully understand the link between the two, we suggest that we choose this as an important topic for publicity.

A.We still need to test their findings.
B.If you have problems sleeping, eat nuts.
C.Is your usual diet healthy for both your mind and body?
D.But eating a lot of sugar makes depression more likely.
E.Try eating a good breakfast because that gives you a lot of energy for the day.
F.Recently, we have learned more about the link between our diet and our mind.
G.He says after his school stopped selling junk food, the students’ concentration levels increased.
2024-01-08更新 | 47次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般