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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:116 题号:12807531

Singapore researchers say they have developed a form of electronic skin that can create a sense of touch. They hope their invention will give people with prosthetic hands (假肢手) the ability to identify different objects.

The skin device measures 1 square centimeter. The system contains 100 small sensors that attempt to recreate things like texture (质地), temperature and even pain. The researchers call the device Asynchronous Coded Electronic Skin, or ACES, which can process information faster than humans' nervous system. Machine learning methods trained the device to recognize 20 to 30 different textures. It can even correctly read Braille letters most of the time, the researchers say.

The system does not require the users' movement to work. Humans need to slide to feel texture. But in this case the skin, with just a single touch, is able to detect textures of different roughness.

A demonstration showed that the device could identify the difference between a soft ball and a solid plastic one. “When you lose your sense of touch, you essentially become numb and prosthetic users face that problem,” said Benjamin Tee, leader of the research team. “So by recreating an artificial version of the skin, for their prosthetic devices, they can hold a hand and feel the warmth and feel that it is soft.”

Tee said his idea for the device came from the movie Star Wars, when character Luke Skywalker loses his right hand and it is replaced with a robotic one. In the film, the new hand is able to experience touch sensations just like the real one.

The artificial skin technology is still going through experiments and development. But Tee said there had already been a lot of interest in the system, especially from the medical community. Tee said similar inventions that his team has developed include see-through skin that can repair itself when torn and a material for wearable electronic devices that gives off light.

1. Which of the following can best describe ACES?
A.Tiny and smart.B.Simple and fashionable.
C.Rough and ready.D.See-through and short-lived.
2. What do Benjamin Tee's words mean?
A.The artificial skin feels warm when touched.
B.The prosthetic devices should be made softer.
C.The device can recreate the feeling of real touch.
D.The sense of touch is often overlooked by people.
3. What inspired Benjamin Tee to develop ACES?
A.The financial needs.B.A scene of a famous movie.
C.The interest in Braille letters.D.A desire to help those in need.
4. What does Benjamin Tee think of the artificial skin technology?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Every summer, my family and I visit our relatives in India and whenever we travel, my parents always remind me to drink only bottled or boiled water. On one of my trips to India, I saw children drinking water from the roadside. I was troubled to learn that millions of people, most of them children in developing countries, die each year because of water related diseases.

Living in the US, I am lucky to be able to turn on the tap and get potable water(饮用水), while one sixth of the world's population lacks access to clean water. This year, I entered the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge. In late June, I learned that I was selected as one of the top 10 national finalists of this famous middle school science competition. Over the summer, I worked with Dr. Jim Jonza, my Scientist mentor(导师) from 3M, and developed a system that uses solar energy to purify water. My invention is green and cost effective, and I am looking forward to implementing this in places that are affected(影响) by harmful water pollution.

In October, my family and I flew to 3M Headquarters in St Paul, Minnesota, where the final event was to be held. For the last challenge, each of us had to present the invention we had been working on over the summer. The first place winner would win $25,000, a trip to Costa Rica, and the title of America’s Top Young Scientist. At the awards ceremony, all of us waited anxiously until one of the judges, Danny Forester, started announcing “The winner of the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge is.... ”You could hear a pin(大头针) drop as he opened the paper with the winner’ s name, “Deepika Kurup!”

As America’s Top Young Scientist, I was given an opportunity to show my invention on national television and deliver several presentations. One of the most important things I have learned is that communication and teamwork are key to success.

1. Why does the author mention her visits to India?
A.To express her great love for India
B.To show the problem of unclean water.
C.To explain the importance of relatives
D.To compare eastern and western cultures
2. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “implementing” in Paragraph 2?
3. How did the audience react as Forester opened the paper with the winner’s name?
A.They appeared calmB.They let out shouts of joy
C.They sat quietD.They dropped pins to the author
4. How is the text mainly organized?
A.In order of timeB.In order of complexity(复杂性)
C.In order of placeD.In order of importance
2019-05-08更新 | 152次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】All ship suffer from fouling (污垢): the build-up below the waterline of shellfish, seaweeds and other organisms. This causes drag, which slows the affected craft and increases its fuel consumption (消耗). Regular hull (船体) cleaning thus makes a considerable difference to the profitability of shipping. It also results in a useful reduction in the amount of planet-warming carbon dioxide.

Roar Adland, a shipping economist at the Norwegian School of Economics, in Bergen, says that a midsized oil tanker’s fuel consumption drops by around 9% after its hull is cleaned at sea -- something that happens, on average, once every six or seven months. If the cleaning is done in a dry dock (船坞), which allows the process to be more thorough, that figure can be as much as 17%.

At the moment, cleaning at sea is done by teams of divers. In recent years, robots have sometimes been added to underwater cleaning crews. They have proved potent. Jotun, a Norwegian coatings (涂层) company, and Semcon, a Swedish engineering firm, propose, however, to go one step further. They want to replace the divers completely with a machine. That machine, moreover, would not merely help clean a ship’s hull, but stop it fouling up in the first place.

Their invention, HullSkater, is a 200kg robot. It will stay permanently on a ship, ready to be launched whenever the ship is not moving. To use the robot, it is first lowered overboard. Its four magnetic wheels, each of which is fitted with a motor, hold onto the hull and it can start moving around. After this, the ship’s crew need do nothing. The robot is piloted by an operator on land, who may be half a world away. Inspecting and cleaning a hull takes HullSkater between two and eight hours, depending on the size and design of the ship.

The HullSkater approach is not absolutely ideal. Regular cleaning by a robot could wear away some types of antifouling coating. Jotun has, however, developed a special, hard-wearing coating to deal with the problem. HullSkater is now being tested in various parts of the world for rates of fouling depending on local conditions, such as sea temperatures, and the plan is to make it available commercially soon.

1. What will happen when a ship fouls up?
A.Its fuel will be polluted.B.Its coating will come off.
C.Its motors will stop working.D.Its shipping expenses will increase.
2. What does the underlined word “potent” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What can be learned about HullSkater?
A.It can be operated by people from a distance.B.It keeps working while the ship is sailing.
C.It has one motor weighing around 200kg.D.It can give a hull a thorough clean in an hour.
4. For what purpose has Jotun made an improvement to its products?
A.To make HullSkater more lightweight.B.To adapt to rising sea temperatures.
C.To help a ship travel much father.D.To protect the surface of a hull.
2022-12-24更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A self-driving ship named after the Mayflower has been brought back while trying to re-create the cross-Atlantic trip made by the original Mayflower in 1620.

Last Tuesday, a robotic ship called the Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) took off from Plymouth, England. Its mission was to re-create the 1620 crossing of the Atlantic by the Mayflower, which brought the first European settlers to what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.

But unlike the original Mayflower, there are no people on the MAS. Everything about the ship is designed to run automatically. The ship is guided by an artificial intelligence (AI) system called “Al Captain”.

The MAS is a project run by a group called ProMare along with the computer company, IBM. The ship's electric motor is powered by solar energy. The goal of the project is to test different kinds of technologies for collecting information about the sea. If these can be handled by machines, it could be a big advance in ocean research. Sending humans to collect information at sea can be difficult, lonely, and dangerous.

In addition to cameras and radar to help the ship guide itself, the ship is carrying many different kinds of tools and sensors. It has special listening devices which can detect whales and dolphins. It even has a special “tongue” which can report back on the chemicals in the water.

Last Friday morning, scientists tracking the ship noticed that it was going about half as fast as it should have been going. The AI Captain was working well, but there seemed to be something slowing the motor down. Since the ship had only covered 10% of the way across the Atlantic, the team decided to bring it back to Plymouth so they could fix the problem and send it out again. They sent the MAS instructions to turn back.

When the MAS finally does put out to sea again, it is expected to take about three weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The fastest speed for the MAS is about 10 mph (10 miles per hour). That may seem slow, but it's about 5 times faster than the original Mayflower, which took 66 days to make the journey.

1. The aim of the MAS project is to ________.
A.take more Europeans across the Atlantic
B.experiment with technologies for sea exploration
C.develop new artificial intelligence system
D.test the AI Captain on the sea
2. What happened to the MAS on the sea?
A.The robotic ship's electric motor didn't work well.
B.The scientists failed to guide the ship completely.
C.The AI Captain reduced the speed of the MAS.
D.There was something wrong with the AI Captain.
3. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.The entire cross-Atlantic journey will be about 2,100 miles.
B.The journey are likely to be difficult and dangerous.
C.The Mayflower Autonomous Ship has set sail again.
D.The original Mayflower travelled at about 2 mph at most.
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.A Robotic Ship Guided by the AI Captain System
B.Self-driving Mayflower Ship Forced to Turn Back
C.The Fastest Robotic Ship Sailing Across the Atlantic
D.Another Mayflower Managing to Re-create the Cross-Atlantic Trip
2021-10-18更新 | 67次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般