组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:483 题号:12850117

Traveling alone can be daunting. I have traveled by myself many times but, on every occasion, there was someone to meet me at the other end of the bus, train or plane journey. This time was different.

Last week I had a holiday, from work, but none of my friends had the same week off. I decided that I still wanted to do something, so I booked a train ride to Toronto and reserved a bed in a hostel for one week.

One week by myself. Would I be lonely? Would I be bored? Quite the opposite. In fact, there are many benefits that come from traveling alone. Firstly, I was able to do whatever I wanted. I spent hours in museums that would have seemed boring and dull to some of my friends. I walked all around the city, which' some people may have found too exhausting. Instead of relying on someone else to remember directions or to suggest activities to do, I discovered my' independence and developed map-reading skills that I didn’t know I had. I could get up and go to sleep when I wanted and I didn’t have to wait for anyone else to shower and get ready every morning. Being in the safe environment of a hostel with like-minded travelers also gives a great opportunity to meet new people from all over the world, which can help combat loneliness.

In spite of the benefits, I found that there were also some disadvantages of traveling alone. I missed having someone to talk to and to bounce ideas off. Experiences are often more enjoyable if they are shared, and part of the fun of traveling is the memories you have afterwards. Without a travel partner, I won’t be able to laugh about and remember my Toronto adventure with a friend or family member in years to come.

In addition, eating in a restaurant or cooking in the hostel was less fun on my own.

I am very proud of myself for traveling alone, and I had a fantastic time in Toronto. However, in the future, I think I will always prefer to travel with another person or in a small group. Though, maybe it depends on who you travel with I would rather be by myself than with someone who is lazy, difficult and argumentative.

1. What happened to the author last week?
A.She traveled alone to Toronto during a work vacation.
B.She felt lonely away from home and missed her family.
C.She found someone meeting her during a trip to Toronto.
D.She made a trip as her friend during the same week to Toronto.
2. We can learn from the article that the author ________.
A.finds it boring and dull to visit museums
B.has already acquired great map-reading skills
C.believes she could benefit by traveling alone more
D.enjoys sharing traveling stories with family and friends
3. What does the underlined word “combat” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Learn about.B.Adapt to.C.Fight against.D.Live with.
4. What can we know from the last 2 paragraphs?
A.She is proud of cooking in a hostel.B.She will find it fun to travel with anyone.
C.She favors travelling with good company.D.Argumentative travelers1 will be ideal choices.
5. Which of the following words can best describe the author?
A.Optimistic and talkative.B.Humorous and generous.
C.Ambitious and imaginative.D.Enthusiastic and independent.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】My hands were shaking uncontrollably. I tried incredibly hard to focus on the words that I spent hours putting down on paper. I tried to conquer my fear of speaking in public on numerous occasions throughout my life. During college and at my first few jobs, I would get ridiculously nervous when I had to give a presentation or lead a meeting. Public speaking had been my nemesis for as long as I could remember.

Then in my mid-thirties, I decided to join the public speaking group Toastmasters. At every meeting, we were rated and forced to compete with other speakers for an award. You would think that I would walk away from these experiences as a polished speaker, but nothing seemed to work.

It wasn’t until recently, when science and scientific institutions were being attacked for unfair reasons during the pandemic, that I decided I must speak out. Science has made this country a place where dreams come true — this is why we all need to protect science. In addition, as a science writer, I try to get readers to understand how science is related to their daily lives.

So I ended up on that frightening stage on that sunny Saturday in April — Earth Day. Despite the body shakes and fear, I persevered. That day, I looked out into the crowd of like-minded science supporters and I felt comfort.

Reaching that milestone goal of getting through a speech truly changed me. At almost forty, I learned that passion can set off a flame in my heart to do things I never dreamed possible. The darkness that led to my speech is sure to lead to new opportunities and adventures.

1. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “nemesis” in Para. 1?
2. What happened to the author when leaving Toastmasters?
A.Things got worse for him.B.Nervousness remained with him.
C.He became a polished writer.D.He began to feel more competitive.
3. What made the author want to speak out on Earth Day?
A.He must rise up to defend science.
B.It was a good chance to learn science.
C.It was a project organized by Toastmasters.
D.He couldn’t have people attacking his fellow scientists.
4. What lesson did the author draw from his successful speech?
A.Frustration can be a stepping stone to success.
B.Love motivates us to achieve the unachievable.
C.Science can lead us to make wonderful changes.
D.Any difficulty can be overcome with great effort.
2022-12-27更新 | 218次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】It’s good to make mistakes, and here is why.
First of all, mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things. It’s always good to try new things because when you are trying new things you are growing. If you never try anything new, how can you improve? How can you expand? The simple answer is “You can’t.” Look around you. With very few exceptions, either everything you see in your world or every single detail of every single thing is the result of someone trying something new.
Another good thing about mistakes is this: When you are making mistakes, you are learning.Consider this: Edison failed 10,000 times before he perfected the light bulb. When asked how it felt to fail that many times, he said that he hadn’t failed 10,000 times, but rather had learned 10,000 things that didn’t work.
Finally, when you make a mistake you are much closer to success. Why? Because when all is said and done, you will have tried some numbers of things before you succeed.Every time you make a mistake you eliminate one of those things and are one step closer.But this all doesn’t mean that you should go ahead without considering the consequences(后果) of a mistake. Quite the contrary, when you try something new you have to be willing to set some reasonable limits so that in the event that it doesn’t work out the way you want it to, you will be in a position to try again.
We all have limited time and money so don’t blow them all on one approach to a problem. Realize that it probably won’t be perfect the first time and allocate (分配) these resources properly so you can learn, make corrections, and try it again.If you accept and use your mistakes in this way ,you can make great progress in your business and your career.
There is an old saying that goes, “If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough.”
So go ahead and make mistakes. And learn. And grow. And succeed.
1. From the second paragraph, we can conclude that _______.
A.mistakes are unnecessary for development
B.we are afraid of trying new thing
C.it’s common for people to make mistakes
D.mistakes are better than not trying
2. The underlined word “eliminate” means _______.
3. According to the article, one thing you should pay attention to about making mistakes is_____.
A.avoiding making the same mistakes
B.accepting the punishment willingly
C.taking consequences into consideration
D.trying things out one by one
4. What would the writer probably suggest we say to ourselves when we make a mistake?
A.Never mind, I can always try again.
B.I’d better stay out of trouble.
C.Ok! Now I can learn something.
D.Look at this mess. Anyone would be upset.
2013-04-10更新 | 657次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】As I walked into the primary school, I looked down at my new black shoes. I stood at Mrs. Blackstone’s door. Before I tried the great escape, the door opened. “We’ve been waiting for you!” Mrs. Blackstone, my new fifth grade teacher, said loudly. With a smile my mom walked away and I was left taking center stage in front of a group of students.

Over the next few days, Mrs. Blackstone made it her job to find me a new best friend. During history lessons, when I didn’t want to speak in front of the class, she’d not only call on me but have me stand up to address my classmates.

One spring afternoon, Mrs. Blackstone asked me to stay after class. “I’d like to speak with you, Amanda.” My mind raced. Had I got a bad grade? Had I hurt anyone’s feelings? “Are you enjoying your new school?” She sat comfortably behind her desk. “I want to tell you something, between you and me, not to be shared with anyone else.” She continued, “I see something special in you. The way you communicate with others , and the kindness you show-I think you have great potential (潜力) to be something important.” I listened carefully to every word. “I have been a teacher for over twenty-five years; I can see it. But you must believe in yourself. That’s very important. Remember that and you’ll go far,” she said.

Her voice was music to my ears that day. I walked out of her office, not staring at my shoes, but looking straight ahead with my head high. My teacher saw something special in me! Years later, her words still remain inside of me.

1. The author went to school unwillingly most probably because she______.
A.didn’t like the school at all.
B.often got low grades at school.
C.was treated badly by her classmates.
D.wasn’t used to the new environment.
2. When the author was asked to stay after class, she felt______.
3. Why did Mrs. Blackstone have a good talk with the author?
A.To tell the author her potential.
B.To encourage the author to believe in herself.
C.To help the author to realize her mistakes.
D.To make the author feel cared and loved.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The author came from a poor family.
B.The teacher sang a song to the author.
C.The author never forgets what the teacher said.
D.The author no longer cared for anybody but herself.
2018-11-07更新 | 203次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般