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题型:阅读理解-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:151 题号:13845499

Strengthen Your Immune System

One aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic that has kept us guessing since the early days is why some people who get the virus don’t suffer much and others become desperately ill. What factors give some people a stronger immune system than others, regardless of age?

We know that our immune systems slowly decline as we age. The difference in rate of decline between individuals is one of science’s big mysteries. The immune system is complex, but most of us understand the basics: Our bodies detect an intruder(入侵者)– a virus or bacterium, and produce white blood cells to combat the problem.

No one knows why our bodies don’t produce as many immune cells as we get older. Researchers got some insights, especially regarding T cells, which are white blood cells that attack viruses. We possess two broad categories of T cells: “memory” cells that have encountered a certain pathogen(衣原体)and “remember” how to fight it. The other is “naïve” cells, which have yet to fight anything. As we age, it seems that the number of naïve T cells decreases.

And those are exactly the cells needed to recognize newly emerging microorganisms like the Covid-19 virus. This means that when that virus – something our immune systems haven’t seen before – shows up, most of us don’t have memory T cells to use, so the naïve cells have to take on the fight. Since older folks have fewer naïve cells to fight with, as a group they are more vulnerable.

The reasons why these key cells decline over time could be various and genetics plays a part. But it’s debatable how big a part compared with environment and lifestyle.

Chronic low-grade inflammation (炎症) that develops with advanced age can also affect the immune system. Lifestyle factors—poor sleep, ongoing stress, and weight gain – are common causes, as are systemic issues such as autoimmune diseases and decreased liver or kidney function. This inflammation causes the immune system to operate abnormally, which accelerates the aging process and can cause many other diseases.

While you can’t do anything about your genetic makeup, slowing it down can mean a higher immune reserve when you need it most. Fortunately, many factors that positively affect your immune system are within your control, including regular workouts and eating properly. Regular workouts boost immune function and lower inflammation. Exercises strengthen the body and may be the most important lifestyle intervention (干预) you can add. Eating right and avoiding obesity, whose inflammatory effect is deadly, are common sense.

Besides, research has shown that stress can speed immune senescence (衰老). Self-care in this area is critical, from anti-stress activities to asking for help in unresolved stressful situations.

The pandemic has changed people’s lives and it will lead to a new era in immunity research. If we can do a wider search rather than chase after individual diseases, we will handle all immune challenges better.

1. How does the immune system work?
2. Why are the old considered more vulnerable?
3. Paraphrase the underlined sentence “But it’s debatable how big a part compared with environment and lifestyle.
4. Explain how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed your lifestyle. (about 40 words)
【知识点】 疾病 个人保健


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Most children have ever heard their parents yell “sit up straight!” or “don’t hang your head !” when they eat dinner. Nowadays, it is also heard around another activity — video games. Ten-year-old Owaish admits it takes him three to four hours a day to play games on his tablet computer. In addition, he plays for about two hours on the smart phone every day. As a result, he started suffering a serious pain in the neck around June or July. What’s worse the pain has spread to the hand and back gradually, which makes his mother Mehzabin become concerned.
The doctors note the number of young children with the chronic pain(慢性病) in their necks, arms and shoulders is on the increase sharp in recent years . They are not aging, they haven’t had an accident, the blood reports are fine, their X-rays are fine, and their MRIs are fine. Facts have proved that the pain is from the poor posture(姿势) while they are playing video games on smart phones or other electronic devices. 19-year –old student Nida feels pain in the finger which holds the weight of her smart phone most of the day. Nida almost uses her smart phone 24/7, which means 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or all the time.
Health experts predict there will be not only physical(身体的)but mental(精神的) problems resulting from the overuse of electronic devices. They encourage people to often take breaks and exercise from using computers, smart phones or other devices. Stand up! Stretch(伸展) the legs, back, shoulders and arms in all the possible directions. That’s the most effective way and maybe the key to solving the problem completely. After all, the medication doesn’t help sometimes.
1. What is Mehzabin worried about?
A.Her son has no table manners.
B.Her son’s physical problems get worse.
C.Her son doesn’t work hard at school.
D.Her son spends much money on games.
2. What do we know about the chronic pain?
A.Using a heavy smart phone will cause it.
B.Adults don’t have the problem.
C.It is caused by the wrong body position
D.Children with it often have other diseases.
3. According to health experts, _______.
A.best treatment for the chronic pain is exercising
B.people must take medicine to cure the chronic pain
C.people should stop using smart phones
D.the chronic pain has nothing to do with one’s mental health
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.To Play Games Well, Sit Up Straight
B.Too Much Gaming Is A Pain In The Neck
C.How To Avoid The Pain In The Neck
D.How To Be More Fit By Playing Games
2017-03-09更新 | 642次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】You’re often served by young people at restaurants. But Forget Me Not Cafe in Shanghai is different.

The cafe has eight elderly employees with cognitive impairments (认知障碍) who take turns working with other waiters to help customers. They often provide basic services for guests, such as pouring water, serving and taking orders.

“The guests are also very tolerant of us, because sometimes we make mistakes,” said Zhu Caiping, one of the elderly employees at the cafe. Sometimes, they are also invited to take part in welfare activities organized by volunteers, such as baking, dancing and learning English.

“These activities are essential for me. They reactivate my brain,” the 73-year-old said. “What old people like us worry about most is that our brain stagnates (停滞) due to being inactive.”

Because of memory loss, Zhu writes down all the information she wants to remember on sticky notes, such as the names of the volunteers and the teacher as well as English words. “But I really became happy and confident because of being here,” she said.

In addition to the job opportunities for the elderly, information about cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease is posted on a board outside the restaurant to help people recognize symptoms and seek treatment as soon as possible.

Zeng Rong, a co-founder of the restaurant, said the cafe has had a great impact on elderly people with cognitive impairment.

A 58-year-old woman from Jiangsu province, whose husband brings her to the restaurant, is an example. “When she came here for the first time, she barely said a word and was indifferent. I told her that she must communicate and gave her homework every time with rewards,” Zhu said. The woman has since come to the restaurant every Friday, and after several months, her condition has improved.

“She started to comment that the food was ‘delicious’ and speak with others. Moreover, she began to hug me every time,” Zhu said.

Inspired by their kindness, many young people like to come and enjoy the warm atmosphere of the shop.

1. What do we know about Forget Me Not Cafe?
A.It serves elderly people alone.
B.It helps heal Alzheimer’s disease.
C.It often organizes welfare activities.
D.It hires people with cognitive impairments.
2. Why is the 58-year-old woman mentioned in the article?
A.To show a rise in cognitive impairment among people.
B.To illustrate how the restaurant makes a difference.
C.To explain the popularity of the cafe among the elderly
D.To describe how cognitive impairment can affect people.
3. What does Zhu think of the job in the cafe?
A.It is stressful.B.It is demanding.
C.It is meaningful.D.It is exhausting.
4. Which can serve as a good title of the article?
A.A Restaurant in Shanghai
B.Story of Forget Me Not Cafe.
C.Great Care for Alzheimer.
D.Attention Needed for Cognitive Health.
2022-01-24更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Green therapy: how gardening is helping to fight depression

A growing movement is promoting the role gardening can play in patient recovery.

Sydenham Garden feels out of step with its surroundings in urban south London. Surrounded by houses on most sides, with a school on its doorstep, it is hard to imagine that this small patch of green space is bringing a new life to people struggling with their mental health. The site, run by the Sydenham Garden charity trust, is just under an acre and has a well-being centre with gardens, a nature reserve and activity rooms. Therapeutic(治疗的)gardening activities are held weekly, and are run by experienced staff, who are in turn supported by a team of volunteers.

Christine Dow, 63, was originally referred to the garden by her GP to help overcome her depression. After a year of "green" therapy, she became a volunteer, for the past decade she has spent a few hours every week supporting others referred to the project.

During 2017-2018, Sydenham Garden received 313 patient referrals(转诊)from health professionals. A typical referral will be between 6 and 12 months. Most people referred will score in the low well-being category-according to the Warwick-Edinburgh scale-when starting, but score in the moderate well-being category upon completion. It is part of a growing movement devoted to increasing the role that gardening and other forms of "green" therapy cam play in patient recovery. It is also one of the 1,500 organizations signed up to Growing Health, a national project set up by the charity Garden Organic and the membership organization Sustain.

"Gardening is not for everyone," says Maria Devereaux, a project officer at Sustain. "But,increasingly now, we've got evidence that even people who aren't gardeners are able to harvest the benefits of being outside working with nature and all the things that come with it." Evidence collected by Growing Health found simply viewing a green space through a window could help people relax and reduce stress levels. Other evidence confirmed that the physical activity of gardening could improve mental wellbeing.

1. What do we know about Sydenham Garden?
A.Sydenham Garden Can't keep pace with is surroundings.
B.Sydenham Garden is beneficial to people with mental health.
C.Sydenham Garden is very large with a well-being centre.
D.Sydenham Garden holds therapeutic gardening activities monthly.
2. What can we infer from Christine Dow's example?
A.She helped others overcome depression.
B.She was an experienced staff in Sydenham Garden.
C.She devoted herself to referring others to the projects.
D.She might be grateful to this "green" therapy.
3. What does the first "it" refer to in Paragraph 4?
A.A typical referral.B.Green therapy.
C.Sydenham Garden.D.Sydenham Garden charity trust.
4. What's Maria Devereaux's attitude towards Gardening?
2020-06-19更新 | 92次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般