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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:75 题号:14742648

In a digital age, we almost never write things by hand. However, multiple studies have shown that this act has many benefits.

New brain research, led by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, confirms the same choosing handwriting over using a keyboard results in better learning and memory.

“When you write your shopping list or lecture notes by hand, you simply remember the content better afterwards,” said Audrey Van der Meer, author of the study.

The study was conducted using equipment to track and record brain wave activity. The participants included 12 young adults and 12 children. This is the first time that children have participated in such a study. Each subject was asked to write by hand and type on a keyboard while wearing a hood(风帽) with over 250 electrodes(电极). The sensors(传感器)in the electrodes are very sensitive and pick up the electrical activity that takes place in the brain. Each examination took 45 minutes per person.

The results showed that the brain in both young adults and children is much more active when writing by hand than when typing on a keyboard. According to Van der Meer, plenty of senses are activated (激活) by pressing a pen on paper, seeing the letters written and hearing the sound made while writing. These sense experiences build contact between different parts of the brain, opening the brain up for learning.

Van der Meer believes that the outcomes stress the importance of children being challenged to draw and write at an early age, especially at school. “Learning to write by hand is a bit slower process, but it’s important for children to go through the tiring phase of learning to write by hand”, she said.

The hand movements used to form the shapes of letters are beneficial in several ways. “If you use a keyboard, you use the same movement for each letter. Writing by hand requires control of your fine motor(精细动作)skills and senses. It’s important to put the brain in a learning state as often as possible,” Van der Meer added. For example, you might use a keyboard to write an essay, but you should take notes by hand during a lecture.

1. What’s the main purpose of the text?
A.To encourage the use of handwriting
B.To advise children to start to write early
C.To report on new research on handwriting
D.To explain how handwriting affects adults and children differently
2. What do we know about the study?
A.The study involved 45 participants altogether.
B.The participants were divided into two groups to conduct.
C.All the participants were gathered together for examinations.
D.The sensors in the electrodes were used to track brain wave activity.
3. Why does the brain become more active when writing by hand than when typing on a keyboard according to Van der Meer?
A.More senses are made active when writing by hand.
B.Writing by hand is easier on the brain.
C.Noise made by typing doesn’t distract the brain when writing by hand.
D.The brain is more used to the skills required to write by.
4. How does Van der Meer think handwriting benefits people?
A.It allows children to become more patient.B.It increases people’s interest in learning.
C.It helps people develop fine motor skills.D.It allows people to write better essays.
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】When 2023 turned out to be the hottest year in history, it underlined the warnings of some outstanding climate scientists that the pace of global warming was accelerating and had entered a dangerous new phase. A new study, published in Communications Earth & Environment, suggests one reason for such an acceleration: Earth’s skies are getting clearer and letting in more sunshine.

The study was carried out by a set of NASA instruments in space that since 2001 have tracked the delicate balance of energy entering and leaving the planet. Over the past decade, the instruments, called the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES), have detected a marked rise in the amount of solar energy the planet has absorbed — well beyond the warming expected from rising greenhouse gases. The readings show the planet has become less reflective, as if it recently put on a darker shirt. One reason is a drop in light-reflecting pollution because of power-plant scrubbers (洗涤器) and cleaner fuels, the researchers say. They calculate that cleaner air could account for 40% of the increased energy warming the planet between 2001 and 2019.

Climate scientists have long known that pollution declines can lead to warming: Not only do the pollution particles (微粒), or aerosols, reflect light into space, but they can also increase the number of droplets in clouds, causing them to grow brighter or last longer. Two years ago, the decline of aerosols became detectable on a global scale. But the climate models used in the new study attributed a startling (惊人的) amount of warming to the pollution drop.

However, falling pollution may not be the only reason for the brighter skies detected by CERES, a trend that kicked up after 2015. The models were unable to explain up to 40% of the extra absorbed light, and the CERES data show reflectivity falling in both hemispheres (半球), whereas pollution has fallen the most in the north. Both of those observations suggest other factors might be reducing Earth’s reflectivity. The models in the new study may be overstating the influence of aerosols, says Bjorn Stevens, a climate scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. “If the models are too sensitive to aerosols, as some of us think, it will cause us to look in the wrong direction.”

The new study highlights the important role aerosols will play as Earth continues to warm, and the need to keep models updated, says Tiffany Shaw, a climate dynamicist at the University of Chicago. The skies will only get clearer, with pollution controls in China taking force, and India soon expected to follow. Aerosol declines will also reshape regional weather, with cleaner air leading to a weaker Asian monsoon and increased heat extremes in northern hemisphere.

1. According to the article, which of the following concerning CERES is true?
A.CERES has been keeping track of the delicate balance of energy since the early 20th century.
B.CERES has discovered a noticeable increase in the amount of solar energy absorbed by the planet.
C.CERES has detected that the warming is exactly in line with the rising greenhouse gases.
D.CERES has provided data to fully explain where the extra absorbed light comes from.
2. Which of the following is not the property of the pollution particles?
A.They can throw light to the earth back into space.
B.They can increase the number of clouds in the sky.
C.They can increase the brightness and duration of clouds.
D.They can give rise to more tiny drops of water in clouds.
3. What does Bjorn Stevens think of the new study?
A.The models in the new study are too sensitive.
B.The result of the new study is misleading.
C.The findings of the new study may be unreliable.
D.The new study attaches great importance to the role aerosols will play.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.CERES has figured out the reason for global warming.
B.Aerosol declines will reshape regional weather.
C.Pollution declines are making the earth’s skies clearer.
D.Clearer skies may be accelerating global warming.
2024-05-25更新 | 14次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Scientists have been studying how people use money for long. Now they’re finding some theories may apply to one group of monkeys.

Researchers recently taught six monkeys hos to use money. They gave the monkeys small metal disks (圆片) that could be used like cash and showed them some yummy apple pieces. The monkeys soon figured out that if tyey gave one of the disks to a scientist, they’d receive a piece of apple in return.

If you think that is all the monkeys can figure out, you are wrong. Two researchers, Jake and Allison, acted as apple sellers in the experiments. The monkeys were tested one at a time and had 12 disks to spend in each experiment. Jake always showed the monkeys on apple piece, while Allison always showed two pieces. But that’s not necessarily what they gave the monkeys. The number of apple pieces given for a disk was determined at random.

Experiment One: Allison showed two pieces of apples but gave both piece only half the time. The other half, she took one piece away and gave the monkey just the remaining piece. Jake, on the other hand, always gave exactly what he showed: one piece for each disk. The monkeys chose to trade more with Allison.

Experiment Two: Allison continued to sometimes gave two pieces and sometimes one piece. But now, half the time, Jake gave the one apple piece he was showing, and half the time he added a bonus. Guess what? The monkeys chose to trade more with Jake.

In the first experiment, the monkeys correctly figured out that if they traded with Allison, they’d end up with more treats. In the second one, when a monkey received two pieces from Jake, it seemed like a gain. When Allison gave the monkey only one piece instead of the two she showed, it seemed like a loss. The monkeys preferred trading with Jake because they’d rather take a chance of seeming to win than seeming to lose.

We also sometimes make silly business decisions just to avoid the feeling that we’re getting less, even when we’re not. Would you have made the same choices?

1. What conclusion might experts draw from the first experiment?
A.People are smarter in terms of finance.
B.It’s easy to teach monkeys how to trade.
C.Business theories can apply to all monkeys.
D.The monkeys show certain business sense.
2. What does “a bonus” in paragraph 5 refer to?
A.A coin.B.A chance.
C.A metal disk.D.An apple piece.
3. Why did the monkeys choose to trade more with Jake in the second experiment?
A.Because they didn’t like the feeling of losing.
B.Because they get more apple pieces from Jake.
C.Because Jake always gave them two apple pieces.
D.Because the apple pieces from Jake were yummy.
4. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Disk for Apple: Who to Trade with?
B.Shopping for Bargain: Same of different?
C.Moneky’s Business Sense: Smart or Silly?
D.People’s Business Decision: Lose or Gain?
2018-08-16更新 | 95次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】People and other great apes are known for their willingness to help others in need, even strangers. Now, researchers have shown for the first time that some birds-specifically African grey parrots-are similarly helpful.

"We found that African grey parrots voluntarily help familiar parrots to achieve a goal, without obvious immediate benefit to themselves," says Desiree Brucks of the Max Planck Institute for Birds Study, Germany.

Parrots and crows are known for having large brains relative to the size of their bodies and problem-solving skills to match. For that reason, they are sometimes considered to be“feathered apes," explains Brucks. However, earlier studies showed that, despite(尽管)their impressive social intelligence, crows don't help other crows. In their new study, Brucks and his fellows wondered: what about parrots?

To find out, they placed pairs of grey parrots and blue-headed parrots in boxes alongside each other with a transfer(转移)hole between the two, and a hole facing a human experimenter that was either kept open or closed. Both parrot species quickly learned that they could exchange tokens(筹码)with the experimenter for a nut treat-but only the grey parrots helped their neighbors when their own hole facing the scientist was closed, preventing them from gaining any personal reward.

In the very first round, seven out of eight grey parrots were willing to transfer tokens in their possession to their neighbors so that their friends could feast when they could not. The fact that they did so without knowing they would later be tested in the other role showed that those giving were not expecting the favor to be rewarded, said Brucks.

Significantly, the grey parrots appeared to understand the nature of the task, instead of acting out of playfulness. When they saw the other parrot had an opportunity for exchange, they'd pass a token over-but otherwise, they would not. And, like humans, the grey parrots appeared to favor their friends, sharing more tokens with birds they had previously closely associated with, though they still gave some to those they are familiar with.

1. Parrots are considered "feathered apes" mainly due to            .
A.their brain sizeB.their body structure
C.their language skillsD.their intelligence level
2. What's the purpose of Brucks' new study?
A.To learn how parrots take on their tasks.B.To discover whether parrots are helpful.
C.To prove parrots are socially active birds.D.To find out links between apes and crows.
3. What’s the use of a "transfer hole" in the experiment?
A.Parrots passed their tokens through it.B.Parrots got their rewards through it.
C.Researchers exchanged tokens through it.D.Researchers fed the parrots through it.
4. What can we infer about grey parrots from the last paragraph?
A.They are naturally interested in playful tasks.
B.They rarely build friendship with their neighbors.
C.They use tokens to get favors from their neighbors.
D.They are more likely to help their friends if possible.
2020-10-16更新 | 43次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般