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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:474 题号:1492218

In the competition of Olympic weightlifting, the athletes try to lift the maximum (最大的) weight they can. There are special conditions they have to meet in order to compete: body weight, height and strength.

The Olympic weightlifting mainly tests the limit of explosive strength (爆发力). There are not many lifters who really like Olympic weightlifting and the explanation is very simple: they are short of explosive strength.

The weights used for Olympic weightlifting are added in kilograms. The order by which the athletes enter the competition is not general, but it is set depending on the event. Usually the athlete with the lowest weight begins. If he/she is not successful, he/she can try later. There is a maximum of three lifts allowed for every competition.

For many years Olympic weightlifting was only for men. However, now women also take part in Olympic weightlifting. It was at the beginning of the 21st century that women’s competitions entered an organized professional environment. For women, Olympic weightlifting is more difficult because of their different body structure. However, strength training techniques (技术) are widely and successfully used by women, too.

Lots of the athletes who’ve ended up in Olympic weightlifting competitions have started with strength training only to improve their muscle condition and their body power. However, the demarcation line (界线) is not still very clear between power training and Olympic weightlifting. This is how so many lifters have got into Olympic weightlifting competition, even if their purpose was different at the beginning.

1. In the competition of Olympic weightlifting, athletes need to be all of the following EXCEPT________.
A.the right ageB.the right height
C.the right weightD.the right strength
2. How many more times can a lifter try if he/she fails for the first time?
3. According to the fourth paragraph, ________.
A.men often do better than women in weightlifting
B.women need to use different training techniques from men
C.men can learn the training techniques better than women
D.women used not to be allowed to compete in Olympic weightlifting
4. According to the passage, many athletes began to practice weightlifting because they wanted to________.
A.take part in the Olympics
B.get a reward in the competition
C.strengthen their body power
D.test the limit of explosive strength
13-14高二上·黑龙江绥化·期末 查看更多[3]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Twin sisters Wang Liuyi and Wang Qianyi won the women’s double free title to take China’s third gold in artistic swimming at the 19th FINA World Championships on Thursday.

The 25-year-old twins, who also won the women’s technical double and the women’s team technical, beat the Ukrainian and Austrian teams with a score of 95.5667 points. The Ukrainian Aleksiiva sisters, Maryna and Vladyslava, got the silver medal with 94.1667, while Anna-Maria and Eirini Alexandria of Austria came third on 92.8000.

“I feel very happy and excited to win the third gold medal for the Chinese artistic swimming team,” older sister Wang Liuyi told Xinhua. “The help of the coach and the encouragement of teammates have given us a lot of motivation. We have overcome tiredness and various difficulties. I did very well today and I’m satisfied with my performance.”

Wang Qianyi said: “This is the first time for us to compete in both the double and the team events, so I felt a little bit of pressure.”“In spite of tiredness, we were able to withstand (承受) this pressure. I feel very happy,” she added.

Since the start of the FINA Worlds, the sisters have delivered seven performances in the preliminaries and the finals.

According to Qianyi, a key to success was the winter training plan by the coach, which has laid a very good foundation for them. “In terms of physical fitness, both of us have greatly improved. The coach gave us a solid training and gave us a lot of trust. We are encouraging each other too,” she said.

On Friday, the sisters will compete in the team free final, which is their last event in the Championships. Wang Liuyi said: “We hope to be able to work together with our teammates in the final tomorrow, to have a better performance and achieve better results.” “The World Championships is a big test for us. We hope to play steadily, step by step, and do a good job. I believe that no matter what kind of difficulties we meet, we can overcome them,” Qianyi added.

1. At what score did the twin sisters win the third gold?
2. What is the vital factor for their success in Qianyi’s words?
A.Others’ encouragement.B.Their strict training plan.
C.Their self-confidence.D.Their physical condition.
3. What can we learn about the twin sisters from the last paragraph?
A.They are honest.B.They are experienced.
C.They are determined.D.They are talkative.
4. In which section of a newspaper may the text appear?
A.Sports news.B.A science report.
2022-08-26更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Lacrosse is an outdoor team sport of Native American origin. It’s played with rackets (球拍) called lacrosse sticks, crosses for short, and a rubber ball. The crosses are long sticks with triangular (三角形的) nets on one end used to catch, carry and throw the ball. The crosses are different lengths depending on the position of the team member. There’re short crosses that are about a meter long, and there’re long crosses that are 1.3 to 1.8 meters long. Lacrosse is played on a field that is 100 meters long and 55 meters wide. In addition, there’re goals at either end that are 1.8 meters by 1.8 meters with nets. All players wear helmets.

Teams consist of ten players each: a goalie, three defensive players, three midfielders and three attackmen. The object of the game is to get the ball into the opponents’ (对手的) goal with the crosses. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins. The goalie guards the goal, and the defensive players stay near the goalie to help protect the area. The midfielders can go anywhere on the field. The attackmen are usually the players who score the goals.

The game starts with a face-off between two players at the center of the field to see which team gets the ball first. Players then use their crosses to pass the ball to team members, trying to get the ball into the opponents’ goal. The opposing team can take the ball by using the end of their crosses to try and knock the ball out of the net of another player’s crosse. Only the goalies can touch the ball with their hands. Players can use their bodies to bump (碰撞) other players to try to get the ball. This is called body checking, and it’s only allowed above the waist (腰) and below the shoulders.

Men and women play lacrosse, but the rules are slightly different for men’s and women’s teams. For example, the women wear less protective clothes and body checking is not allowed. Rules also differ depending on if the team is a youth team, a college team or a professional team.

1. What do we know about crosses?
A.They can be different sizes.
B.They are used to store the ball.
C.They can help protect the players.
D.They have round nets on the end.
2. What do goalies do?
A.Pass the ball.
B.Score the points.
C.Protect team members.
D.Defend the goal net from shots.
3. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?
A.Body checking is against the rules.
B.Attacking opponents’ legs is forbidden.
C.Players can pass the ball with their hands.
D.The game begins with midfielders’ competition.
4. Which of the following is TRUE about lacrosse rules?
A.They apply to all types of team alike.
B.They are different for different teams.
C.They limit protective clothes in men’s teams.
D.They permit body checking in women’s games.
2021-07-16更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It's not often to see a woman who’s seven months pregnant running a marathon. But Beatie Deutsch is anything but typical.

The 30-year-old mother of five is ranked as one of the top women marathon runners in the world and, as of today, has qualified for the 32nd Summer Olympics. What impresses people more deeply is that, unlike many Olympic hopefuls who have been training their whole lives, Deutsch only took up running four years ago.

Why did she train for a marathon? "I was really out of shape after having five kids," she said. "So I set the goal for myself of running a marathon and that helped me. I needed something to be motivated to get out there and train every day. I didn't ever expect it to take me to this."

The Israeli press has been tracking her with pride, calling her "Speedy Beatie". Hoping to add more purpose to her newfound fame, Deutsch uses her running as a way to raise money for a charity Beit Daniella. This nonprofit organization provides a recovery center for youths who are struggling with mental health issues.

That mission(使命)is helping fuel her Olympic dreams. At the Tiberias Marathon last month, Deutsch was the fastest woman in the race. This past September, she finished the Cape Town Marathon in two hours and thirty-six minutes. That's a few minutes shy of her personal best of two hours and twenty-nine minutes, a time that qualifies her for the Olympics. She will try to shave even more time off when she competes in the Rotterdam Marathon this April.

It's remarkable for someone who started her athletic career in her late 20s. "I always tell people to have big dreams, and set huge goals. Don't get caught up in the place where we are right now and have tunnel vision and are limited in what we see of ourselves," said Deutsch, who now travels the world as a motivational speaker.

1. What is the main reason for Deutsch's being impressive?
A.Her typical birth place.B.Her five lovely children.
C.Her identity as a marathon runnerD.Her short time involved in running
2. Which word can best describe Deutsch?
3. What is mainly talked about in paragraph 5
A.Deutsch’s dreamB.Deutsch’s mission
C.Deutsch's achievement.D.Deutsch's shy personality.
4. What lesson is the author most likely to share?
A.Life lies in movement.B.Dream big and aim high
C.Interest is the best teacher.D.Wealth is nothing without health.
2021-04-25更新 | 120次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般