组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:选词填空-短文选词填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:149 题号:15047096
A. color     B. bones   C. shape     D. cells     E. hide     F. dangerous
G. change   H. go     I. reflect     J. another   K. odd     L. amazing

Octopuses are masters on disguise (伪装). They can change their appearance in less than a second.

How do they do this? An octopus can disguise itself in three ways. One is by using     1    . An octopus's skin has special     2     called chromatophores. These cells are filled with yellow, brown, and red pigment (色素). When an octopus moves its muscles in a certain way, the cells produce colorful spots on its skin. Chromatophores can also     3     light. In blue light, for example, an octopus's skin will look blue. An octopus can also change its skin texture (皮肤结构). When the octopus moves its muscles, its skin can     4     unsmooth. It might then look like a plant, or coral. And     5     way an octopus disguises itself is by changing its     6    . Some, for example, roll their bodies into balls so they look like rocks. One type of octopus can change its form to look like other sea creatures — especially     7     ones, such as sea snakes.

Why are octopuses so good at disguising themselves? They have to be. The ocean is not a safe place for them. Because they have no     8     in their bodies, octopuses are like large pieces of meat. Many predators (捕食者) want to eat them — and they can eat them whole. To survive, octopuses have developed the     9     ability to change their appearance very quickly in order to     10     from predators.

【知识点】 动物 科普知识


选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
A. adapt to       B. stir up        C. are dying out       D. makes out       E. search for       F. be aware of

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is concerned about the many species of plants and animals that     1     around the world. The WWF wants more people to     2     the problem. So they will stop hurting wildlife and     3     solutions. Very few people in modern society actually intend to harm animals. Most people do not realize that many animal species can’t     4     the changes brought about by modern civilization. It is for this reason that the WWF constantly puts up information to    5    public interest in the welfare of the planet.

2023-05-29更新 | 27次组卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word that you do not need.
A. predictions       B. tricky       C. determine       D. consumed       E. significant
F. sampled       G. address       H. concentrations       I. comparison       J. conventional       K. index

Using dragonflies as contamination(污染) detectors

Mercury(汞)pollution from power plants and mining operations can end up in our air and water.

But it’s     1     to predict just how much of that environmental mercury will make its way into our food—and our bodies.

“We were working on developing a bioindicator, a biosentinel, that could inform us of the levels of mercury contamination across the US.”

Ecologist Collin Eagles-Smith of the United States Geological Survey and his colleagues came up with a practical way to     2     the scope of mercury contamination in an ecosystem by measuring mercury levels in a single species. Their bioindicator: juvenile dragonflies, or larvae(幼虫). Dragonfly larvae stay underwater, don’t move much, are easy to collect and live long enough to accumulate     3     amounts of mercury.

“If you have enough locations     4     with dragonflies, you can develop an index of the relative amount of mercury in the biological community. ”

The team measured mercury     5     in thousands of dragonfly larvae collected from waterways in 100 national parks during a 10-year period. And to amass the large sample number, they recruited volunteers through the Dragonfly Mercury Project.

The volunteers used dip nets to collect dragonfly larvae from their aquatic abodes(住所). National park staff then sent the larvae to laboratories for processing. For     6     the researchers also measured mercury concentrations(浓度)in other aquatic organisms.

“Using the relationships between dragonfly concentrations and fish concentrations, we were able to develop what we call an impairment     7     . ”

That index allowed the researchers to make health risk    8     at each sample site.

“About 12% of the locations posed what we consider to be high or severe risk of health impairments to fish, wildlife or humans if they    9     organisms from those locations. You can begin to build models that are predictive of how much mercury might be in a system and then apply that model to locations where you haven’t sampled dragonflies.”

“And that can inform future management actions to     10     the factors that are promoting the mercury production or simply inform agencies that may want to evaluate whether or not fish consumption advisories(警告)are necessary. ”

The study is in the journal of Environmental Science & Technology.

2023-07-03更新 | 8次组卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Like many people acting on the desire to eat healthy and local, Acropolis resident Eduardo Jimenez decided to plant a garden in his backyard. He ploughed the soil, he planted the seeds, and he even set up a fence to keep out the deer. Eduardo did everything right. Or so it seems. However, when     1     time has come, he has not one tomato, bean, or leaf of lettuce to show for his hard work. How did this happen? The answer comes in the form of a small, brown, particularly smelly insect: the stink bug.

Unlike their picky cousins, stink bugs feed on some 300 species of plants, including figs, blueberries, corn, and kiwi fruits as well as soybeans, peas, and weeds. Although they do little damage to the plant itself, they make the fruits and vegetables     2    . For this reason, stink bugs pose the most serious threat to the big agriculturalists and macro farm operators. Macro farmers have more     3     in their produce, and therefore have more to lose. While hobbyists like Eduardo are left to face the disappointment of an unsuccessful garden, macro farmers are forced to live with the loss of entire tracts of cash crops—a fact that has left many     4     able to clothe their children or put food on the table.

Last season alone, several New Jersey pepper farmers saw 75% of their crops damaged. Pennsylvania lost half of its peach population, and, according to the US Apple Association, apple farmers in the mid-Atlantic states lost $37 million. This year could be worse. As a result of this     5     in the supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, shoppers have seen     6    —sometimes quite dramatic—in prices at the grocery store. Prices of apples in Maryland are up 8%. In the north-Atlantic states, prices for peppers shot up an astonishing 14%. Not only are these items becoming more expensive, but they are also getting harder to find. Last week, Marge Jenkins of Athens, Georgia reported having to check three different stores before encountering a decent batch of peas. And this, she assures us, is a regular       7    . Accidentally brought from Asia, the stink bug has no natural     8     in America, and thus its population is rising sharply. Reported sightings of stink bugs are becoming increasingly numerous, as the dried, brown, trapezoidal(不规则四边形) shells of the dead bugs are everywhere in some areas. This has farmers and scientists alike     9     their heads in search of a remedy. Hope, they believe, may lie with an Asian parasitic wasp(黄蜂), which helpfully lays its eggs inside stink bug eggs.

The larvae(幼虫) of the wasp consume the stink bug from the inside. But the     10     of such a solution is still several years away, as scientists must first determine if it is safe for the wasp to be introduced into America. Until then, some farmers are resorting to homemade traps. Others have even contemplated the use of peacocks and praying mantises, which, they imagine, will gulp down the little stinkers.

2019-04-17更新 | 114次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般