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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:152 题号:15271588

Staying active and fit could help to reduce some of the bad health effects usually from bad sleep, according to a large study of 380, 055 middle-aged people who took part in the UK Biobank research project.

We all know that a healthy life means getting both plenty of exercise and enough good-quality sleep, but reality often gets in the way. The new research shows that doing enough exercise could make up for some of the unhealthy impacts of bad sleep.

While the health benefits of exercise and sleep are nothing new, it’s the relationship between them that is interesting in this particular study-it could even give doctors another way to suggest for patients dealing with sleep problems.

“We found those who had both the poorest sleep quality and who exercised the least were most at risk of death from heart disease and cancer,” says the expert, Bo-Huei Huang, from the University of Sydney in Australia. “The finding suggests an interplay(相互影响) between the two behaviors.”

The weekly amount of exercise recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) is 150 minutes of moderately intensive(密集的) activity, or more than 75 minutes of extremely intensive physical activity. Those with the highest risk of dying from cancer or heart disease during the study period were those with the worst quality sleep and who didn’t meet the WHO recommended guidelines for exercise. That risk went down for people with poor quality sleep but who did meet the exercise guidelines.

The research has been published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To give examples.
B.To lead to the topic
C.To attract readers’ attention.
D.To compare two things.
2. What does the underlined word “impacts” mean in the second paragraph?
3. According to the WHO, what is the suitable amount of time for moderate exercise?
A.150 minutes dailyB.More than 75 minutes weekly
C.150 minutes weeklyD.More than 75 minutes daily
4. Where does the text most probably come from?
A.A medical journalB.An entertainment magazine
C.A sports textbookD.A travel brochure


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

People rarely feel their cleanest after a workout, but your own sweat might be the least of your issues. Your gym equipment could also be full of bacteria. Fitness equipment review site FitRated.com got bacteria samples from 27 pieces of equipment from three large gym chains. The results will make you want to take a long shower.

Free weights have an average of more than 1.1 million colony-forming units(菌落形成单位) per square inch, according to FitRated.com. In comparison, the National Sanitation Foundation says you’d find 172 CFU per square inch on a home toilet seat. But treadmills(跑步机) and stationary bikes were even worse offenders, with about 7,752 times more bacteria than a home toilet seat. That’s even more than these objects with more bacteria than a toilet.

Touching a surface with bacteria won’t necessarily make you sick. Some bacteria aren’t harmful, and others won’t do any harm in small amounts. But the fact that 70 percent of bacteria from the tested equipment FitRated.com tested were potentially harmful isn’t very comforting. If you tend to skip wiping down your workout machine, take that extra 30 seconds before and after you use the equipment. Even if you’re not a germaphobe(有洁癖的人), you’ll be doing the rest of us a favor.

And since you can’t control what everyone else does, avoid getting sick by waiting to wipe your sweaty brow until you’ve washed your hands. “Your best defense is to be aware of washing your hands post workout and before eating or touching your face,” Kelly Reynolds, microbiologist and associate professor at the Zuckerman College of Public Health in Arizona, tells HuffPost. Oh, and don’t you dare rewear your sweaty clothes without doing laundry?

1. What does the underlined sentence imply?
A.People need to take a bath after a workout.
B.The gym equipment people use could not be so clean as imagined.
C.The sweat might be the leading cause of taking a shower.
D.It isn’t a good idea to use fitness equipment to exercise.
2. What method doesn’t the writer use to convince the readers?
A.Making comparision
B.Listing examples
C.Giving definitions
D.Referring to the research findings
3. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To discuss the unknown causes of illness
B.To provide the ways of keeping fit
C.To inform the necessity of cleaning the fitness equipment
D.To show the importance of doing exercise
2018-09-03更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】To keep social distancing and work at home during the pandemic (流行病) has led to less time moving around, and more time sitting and looking at screens. For many office workers, working at home means spending hours sitting at our desk.     1    . Therefore, exercise experts suggest things must be changed. Some tips here are to help you move more.

Start small

People trying to start exercising often get caught up in an “all or nothing” thinking which means either I do zero or I do two hours. And if I don’t get two hours, then it doesn’t count, or it’s not good enough.     2    . Going from no activity at all to even a little bit will indeed get some health effects.


Part of developing a good exercise habit is to know yourself well. Knowing what’s possible and what’s not realistic for you. For instance, if you’re not a morning person, don’t plan to exercise in the morning. And if you hate running, don’t run just because someone tells you it’s good for you.     4    . Arranging with a friend to work out will help you avoid struggling to get started.

Walk whenever you can

Sitting less and walking more will make a big difference. Use your stairs instead of an elevator. And if you don’t have to go out, just walk room to room back and forth to get those extra steps. If you have a meeting, use the break of that meeting to walk around.     5    

A.Make sure to know yourself well
B.Choose a suitable time for yourself
C.All these steps will count and be helpful
D.That’s a great place for everybody to walk
E.But five minutes is believed to be better than none
F.And it is ruining our health physically and mentally
G.You can think of possible ways for you to start or stick to
2022-01-26更新 | 330次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】To complete a study, a team of scientists left Boston and went to the middle of Kenya. They wanted to find out more about barefoot running.

Sure, people can run barefoot anywhere. But the Rift Valley Province in Kenya has produced some of the most famous long-distance runners in history, and many of these athletes grew up not wearing shoes. With a video camera in hand, scientist Daniel Lieberman and his colleagues visited some of these runners to figure out what a difference shoes make.

It was a big difference, and not necessarily for the better. In particular, when a bare foot hits the ground, the blow is softer and the running motion is smoother. This research suggests that running barefoot may have advantages over running with shoes on, though more studies are needed to determine whether or not barefoot running reduces the chances of injuries.

Previous studies have shown that when a person runs barefoot, he lands on the front or middle of the foot. Then the heel goes down. During this process, the weight of the body is at first on the front of the foot, then moves to the heel. When a person wears shoes, however, he tends to run so that his heel hits the ground first. The impact of the heel hitting the ground may be much more forceful than the impact of the front of the foot hitting the ground.

In the 1970s, shoe companies began selling running shoes that had cushioned soles (加垫子的鞋底). Those soles spread the body weight through the foot and may have influenced the way people ran. Once runners started wearing these shoes, they could land on their heels and still be comfortable.

The researchers also studied barefoot runners in their lab in Boston. The goal was to measure the force with which a runner’s foot hits the ground. By studying this force, the scientists could compare the impact of different running styles.

“A rear-foot strike is like someone hitting you on the foot with a hammer, with about one and a half to three times your body weight. It would hurt without a shoe,” Lieberman said. “A fore-foot strike is like having no one hit you at all.”

Lieberman’s study explores the physics of running, which is a complex topic. Reed Ferber is a biochemist at the University of Calgary, Canada. The idea that barefoot running is better is a big assumption. He said, “Basically, there are no studies out there that show barefoot running is less injurious.” In other words, don’t throw out those fancy running shoes just yet.”

1. The best title for the passage might be “________”.
A.The Study of Running BarefootB.The Function of Shoes in Running
C.Race and Long-Distance RunnersD.Mystery of Increasing Running Speed
2. The difference between running barefoot and running with shoes on lies in ________.
A.the feeling of feet when they touch the ground
B.the force with which a runner’s foot hits the ground
C.the way of spreading the body weight through the foot
D.the degree of comfort one enjoys in running
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Shoes with cushioned soles can greatly increase one’s running speed.
B.The lighter a runner’s body weight is, the faster he can run.
C.One of the advantages of barefoot running is less chance of injury.
D.A fore-foot strike has great advantages over a rear-foot strike.
4. What conclusion can we draw from the passage?
A.Future runners will be trained in a barefoot way.
B.People prefer running with shoes on to running barefoot.
C.There is still no clear evidence that running barefoot is superior to running with shoes on.
D.Some running shoes may bring about amazing results to the people who wear them.
2023-07-10更新 | 19次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般