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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:405 题号:15281750

In 2012, James Cameron, creator of Avatar and Titanic, became the first person to reach the Challenger Deep. When he arrived at the deepest spot on Earth at 7 miles below sea level, he spent hours mapping the region and taking photos and samples.

“As human beings, we’re drawn to absolutes—the deepest, the highest, the coldest, the farthest.” he says. “And as a storyteller and curious monkey, I just wanted to see what was there.” The answer is obvious—plastic and more. “Our so-called civilization is using the ocean as its toilet,” Cameron says. “Unless this changes, ocean ecosystems are going to continue their rapid collapse.”

Despite decades of environmental studies, the impact of plastic and other forms of pollution on oceans are not entirely understood. Initial studies appear to indicate that ingesting them-either directly or indirectly-could cause disease. Plastics can also release poisonous substances into the water, which could potentially impact animal populations.

But plastic is just one of the problems facing oceans that have yet to be fully understood. “Plastic waste in the ocean is horrifying but is only the most obvious of our many deadly waste streams, which include carbon that’s heating the atmosphere and making the ocean acidic, and the run-off nutrients from all the world’s agriculture, which is causing anoxic dead zones the size of countries,” Cameron says.

Oceans, like the rest of the world, are impacted by the burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide-about 30 percent of which is absorbed by the sea. This absorption causes ocean acidification, where the pH level is altered to become more acidic. As a result, it’s harder for some creatures to form shells and skeletons and countless species at the base of the food web can struggle to survive, which, scientists say, has the potential to cause huge disruptions to entire ecosystems. Indeed, ocean acidification is thought to have played an important role in Earth’s worst-ever mass extinction event 252 million years ago.

The effect of climate change on the world’s oceans will likely worsen in coming decades. Last June, scientists announced carbon dioxide levels had reached the highest levels since human records began. The last time carbon dioxide levels were this high was during the Pliocene era, between 3 and 5 million years ago, when global temperatures were about 4 degrees Celsius warmer than they are today. Current climate models suggest that if greenhouse gas emissions continue on their current trend, we may be on course to see 4 degrees of warming by 2100.

As a result, understanding the role oceans have on global systems is becoming more and more important.

1. What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?
A.The author’s feelings to the ocean.B.Cameron’s movies and remarks.
C.The authors discoveries under the sea.D.Cameron’s observation and concern.
2. According to the passage, which of the followings is not the problem for the oceans?
A.Poisonous streams.B.Run-off nutrients.C.Plastic waste.D.Carbon.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Several countries are suffering from anoxic dead zones.
B.More concern should have been given to the pollution on oceans.
C.Plastic is supposed to be the most serious environmental problem.
D.Ocean acidification removes the nutrients from agricultural products.
4. What does the underlined word “disruptions” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
5. Why does the author mention the mass extinction event 252 million years ago?
A.To call on people to protect sea animals.
B.To compare current situations with the past.
C.To explain how serious the ocean problem is.
D.To prove pollution to be the cause of acidification.
2022·天津河西·一模 查看更多[3]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】From talking robots and video phones to rovers (探测器)on Mars, technology has become so advanced that the previously impossible seems to occur on a daily basis. And yet—we still have no cure for the common cold.

Why can't we stop the common cold? According to Peter Barlow, a scientist at Edinburgh Napier University in the UK, the main challenge lies in the many different types of cold viruses that are produced by the rhinoviruses (鼻病毒),Scientific American reported. There are at least 160 types. They mutate so easily that they quickly become resistant to drugs, or learn to hide from our immune systems. In other words, a single cure isn't likely to work on every type of cold.

However, researchers from Stanford University and the University of California, San Francisco, have found a possible answer. They discovered a protein that the viruses need. Without it, they can't spread inside your body.

To identify the gene which produces the specific protein needed by the viruses, researchers used a gene-editing technique to test all genes in the human genome(基因组)one by one for thousands of cell.

These modified (改变的)cells were then exposed to a range of enteroviruses (肠道病毒), including the rhinoviruses which cause the common cold.

All the viruses were unable to replicate(复制)inside cells without a gene that produces a specific protein, called methyltransferase(甲基转移酶)SETD3.

Then, they tested genetically(从基因方面)modified mice, which were completely unable to produce the protein. The mice were able to live healthy, normal lives without the protein.

"Lacking that gene protected the mice completely from viral (病毒的)infection,” associate professor Jan Carette, from Stanford, told the BBC.

"These mice would always die, but they survived and we saw a very strong reduction in viral replication and very strong protection."

Carette said the plan is to find a drug which can temporarily suppress(抑制) the protein, instead of producing genetically modified humans.

“We have identified a fantastic target that all enteroviruses and rhinoviruses require and depend on. Take that away and the virus really has no chance," said Carette.

"This is a really good first step—the second step is to have a chemical that mimics(模拟) this genetic deletion,” he added.

1. What does the underlined word "mutate” mean in English?
A.To change a new form.
B.To identify a new gene.
C.To check a modified cell.
D.To cure a viral infection.
2. What is the article mainly about?
A.Why it is so hard to cure the common cold.
B.The possible link between rhinoviruses and the common cold.
C.A possible way to stop viral infections that cause the common cold.
D.The functions of a protein needed by viruses.
3. What does Peter Barlow think is the main problem for prevention of the common cold?
A.The slow mutation of some genes.
B.The fast speed at which rhinoviruses spread.
C.The harm rhinoviruses do to the immune system.
D.The wide variety of cold viruses created by rhinoviruses.
4. What can we learn about the protein needed by the viruses?
A.It helps the viruses replicate inside our bodies.
B.It allows the viruses to change easily.
C.It helps the viruses become resistant to drugs.
D.It increases the spread of the viruses.
5. What did the researchers discover in their gene-editing study?
A.Genetically modified mice died because they lacked the protein.
B.The modified cells seemed to protect the mice against viral infections.
C.More methyltransferase SETD3 was produced after the cells were modified.
D.The gene-editing technique was more effective against enteroviruses than rhinoviruses.
6. What do the researchers plan to do next, according to Carette?
A.Conduct experiments on genetically modified humans.
B.Identify a drug that can help reduce the protein.
C.Apply this gene-editing technique to control other viruses.
D.Find a chemical that can cure all enteroviruses and rhinoviruses.
2020-06-15更新 | 209次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Psychological science is full of interesting topics, many of which tell a coherent picture of human nature, but some of which create seemingly contradictory stories. A case in point is the tricky and misunderstood intersection between strength-based science and the research on narcissism (自恋).

There is now convincing evidence to show that narcissism is on the rise, especially in our youth. Some researchers have gone so far as to say that it is occurring in epidemic proportions, with about 25% of young people showing symptoms of narcissism. The inflated ego of Generation Me is reflected in reality TV, celebrity worship, out-of-control consumerism, materialism...perhaps even a new type of president.

We are correct to be concerned about this phenomenon but our fear that all kids are potential narcissists has caused an unhelpful counter-reaction to approaches that seek to make our children and teens feel good about themselves.

In my own research on strength-based parenting it is common for people to wrongly label this approach as a recipe for self-entitlement. Their argument seems to be that a child who knows their strengths will automatically view themselves as better than everyone else. It is argued that the self-assurance that comes with identifying and using their positive qualities will make a child arrogant, selfish and uncaring. Genuine confidence about one’s strengths is categorized as over-confidence; desirable self-knowledge is branded as excessive self-admiration.

Why does this occur? It’s partly because more is known about narcissism than strengths. While strengths psychology has largely stayed within the limit of academic journals or has been applied only within certain contexts such as the workplace, research on narcissism has made its way into the mass media and into our collective conscious. The New York Times noted that narcissism is a favored “go-to” topic and that people everywhere are diagnosing others with it.

The fear that a strength-based approach will cause narcissism also occurs because we unwittingly fall prey to binary (非此即彼的) thinking. We mistakenly believe that one cannot be both confident and humble. We focus on Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian rather than Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. There’s no way that Gandhi and Mother Teresa could have achieved what they did without confidence in their strengths, and yet they are both pillars of humility and selflessness.

When we assume that strength-focus is the same as a self-focus, we fail to entertain the idea that people who know their strengths are, actually, more likely to be pro-social and focus on helping others.

It’s tempting to conclude that every young person is at risk of becoming a narcissist but I’d like to stand up for the thousands of young kids I have worked with who are caring, thoughtful and humble — even when they use their strengths.

1. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Both strengths psychology and narcissism are difficult to understand.
B.Approximately a quarter of kids are potential narcissists.
C.Knowing the kids’ strengths has an opposite effect on making them feel good.
D.An increasing number of youth are showing an inflated sense of self.
2. Why are teenagers’ strengths often mistaken for narcissism?
A.Strengths psychology is less accessible to the general public.
B.Academic journals and mass media report more on narcissism.
C.There is a lack of strengths in our collective consciousness.
D.A number of people are diagnosed with narcissism by doctors.
3. What’s the author’s attitude towards strength-based parenting?
4. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A.A Recipe for Self-entitlement
B.Teens’ Narcissism Diagnosis
C.Binary Thinking of Psychological Science
D.Teens’ Confidence Misunderstood
2022-03-17更新 | 327次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约200词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Science, as we think, was born when the Greek(希腊) philosopher ( 哲学家 ) Thales ( about 640-546 B.C.) asked a difficult question: What makes up our universe?

No one had a ready answer, so Thales went on studying the earth around him, the sky and the stars. He saw so much water on earth and so much water falling from the sky as rain that he decided water must be the basic substance ( 物质 ) of the universe.

Other Greek thinkers became interested in this question. They suggested other answers. One said that because air lies around the earth, it must be air that makes up all things. Another said that fire, appearing in different forms, was the building block of the universe.

The Greek philosophers were feeling their way towards the ideas on which chemistry is based. Centuries later, scientists proved that the universe is made up of certain basic substances. But the list is much more complicated than the Greeks realized. We now know of 103 basic substances which we call “ elements ( 元素 )”.

1. Thales, the famous Greek philosopher, died when he was about _______________.
A.94 years oldB.106years old
C.40 years oldD.46 years old
2. The meaning of the underlined word “ complicated” in the last paragraph is “ ____________”.
A.not difficultB.not simple
C.not famousD.not different
3. On the whole, the passage tells about ______________.
A.early tries to understand the universeB.the famous Greek thinkers
C.water falling from the skyD.air lying all around the earth
4. After reading the passage, we can be sure that________________.
A.nothing ever changes in the universe
B.Thales decided that the basic substance of the universe was air
C.the universe is made up of four different substances
D.the early Greek thinkers did much valuable work for the progress of science
2017-07-03更新 | 51次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般