组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:106 题号:16314940

I was twenty when living away from home alone. I kept a gentle dog named Beaufort who weighed more than me and had a mouthful of sharp teeth. I felt safe going anywhere with Beaufort. In order to be free to walk Beaufort in the park during daytime, I worked the four-to-midnight shift in downtown. The only disadvantage was that I had to ride the last subway home late at night. As time passed, I developed a way to keep to myself like other passengers—avoiding eye contact and keeping reading while I rode.

One night, the station was quiet as usual. I walked over to the collector’s booth (售票亭) and pulled out a dollar. “One token (乘车币), please.” As the collector slid the token and my change under the window, he spoke, “Would you like a dog?” I looked at him in surprise, not sure whether I had heard him correctly. “Would you like a dog?” he repeated.

He picked up a little dog and set it on the counter. I bent over and it was only then that I saw the subject of his inquiry. The dog appeared to be trembling (颤抖). I was surprised. “Where’d it come from?” I asked. “She showed up this morning and has been here ever since. No one has come for her. I’ve asked everyone coming here if he wanted her. Nobody would take her.” “What about you?” He smiled, “Me? No. My wife would be angry.” I couldn’t take my eyes off the dog. The collector continued: “If you don’t take her, I’ll have to let her go when I leave.” I couldn’t believe it! He explained that it was almost closing time, he couldn’t leave her in the booth, neither could he bring her home. I, in other words, was the dog’s last hope.

“Okay, I will take her. I’d name her Phyllis”. With excitement, the collector walked out of the booth and handed me my new pet. “Thank you so much.”

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When we stepped into the train all the passengers turned to look at us.


Arriving home, we found Beaufort at the regular corner.

【知识点】 人与动植物 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

“Sophie would make a good therapy(治疗) dog.”

The day my dog trainer said those words, I didn’t even know what a therapy dog was. I certainly had no idea what features my little dog had that would make her a candidate. But why not, I thought, if we can help people in need of some cheering up?

Last week, I accompanied Sophie to a hospital for our first day on the job. In the year and a half I had spent getting her certified, I had learned what to expect. I would bring Sophie into a patient’s room to be a pleaser, and then we would move on. Of course, Sophie herself couldn’t understand her purpose in all of this, but she was always happy to meet new people, and that was enough.

We walked through the wide automatic sliding glass doors and into the hall, where we were met by a nurse who ran the therapy dog program at the hospital. “Welcome,” Sophie, she said. “I’ll be taking you two around today.”

I followed the nurse down the hall. Sophie trotted (小跑) along at my side, just as she had been trained. “We’re a care unit,” the nurse explained. “Most of our patients are seniors.” I knew how important it was for Sophie to be her gentlest. “She was trained and ready for this, I reminded myself.

Up ahead was an old lady making her way down the hall with a walker. A nurse walked beside her, holding on to a gait belt (步态训练带)to keep her steady. We caught up with them, but the patient remained focused on her walker. As we were passing by at a safe distance, the lady turned her walker towards a chair against the wall. “Okay, we’ll stop for a rest,” her nurse said. Once the lady was settled, she pointed a finger at Sophie, as if to say “Please bring me that dog.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
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I picked up Sophie and placed her in the lady’s lap.


“It’s a wonder! We had thought the lady lost the ability to speak,” the nurse told me excitedly.

2024-01-02更新 | 33次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Snowball came into our lives one winter. Since the moment my dad brought him home, they have formed a close relationship. While Snowball was still young,my dad began training him. A good herding (牧放牲畜) dog is necessary for our farm where cows are raised, so Dad began preparing him for the role. Snowball’s determination to please my dad was amazing. Watching them herd cows together was interesting.

One summer morning when Snowball was six, he herded our cows out of the corral (畜栏). When the cows walked around and ate grass, my mom and I left home to visit my grandma. And as usual, Snowball sadly watched as my dad left for work in the truck. Although Snowball wished to go along, he made no move toward the truck, knowing he shouldn’t leave.

That afternoon, Snowball walked back to the roadside, lay down under a tree and patiently looked down the road, waiting for my dad to return. When finally seeing my dad’s truck back, he stood up right away. Moments later, my dad pulled up beside the tree. As my dad got out of the truck, Snowball ran to him, voicing his joy. And he danced happily around my dad.

Then, it was time for Snowball to herd the cows into the corral. All the cows, except a yellow one, were successfully herded into the corral. This yellow cow refused to go in, though Snowball did his best to herd it. Probably it was because the extreme heat of the day had made this cow angry. When it had no patience anymore, the cow turned and suddenly charged (进攻) at my dad, who was standing nearby. Catching Dad off guard, the cow knocked him to the ground. My dad wanted to go into the nearby truck but his legs got injured. While he was trying to stand up, the cow looked at him in preparation for charging again. Just then, Snowball rushed to help my dad.


Showing teeth and looking at the cow, Snowball stood bravely in front of my dad.


Before long, my mom and I returned home and learned what had happened.

2023-06-20更新 | 48次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐3】阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I met Bosco in the remote wilderness near Mount Robson. At the end of a long day of backpacking, I had put up my tent beside a river and was preparing to catch supper. Then I looked up, and there he was: an enormous black bear, slowly circling within 30 yards.

He wasn’t Bosco to me yet, and I viewed his presence with fear. However, I decided to go about my fishing. The bear came along.

I’ve lived with wild creatures for 30 years, always respecting their first fear—fast movements—so I let the bear see every slow move. Soon he was sitting less than five feet away, interested in my activity. When I landed a fish I threw it to him lightly. He gulped (大口吞咽). And then he moved closer and settled half his 225 kilograms next to me!

When darkness set in, I was still fishing for that bear, attracted as much by his gentle manners as by his eagerness for fish. I began to think of him in a friendly way as Bosco, and I didn’t mind when he followed me back to camp.

After supper, I build up the fire and sat on the sleeping bag. The moment I comfortably lay, he walked over and sat down beside me. I rather enjoyed his warmth. I listened to the rain beating on the tent in time with the steady, powerful heartbeat beneath his thick coat.

Then suddenly Bosco began licking (舔) my hands. Guessing what he wanted, I got him a handful of salt. He excitedly licked until the last grain of salt was gone.

It is from the fish and salt I offered him that I received his trust, dependence and friendship. During the night, he left and came to the sleeping bag several times. Each time he climbed around and over me, but he never put his full weight down when he touched me.

1. 续写词数应为 150 左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The next day I set off again, Bosco followed me as my dog.


However, the bear was nowhere to be seen the next morning.

2022-01-12更新 | 133次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般