组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:384 题号:16840647

We live in a switched-on world in which it’s almost unthinkable to be without social media for so much as a day. The colorful images, interesting videos, bite-sized info, easy-to-read stories, viewing other people’s lives all is designed to keep us addicted.     1     An increasing number of studies indicate that social media can have a negative impact on our relationships IRL (that’s “in real life”for non-techies). The good news is that you don’t have to go backwards to avoid the dangers of social media.     2    

■Set time limits

Try the Pomodoro Technique.     3     Using this method, you break your workday into 25- minute periods separated by five-minute breaks. Use an ordinary kitchen timer to get away from using your phone)to set limits and schedule an activity to do afterwards. Then when the timer rings, step away from your device and turn off those notifications.


The infinite scroll (无限滚动), as it’s termed by developers, is specifically designed to keep you aimlessly looking at news feeds, passively taking in everything you see. Before you go online, decide what you’re going for and stick to it. In this focused way you can go straight to what you want to see without mindlessly scrolling for things that don’t support your intentions.

■Avoid comparison

    5     This famous saying has never been truer than when we see other people’s seemingly “perfect lives” online. It can leave us feeling that we’re simply not good enough. Although comparing ourselves to others is normal human behavior, remember that people’s social media pages are not a true reflection of their real life.

A.Stay focused.
B.Scroll freely.
C.Comparison is the thief of joy.
D.However, there is a darker aspect.
E.No man is happy but by comparison.
F.This time-management strategy breaks your time up into periods.
G.Instead, you can free yourself from dependence but still enjoy the positive side.
【知识点】 方法/策略 日常生活


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The Value of a Dollar

If you find a single one dollar bill in your pocket, what could you do with it?     1     If you take a few moments to think about the value of that dollar, you'd find that it can actually get you further than you think.

Pay a visit to your local dollar store. There are a lot of things you can buy. A simple trip can show wonders in savings if you know where to shop and watch for ads.     2     Some specials include more things for a dollar in which case the value of that dollar is at least doubled.

A dollar could buy a small lottery ticket(彩票). Keep in mind that this may make you spend more money, however. It can be very attractive to many people, so be careful not to let it get to your head. Even so, what is the harm in treating yourself once in a while?     3     If not, at least it was a moment of excitement in your boring life.

    4     There are many stores that have containers for the purposes of a charitable cause. Next time you see one of these, take a look at it and actually read the words on the container. If it's a cause you feel strongly about, why not help to make a difference?

    5     These are only a few to get you thinking about it. In today's society with so many poor people and low-income families, this is something that's very important to think about.

A.You never know if you'll hit it lucky.
B.Why is the value of the dollar lower today?
C.You can also think about giving it away to charity.
D.Many things are often on sale for a dollar or less a piece.
E.There are endless possibilities to put that dollar to good use.
F.Sometimes it gets carelessly spent on some unimportant things.
G.The dollar's value can be compared with what it bought in the past.
2021-03-17更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Are your eyes irritated, dry, watery, blurry, seeing double or sensitive to light, and do your back and neck ache? If so, you are likely one of many people today who suffer from digital eyestrain, also called computer-vision syndrome.

Eyestrain is often related to the amount of exposure to screens, the distance from eyes to screens and the use of multiple screens simultaneously. However, studies have also shown that the blue light produced by digital devices today reaches further into the eyes than other kinds of light. This light actually assists attention during the day but can result in interrupted sleep patterns at night.

Scientists have also said that eyestrain is not a necessary evil, even in a modern world that revolves around technology. Changing some simple details about your relative position to screens, such as staying about 60 centimeters away, will help. Also, avoid overhead and other direct sources of light, and use shaded lamps and window blinds while looking at digital devices instead.

Beyond the way that relates to digital screens, there are also ways to change how you view screens that are helpful in combating eyestrain. To begin with, your computer screen should be high-resolution(高清的), at least 50 centimeters wide diagonally and may require a screen filter to decrease reflections. Also, be aware that “computer glasses”, which cut down glare and blue light, are available and those contact lenses can increase the risk of eyestrain.

Besides, to reduce your risk for computer-vision syndrome and neck, back and shoulder pain, take frequent breaks during your computer workday. Many workers take only two 15-minute breaks from their computer throughout their day. According to a recent study, discomfort and eyestrain are significantly reduced when computer workers take four additional five-minute “mini-breaks” throughout their workday. And these additional breaks don’t reduce the workers’ productivity.

Finally, many of us fall into bad habits while using digital screens that only worsen the effects of eyestrain. While viewing digital screens, many people blink one third less often than they usually do. Place a reminder on your computer to “blink” so that your eyes don’t dry out. Also, rest your eyes’ focusing muscles by using the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, focus on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The dangers of eyestrain.B.The causes of eyestrain.
C.The symptoms of eyestrain.D.The effects of eyestrain.
2. Which of the following ways might not be helpful in relieving eyestrain?
A.Employing blue light.B.Breaking bad habits.
C.Adjusting your position.D.Changing your hardware.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that_______ .
A.overhead lights make the eyes less tired
B.taking frequent breaks reduces eyestrain
C.people tend to blink more often at a computer
D.technology and eyestrain unavoidably go hand in hand
4. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
2019-04-28更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to Be Organized

Pack your backpack with all your supplies before going to bed.     1     . This means you’ll need to take books, pens, pencils, homework, review sheets, sticky notes, bookmarks and anything else that helps you stay organized.

• Packing up before going to bed means you won’t feel rushed in the morning and accidentally forget something.

Stick a copy of your class schedule somewhere in your house where you’ll see it every day.     2    . That way, you’ll know exactly what class you have and what materials you’ll need.

• Keep a folder (文件夹) for each subject so you can easily pack and find things. Staying organized in school is extremely important because if you are organized, you are one step ahead in being successful.     3    .

• Use a weekly planner to write assignments and due dates. Use a weekly planner or calendar to write down important dates regarding assignments, quizzes, tests, and extracurricular activities.     4    . And checking off each completed task will give you a feeling of achievement.

    5    . Keeping all of your writing tools, folders, paper, and other necessities in one area will make it easier to find them. If you don’t have a desk, get one and have a drawer for each group of items.

A.See it carefully before leaving home
B.This will help you manage your time better
C.Try to come up with as many ideas as you can
D.Write reminders to bring certain items in certain days
E.Arrange a certain area of your room or home for supplies
F.A good way to start off is to keep a folder for each subject
G.Be prepared for each day by making sure you have everything you need with you
2022-11-03更新 | 118次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般