组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:110 题号:16942524

An Irish designer is growing unique mushroom hives (蜂箱) in order to protect her island’s local black bees. For years, Ireland imported a large group of bees from places with tropical climates and warmer weather. Bees find it challenging to survive in Irish climate but other generic factors like loss of habitat and increase in the usage of pesticides have also led to a decline in the bee population. Further, the imported new species mated (交配) with local bees to produce their young that stormed the hives of the black bees and still could not get adjusted to the weather.

Econooc is a type of hive designed by Niamh Damery, an Irish designer, to save Ireland’s native black bees. This hive is among the world’s finest 20 and has been considered for the James Dyson Design Award for Sustainability. The designer not only aims to protect the bees but also intends to have people participate in its conservation.

The mushroom hives are cultivated from mycelium pores (由菌丝孔培育而成) with by-products like straw or wood shavings used as substrate (底座). Mycelium, situated underground, provides support to the fruiting body. These mushrooms are coming out as a probable design tool. GNN reported that mushrooms could be used to build things like canoes, bricks, and coffins. To create the beehive, mycelium and the substrate concoction (混合物) is stuffed into a mold (模具) in the shape of the actual hive. It is then heated in the oven to secure the shape.

Econooc copies a hive and is placed in the hollow of a local tree. This is the natural habitat of the black Irish bees, where they build their shelter, store food and protect their young ones. Recycled plastic is used to make a landing pad so that owners can watch the activities of the bees. The hive is secured on the tree with the help of old car seatbelts to fasten it. Every aspect of the project is based on sustainability.

1. What does the author think of the years’ introduction of the new species of bee?
A.Increasing the bee population.B.Making things even worse.
C.Improving the local black bees.D.Reproducing a better species.
2. What is special about the new hive?
A.Its production way.B.Its shape.
C.Its materials.D.Its functions.
3. How does the project strike you most?
A.Environmentally friendly.B.Extremely economical.
C.Absolutely creative.D.Comparatively efficient.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.A New Species of Bee Fails to Save Irish Bees
B.A Bee Hive Recognized for Its Sustainability
C.Mushrooms Make Good Materials for Beehives
D.Homegrown Mushrooms Give Life to Ireland’s Bees


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Predator-Prey Interactions Shape Evolutionary Adaptations

To survive, predators must eat and prey must avoid becoming food. Therefore, predator and prey populations exert intense environmental pressure on one another, resulting in coevolution. As prey become more difficult to catch, predators must become more adept at hunting. Coevolution has given the mountain lion sharp claws, and it has given the fawn the mountain lion hunts the behavior of lying still as it awaits its mother. It has produced the keen eyesight of the hawk and the earthy camouflage coloration of its small mammal prey. Coevolution of predators and prey has also given rise to the bright colors of the poison arrow frog and the coral snake. In the next section, we examine an example of the evolutionary results of predator-prey interactions.

Some Predators and Prey Have Evolved Counteracting Behaviors

Bat and moth adaptations provide an excellent example of how both physical structures and behaviors are molded by coevolution. Both bats and moths are nocturnal (they are quiet during the day and active at night), and bats hunt moths as prey. Bats have evolved a system for sensing their surroundings at night, called echolocation. In echolocation, bats emit very high-pitched and high-frequency sound pulses that only they can hear. The bats navigate and hunt by listening to the sound as it reflects off surrounding surfaces and then by interpreting the returning echoes as a mental image. In response, some species of moths have evolved simple ears (most insects do not have ears) that are able to detect the sounds that bats use in echolocation. When they hear a bat, these moths change their flying patterns, flying erratically or dropping to the ground. The bats, in turn, have evolved the ability to change their sound pulses to a range that the moths cannot hear. Some moths have evolved a way to interfere with the bats’ echolocation by producing their own high frequency clicks. In response, when hunting a clicking moth, a bat may turn off its own sound pulses temporarily and locate the moth by following the moth’s clicks.

1. According to paragraph 2, echolocation is the use of sound to ________.
A.confuse or stun prey
B.imitate other animals
C.find objects in space
D.warn prey that a predator is near
2. According to paragraph 2, which ability did bats develop in response to the development of simple ears in moths?
A.the ability to locate other types of prey
B.the ability to hunt during the day
C.the ability to imitate the moth’s sound pulses
D.the ability to change the frequency of the sound pulses they emit
3. The phrase “interfere with” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.listen toB.disturb
2021-12-18更新 | 179次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Elephants are the largest land mammals on Earth, and understanding them better could lead to some incredibly large breakthroughs in science. Researchers are doing a deep-dive study on elephant trunks, with the aim of improving the future of robotics.

Elephants’ trunks are both delicate and strong — they are capable of grasping a single leaf but can also carry nearly 600 pounds. And scientists argue that these multifunctional trunks — called proboscis are incredible inspiration for the next generation of bio-inspired (仿生) robots.

“Classical robots are extremely good for performing a specific task for which they’ve been designed. If you want that robot to do something a little different, it will fail,” said Michel Milinkovitch, a professor of the physics of biology at the University of Geneva.

In new research, scientists explained how elephants can move their trunks with almost unlimited degrees of freedom, combining about 20 basic movements to carry out more complicated movements. “Elephants have sort of a toolkit of simple movements, and they can combine these simple movements to complex trajectories (轨迹),’’ Milinkovitch said. “They can adapt to the object you give them.” The study also found that elephants can form “pseudo-joints” with their trunks, similar to the structure of a human elbow (肘) and wrist.

“It’s also a feeling of wonder just looking at these amazing creatures,’’ Milinkovitch said, noting that African forest elephants and African savanna elephants are endangered species, “We also hope to increase awareness of the conservation of this very unique animal,” he said. “There are a lot of principles that we can learn from nature; it’s not just there for our happy life— it is really an incredible source of engineering principles.”

1. What is the inspiration of elephants trunks for bio-inspired robots?
A.They are too strong to break easily.
B.They are adaptable to different tasks.
C.They are long enough to carry out tasks.
D.They are good at performing simple tasks.
2. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Humans should treasure the happy life.
B.Humans should apply engineering principles.
C.Elephants in the world are on the edge of extinction.
D.Raising awareness of animal conservation is significant.
3. Where is the text probably from?
A.A science magazine.B.A news review.
C.An advertisement.D.A tourist brochure.
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.Time to Protect Elephants
B.Elephants, Trunks and Robotics
C.What Strange Elephants’ Trunks
D.Inspiration for Scientific Breakthrough
2022-01-15更新 | 173次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】For fishermen and sailors in the seaside town of Shangpan in Linhai, Zhejiang province, where recently 12 stranded(搁浅的)whales were found, it is not unusual to spot whales or dolphins in the sea — they would always call them haizi, or “son of the ocean”. And if the local fishermen spot such intelligent sea creatures in need, they will save them from danger without hesitation.

In the recent rescue of melon-headed whales, they tried their best to help as a 37-second video of a young man sleeping in the water holding a whale soon went viral online, with netizens applauding his constant efforts and caring heart in trying to keep the whale alive. “The melon-headed whale knew I was trying to save it and would be more cooperative and wouldn’t move.” said Lu Wenhui, a 21-year-old diver from Hangzhou Changqiao Polar Ocean Park, who held up the whale’s head so it could breathe easily. Lu had been staying in the water for 10 hours by 4 a.m. Wednesday after coming for the rescue work on Tuesday, when the stranded whales were first spotted.

“Whales are mammals and need to breathe in air — that’s why I had to hold its head, to ensure it could breathe smoothly the whole time,” Lu said. The stranded whales, after the struggling of being transported, were worn out when they arrived at the fish farm and might have drowned if they were left unattended.

The reason why the whales were stranded is still not clear. And these stranded whales were returned to the ocean because they are not adapted to artificial breeding environments on land.

1. What do local fishermen usually do after finding haizi in danger?
A.Ignore them.B.Feed them.
C.Transport them.D.Protect them.
2. Why does the author describe Lu’s rescue work?
A.To introduce the whales in detail.B.To voice his views on the diver.
C.To praise the efforts made by rescuers.D.To explain the value of the whales.
3. What can we say about the melon-headed whales according to the text?
A.They are rarely seen by locals.
B.They are used to breathing in the sea.
C.They aren’t suited to artificial surroundings.
D.They are fond of swimming near the seaside.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Melon-headed Whales Were Stranded
B.Rescuers Went All out to Help Whales
C.Fishermen Transported Stranded Whales
D.Witnesses Voiced Opinions on Rescue Work
2021-10-21更新 | 76次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般