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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:136 题号:17206692

Five Tasks for Your Winter Garden

As autumn has come, winter is on the way. When it finally arrives, it can be cold outside. However, even a blanket of snow doesn’t stop a keen gardener.     1    . Read on to find out some main tasks for winter.

Build New Beds

If you live in a more temperate area, you can start making new beds for your vegetable garden now. Raised beds are easy and relatively inexpensive if you have plenty of homemade fertilizers.     2    , you can usually pick it up quite cheap from the city landfill.

Tend to Apples and Pears

Winter is fit to prune(修剪) apple and pear trees. You can remove the damaged and diseased branches when the trees were dormant(休眠).     3    .


Frost covering can be put over cold hard vegetables before the temperature drops too far to help keep those plants happy in winter. Frost covering can be helpful for Brussels Sprouts, kale, winter cabbage and leeks if you live in milder climates.

Take Hardwood Cuttings(插条)

    5    . Some plants in the garden which do well with hardwood cuttings include elderberry and currants. Roses, buddleia (butterfly bush) and other shrubs also propagate by these types of cuttings.

A.Cover Crops
B.If you don’t have anything to made fertilizers
C.Here are plenty of jobs you can do in the garden
D.Many bare root trees can also be planted in winter
E.Even if homemade fertilizers will be bad as it is too cold
F.Plenty of leaves help keep some hardy plants from freezing
G.Winter is a great time to multiply plants by hardwood cuttings
【知识点】 方法/策略 植物


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How can I make my family happy? This important question holds the key to more meaningful relationships with the other members of your household. To help you get started, here are some suggestions to brighten your family members’ days.

Have meals together as often as possible. Parents work and kids have after-school activities, so it’s tough to have breakfast and dinner together every day.    1     Family meals are a key routine and can help you stay involved in each other’s lives.

    2    It is very important that you let them know about your life. That way, they can understand you, congratulate or empathize with you and generally know what’s going on in your life. In turn, it is equally important that you know about their lives too, so that they feel understood, supported and can be reassured that they are not alone.

Set aside time for regular family activities. Regular activities could include bike rides, walks, or playing cards or board games.     3    Keep it low-key, and focus on having fun together and enjoying each other’s company.

Learn what they love doing and ask questions about it. Ask them how their hobby, their interest or their work is going.    4     Get informed on the things they are interested in, so you can have meaningful conversations or go to meaningful events together.

Even the smallest things count. With a simple text or a brief phone call, you can make someone’s day.    5     When you know that someone is going through a hard time, call, text, or be with them at their time of need like you would like them to do for you.

A.Avoid severe criticism and judgments.
B.Talk to your family members at the end of the day.
C.However, do your best to eat together as often as possible.
D.Be an active listener when they tell you and learn what you can.
E.Just make sure you leave a positive message that will leave them feeling happy.
F.If possible, devote at least an afternoon or evening per week for a family activity.
G.Hopefully, you can have more powerful and fulfilling connections with your loved ones.
2024-04-05更新 | 142次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to prepare for a thrilling hike? Hiking needs mental and physical preparation weeks before the material day. If you’re a fan of hiking mountains. Here is a guide to help you.

Train hard and train in time

You need to train your body at least three months before the challenge.     1     You can start with baby steps and gradually take more demanding exercises and distance. You can often carry your hiking stick to promote stability. Keep track of your progress to help you achieve your goal.

Choose your clothes carefully

    2     . Wear light absorbent pants to reduce friction and promote absorption of sweat. Long pants keep you safe from stinging weeds, insects and tough weather.


You must consider various factors before purchasing the most appropriate hiking shoes. First, mind the terrain (地形) of the hiking ground. A mild terrain will do fine with light shoes. On the other hand. A tough, hard and mountainous terrain require hardy hots to help navigate the rocky grounds.

Adequately pack your bag

Your bag is your lifeline when hiking. Water is the most essential itch when hiking. The body performs best when you hydrate frequently throughout the challenge. Carry adequate clean water and sip often.     4     These are primary tools to help you find your way, water points, emergency towers, and other places. Hope for the lest but always prepare for ever-agencies. Thus, ensure you have a flash light, a lighter and a whistle.

Hiking is a refreshing way of keeping fit, having fun and building resilience.     5    

A.Choose appropriate footwear
B.Search for the route you will he hiking
C.Carry a compass, a map and a gas with you
D.Adequate water can help you be in good con lit ion
E.create a regular schedule and be disciplined to follow it
F.Wear appropriate clothes that allow your free movement
G.Adequate planning will help have a fantastic experience of it
2023-06-02更新 | 351次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There are many common household items that are non-toxic(无毒的)and that work well for killing weeds.

Boiling water

It is especially good for sidewalks, driveways, or yards. You can boil the water to 100 degree in a container, which is better, as it makes it easier and safer to pour, as well as gives your weed-killing a bit more accuracy.


Using a kitchen burner or flame-weeder tool to apply heat directly to the leaves and roots of the weed is a fine way of getting rid of them, but be careful not to bum the entire neighborhood down. Anywhere there is dried material you should use fire with extra care.


White vinegar is perfectly fine for weed killing, especially when a pump or two of dish soap are added into the spray(喷洒)bottle. Spray it directly on the leaves of the disliked plant and be careful not to over-spray. Consider waiting until any strong wind has wound down as a bit of wind can carry the chemicals onto other plants you'd like to keep. Also try to avoid dropping vinegar into the soil, as it will make it harder for anything to grow there.


Salt is a great weed-killer and can be added to vinegar or hot water sprays, but when it goes into the earth nothing can grow. Add a little dish soap to help the salt stick to the leaves and be careful where you aim. Spraying the soil will damage it, while hitting other plants you like may kill them too.

1. Which item can kill weeds precisely?
A.Fire.B.Salt.C.Vinegar.D.Boiling water.
2. Why should we spray a little vinegar directly on leaves?
A.To avoid chemicals.B.Vinegar has poison.
C.Vinegar is too sticky.D.To protect your other plants.
3. Where can this text come from?
A.A technology magazine.B.A gardening magazine.
C.A cooking magazine.D.An encyclopedia.
2022-02-23更新 | 114次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般