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题型:阅读理解-六选四 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:17414244

A diet to save humankind

When I was a child, my family would always sit down together for meals. My favourite was among the simplest: pasta in tomato sauce. We ate fresh vegetables and fruit, and, starting in our teenage years, sipped a glass of red wine. We ate together. I indulged with a few slices of Italian ham and practised a wide variety of outdoor sports. This centuries - old Mediterranean diet kept me fit and trim - and turned out to be good not just for my personal well-being, but for the planet’s health too.

In 2021 we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of UNESCO’s designation of this Mediterranean diet as a ”Cultural Heritage of Humanity“.     1     We have started to eat more fast food and have increased our portions. Fewer Italians enjoy social meals with family and friends. Italian children were among the most overweight in a recent study of 30 countries.

Poor nutrition is a global problem, not just an Italian one. The fact that it’s hitting Italy, the land where the Mediterranean diet originated, represents a dangerous paradox(矛盾)- one of many troubling the world of food. After years of decline, hunger is back on the rise. Globally, some 821 m people still do not have enough to eat. Yet while the poor south starves, the rich north gorges: some 2bn people are overweight or obese. We waste one-third of global food production.     2    

    3     The world’s population is expected to increase by 2.3bn people by 2050, fuelling demand for meat. Since the end of the Second World War the global food system has focused on producing more food for more people - but then wastes huge amounts of it. A radical shift is needed. Production must concentrate on delivering better, more nutritious food.

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals can show us the way. They aim to ”end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.“ These goals are ambitious but achievable.

Governments must provide incentives to support sustainable agriculture, slash food waste and meet nutritional challenges. This does not just mean taxing unhealthy foods.     4     Companies must not be short-sighted, either. They should support legislation requiring them to embrace sustainability.

We must change our diet. A food and environment pyramid which highlights the close links between food’s nutritional value and environmental impact has been devised. This ”double pyramid“ is based on the traditional Mediterranean diet of my childhood. Everyone can and must continue to have fun at the dinner table - while eating what is good for our health and our planet.

A.Without a change in our diets, this disastrous cycle will worsen.
B.Farmers should use fertilizers more efficiently and reduce costs.
C.It is a diet full of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, with only occasional meat.
D.Farm animals consume an estimated two-thirds of all the land dedicated to agriculture and contribute about half of farming-related greenhouse-gas emissions.
E.Unfortunately, Italians have been turning away from their traditional healthy diet.
F.A more effective policy is to make healthy food, accessible and affordable for consumers and profitable for farmers.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Jeremy grew up being active in sports. But he never thought about healthy eating until he found himself gaining weight several years after college. Last week, Jeremy hit a turning point when he found that he was too out of shape to play in a company football team. He decided to change his eating habits.

The first step Jeremy took toward healthy eating was to stop going to fast-food restaurants. Jeremy used to eat fast food as often as 4 times a week. To his surprise, he found that giving up fast food wasn’t that difficult. Now, he says, “I don’t even like it anymore.” When Jeremy does go out to eat, he tries to pick menu items that he knows are healthier. He orders salads and lower-fat sandwiches instead of hamburgers, and he drinks water instead of soda pop. “I try to order things that are already prepared the way I would like them to be prepared.”

Planning meals has been a key to Jeremy’s success. It helps him avoid getting too hungry and eating fast food. Each week he plans what he will eat for each meal, and he shops for groceries (食品杂货) with his plan in mind. “It’s a lot easier to make healthy choices when you’re just planning ahead for it.” Rather than cutting out certain foods, Jeremy sometimes includes his favourite foods in his eating plan. “That way I don’t feel like I’m letting myself down by not sticking to my plan.”

Jeremy’s friends and family noticed when he started eating healthier. They have helped him to make a habit of his healthy eating changes. “It made me feel pretty good, especially when people started making comments about the changes I was making,” he says. “You just get the positive energy.”

1. What made Jeremy decide to change his eating habits?
A.Higher food prices.B.Weight gain in college .
C.Dislike of unhealthy foods.D.Failing to join a football team.
2. What did Jeremy think of giving up fast food?
A.It was too easy for him.B.It made him uncomfortable.
C.It was not as difficult as he thought.D.It meant stopping going out to eat.
3. What played the most important role in Jeremy’s healthy eating?
A.Eating less at mealtimes.B.Making plans ahead of time.
C.Following his friends’ advice.D.Cutting out all unhealthy foods.
4. How does Jeremy feel about people’s comments?
5. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
2020-07-27更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】If you’re enjoying a cup of tea while reading this, you’re supporting just about every organ in your body. Unsweetened tea can prevent some diseases and help repair cells in the body. The popularity of Chinese tea cannot be separated from its medicinal value.

Your heart will thank you. Tea’s properties can keep your blood vessels (血管) relaxed and clear, putting less stress on your heart, and thus slow down block formation in vital blood vessels.    1    .

Your risk of the brain disease could decrease.    2    . It’s important to know the early warning signs and do what you can to prevent it. Green tea can help you develop resistance against stress and potentially Alzheimer’s disease. The special substance in it protects cells from damage.

    3    . If you spend your nights turnings try relaxing yourself with a cup of east-Asian medicinal tea before bed, which can improve sleeplessness.    4    , it can help improve sleep and quality of life in those with mild sleeplessness according to a study in Integrative Medicine Research.

Your attention may improve. The caffeine in tea can improve your attention and awareness. The unique acid to tea may also improve attention by relaxing the brain, but stimulating it when it is time to focus.    5    . try making a warm cup of tea just before it’s time to work or consider these reasons you may not be able to focus.

A.Your sleep could improve
B.Your body becomes more energetic
C.When you have the habit of getting up early
D.Once you have formed the habit of drinking that kind of tea
E.you ever find yourself having difficulty with concentration
F.So drinking a proper amount of black tea can be beneficial to your heart
G.The thought of you being diagnosed with the brain disease is very scary
2020-06-02更新 | 264次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】 Recently, the UK Department of Health (DoH) says in one of its reports that measures taken to deal with the advertising of rubbish food to children seem to be taking effect — at least in terms of television advertising. According to DoH, a child­themed ad is an ad that has a connection with a children’s TV programme, film, book, computer game or a licensed character, a new product or packaging designed to appeal to children.

The advertising of HFSS foods (high in fat, sugar and salt) has become something of a battleground between the industry and health defenders, with the former saying that efforts are being made to guarantee that children are targeted less, and the latter arguing that these efforts are inadequate (不适当的).

However, advertisers may be turning their attention to other media. In the press, money spent on general food and drink child­themed advertising between 2004 and 2009 increased. Annual child­themed ad spending on radio and the Internet also increased by 11 percent.

UK Public Health Minister Dawn Primarolo responded to the report, “I am pleased that there are now fewer ads on TV that are making our children fall into bad eating habits — but we must keep an eye on other types of media. I hope that the industry will continue to play its part in reducing the exposure that children have to the advertising of HFSS foods.”

1. We can learn from the text that DoH’s report         
A.shows the government’s attitude toward rubbish food advertising
B.stresses the responsibilities taken by the advertising industry
C.covers the effects of HFSS foods on children’s health
D.concerns with children’s exposure to rubbish food advertising
2. According to DoH, a child­themed ad         
A.plays a major role in children’s lives
B.will influence children’s buying habits
C.is designed to target child customers
D.will be banned by DoH
3. What is the centre of the argument between the industry and health defenders?
A.The measures taken to fight against the rubbish food advertising.
B.The influence of advertisements for rubbish food on children.
C.The efforts made to reduce child­themed advertisements.
D.The efficiency of the advertising of HFSS foods to children.
4. We can infer from Dawn Primarolo’s response to the report that         
A.the government should take further measures to solve the problem
B.TV advertising will greatly influence children’s eating habits
C.he is fairly confident of the solution to the problem in the end
D.it needs the efforts from the government and the industry to solve the problem
2023-04-13更新 | 25次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般