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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:128 题号:17892696

Nuclear bombs. That’s the go-to answer for incoming space objects like asteroids(小行星) and comets, as far as Hollywood is concerned. Movies like Deep Impact and Armageddon rely on nuclear weapons, delivered by stars like Bruce Willis, to save the world and deliver the drama.

But planetary defense experts say in reality, if astronomers spotted a dangerous incoming space rock, the safest and best answer might be something unnoticeable, like simply pushing it off course by crashing it with a small spacecraft.

That’s just what NASA did on Monday evening, when a spacecraft headed direct into an asteroid called Dimorphos, which is around 7 million miles away and poses no threat to Earth. It’s about 525 feet across and orbits another larger asteroid.

In images streamed as the impact neared, the egg-shaped asteroid grew in size from a little spot on screen to have its full rocky surface come quickly into focus before the signal went dead as the spacecraft hit right on target.

Events happened exactly as engineers had planned, they said, with nothing going wrong. “As far as we can tell, our first planetary defense test was a success,” said Elena Adams, the mission systems engineer, who added that scientists looked on with “both terror and joy” as the spacecraft neared its final destination.

The impact was the peak of NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), a 7-year and more than $300 million effort which launched a space vehicle in November of 2021 to perform humanity’s first ever test of planetary defense technology. It will be about two months, scientists said, before they will be able to determine if the impact was enough to drive the asteroid slightly off

course, probably shortening its original orbit.

NASA plans to launch an asteroid-hunting space telescope named NEO Surveyor in 2026. “We’ve tracked lots of space rocks, especially the larger ones that could cause extinction-level events. Thankfully, none currently threaten Earth. But many asteroids the size of Dimorphos haven’t yet   been discovered, and those could potentially take out a city if they came crashing down.” explains Lindley Johnson, NASA’s Planetary Defense Officer.

1. What’s the function of Paragraph 1?
A.It adds some background information.
B.It introduces the topic of the passage.
C.It presents author’s main idea.
D.It serves as an abstract of the essay.
2. How did scientists know the spacecraft hit the asteroid successfully?
A.They monitored the spacecraft with satellites in space.
B.They recorded the whole process with a telescope.
C.The little spot on the screen suddenly disappeared.
D.The signal from the spacecraft was lost as it hit the target.
3. What is the purpose of launching the spacecraft?
A.To test technology for defending Earth.
B.To end the asteroid’s threat to Earth.
C.To search for evidence of alien life.
D.To show engineers’ terror and joy.
4. Which statement will Lindley Johnson probably agree with?
A.NASA’s plan will definitely a success.
B.Larger asteroids will no longer threaten Earth.
C.NEO Surveyor is aimed to track smaller asteroids.
D.Asteroids are equally destructive whatever the size.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Chinese researchers have developed a robot designed to help doctors treat the new coronavirus and other highly infectious diseases. The machine has a long robotic arm attached to a base with wheels. It can perform some of the same medical examination tasks as doctors. For example, the device can perform ultrasounds (超声波扫描检查), collect fluid samples from a person’s mouth and listen to sounds made by a patient’s organs. Cameras record the robot’s activities, which are controlled remotely so doctors can avoid coming in close contact with infected patients. Doctors and other medical workers can operate the machine in another place.

The robot’s main designer Zheng Gangtie, an engineer and professor at China’s Tsinghua University, told Reuters news agency that he got the idea for the device when his medical friend told him that one of the biggest problems in dealing with COVID-19 was that healthcare workers treating patients were getting infected themselves. Zheng said he wanted to do something to help this situation. So the engineer gathered a team and went to work on the robotic device.

Zheng said the devices use the same technology that is used for space equipment, including moon explorers. The new robot is almost completely automated. It can even disinfect itself after performing actions involving patient contact.

However, Zheng said he had heard from some doctors that it would be better not to build such robots to be fully automatic. This is because many patients still desire a personal presence to help calm them during treatment.

The team currently has two robots and both have been tested by doctors at hospitals in Beijing. One machine was taken to Wuhan’s Union Hospital, where doctors there got trained to use it. The plan is to use the robot to help treat coronavirus patients, along with assistance from nurses and other hospital workers.

Zheng would like to build more of the robots, but says money from the university has run out. Each robot costs about $72,000 to make. He says he does not plan to commercialize the design, but hopes that a company can begin that process.

1. What do we know about the newly-invented robot?
A.It is used for space exploration.
B.It completely operates on its own.
C.It carries out complicated surgical treatments.
D.It protects doctors from risky contact with patients.
2. Which of the following may accelerate the development of the machine?
A.Assistance of AI.B.Financial support.
C.Community help.D.Professional advice.
3. What can we infer from the last three paragraphs?
A.The device may not be welcomed by all patients.
B.The device has been widely used to treat patients.
C.Zheng has received further funds from companies.
D.Zheng continued the production for official support.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Promising Future for the Robot
B.Novel Device to Cure Coronavirus
C.New Assistant to Fight Coronavirus
D.Helpful Design to Save the Patients
2020-08-03更新 | 118次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】The movie Moonfall follows the story of a mysterious force knocking the moon from its orbit. Although it’s just a Hollywood movie, is there any fact behind the fiction (虚构的事)? Would it be possible to change the moon’s orbit around Earth?

One way for the orbit of an object in space to change would be if it were hit by another object.

This risk is one area of focus for NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). CNEOS identifies and tracks near-Earth objects (NEOs), such as asteroids (小行星) and comets (彗星). They then determine whether the object creates a threat to Earth, the moon, or other neighbors.

Size is a significant factor when determining the risk created by an object from space. If the impact of an asteroid could affect the moon’s orbit, the asteroid “would have to be at least as big as the moon itself”, Paul Chodas, manager of NASA’s NEO office, told Live Science.

Due to the size of the moon, “it would have to be a huge object that would have to hit it at high speed”, he added. Because of the incredibly low chance of an object the size of the moon wandering into our solar system, it can therefore be determined that the chance of the moon’s orbit changing enough for it to hit Earth is minuscule.

Viewers of the night sky are convinced that the moon isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. However, although it’s unlikely to ever hit our planet, the moon still has an impact on life on Earth. A study from NASA states that the moon’s orbit is likely to begin “wobbling (摇晃)” sometime in the 2030s. This is a natural event that occurs every 18 years.

This period will see tides (潮汐) around the world “amplified (放大): High tides get higher, and low tides get lower”, which creates a risk to coastal cities around the globe, according to NASA.

1. What do we know about NEOs from the text?
A.Some of them create the risk of impact.B.They are objects in orbit around Earth.
C.They are at least as large as the moon.D.They are asteroids in the solar system.
2. What can we learn from paragraph 4 and 5?
A.There is no chance of the moon hitting Earth.
B.many objects larger than the moon are wandering into our solar system.
C.High speed is vital factor determining the danger from an object from space.
D.Size plays a small role when judging the threat from an object from space.
3. What does the underlined word “minuscule” most probably mean in paragraph 6?
4. What does the article mainly discuss?
A.The moon’s impact on life on Earth.B.The possibility of the moon hitting Earth.
C.Possible ways to change the moon’s orbit.D.The potential dangers of near Earth objects.
2022-11-11更新 | 151次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】When a chunk of ice fell from a collapsing glacier(冰川)on the Swiss Alps’ Mount Eiger in 2017, part of the long deep sound it produced was too low for human ears to detect. But these vibrations held a key to calculating the ice avalanche’s(崩塌)critical characteristics.

Low-frequency sound waves called infrasound that travel great distances through the atmosphere are already used to monitor active volcanoes from afar. Now some researchers in this field have switched focus from fire to ice: dangerous blocks snapping off glaciers. Previous work has analyzed infrasound from snow avalanches but never ice, says Boise State University geophysicist Jeffrey Johnson. “This was different,” Johnson says. “A signature of a new material has been detected with infrasound.”

Usually glaciers move far too slowly to generate an infrasound signal, which researchers pick up using detectors that track slight changes in air pressure. But a collapse—a sudden, rapid breaking of ice from the glacier’s main body—is a prolific infrasound producer. Glacial collapses drive ice avalanches, which pose an increasing threat to people in mountainous regions as rising temperatures weaken large fields of ice. A glacier “can become detached from the ground due to melting, causing bigger break— offs,” says University of Florence geologist Emanuele Marchetti, lead author of the new study. As the threat grows, scientists seek new ways to monitor and detect such collapses.

Researchers often use radar to track ice avalanches, which is precise but expensive and can monitor only one specific location and neighboring avalanche paths. Infrasound, Marchetti says, is cheaper and can detect break—off events around a much broader area as well as multiple avalanches across a mountain. It is challenging, however, to separate a signal into its components (such as traffic noises, individual avalanches and nearby earthquakes) without additional measurements, says ETH Zurich glaciologist Malgorzata Chmiel. “The model used by Marchetti is a first approximation for this,” she says. Isolating the relevant signal helps the researchers monitor an ice avalanche’s speed, path and volume from afar using infrasound.

Marchetti and his colleagues are now working to improve their detectors to pick up more signals across at-risk regions in Europe, and they have set up collaborations around the continent to better understand signals that collapsing glaciers produce. They are also refining their mathematical analysis to figure out each ice cascade’s physical details.

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3?
A.Infrasound has a major role to play in discovering new materials.
B.Ice avalanches are a bigger threat to people than volcanic eruptions.
C.Researchers are trying to use infrasound in detecting ice avalanches.
D.Scientists employ infrasound more in mountain areas than in other places.
2. Which is an advantage of infrasound over radar?
A.The combination with other relevant signals.
B.The accuracy in locating a certain avalanche.
C.The ability in picking up signals in wider areas.
D.The sensitivity in tracking air pressure changes.
3. The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refers to________.
A.distinguishing different components of a signal
B.detecting multiple avalanches at the same time
C.calculating the speed and path of ice avalanches
D.monitoring the specific location of ice break—offs
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.From Fire to IceB.Glacier Whispers
C.Nature is WarningD.Secret of Ice Avalanches
2022-03-30更新 | 1042次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般