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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:70 题号:18488794

All Miss White had been told about the new boy was that he’d spent most of his life in some kind of orphanage, and that the gray-haired “aunt and uncle” with whom he now lived were really foster parents (养父母), paid by the Welfare Department of the City of New York. A less devoted teacher might have pressed for more details, but Miss White was content with the rough outline. It was enough to fill her with a sense of mission that shone from her eyes, from the first morning he joined the fourth grade.

He arrived early and sat in the back row, his backbone very straight, his ankles crossed precisely under the desk and his hands folded on the center of its top, and while the other children were filling in, he received a long, expressionless stare from each of them.

“We have a new classmate this morning,” Miss White said, “His name is Vincent Sabella, and he comes from New York City. I know we’ll all do our best to make him feel at home.”

This time they all swung around to stare at once, which caused him to duck his head slightly and shift his weight from one side to the other. Ordinarily, the fact of someone’s coming from New York might have held a certain status, for to most of the children the city was a frightening, adult place that swallowed up their fathers every day. But anyone could see at a glance that Vincent Sabella had nothing to do with it. Even if you could ignore his twisted black hair and gray skin, his clothes would have given him away: ridiculously new pants, ridiculously old sports shoes and a yellow sweatshirt, much too small, with the faded remains of a Mickey Mouse design stamped on its chest.

The girls decided that he wasn’t very nice and turned away, but the boys remained in their inspection, looking him up and down with faint smiles. This was the kind of kid they were accustomed to thinking of as “tough,” the kind whose stare has made all of them uncomfortable at one time or another in unfamiliar neighborhoods; here was a unique chance for revenge.

1. What can you learn about Miss White and Vincent from the first two paragraphs?
A.Since nobody had ever seen Vincent’s parents, he now lived all by himself.
B.Miss White knew Vincent so well that she’d like to focus every bit of attention on him.
C.Vincent sat in the back row so as to arouse attention caused by his late arrival.
D.Miss White made an attempt to do her part to make Vincent feel welcome.
2. Why does the author mention “New York” in the third and the fourth paragraphs?
A.To state a certain distinction between Vincent and people’s imagination.
B.To demonstrate children’s desire to go to see their fathers.
C.To illustrate Vincent’s distant origin.
D.To emphasize Vincent’s low social status from his shabby clothes.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Vincent?
A.Nervous and uneasy.B.Devoted but shy.
C.Silent and genuine.D.Sensitive but unfortunate.
4. What can you infer from the text about Vincent’s new classmates?
A.They used to consider people like Vincent to be very tough.
B.They were either unconcerned or unfriendly toward him.
C.They barely noticed the new boy sitting in the back of the classroom.
D.They were very curious about the newcomer in a kind and considerate manner.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】My name is Kenny, and my twin brother is Kevin. Kevin was born with autism (孤独症). When we began high school, I would see how rude the kids were being to Kevin and I knew it was just not right. One day, a student walked past my brother and shouted rudely at Kevin. I had to stand up for my brother.

I avoided physical conflict but I made sure that my point was made using my most powerful weapon — my voice. I said, “Look at him. We have the same heart. We live on the same earth. All because he has an intellectual disability, you treat him differently?”

Kevin and I needed to make a change in our school and community — a change towards respect and we knew sport was the perfect tool. Through our participation in United Sports where people with and without intellectual disabilities play together on the same team, Kevin and I found a way to change our school environment.

At first it was very challenging for us to work together because Kevin is not always very good at communication, but together we worked tirelessly on exercises during practice. All of our hard work was paid off during our first soccer battle. Everyone on the team was nervous about how it was going to go, but when my teammates and I stepped onto the soccer field, I noticed something that filled my heart with pure happiness. We were a team. We were friends. And all the students and volunteers were there to cheer on the team and our amazing players.

Kevin turned to me, broke out in tears and said, “I finally feel included.” Kevin had finally found a place to belong within our school community. Our team played like rock stars and Kevin had a great shot that helped to tie the game.

After that day, all of our lives changed. There was a new atmosphere in our school — one of respect and inclusion. All of my teammates walked around school with a sense of pride and courage.

1. What do the underlined words “my point” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.I planned to support my brother.
B.I intended to fight with the student by force.
C.I had the most powerful weapon of voice.
D.I considered it wrong to treat disabled kids rudely.
2. What was the challenge the author had in working with Kevin?
A.His few words.B.His lack of respect.
C.His tireless practice.D.His hesitation to play.
3. What did Kevin feel during the first soccer match?
A.He felt too nervous to kick the ball.
B.He had a sense of belonging at school.
C.He was proud of playing as a rock star.
D.He was happy to be cheered as the best player.
4. What happened at school after the first soccer match?
A.The author and Kevin had none to fear.
B.There was a new atmosphere to respect teachers.
C.Kids with intellectual disabilities were included.
D.United Sports became popular with students.
2023-09-07更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Everybody is nervous on the first day of school. Here are some steps on how to become comfortable!

Get ready the night before.     1     Put out any make-up or any hair product you’ll be using. Then get a nice, long sleep. There’s nothing worse than looking terrible on the first day of school.

Eat a good breakfast.     2     Try a healthy breakfast. A protein-rich breakfast may make you feel sluggish(行动迟缓的)and sugar-rich foods may affect your ability to stay focused.

Choose your means of transport. Decide whether to take the bus, walk, or hitch a ride(搭便车)from your parents.     3     If you want something familiar and routine, take a bus ride and sit next to someone you already know.

    4     You want to seem easy-going like you had the best summer (even if you didn’t). Instead of coming off as a boring person, say something nice to people.

Try to make some friends if this is a new school.     5     New schools are also a great opportunity to change your style without people making fun of you or thinking you’re dishonest.

A.It’s your call.
B.Smile and be friendly.
C.However, don’t be begging for friends.
D.In that way you won’t have to sit alone at lunch.
E.Plan out what you’re going to wear and what you will need for class.
F.You’d be surprised how happy and focused you’ll be after eating a good breakfast.
G.Sit next to people you feel comfortable with if it is not possible to get lunch with your friends.
2022-10-22更新 | 137次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It’s the lunch break at Shanghai Xinhua Middle School. No mobile phones can be heard ring anywhere. The common sight of crowds of children chatting on their phones or sending short messages has disappeared.

A grade-2 student said, “I couldn’t concentrate (集中精力) during classes. if the cellphone was with me, I couldn’t help checking if there were messages or missed phone calls. I even played games on the phone sometimes.”

The school leaders say they feel the ban is necessary to keep order in class. They even gave out an open letter to remind parents not to let their children bring mobile phones to school .More than 96 percent of parents say they welcome the school decision. The school is also being flexible (灵活的) in carrying out the plan .Those students who live far from school are allowed to bring mobile phones to contact their parents. But they still have to switch them off in classrooms.

Medical experts have also welcomed the school decision. They say too much dependence on mobile phones can cause many psychological problems in teenage students.

1. What can we learn from paragraph1?
A.Shanghai Xianxia Middle School is very crowded during lunchtime breaks.
B.No mobile phones can be heard any time at Shanghai Xianxia Middle School.
C.All the children with mobile phones usually disappear during lunchtime breaks.
D.Lots of students used to be busy using their mobile phones during lunchtime breaks.
2. The grade-2 student thinks that______.
A.the mobile phones should be on during class.
B.it is good to play cellphone games sometimes.
C.the mobile phone is helpful to her studies.
D.it is no good using the cellphone at school.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.All parents welcome the school decision.
B.Some students can bring mobile phones to school.
C.Medical experts are against the school decision.
D.No one is allowed to bring a mobile phone school.
4. The passage mainly tells us______.
A.the mobile phone is a big trouble to teenage students.
B.the use of the mobile phone can cause mental problem.
C.about a ban on the mobile phone in a middle school.
D.a story happening at Shanghai Xinhua Middle School.
2020-01-13更新 | 89次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般