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题型:阅读理解-阅读表达 难度:0.4 引用次数:256 题号:19020665

The word “spiritual” comes from the Latin spiritus, which means “breath.” Originally, that which was spiritual was simply that which was breathtaking. From this perspective, a spiritual experience is anything that is awe-inspiring. People of all religions—or none at all—can equally experience such awe-inspiring events. Spirituality doesn’t rely on a set system of teachings or beliefs; it is merely the joy of being present in the moment and experiencing the awe (敬畏) and wonder of living.

Definitions of ecospirituality include “an expression of the spiritual connection between human beings and the environment” and “understanding the interrelationships between all living beings on earth and recognizing their interdependency while appreciating their value for maintaining ecobalance.” Others feel ecospirituality is the connectedness between the science of ecology and spirituality. Put simply, it is the personal experience of spirituality in nature. Although definitions may vary, all point to a sense of oneness with nature, and address our basic need for reconnecting with the environment.

Although there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to ecospirituality, there are a few common concepts throughout the practice. Things like feeling connected with the universe, knowing the risks involved in creating an imbalance in the ecosystem, protecting nature—and most importantly—sensing a feeling of “awe” in learning about our environment and ecosystem are all included in ecospirituality. Embracing a way of life that honors all living beings on our planet is what ecospirituality involves.

At this point, you’re probably wondering what you can do to integrate ecospirituality into your life. And the answer is simple! Start with a daily gratitude practice, focusing on what you are grateful for in nature every day. This simple exercise will not only positively benefit your outlook on life, but it will also motivate you to take actionable steps in preserving Earth’s many gifts.

Once you have a solid gratitude practice in place, consider spending more time in nature. Studies show that something as simple as taking a mindful walk outdoors can reduce stress and overthinking. And remember to be mindful while participating in nature! The key to ecospirituality is to let our beautiful planet take your breath away. And how can you do that if you don’t stop to smell the roses?

1. What is spirituality?
2. How does a daily gratitude practice affect people?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Ecospirituality involves various aspects such as experiencing a sense of connection with the universe and ignoring the risks of creating an imbalance in the ecosystem.
4. What else can you do in daily life to better connect with nature? (In about 40 words)
【知识点】 哲理感悟 日常生活


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Many years ago, I met a man whose unique psychology helped me to get away from a life of struggle and uneasiness for great happiness, for peace of mind, and for a measure of success I otherwise would not have attained.

He was George Robert White, who lost his parents at eight, badly off for a long time. However, his God-given beliefs made him both a material and a spiritual millionaire at thirty. As a young man, Mr. White took over the leadership of a small plant, and throughout his career he donated a large part of his net profits to charity. Despite his unusual business practice, he built that tiny concern into a world-famous corporation, and became the multi-million-dollar manufacturer.

Before I met him, my path to success was the ordinary road over which most American businessmen travel—endless hours of hard work, social contacts, wise investments. But where was the resulting happiness that my material gain was supposed to have afforded me? I discovered that I had no more peace of mind.

I took the advice of Mr. White to open the pathway to happiness and freedom of mind. “Personal and business success, built upon materialism alone, are empty shells over disappointment and saddened lives,” he emphasized, “Cast your bread upon the waters and it will come back in abundance. ” If we are to be happy, to be successful in every aspect of the world, and to live truly full lives, we must share ourselves, as well as our material gain, with our fellow men.

Since Mr. White’s death, I have made great efforts, as his successor, to stick to his code of morality. Two dollars out of every three earned by our corporation is shared with others. My reward and my blessings have come to me in the form of personal satisfaction and peace of mind that had been foreign to me.

1. What was Mr. White’s unusual business practice?
A.His concern about the poor.
B.His leadership of a small plant
C.His way to deal with the net profits.
D.His becoming a millionaire at thirty.
2. How was the author’s life before he met Mr. White?
A.Busy and uneasy.
B.Wealthy and full.
C.Successful and happy.
D.Struggling and hopeful.
3. What was Mr. White’s advice?
A.Be a breadwinner.
B.Be ready to share.
C.Build personal reputation.
D.Seek material abundance.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?
A.To call back his own life.
B.To introduce Mr. White’s lifestyle.
C.To show his concern about charity.
D.To express his gratitude to Mr. White.
2022-01-24更新 | 167次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Once a circle missed a wedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. It chatted with worms. It enjoyed the sunshine. It found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching. Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly. It was so happy. Now it could be whole, with nothing missing. It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll. Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice the flowers or talk to the worms. When it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.

The lesson of the story, I suggested, was that in some strange sense we are more whole when we are missing something. The man who has everything is in some ways a poor man. He will never know what it feels like to yearn, to hope, to nourish his soul with the dream of something better. He will never know the experience of having someone who loves him and gives him something he has always wanted or never had.

There is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with his limitations, who has been brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not feel like a failure for doing so. There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, who can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.

Life is not a trap set for us by God so that he can condemn us for failing. Life is not a spelling bee, where no matter how many words you’ve gotten right, you’re disqualified if you make one mistake. Life is more like a baseball season, where even the best team loses one-third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance. Our goal is to win more games than we lose.

When we accept that imperfection is part of being human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to. That, I believe, is what God asks of us not “Be perfect”, not “Don’t even make a mistake”, but “Be whole.”

1. According to the story, in which case can the circle admire flowers along the way, talk to worms or enjoy the sunshine?
A.When the circle is incomplete, missing a piece.
B.When the circle is complete with the found piece.
C.When the circle can roll fast on a smooth path.
D.When there is no obstacle to its way.
2. Which expression can best explain the underlined phrase “come to terms with” in paragraph 3?
A.fix and perfectB.have a desire forC.make up forD.accept without complaints
3. What lesson does the author expect readers to learn?
A.Don’t live such a busy life as to miss important things in life.
B.Never ever stop pursuing a perfect life, which is worthy of all the efforts.
C.You are more whole when you are missing something; just appreciate the imperfection.
D.Distinguish dreams from true life, and work hard for your goal.
4. What will be the most suitable title for the passage?
A.Life Is to Be WholeB.Dream a DreamC.Perfect ImpossibleD.Miserable Truth
2023-07-05更新 | 90次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Treat Your Life Like A Road Trip

We’ve all heard “life is a journey”. In my opinion, it is the final road trip with your Life Map helping you. Here are five of the Life Map Guide definitions.

The backseat drivers

The backseat drivers are people you have allowed to control you in some way. When you're driving, you have someone in the backseat telling you how to drive or which way to go.    1    Recognizing who the backseat drivers are will help you set boundaries and remain authentic.

The passengers

The passengers are people who are by your side through thick and thin. They give you a shoulder to cry on. They help when things are tough.    2    That is because you know you aren't alone whatever you may be going through.

Your GPS

    3    That's your GPS kicking in to guide you. Your intuition(直觉) is powerful and it's there to help you move in the right direction.

Fork in the road

When you have a tough decision to make, you meet a fork in the road. Then look back on other big decisions you've made and how you ended up coming to a conclusion.    4     It also helps to listen to your GPS as it can lead you to a wise decision.

Refill your tank

We've all had times when we've felt low. When you're in that place it can be really challenging to pull yourself out of it. What really helps is being aware of what it takes to refill your tank.    5    

A.They celebrate your successes and believe you.
B.Knowing who these people are gives you a sense of safety.
C.You'll be surprised how you can come up with some brilliant ideas.
D.Do you remember changing your direction in time to avoid an accident?
E.It's no different when you have someone in your life telling you what to do.
F.You know that feeling when something feels extremely right or extremely wrong?
G.Think about what brings you joy and take action to put more of that into your life.
2018-05-01更新 | 37次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般