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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:89 题号:20276183

Directed by the AFM private company, National University of Science and Technology(NUST)MISIS engineers, together with the Karfidov Lab design group, have invented a machine named Salatomat that could serve meals to users in a very short time. The engineers say this machine cooks dishes from vegetables and cereals(谷物)in 30-60 seconds, so it can produce between 150 and 500 meals per day.

The cooking machine contains 16 basic ingredients-vegetables, cereals, potatoes, noodles-and 20 dressings and toppings. With this set, Salatomat can cook up to 1, 000 different dishes, with the user able to make a personal choice of products. These dishes are especially fit for those who live a healthy lifestyle or have some health problems.

“The machine has its own ‘brain’. It can remember users’ choices and medical history. And it knows what is in it and what it can produce with the help of the RFID chip,” said Aleksey Karfidov, head of the department of technological equipment engineering at NUST MISIS.

“The process begins with the preparation of products -putting ingredients into the robot, cutting vegetables, and controlling the temperature (cooling or heating, depending on the dish),” said Aleksey Karfidov. According to the developers, the robot is able to ensure the safety of food and quick preparation of well-balanced meals. The machine will also be completely non-contact-all cooking steps are carried out by itself.

All ingredients inside Salatomat are put into clean containers. Ingredients can be stored in the containers for eight hours at most, and if not used, they must be removed and cleaned.

1. What is Salatomat designed to do?
A.Store different foods.B.Help prepare meals.
C.Wash the dishes.D.Grow vegetables.
2. What can be inferred about Salatomat according to Aleksey Karfidov?
A.It’s smart.B.It’s unworkable.C.It’s expensive.D.It’s space-saving.
3. What does paragraph4 mainly talk about?
A.The way Salatomat works.B.The change Salatomat brings.
C.The cost of buying ingredients.D.The importance of food safety.
4. What should users notice when using Salatomat?
A.Clean it up after each use.
B.Mix everything together before it works.
C.Keep a close eye on its temperature.
D.Take out its ingredients stored over eight hours.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述的是一个科研团队开发了 HuggieBot 3.0 的仿生机器人,可以提供非常逼真的类似于人类的拥抱,文章重点介绍了HuggieBot3.0的研发历程和相关特色。

【推荐1】Hugging probably isn’t the first thing when thinking about what robots could help humankind with. Alexis E. Block and her colleagues have been involved in the HuggieBot project for years, trying to be trailblazers of a robot that could deliver human-like hugs.

The creators of HuggieBot 3.0 claim that it is “the first fully autonomous human-sized hugging robot”. It features a custom sensing system called “HuggieChest” consisting of two inflated (膨胀的) parts to imitate a soft chest. But there’s a lot more than a soft chest to the HuggieBot 3.0. The advanced robot delivers hugs using a pair of arms mounted to a custom metal frame (框架) that were selected for being human-like, quiet, and safe. As a hug takes place, a pressure sensor and microphone inside the artificial chest detect human touch and begin transmitting data via a board to a Robot Operating System (ROS)-based computer located in the HuggieBot 3.0’s 3D-printed head.

The team used feedback from 512 real people over 32 trials to train a machine learning system. “The HuggieBot 3.0 can stay still, move slightly vertically (垂直地), tap or pat a person’s back and squeeze with-varying degrees of pressure The team wrote in a recent study.

Alexis E. Block started working on the original HuggieBot back in 2016. The first version was built on six “hugging commandments” to autonomously enter into and end a hug. The HuggieBot 2.0 took the project a step further by integrating sensing perception, but the 3.0 version is the most advanced version with five added hugging commandments to deliver a human, like hugging experience.

In a recent test, 12 participants who hugged the robot for longer declared that they felt it was “significantly nicer to hug” than previous ones.

The HuggieBot 3.0 isn’t perfect, and its creators point out that it isn’t quite like hugging a real person just yet, but they are already working on a fourth version that should come with improved hug positioning and techniques. They hope that one day HuggieBot will be able to take the place of the sensation of human bugging to perfection.

1. What does the underlined word “trailblazers” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about HuggieBot 3.0?
A.Its designing process.B.Its main function.
C.Its working principle.D.Its practical usage.
3. What’s special about HuggieBot 3.0?
A.It works fully autonomously.B.It perceives people’s senses.
C.It pats and squeezes a person gently.D.It offers human life hugging experience.
4. Which can best describe the prospect of future HuggieBot?
2024-05-27更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Given how valuable intelligence and automation are, we will continue to improve our technology if we are at all able to. At a certain point, we will build machines that are smarter than we are. Once we have machines that are smarter than we are, they will begin to improve themselves. The concern is really that we will build machines that are much more competent than we are. And the slightest divergence (分歧) between their goals and our own could destroy us.

Just think about how we relate to ants. We don’t hate them. We don’t go out of our way to harm them. In fact, sometimes we take pains not to harm them. We step over them on the sidewalk. But whenever their presence seriously conflicts with one of our goals, we will kill them without hesitation. The concern is that we will one day build machines that, whether they’re conscious or not, could treat us with similar disregard.

The bare fact is that we will continue to improve our intelligent machines. We have problems that we desperately need to solve. So we will do this, if we can. The train is already out of the station, and there’s no brake to pull. If we build machines that are more intelligent than we are, they will very likely develop in ways that we can’t imagine, and transcend us in ways that we can’t imagine.

So imagine we hit upon a design of super intelligent AI that has no safety concerns. This machine would be the perfect labor-saving device. It can design the machine that can build the machine which can do any physical work, powered by sunlight, more or less for the cost of raw materials. So we’re talking bout the end of human labour. We’re also talking about the end of most intellectual work. So what would apes like ourselves do in these circumstances?

But the moment we admit that information processing is the source of intelligence, we have to admit that we are in the process of building some sort of god. Now would be a good time to make sure it’s a god we can live with.

1. Why does the author mention ants in Paragraph 2?
A.To compare intelligent machines to ants.
B.To show improved machines will get away from us.
C.To stress the presence of machines does conflict with our goals.
D.To explain future intelligent machines could treat us without mercy
2. What does the underlined word “transcend” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. How is the passage mainly developed?
A.By making comparisons.
B.By giving assumptions.
C.By showing valid evidence.
D.By analyzing statistics
4. Which of the following statements can best summarize the author’s viewpoint towards Al?
A.Human beings will no doubt be destroyed by AI in the future
B.Super intelligent AI will put an end to human labour eventually.
C.We should keep the development of AI within humans’ control.
D.Human beings should stop the development of super intelligent AL.
2023-03-18更新 | 458次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A simple gel (凝胶) collects water out of thin air! This innovation works well in dry climates, promising drinking water to those living with water shortage.

The gel was invented by a team of scientists and engineers at the University of Texas. Combining two simple ingredients, the gel is inexpensive to produce. Just one kilogram of gel can absorb up to six liters of water in a dry climate. For those living in a climate with relative humidity (湿度), one kilogram of gel can collect up to 13 liters of water a day.

“This new work is about practical solutions that people can use to get water in the hottest, driest places on Earth,” said Professor Guihua Yu. “This could allow millions of people without easy access to drinking water to have water producing equipment at home that they can easily operate.”

Countries are currently using available bodies of water to create drinking water, according to the study. These include removing salt from ocean water and using water purification technologies. Yet there are plenty of small water drops in the atmosphere that can be harnessed as a reliable resource.

Researchers have collected fresh water from fog and dew (露水), but that only serves areas with high humidity. With one third of the population living in dry places with very low humidity, a workable solution is of great importance. Scientists have been able to obtain water from desert air, but these methods have low yields (产量) and use lots of energy. In fact, this gel is a great improvement from previous water harvesting technologies. The maximum water harvested has been 5. 87 liters in places with relative humidity.

This new gel doubles this amount, uses no energy and is simple to operate and it can be molded into a shape or size that best suits the user. Scientists are planning on making a thicker gel that will increase the yield, which is most important in making this technology a practical solution to drought (干旱). Easy-to-use and inexpensive, the hope is that this super gel will offer access to clean drinking water to dry places around the world.

1. What can we infer from Professor Guihua Yu's words?
A.He is in charge of the research.B.He is promoting this achievement worldwide.
C.He has been concerned about drinking water safety.D.He speaks highly of the new technology.
2. What does the underlined word “harnessed” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
3. What do researchers think of getting fresh water from fog?
A.It is workable.B.It has limitations.C.It is of great importance.D.It has a bright future.
4. What is the key to making this new technology workable?
A.Sufficient funds.B.Experienced researchers.C.Increased output.D.Easy operation.
2022-08-31更新 | 84次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般