组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:42 题号:20356006

In a quiet Northern California neighborhood, Michael seemed like a normal 11-year-old boy. His family made use of the Californian sunshine to grow orange trees and roses. All seemed good from the outside, but Michael was troubled.

Since he was taken in at 3 years old, Michael never really connected with his parents. There was a strictness about them that his nature couldn’t understand, and he was left to himself to sort out (整理) confusing feelings and the need for connection.

Without the tie a young boy needs at home, Michael often found himself down the street at his best friend’s house. Of course, the two boys laughed, read picture books and ate junk food. But the real reason why Michael liked his friend’s home was Mr. Christensen. He was the kind of father who understands boys.

With Mr. Christensen, the boys spent hours in the garage fixing an old sports car. They drove up the California coast at high speed, feeling the salt wind wash over them. The car was too loud to allow for any conversation, which was fine with Michael. He didn’t yet know how to express his feelings; for the time being, just being able to feel them was enough.

For many young boys, the language of connection is written in the wrenches (扳手) they and their parents turn, the wrestling matches they watch, the hours of their watching clouds race by overhead. Mr. Christensen understood that boys need time to learn this language. He knew a boy learns respect and duty by being loved in an unspoken way.

Some 50 years later, Michael remembers his time with Mr. Christensen. “My own father couldn’t raise me, so I was given away. My adoptive father (养父) did his best but never allowed a relationship to form between us. Luckily for me, I had Mr. Christensen. I have tried to be the kind of father he was, teaching, having fun and spending time with my child.”

1. What was the problem with young Michael?
A.He had to do hard work on the farm.
B.He dropped out of school with his best friend.
C.He was given up by his parents as a little kid.
D.He was treated badly by his adoptive parents.
2. What made the two boys unable to talk in the car?
A.Strong wind.B.Too loud noise.C.Busy repair work.D.Driving excitement.
3. How is the language of connection learned in the author’s opinion?
A.By taking part in competitions.B.Through communication.
C.By studying hard.D.Through doing things together.
4. Who may Michael want to follow in his life?
A.Mr. Christensen.B.His friends.
C.His own father.D.His adoptive parents.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I tried not to look down. My palms (手掌) were sweating. All I could concentrate on was the man below who was keeping the ladder steady. The tiny people waved up at me, but I couldn’t see them clearly.

When I got to the top, some sort of supernatural force brought my feet to the edge of the platform. I was going to slip off the board. The line holding me was going to break, and I was once again going to be thrown to death. Down was the only direction my eyes would go.

I begged to go back down the ladder, but the stupid man tried to convince me. The tiny dots below shouted encouragingly, saying they would run with me as I flew. I was going to slide off that platform. I couldn’t think; the tears stopped my brain. Why wouldn’t he let me go back? The message replayed in my mind, “You’re going to die…”

Like a blown-up balloon, I was let go just before it could be knotted at the bottom. I went in every direction, tension escaping from my body as I fell. The breeze hit my face and cooled my sweaty body. I could see clearly now, and I was flying.

Today, I am still terrified of heights. It would be nice to say that I conquered my fear and found something I loved. I owe my zip line (飞索) experience to the Englishman who pushed me off the platform. I am grateful for the experience because I love adventure. Trying new things has always appealed to me. Some of the most rewarding experiences I have had, like flying, have come out of conquering what at first appears to be frightening and impossible. While my days of aerial escapades are over, I look forward to the future and the question of fear of flying and will continue to create questions wherever I go.

1. How did the author feel when he was on the ladders?
2. Why did the Englishman push the author off platform?
A.To teach him to fly.B.To push him to death.
C.To develop his courage.D.To test his ability to climb.
3. Through the zip line experience, the author learns that ________.
A.everyone can enjoy flying well
B.trying difficult things is his favorite
C.looking back on the old days is awful for him
D.something that seems impossible can be conquered
4. What does the underlined phrase “aerial escapades” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.The author’s zip line experience.B.The author’s difficulty in life.
C.The author’s failure in adventure.D.The author’s dreams about his future.
7日内更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】While I was in hospital, a friend recommended a popular online series of daily meditations, a “can’t afford to miss” in his mind. Mostly, the morning ones were impossible to do as the hospital routine starts at half past five, so I mostly listened the evening ones, which were very helpful. Once, however, I managed the morning one, which talked about the importance of doing something or creating something which will survive us.

The works of great poets and writers come to mind, but how many of us will write the next David Copperfield, or Ode to Autumn? Sporting triumphs also occur: the breaking of the four minute mile for instance. But again, how many of us are great athletes? So what can we do?

Shakespeare writes, “The evil men do lives after them; the good is oft interred (often buried) with their bones.” For once, however, I think Shakespeare is wrong. I think the good we do can live after we have gone. Sir Terry Pratchett writes, “A man is not truly dead while his name is still spoken,” and I think that is more true. Perhaps we cannot expect our name to be remembered for hundreds or thousands of years, but to be remembered with kindness and even thankfulness after we’ve gone is surely something to strive for.

I had two grannies when I was growing up. One was my mother’s mother; the other was our cousin’s grandmother on their father’s side. Our own grandmother died young, so this lovely lady adopted us as her honorary grandchildren.

Granny was the most lovely and loving lady you could imagine. There were always cakes in the tin and a warm welcome whenever we visited, there were small presents at Christmas and on our birthdays, and we loved her dearly. It was only when I attended her funeral that I realized how far her love extended: the church was packed, and tale after tale was told of her kindness. Her name was — and possibly still is — spoken long after her death.

I wish I could say the same of my other grandmother, but I can’t. My mother talks about her, but I don’t; there is no point in talking about unkindness.

When I announced my retirement, a couple of months ago, I was stunned to receive so many emails and letters of thanks. My patients really appreciate all that I have done for them. That will last after I’m gone and spread down through generations.

1. Which of the following statements will the author probably agree with about the online meditation?
A.The evening meditation are more important than the morning ones.
B.The online meditation receive more attention in the evening.
C.The morning meditation are difficult to use in daily life.
D.The online meditation are worthy of the name.
2. The author quoted Sir Terry Pratchett’s words in order to __________.
A.support Shakespeare’s statement on the afterlife
B.argue that greatness is the only way to be remembered
C.emphasize the importance of kindness to ordinary people
D.criticize the idea that only evil deeds are remembered
3. Which of the following statements it TRUE according to the passage?
A.The author’s granny on mother’s side was a kind person.
B.Shakespeare believed the goodness fades far sooner than the evil.
C.A man’s contribution is highly dependent on their achievements.
D.People were happy to know the retirement of the author.
4. We can most probably find this passage in a __________.
A.magazine featuring famous athletes
B.blog post by a doctor who recently retired
C.book about the importance of creating a legend
D.medical journal discussing the benefits of meditation
2023-07-23更新 | 125次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The World Is Our Classroom

Tonight, our family was going out to play under the full moon.

We first started going on full moon walks for ourselves, because my husband Todd and I, loved them and we needed these little doses of moonlight to stay happy and to function in society. But after we became parents, we did this for Sierra and Bryce. We wanted the kids to see that there is much magic in the natural world, most of which is accessible to anyone. We also wanted to show them it was not necessary to travel far from home to have an adventure, learn, and experience something new. Nearly every month, our family went into the night to “play” by the full moon.

Once we arrived at our location that evening, Sierra and I stood holding hands, waiting to cheer the full moon in its rising. A thin sliver of the apricot (杏黄色) moon poked above the Blue Mountain Ridge. Everyone stood up, witnessing its rising. More of the moon came out until it turned into a brilliant orange sphere. Todd explained to the children that the moon makes no light of its own, but simply acts like a mirror, reflecting the sun light back to us. “Does the moon’s face change?” Bryce asked. I told him that the moon rotates with the earth and the same side of the moon is always facing earth. We never see the other side, the far side of the moon. Sierra remarked that the moon looked larger when it was rising. I explained that it is an optical illusion (视错觉) because it is so close to the horizon that the moon tricks our eyes.

Much of the knowledge that Todd and I shared with them had been learned from our past life experiences. If we did not have the knowledge to explain and educate, we looked it up, either beforehand to enhance the experience, or afterwards, together, after we wondered and came up with a list of questions.

Sometimes all it takes is going outdoors and gazing up at the heavens.

1. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Going outdoors to watch full moon.B.Going on a hike through the forest.
C.Visiting a museum to learn about space.D.Traveling far from home to have an adventure.
2. Which of the following statements is true about the children on the family outing?
A.It was a rare chance for them to play under the full moon.
B.They felt forced to watch the moon coming out with their parents.
C.They remained curious and kept digging deeper about the moon.
D.They knew the answers to all the questions put up by their parents.
3. What can we learn from paragraph 4 about the author and her husband?
A.They did not make much effort to teach their children.
B.They gained all the knowledge from their past experiences.
C.They left some questions for the kids to get them thinking after each trip.
D.They sometimes looked up information in advance to better educate their children.
4. Choose the best sentence to complete the last paragraph.
A.As we stared up at the sky, a brilliant shooting star raced across the sky.
B.Families have to spend a ton of money to have fun and learn.
C.Opportunities to seek magical experiences and learning is right around us.
D.Wonder often occurs when you don’t quite understand what something is.
2023-12-11更新 | 21次组卷
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