组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 日常活动 > 学校生活
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:77 题号:20610145

At 63, Jerry Valencia was determined to get his college degree — and his master’s degree, too. The student arrived early, sat front and center, and stood out in my classroom in more ways than one. I’d say that he had about 40 years on his classmates in my undergraduate communications class at California State University, Los Angeles. He eagerly jumped into class discussions, with his modest humor and wisdom of experience. And he was always respectful of the other students’ views, as if each of them were a teacher. Jerry Valencia walked in with a smile — and he left with one, too.

Valencia always said that these students gave him the confidence and joy that he didn’t need to feel bad about his age.

One day, I found Valencia sitting on campus. He said he would have to stop taking classes that semester and reapply for next year. By then, he hoped to have earned enough money from construction jobs he used to take to pay for his tuition. But he said he would still come to campus to attend events, see his friends and take the final exams. He asked seriously whether he could still sit in my communications class.

“Sure,” I said.

Soon there he was again, back at his old desk, front and center, jumping into our discussions on how to find and tell stories in Los Angeles-a 63-year-old junior with as much energy and curiosity as any of the youngsters in my class.

For an assignment on changing neighborhoods, Valencia wrote about a favorite local chain restaurant that was “unceremoniously (随便地) closed”. He called it as a theft of childhood. “It is almost as if someone has stolen that childhood and replaced it with a slippery hill where everything they cherish will slide away,” he wrote. A lot of Valencia’s classmates apparently knew he couldn’t pay that semester’s tuition. However, he was still making his efforts to do the homework well.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

In my eyes, Valencia is an old man with strong will.


I was pretty astonished when hearing what he had said.

23-24高三上·辽宁沈阳·期中 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 学校生活 励志故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Catherine was the coolest kid in her class. Whenever she went,she was in the spotlight,with a bunch of kids following her and doing everything she did.

Her desk mate,Landy,however,was not in the cool kids’ group.Being the tallest kid in her class, she was teased by her classmates,who were always chanting “Landy,Landy,long as spaghetti (意大利面)”.Every time Landy heard those silly chants, she could feel her face burst into flames. God knew how she wished the ground to crack and swallow her!

Catherine didn’t really like it when the kids chanted “Landy,Landy,long as spaghetti”.But she never told them to stop either, and nor did she ever talk to her. She liked being popular.

One weekend, Catherine went over to her grandfather for Thanksgiving. Her grandfather lives on a farm at the opposite end of town,where he keeps chickens. While helping to feed the chickens, Catherine noticed a peculiar one. Curling in the corner,it looked smaller than the others and was almost half-bare!

“What’s the matter with it?”She asked her grandfather, with a puzzled frown on her face. Her grandfather told her how chickens could act.’“They have a pecking(啄) order,” he explained,wrinkles of concern spreading around his forehead.“If one chicken is different, the others will push it away and keep pecking it. Sometimes they peck it so much that it dies.”

“Oh,what a poor little thing!”Catherine let out a sigh as she scooped(捧起)the frightened chicken up in her arms,whose heart was beating fast in the bony little body.
Suddenly,she thought of Landy,the girl being ”pecked“by her classmates
But Catherine walked directly toward Landy,regardless of what they said.
2023-01-10更新 | 534次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Last September was my first month of middle school, which was completely overwhelming (不知所措的). Every day in the passages, I felt lost and not very smart. Everyone at school seemed to know who they were and what they were doing, but not me. I was desperate to find my place at school.

And then there was the school play. Hmm, costumes might be kind of fun. I added my name to the sign-up sheet for props and costumes. That’s the real beginning of this story, I guess.

I’d had an enjoyable backstage making sure all the actors had their shoes and figuring out how to make a fake pocket watch out of a bicycle chain for the Train Conductor. But then, on opening night, Mr. Bash, the director, rushed up to me.

“There you are, Maisy,” he panted (气喘吁吁). “I need you to step in for Bailey tonight. He broke his leg during lunch.”

I started sweating. “I…” I stammered (结结巴巴地说), shaking my head.

“Listen, I know this is short notice,” Mr. Bash said. “But we can’t do the show without Lost Cow. You know the cues because you’re always waiting to take the halter rope (缰绳) from Bailey and give him the straw hat.”


“Just go onstage, get the rope from Train Conductor, do the shrug (耸肩), and walk off. After all, no one will even know that it’s you.”

That stopped me short. If I had to go out there and recite a bunch of lines, I might faint. Or else throw up. But what if I were wearing the cow head, and my name wasn’t in the program, and no one could really even see me?

Right then, I decided I’d try. Maybe it would be fun?

So fifteen minutes later, I was waiting behind the curtain. “Ready, Lost Cow?” said a voice beside me. It was Mr. Bash.

“No one knows it’s me, right?” I asked.

“No one,” Mr. Bash said.

1. 写作词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.


“Awesome job, Maisy.” Mr. Bash said, grinning (咧嘴笑).

2023-07-01更新 | 114次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐3】阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。

Ralphie was getting bored in his geography class. Mr. Hudson displayed a map of Europe up on the whiteboard, and asked someone to turn off the lights so they could see it better. "I'll do it, " said Ralphie, and he put a paper spitball into a straw(吸管)quickly and blew it at the light switch. It missed, and landed in Mira's hair instead. Mira screamed in disgust. The other students burst into laughter. Mr. Hudson was annoyed.

"Detention(留堂), Ralph. " He wrote up a pink detention paper and slapped(拍)it on the boy's desk. Then he continued with his lesson.

"I was only trying to turn off the lights! " Ralphie protested. The teacher did not want to hear it.

"See you after school. Don't be late. "

Math class was next. Ralphie was pretty good at math, so he started to cheer up. He had done his homework, so when Mrs. Addison asked for a student to solve a problem at the blackboard, Ralphie didn't hesitate.

He jumped out of his seat and announced in a loud voice, "I volunteer as Tribute! " His friends burst out laughing. Mrs. Addison looked at him strictly over the tops of her glasses. Uh-oh, thought Ralphie.

"We do not yell in math class, Ralph. Not another sound out of you, young man. " She turned back to the board.

"It's from The Hunger Games …" he tried to explain.

"That's quite enough! Detention, Ralph. " The math teacher reached for her pile of detention paper and wrote his name down. "After school. Don't be late. "

"Oh man, " murmured Ralphie. "How do I go to two detentions at the same time? "

When the bell rang at the end of the day, Ralphie went to see Mr. Hudson first. The teacher told Ralphie to sit down. The boy did so, and folded his hands in his lap for a minute or two. Then he raised one and said, "Sir? Can I be excused to go to the washroom? " Mr. Hudson nodded.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后, 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Paragraph l:

Once in the hallway, Ralphie raced over to Mrs. Addison's room.

Paragraph 2:

After washing his hands, Ralphie tried to open the door of the washroom, but found the lock was stuck.

2021-07-04更新 | 536次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般