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题型:阅读理解-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:29 题号:21300043

When parents talk about school safety these days, they’re usually referring to the increase in violence at schools. But research shows that school-age children are actually nine times more likely to suffer an injury while doing sports than to be the victim of violence while at school. Accidents can be prevented if parents are on the lookout for potential dangers. To help you keep your kids free from harm, here are some safety tips:

*Teach your child never to talk to strangers or accept rides or gifts from strangers. Remember, a stranger is anyone you or your child doesn’t know well or trust.

*Be sure that your child walks to and from school with a sibling, friend or neighbor.

*Teach your kid, whether walking, biking or riding a bus to school, to obey all traffic signals, signs and traffic officers. Remind him to be extra careful in bad weather.

*When driving your kid, deliver and pick them up as close to the school as possible. Don’t leave until they are in the schoolyard or building.

*If your child rides a bike to school, make sure he wears a standard helmet. Research shows that a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85%.

*Teach your kid to arrive at the bus stop earlier, stay off the street, and wait for the bus to come to a complete stop.

*Be sure that your kid knows his or her home phone number and address, your work number, the number of another trusted adult and how to call for emergencies.

1. Who do you think the passage is written to? (no more than 2 words)
2. Please explain the word “potential” in English. (no more than 3 words)
3. What is the function of a helmet when riding a bike? (no more than 8 words)
4. What is the main purpose of this passage? (no more than 10 words)
5. Which tip do you think is the most important for you? And why? (no more than 20 words)


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Tips for choosing the right college

It’s probably one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your life, but choosing a college can be so confusing.     1     Here are a few important dos and don’ts to remember.

When choosing a college, always take time to think things over. Make sure you do a lot of research on any college you are considering. Take advantage of any open houses a college offers and try to take a campus tour, if you can. Make it a point to see as much of a college as possible.     2     That way you can get the feel of a typical day. If you can’t arrange any of these things, try to purchase or borrow videos of the college.

    3     You may be comfortable far away or you may only want to be a couple hours’ drive from home. And make sure you choose one that suits your personality. If you want to be involved in lots of activities, choose one that has plenty to choose from.

When choosing a school, there are some things you don’t want to influence your decision.     4     They may have totally different needs when it comes to education. Make sure you choose a college because you want to go there — and not because your parents want you to.     5     Don’t rush your decision even if it seems everyone else knows where they want to go. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions or request additional information.

The most important thing to remember when choosing the ideal college is to pick one you are comfortable with. It is your future — and no one else’s.

A.They may admire that college, but it’s your life.
B.The best time to visit is when classes are in session.
C.Your parents may not feel comfortable with the college.
D.Don’t go to a college just because your friends will be there.
E.There are many ways to decide which college is right for you.
F.Unfortunately, in the end, they cannot make the decision for you.
G.One of the most important things to consider is how far from home you want to be.
2021-12-30更新 | 130次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Volunteers in Policing (Vips) are based in police where they work to deal with customer service, community safety and crime prevention needs in the community. The range of tasks they undertake complements (补充)the roles and responsibilities of paid police officers and staff members.

Why to volunteer?

Volunteering your time as a Vip offers you the opportunity to:

• Help police officers reduce crime and improve community safety

• Gain personal satisfaction and a sense of pride that come from doing something worthwhile for your community

• Use your existing knowledge to help others and gain valuable new skills

• Meet new people, make new friends and get to know your local community

• Gain valuable work experience and improve your employment prospects

What are the requirements for the program?

Applicants must meet the following requirements for the program:

• Be 18 years old and over

•Willing to participate in a necessary training program

•Agree to the Queensland Police Service carrying out a criminal history check

•Prepared to participate in the program for at least 12 months

How do I join the program?

Volunteers interested in joining the program can contact the District Crime Prevention Coordinator for the area in which they live to get an application form and further information about the program. These contact details can be found on the “Contact Details”link.

Alternatively, applicants can complete the application form below and send it to the district office in person or by mail. Please note: Electronic forms will not be accepted and the form must be printed before signing.

1. Which of the following is the benefit of being a Vip?
A.Gaining more skills and work experience.
B.Becoming rich and famous soon.
C.Gaining satisfaction from family.
D.Getting a job offer from the local government.
2. If you want to be a Vip, you must________.
A.possess related experience
B.carry out a criminal history check in advance
C.promise to work there for over two years
D.agree to receive training
3. What are the applicants required to do to join the program?
A.Go to the district office in person.
B.Hand in a paper application form.
C.Fill in a form on the Contact Details' link.
D.Send an e-mail to introduce oneself briefly.
2021-03-20更新 | 181次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Dear Mark,

Here’s something that’s been bothering me recently. My daughter will be five years old. She is happy, well-mannered, loving and pretty. She has attended a Montessori school since she was 16 months old and has made two friends. The three girls are always together, or talking with each other.

But recently the girls told my daughter that they would not play with her if she kept playing with the boy who was disliked by most of the class. My daughter always finds good things in others and insisted they play with him, too. Then one of the friends told my daughter she didn’t have straight hair and shouldn’t play with them. Then she started ignoring my daughter. My mother-in-law decided to iron my girl’s beautiful curly hair (卷发).

With her birthday coming, my child decided to invite her friends to her party. When I asked her why, she said because they were always together, but I know one of the girls will not attend her party.

I’m concerned about her. I feel lost, not knowing how to help my child.


Dear Jenny,

It’s always painful to a mother when someone hurts her child. Your daughter’s friends weren’t nice to her, but little kids are still learning how to get along with others. As a result, young friendships are often fleeting, even changing from day to day. Judging from you letter, your daughter seems to be remarkably loving, outgoing and mature (成熟的) beyond her years. Perhaps you need to be proud of the way she treats people.

Ironing your daughter’s hair won't send your daughter or the other girls a good message. It implies that there is something wrong with the way she is. You have no choice but to let your daughter know that one of the girls won’t be attending her birthday party. If she seems upset, remind her that other friends will be there. My guess is that she will rise to the occasion.

Hope this helps.


1. What’s the mother’s problem?
A.Her daughter doesn’t respect other children.
B.Her daughter seems to be losing her friends.
C.Her daughter cares too much about her friends.
D.Her daughter doesn’t want to change her hairstyle.
2. Mark used the underlined word “fleeting” to show that ______.
A.kids value friendship very much
B.young friendships don’t last long
C.kids are good at dealing with others
D.young friendships are very important
3. The letter exchange has most likely happened between ______.
A.teacher and parentB.doctor and patient
C.editor and readerD.agent and client
2021-12-07更新 | 34次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般