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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:122 题号:21944530

A lot of people find it difficult to do exercise regularly, even though they know it’s good for their physical and mental (身心上的) health. Yet keeping on a workout routine doesn’t necessarily go to the gym or run around your neighborhood. Gardening is a great example of a popular hobby that can be used as a workout.

Nashville resident Tom Adkinson, 72, is on board with the idea of gardening to stay fit. He has three gardens, which he uses primarily to grow tomatoes, sweet banana peppers and okra. Like traditional exercise, Adkinson does a lot of preparation before gardening, and then he spends hours watering and weeding (除草) all three gardens, involving bending and stretching, which he compares to performing garden yoga.

“It is wise of Adkinson to do so. Even though gardening may not appear difficult, using the body in new ways can make you hurt if you don’t warm up beforehand,” said Zeller, who teaches at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County in New Jersey.

Working in your garden just two hours a week could improve your mood. And the communal gardening, which is done by a number of people as a group in communities and schools, provides social benefits that can reduce stress and help fight against loneliness and even dementia according to studies.

“With all these benefits, gardening for fitness will be a trend (趋势) in the coming year,” announced Mandal, CEO of the fitness coaching app Future, “Our users at Future have already been asking their coaches to add gardening and landscaping activities into their routines because it’s easy to get and fit into their lifestyle.”

1. What do the underlined words “on board with” mean in paragraph 2?
A.In support of.B.At the risk of.
C.Under the control of.D.In opposition to.
2. What did Zeller probably suggest doing before gardening?
A.Having a good rest.
B.Getting enough water ready.
C.Doing warm-up exercise.
D.Preparing tools for weeding.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Tips for gardening.
B.The benefits of gardening.
C.The process of garden management.
D.The difference between personal and group gardening.
4. Which activity may be added to the app Future according to Mandal?


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We are taught from childhood that warming up is a must in preparation for any exercise. It allows us to prepare our muscles for the strain(拉力)we are about to place on them and prevent injury.    1    These all prepare for an effective workout.

    2    It prevents dizziness, helps return the heart rate back to normal and prevents chronic venous insufficiency(CVI). Also known as "blood pooling", CVI occurs when the blood in blood vessels(血管)expands during prolonged exercise, making it difficult for it to return to the heart from the legs.

According to many health and fitness instructors, the total cool-down period should last 3 to 10 minutes, or until you are ready to stop.    3    For example, if you have been working your legs, you will need to do lower body stretches or a slow walk. There are many helpful tutorials online.

The best way to measure whether you have cooled down effectively is purely based on common sense—if you feel your heart rate has reduced, that's enough. There is no research to prove stretching after a session will help reduce pain, but if you feel it helps, do so.    4    

Cooling down methods, including foam rollers, a sports massage or dry needling, are worth investigating.    5    If the pain is there the next day, consult your doctor, and, more importantly, warm up more thoroughly next time.

A.It is down to personal preference.
B.Fast walking is the simplest exercise.
C.If you are not flexible, lower your upper body.
D.If you experience any pain when stretching, stop.
E.But cooling down is as important as warming up.
F.Areas to target depend on which part of the body you have trained.
G.More importantly, it steadily increases the heart rate and blood flow.
2021-03-27更新 | 404次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一则广告。文章介绍了一个锻炼DVD产品——No Excuse Workout。

【推荐2】No Excuse Workout

Nobody likes a complicated workout program. Too often you find yourself buying highly complex programs which take up hours upon hours of your week.

That stops today.

No Excuse Workout is a new workout DVD that includes2 DVDs each packed with10 short, intense(激烈的) workouts. Every workout is exactly 4 minutes long, broken down into 8 specific sets. Each set lasts for 30 seconds——20 seconds of intense exercise and 10 seconds of rest.

All you have to do is follow along with Ryan as he takes you through these quick, effective, four-minute workouts.

After years of research, scientists have discovered that the key to burning fat and building muscles is not longer workouts. Instead, it’s the right combination of correct exercises——intense bursts with short rests. This is known as “interval training”. For more information, read The Science Behind High Intensity Interval Training.

No Excuse Workout DVD#l:10 Dumbbell(哑铃) Workouts

When you work out with Ryan in the first DVD, you’ll use inexpensive dumbbells in 10 different muscle-building, fat-burning workouts.

No Excuse Workout DVD #2:10 Bodyweight Training Workouts

This DVD is your secret to uncovering the lean, sculpted(雕塑般的) body.

No equipment needed! Most of the workouts are done on the ground.

Pop them in your DVD player and you won’t need one or two hours some people spend every day to get in shape.

Get these DVDs today for just $14.95.

1. What is a selling point of No Excuse Workout?
A.It includes a dumbbell as a gift.
B.It saves you lots of time on exercise.
C.It urges you to accept a healthy lifestyle.
D.It introduces to you some personal trainers.
2. How long does it take to finish the whole workout in No Excuse Workout?
A.40 minutes.B.45 minutes.C.60 minutes.D.80 minutes.
3. How does the advertisement make itself more believable?
A.By providing examples.B.By using recommendations.
C.By giving scientific support.D.By charging a cheap price.
2022-11-15更新 | 175次组卷
阅读理解-六选四 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Why Is There an Offside(越位)Rule in Soccer?

The offside rule is one of the most important and significant rules in the game of soccer. It is one of the core influencers of game play, formations, and how the sport is played as a whole.     1    

To get the official rule we have to consult the rulebook of IFAB(International Football Association Board). It is the organization that governs the laws of soccer. It is an independent body and the only organization authorized to decide and agree on changes to the Laws of the Game.

Without the offside rule, soccer would descend to a game where the ball is hit from one end of the pitch to the other, with all players competing to score in a sea of mess. It would be an unrecognizable game.

Thankfully, instead of this, we have “the beautiful game”: the most popular sport in the world, full of excitement, skill, athleticism, and tactical guile(战术诡计).     2    Let me explain it to you in detail.

It’s not an offense to simply be in an offside position. If involved in active play from a touch by a teammate, the player in an offside position will be subsequently ruled offside and an indirect free-kick will be ruled against them. Becoming “involved in active play” infers that a player:

·Interferes with play by touching a ball that is passed or touched by a teammate.

·Prevents an opponent by obstructing their vision, by challenging them for the ball, or by making an obvious action to impact their ability to get the ball.

·Gains an advantage or interferes with an opponent when the ball is rebounded from the post, cross-bar, opponent or match official.

There are several pages of more specific circumstances and situations where offside can occur in the IFAB rulebook. However, these are the small print and are not important to discuss in general terms.     3    In the simplest terms possible, offside is where a player is in their opponents half and they are closer to the goal-line than the ball and the second-last opponent when the ball is played.

    4    A player cannot be ruled offside if they receive the ball directly from a throw-in, a corner-kick, or a goal-kick. In most cases, the linesman or assistant referee, who operates on the sidelines of the field, is in charge of monitoring and flagging offside.

A.If you want to read up on these finer details, check out the IFAB rulebook and skip to page 98.
B.Offside can be incorporated into certain tactical and formational plans made by coaches.
C.It dictates what positions players occupy on the field, as well as when and where the ball is passed.
D.However, it is a risky attempt, particularly in the VAR era, where the defense cannot deceive the match officials.
E.There are of course some exceptions to this offside rule.
F.However, despite what has been said above, many people still don’t fully understand the rule.
2023-07-12更新 | 11次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般