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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:43 题号:22365096

There are a number of animals that give off light in some way-including several kinds of insects and fish. Some kinds of mushrooms give off light, too. But most plants don’t give out light. Now, scientists are working to change that.

When a living thing gives off light, it’s called bioluminescence(生物发光). Fireflies are a well-known example of bioluminescence. Though less well-known, many mushrooms are also bioluminescent. These bioluminescent creatures light up thanks to the chemicals called luciferins(荧光素)inside their bodies. Luciferins cause a chemical reaction that can give off light.

Plants don’t naturally have luciferins, so there are no naturally bioluminescent plants. But that hasn’t stopped scientists from trying to create them. In the past, scientists have created plants that made less bright by adding DNA from shining objects. Scientists have also created plants that can give off light by adding luciferins to plants. But it only works as long as the chemicals last. In 2017, a team was able to cause a plant to give off light for about four hours.

Now, researchers at a Russian company have come up with a new method of creating shining plants. By adding certain parts of the DNA from shining mushrooms to ordinary tobacco plants, the researchers were able to create plants that could make their own luciferins. The scientists reported that the light was about 10 times brighter than in earlier shining plants.

The researchers believe that shining plants could help scientists learn more about the way plants work. For example, the moving patterns or waves of light in the plants may show activities in plants that normally can’t be seen. The shining also helps reveal how plants may be affected by things around them. For example, the plants gave off much more light strongly when a ripe banana skin was nearby. But the researchers don’t think the plants will just be used for science. They think many people may want shining plants for their beauty. So they are working with a company to develop shining plants for sale.

1. What phenomenon does the author describe in paragraph 1?
A.Most animals hate giving off light.
B.Many plants give off light through scientists’ efforts.
C.Animals give off light to protect themselves.
D.It’s hard to find plants that give out light.
2. What happens when a firefly lights up?
A.It gives off lots of heat to warm itself.
B.It has chemical reactions inside its body.
C.It lacks energy due to chemical reactions.
D.It informs other fireflies of the danger.
3. How does the author support his viewpoint in the last paragraph?
A.By showing numbers.B.By making a comparison.
C.By providing examples.D.By making a summary.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Human development results in less shining plants
B.Scientists manage to create shining plants
C.People’s lifestyles are reflected in shining plants
D.Geography determines the types of shining plants
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文 植物


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Life beneath the sea surface can be lovely and lively. But many organisms there produce poisonous chemicals to hunters. Divers are now collecting such poisons as drugs for human medicine.

Sharks aren't the scariest things in the ocean for scientists who dive to work. Powerful currents, creating where the ocean floor drops away, can be just as deadly. But the scientists who work underwater are trained to deal with these dangers. The rewards of research and underwater adventures are greater than the risks.

The sea may seem like a strange place to look for new drugs. But organisms in the ocean have had to adapt to a tough environment. The chemicals they make for survival might help people, too. More than 50 years ago, scientists discovered a new anti­cancer drug in a sea sponge. Since then, researchers have been hunting for more of such useful natural products in the seas.

With the help of underwater robots and small submarines, scientists are searching the seas—from shallow reefs to the ocean's great depths.

Bacteria living in the Arctic's cold waters break down their food using more different ways than organisms on land do. This process of turning food into energy for growth, activities and reproduction is called metabolism (新陈代谢). These pathways also produce chemicals called “secondary metabolites”. One day they also might help people.

During a four­year project called PharmaSeas, scientists made thousands of extracts from those seafloor samples. In about a dozen of them, researchers found mixtures that can kill bacteria that some of today's antibiotics (抗生素) cannot kill. Three other newfound chemicals reduce epileptic seizures (癫痫病发作) in mice. Yet another compound may reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

1. Why do sea organisms produce chemicals?
A.To warn themselves in the sea.B.To benefit other creatures.
C.To change their environment.D.To struggle for survival.
2. In what way does Arctic bacteria differ from organisms on land according to the text?
A.Medicinal value.B.The way of hunting.
C.The way of breaking down food.D.Importance to humans.
3. What is special about the mixtures from seafloor samples?
A.They have the same effects as today's medicine.
B.They have unique functions.
C.They can treat most diseases.
D.They can kill all bacteria.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Diving for New MedicinesB.Threats from the Ocean
C.Future Sources of BacteriaD.Danger of Diving in the Sea
2021-03-18更新 | 286次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Most people don't think too much about chemicals, but actually they are all around us. Many substances consist of chemicals, including the air that we breathe and the water that we drink. Some chemicals are natural, but most of them are artificial and may be harmful to the human body.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the United States, so displaced people had to move into temporary housing. Later, some of them began experiencing headaches and nosebleeds due to Formaldehyde exposure. This chemical is commonly found in the glue that holds many household products. It was proved to cause cancer in 2011 and has been linked to an increase in allergies it children.

However,there is another choice: natural adhesives(黏合剂). In particular, one is made from plants such as soy(豆类)proteins that have been changed to resemble the protein some shellfish use to stick to rocks. A natural adhesive is now widely used in wood products in the U.S. Other companies are also developing more natural alternatives to replace industrial chemicals. This is a part of the Green Chemistry philosophy.

Green Chemistry is a way of rethinking how to develop products and processes that are more environmentally-friendly and better for people's health. That includes reducing processing waste, using renewable materials. The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry lay out the goals of this approach. The first is prevention. It is better to prevent waste than to treat it or clean it up. Another principle encourages less dangerous chemical synthesis(化合). Chemical reactions should be designed to be as safe as possible. Energy efficiency is encouraged as well as using chemicals made from renewable plant-based sources.

There are challenges in meeting and holding to the principles of Green Chemistry, but this will encourage new research and lead to the discovery of new chemistry.

1. Why does the author mentioned the incident that happened in 2005?
A.To make comparisons.B.To prove a point.
C.To introduce a chemical.D.To bring in the topic.
2. What are natural adhesives made of?
A.Wood from treesB.Proteins from shellfish
C.Processed plant proteins.D.Melted special rocks
3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The definition and purpose of Green Chemistry
B.How to make environmentally. friendly products
C.Ways to reduce the amount of waste in daily life
D.Reasons for promoting Green Chemistry in the world.
4. What is the author's opinion on Green Chemistry?
A.Wonderful but impractical
B.Challenging but inspiring
C.Admirable and popular.
D.Complex and discouraging
2021-03-21更新 | 103次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Show Some Love to the Ugly and Endangered

Let’s face it-not every animal is going to win a beauty contest. But all of them are important, and they all deserve a chance at survival. Let’s show a little love for some of the endangered species that may not be the prettiest, but need our help all the same.

Pallid Sturgeon(浅色鲟鱼)

The species has been around for more than 78 million years. These guys once shared the planet with dinosaurs. And sadly,they could be going the same way as their now fossilized(变成化石的)friends. Today, the last wild-born pallid sturgeons are nearing extinction. As humans built dams in the waterways these fish need to survive, they blocked the pallid sturgeon from being able to reach its breeding grounds.

California Condor(加州秃鹫)

The California condor sports a bare featherless head, the better to put into dead things without getting too dirty. With a wingspan of up to 9 feet, they’re one of the largest birds in the world. But due in large part to habitat loss, illegal shootings, and lead poisoning, by 1985 the entire known wild population had been reduced to just nine birds.

Northern Long-eared Bat

Few animals have as undeserved a bad reputation as bats do but they actually provide incredibly valuable services like pollination(授粉)or eating insects that could otherwise kill crops or make us sick.

North American bats like the Northern long-eared bat are being killed right now by a disease called “white nose syndrome”. This infection has lent new urgency to efforts to protect bat habitats and reduce other threats to their survival.

These are just three of a long list of endangered species that need our help-even if they aren’t always the ones that get the lion’s share of the spotlight. This Valentine’s Day, show some love for species like these.

1. What is the main reason for the pallid sturgeon’s close extinction?
A.Its ugly appearance.
B.The extinction of its fossilized friends.
C.Its long history of more than 78 million years.
D.Dams prevent them from reaching breeding grounds.
2. Which of following statements is TRUE?
A.Bats deserve a bad reputation.
B.North American bats are being killed by “white nose syndrome”.
C.The California condor sports featherless.
D.The California condor is the largest birds in the world.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.No animal can share the spotlight of the lion.
B.Few endangered species need human’s help.
C.All species are equally important.
D.The Valentine’s Day is intended for endangered species.
2022-12-20更新 | 56次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般