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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:32 题号:22418415

Cork is a light brown material harvested from the cork oak tree. Cork is lightweight, strong and resistant to water.     1     For thousands of years, people have used pieces of cork as closures for bottles because cork is made of small cells filled with air. It is said that no technology has been able to copy this unusual material exactly.

The cork oak tree is native to the western Mediterranean coast of Europe.     2     In fact, Portugal produces more than half of the world’s cork supply. Cork oak trees have to be at least twenty-five years old before they are ready for harvest.     3     Cork is gathered by skillfully cutting off the outer layer of the tree with special knives. The harvest weakens the tree temporarily, but it soon starts to grow a new layer of bark. Next, the cork harvest is set out in the open for six months. Then, the cork is boiled in order to clean it and make it softer.     4    

Because cork oak trees are not killed during harvest, they can live for as long as 200 years. Also, used cork products can be recycled and used again. This makes cork a valuable renewable resource.     5    Wine makers say cork stoppers in their bottles let the wine be aged and improve over time. But now some wine producers are changing to plastic or metal closures. Some environmentalists worry that if cork starts to lose its value, the cork oak forests in Europe will no longer be protected.

A.After drying, the cork is ready to be cut.
B.Harvests only happen once every nine years.
C.Cork has even found a use in making rockets.
D.It is best known for keeping liquids from spilling.
E.Cork can be shined and used to cover floors and walls.
F.The largest cork oak forests in the world are in Portugal.
G.The wine industry has been a major supporter of cork production.
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【知识点】 科普知识 植物


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【推荐1】People have been dreaming up horrible monsters and scary spirits for centuries. The vampire, an “undead” creature thirsty for blood, is one of the most inventive and attractive creatures of all. It’s also one of the most lasting: Vampire-like creatures date back thousands of years, and pop up in dozens of different cultures.

In this article, we’ll see where the various elements of the vampire legend come from. We’ll also look at the psychological significance of these creatures and find out about some real-life people or things that are remarkably similar to the supernatural vampire.

The vampires in today’s books, movies and television shows are incredibly complicated creatures. According to the mythology (神话), every vampire was once a human, who, after being   bitten by a vampire, died and rose from the grave as a monster. Vampires desire the blood of the   living, whom they hunt during the night. They bite their victims’ necks with their two sharp front teeth.

Since they’re back-to-life corpses — the living remains of a dead person — vampires are often referred to as “the undead”. They can still pass as healthy humans, however, and will walk undetected among the living. In fact, vampires may be attractive, highly sexual beings, seducing their prey (猎物) before feeding. A vampire may also take the form of an animal, usually a bat or wolf, in order to launch a sudden attack on a victim before being detected.

Vampires are potentially immortal (不死的), but they do have a few weaknesses. They can be destroyed by a stake through the heart, fire, beheading and direct sunlight, and they are afraid of holy water and garlic. Vampires don’t cast a reflection, and they have superhuman strength.

This vampire figure, with its particular combination of characteristics and governing rules, is   actually a fairly recent invention. Bram Stoker made it up in his 1897 novel Dracula. Other authors reinterpreted Dracula in a number of plays, movies and books.

But while the many details are new, most of the individual elements of the legend have deep   roots, extending across many regions and cultures. In the next few sections, we’ll look at some of the more famous vampire ancestors.

1. What can be inferred from the first two paragraphs?
A.Vampire stories only exist in European cultures.
B.Vampires will die in 3 days without drinking blood.
C.Vampire stories have existed since a long time ago.
D.Vampires actually exist in real life.
2. According to the passage, which of the following best matches the image of a vampire?
A.A wolf standing still by the lake staring at its own reflection in the water.
B.A strong man with sunglasses sunbathing on the beach.
C.A lonely old man sitting by the campfire crushing garlic.
D.A sexy young woman dressed in a long skirt sipping wine in a night club.
3. What is the best title for the passage above?
A.Getting to Know VampiresB.The History of Vampires
C.Where did Vampires Come From?D.The Hometown of Vampires
4. Which of the following may best explain the meaning of the underlined word “seducing” in paragraph 4?
2023-12-11更新 | 76次组卷
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【推荐2】These days, ice is easy to get. You can walk to your ice maker and have ice fall into your glass. Hundreds or thousands of years ago, ice wasn’t this easy to be made or to get. In the past, it involved harvesting ice from frozen bodies of water.

People throughout history have known the value of ice. People in ancient China would wait till the winter to make ice blocks from frozen rivers and then they would use ice blocks to keep food cool through warmer months. In ancient cultures, ice was luxury (奢侈的). Royalty would ship ice and then use it for juice drinks and other treats. In an age where there were no ice makers, ice was truly short-in-time and a sign of power.

Sometimes its translucence (半透明) made it perfect for decorative purposes. Centuries ago, some Chinese villagers would freeze buckets and water, cut a hole in the top and pour out the unfrozen water. Then they’d put a candle into the center. And that are what we call ice lanterns (冰灯) now.

And there are now a lot of big events around the world, some of which result in entire multi-story buildings made from ice, with colored lights that make them look like a frozen fairy tale land.

In 1990, Alaska became the host of the annual World Ice Art Championships, which is now a month-long event that attracts dozens of teams and tens of thousands of visitors. Canada is home to several large ice-based events, including the Ice Magic Festival near Lake Louise and the Deep Freeze Festival in Edmonton.

But the biggest and most mind-blowing event is the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival, in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. When complete, the grounds turn into a real ice world, full of huge buildings and beautiful art with the best visual effect. The village includes many features like the Great Wall of China and the Egyptian pyramids, all quite at home in this city that has a lower temperature in January.

1. What is the function of paragraph 1?
A.To bring in the topic.B.To show the main idea.
C.To give the background.D.To introduce the way of making ice.
2. Why did the author say the ice was luxury?
A.The ice would only be used in winters.B.The ice was transported by ships.
C.The ice would be made for juice drinks.D.The ice was hard to get in warmer months.
3. What can we learn about the festivals in the last two paragraphs?
A.They are not big enough to be host.B.They are only to be seen in Canada.
C.They are all festivals about ice.D.They are likely to happen in summer.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Usage of IceB.The Icy Games’ Host
C.The Ice Was Not Cheap in the PastD.The Art and Value of Ice
2024-01-16更新 | 26次组卷
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【推荐3】New study shows rapid decline in insect populations. A growing number of the Earth's insect population now can be seen only in collections on exhibitions. Nobody's seen those for 400 years. A new review of over 70 studies of insect populations suggests that human pressures are causing insect populations to plummet by as much as a quarter every decade. The loss of species is inevitably concerning because often we don’t know what those species are doing or we don’t know what other species are depending on them.

Insects make up the largest class of animals on earth and represent more than half of all known living creatures. They are incredibly diverse, and in many ways make   life on Earth   possible. But when we decrease the number of species, we're destroying ecosystem function. Why does that matter? It is because that it's ecosystems that support humans. But those life-support systems that keep us alive, even if we live in a city, are produced by healthy ecosystems. And none of these ecosystems will run well without insects. Bees and butterflies pollinate(授粉) our food, flowers and trees. They feed all kinds of larger animals, including humans. A large number of crops we eat and rely on are pollinated by insects, so we can’t imagine a world where that pollination process is not taking place.

And there are some cases already around the world where we are having to pollinate by hand, at huge cost, a huge economic cost, simply because the insects aren’t there to do the work that we would normally ask them to do for free. And in some cases, if you’re talking about food crops, just try to imagine the scale of what the world would look like if insects weren't doing that for us. One   big warning, all of the studies come from industrialized countries in Europe and North America. In some areas, the decline is even more rapid. According to one recent study, the number of ground insects in Puerto Rico has fallen by 98% over the last 35 years. A growing body of research shows that insects are declining about twice as fast as vertebrates.

The researchers predict that all insect species could be gone in a century in these industrialized countries.

1. What does the underlined word “plummet” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. We can learn from Paragraph 2 and 3 that ______.
A.we can make a big profit by pollinating by hand
B.insects have no impact on industrial development
C.pollinating by hand can replace pollinating by insects
D.insects account for the largest composition in the entire animal kingdom
3. What’s the author’s attitude towards the phenomenon mentioned in the news?
4. The author helps readers better understand his idea mainly by ______.
A.using research resultsB.making comparisons
C.giving some examplesD.telling personal stories
2020-03-29更新 | 52次组卷
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